1、关于诚信的英语格言三篇! 【篇一】关于诚信的英语格言 1、不信不立,不诚不行。 No faith, no sincerity. 2、坦白是诚实与勇敢的产物。 Frankness is the product of honesty and courage. 3、衡量生活的尺子不是长度,而是诚实。 Life is not measured by length, but by honesty. 4、没有一处遗产像诚实那样丰富的了。 No legacy is as rich as honesty. 5、说谎话的人所得到的,就只即使觉说直话也没有人相信。 What a liar gets is that
2、 no one believes it even when he is honest. 6、金子会使诚实的人变成恶人。 Gold will turn an honest man into a wicked man. 7、诚实和勤勉,应该成为你永久的伴侣。 Honesty and diligence should be your permanent companion. 8、真诚与朴实是天才的宝贵品质。 Sincerity and simplicity are the precious qualities of genius. 9、对自己真实,才不会对别人欺诈。 If you are true
3、to yourself, you will not cheat others. 10、推诚而不欺,守认而不疑。 To be honest without deception, to be honest without doubt. 11、诚实者既不怕光明,也不怕黑暗。 Honest people are neither afraid of light nor darkness. 12、诚实是一座阶梯,也是达到认识之前的手段之一。 Honesty is not only a ladder, but also one of the means to get to know. 13、老老实实最能打动
4、人心。 Honesty is the most touching thing. 14、没有诚实何来尊严。 There is no dignity without honesty. 15、信者,人君之大宝也。 Believers are the greatest treasures of kings. 【篇二】关于诚信的英语格言 1、没有诚实何来尊严。 No honest no dignity. 2、人背信则名不达。 People back letter is not up to. 3、廉者憎贪,信者疾伪。 LianZhe hate corruption, believers for false
5、. 4、诚之所感,触处皆通。 Truly feel, touch the place of all. 5、信者,人君之大宝也。 Your big treasure also believers, people. 6、没有诚信,何来尊严? No honesty, no dignity? 7、诚信是一种心灵的开放。 Honesty is a kind of open mind. 8、老老实实最能打动人心。 Honestly the most can move the heart. 9、坦白使人心地轻松的妙药。 The medicine of the frankly heart easily. 10
6、、虚伪的真诚,比魔鬼更可怕。 False of the sincerity, is worse than the devil. 11、诚实者既不怕光也不怕黑暗。 Honesty is not only not afraid not afraid of the dark light. 12、遵守诺言就象保卫你的荣誉一样。 Like to keep our promise to defend your honor. 13、诚实者既不怕光明,也不怕黑暗。 He is not afraid of the light is honest and not afraid of the dark. 14、成书
7、在理不在势,服人以诚不以言。 A book in principle is not potential, repaid to not by his talk. 15、蚜虫吃青草,锈吃铁,虚伪吃灵魂。 Aphid eat grass, rust eats iron, hypocritical for the soul. 16、虚假的坦白实在是一个可怕的.事情。 False confession is really a terrible thing. 17、当你背叛别人时,你也背叛了自己。 When you betray somebody else, you also betray yoursel
8、f. 18、不相信任何人的人知道自己无信用。 Dont believe anyone who knows no credit. 19、欺人只能一时,而诚信才是长久之策。 Deceiving others can only temporarily, but honesty is long. 20、你必须以诚待人,别人才会以诚相报。 You must take honestly treats people, others will take honestly are reported. 【篇三】关于诚信的英语格言 1、甚至上帝也助诚实勇敢者一臂之力。 Even God helps the hone
9、st and brave. 2、靠着忠诚,你能与伟大的心灵为伴,有如一个精神上的家庭。 With loyalty, you can be with great souls, like a spiritual family. 3、没有比正直更富的遗产。 There is no legacy richer than integrity. 4、君子于信,义不食也。 Gentlemen in faith, righteousness does not eat. 5、你憎恨被别人欺骗吗?那就不要去欺骗别人。 Do you hate being cheated? Then dont deceive oth
10、ers. 6、诚实比起腐败会给你赢得更多的好处。 Honesty will do you more good than corruption. 7、对人以诚信,人不欺我;对事以诚信,事无不成。 To be honest with others, not to deceive me; to be honest with things, nothing is impossible. 8、诚实的人从不为自己的诚实而感到后悔。 An honest man never regrets his honesty. 9、诚实最可贵。 Honesty is the most valuable. 10、说出一个人
11、真实的思想是人生极大的安慰。 Speaking out ones true thoughts is a great comfort in life. 11、坦白是使人心地轻松的妙药。 Frankness is a great medicine for relaxation. 12、诚者,物之终绐,不诚无物;是故君子诚之为贵。 Sincerity is the end of things, sincerity is nothing; therefore, honesty is precious for a gentleman. 13、少说空话,多做工作,扎扎实实,埋头苦干。 Less empty
12、 talk, more work, solid, hard work. 14、诚信者,天下之结也。 Honesty is the end of the world. 15、人而无信,不知其可也。 If you dont believe it, you dont know it. 16、以诚感人者,人亦诚而应。 People respond sincerely to those who are sincere and touching. 17、如果漂亮的脸蛋是份推荐书的话,那么圣洁的心就是份信用卡。 If a beautiful face is a recommendation, then a
13、holy heart is a credit card. 18、我的座右铭是:第一是诚实,第二是勤勉,第三是专工作。 My motto is: first, honesty, second, diligence and third, specialization. 19、以信接人,天下信人;不以信接人,妻子疑之。 If you accept people by faith, the world will believe them; if you dont, your wife will doubt it. 20、世界没有比真诚人更为可贵的。 Nothing in the world is more valuable than a sincere person. 关于诚信的英语格言三篇5