1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑机械产品项目岗位职责机械产品项目职责任职要求 机械产品项目岗位职责 机械产品项目经理Project Manager 费斯托(中国)自动化制造有限公司 费斯托(中国)自动化制造有限公司,费斯托 项目经理/Project Manager Job description: 1) Project leader and responsible for pneumatic valve, drive and air supply projects 2) Identification and summary of middle and long term opportuni
2、ties, risks analyze and possible recommendations for action. 3) Preparation and presentation of results and inter-disciplinary communication within the company 4) Support for the derivation of the program and market strategy 5) Project management for the creation of customized Festo products in the
3、field valves, drives and air supply 6) Project evaluation in terms of technological feasibility 7) Meet the project objectives in accordance with specifications 8) Work closely with sales, national/international companies and directly with customers with the goal of economic order acquisition 9) Coordination and management of cross-cutting project teams of distribution, project management, development and production 10) Time schedule第 1 页 共 1 页