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1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - is one of the pra ctical form of values. steady heart performance, creatiThe so-calle ng serve for one officer, td values refers to t he obje ctive thi ngs are of no value and t he value of fundamental perspective. Different values, he be nefit of achieveme nts, and overall

2、construction of well-off society a nd promoting t he all -round peoples behavi our, attitude s, ways are development of peoples performance. Achievement evaldifferent. Pe ople-ori ented focus on uation in both e co nomic ahuma n value a nd realit ccomplishments, take anoty, we need t he br oadest ma

3、sses as values. A her look at the effectiveness of social prdhere t o pe ople-ori ented val ues, i s to make the e conomy more development, impr ogress; changes i n both ur ban a nd rural cha nge; both hard e nvironme nt to strengtove dem ocra hen a nd take acy, cultural prosperit y, and live a ha p

4、pi er; is dee ply concerne d that human development and human val nother l ook at the soft envir onment impr ovement mome ntum of devel opme nt at prese nt , de pending ues, development of socia on the pote ntial for sustainal and huma ble develn devel opme opme nt. Leave nt of rationa l unifie peop

5、le to talk ad, insisted i n the material civ bout values are worthless and leave peilization, political civilizati on and opl e to talk about Outlspirit ook is ual civili zation in the overall adva s not w hat the performa nce. ncement of Socialist civilization to a higher leve l. l. Also want to se

6、e that persons val al ue is not only meet your needs, al l so is to meet the needs of others and the community. Adhere to peopl e-oriented, to strongly advocate every lity, hacommunity member, serve others, beneficial to the community of people. Ted to he so -called Outlook, attitude is on the recor

7、d, incl uding who, how to create a record of achievements, how to evaluate performance, and so on. What values, w nhat kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-oriented Outlook, is on the premise of respecting the interests and power of peopl e, creating a popular, warm hearts, 4. people responded to the s

8、tarting point of the question, a nd replied to que stions point. Man is the sum of social relationships. We cannot leave the chichuanyongdu, housing, tourism and entertainment, entertaining, and even certain political, e e conomic, cultural and social environment, and so on. Due to human needs, all

9、walks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue enjoyi ng the results of the construction. Colorful in the transformation of the people of the world, community vitality in the creation of man. T T herefore, any work we do, the starting point is human, what are peop

10、le. Us speed up development, the core of which is to meet the needs of people, including survival needs, emotional nee ee ds and self-actualization needs. It should be noted t hat people are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be controlle e d. People have their own personas its ow n pe

11、r sonality, has its own dignity. Person in need of care, you neunderstand, need to meet. It is said that in the agricultural society, people pla la nt; in industrial society, man is an a nimal; the information society, retur运用到现在的决策中。他们重视和利用符合逻辑、客观的分析,以坚持不懈的态度准时地完成工作,并且总是安排有序,很有条理。他们重视必要的理论体系和传统惯例,对

12、于那些不是如此做事的人则很不耐烦。 ISTJ 型的人总是很传统、谨小甚微。他们聆听和喜欢确实、清晰地陈述事物。ISTJ 型的人天 生不喜欢显露,即使危机之时,也显得很平静。他们总是显得责无旁贷、坚定不变、但是在他们冷静 的外表之下,也许有强烈却很少表露的反应。3、能力方面:有较强的与人交流能力,善于交流语言表达能力较强。我是理工科学生,有较强的逻辑思维能力以及学习领悟能力,初中时父母去南方工作,所以自理能力较强,能独立生活。4. 分析总结 我一直都是一个乐观的人,很热情、爽直,典型的四川女孩的特点,这对于我以后和人接触也是很有力的一面。我觉得自己很不适合官场上的生活,我也从来没想过从政或考公务

13、员。我学的是软件开发专业,因为我不喜欢很单调,几 点一线的那种生活,但是为人民服务也是很不错的一个工作,开发出一些对人们有意义的东西出来,让人们淡淡的生 活更充满刺激,做事情更方便一点。二、职业分析 1 个人环境 家庭环境我的家庭环境比较简单,父母都是农民,条件也不太好。是那种贫苦人家的孩子,但是我的家人都 很爱我关心我,我的决定会跟他们进行讨论,然后进行实施。家人在一起会像朋友一样聊天,基本不会 有什么问题。所以我的家就是我坚定的后盾。学校环境我 校 正 以 其 严 谨 的 校 风 “明 德 求 索 , 锲 而 不 舍 ” , 教 育 着 每 一 位 在 校 生 。 学 校以 提 高 学 生

14、 的 综 合 素 质 为 目 的 : 平 时 , 积 极 开 展 各 种 各 样 的 活 动 , 提 高 学 生 的 自 身 修 养 与 素 质 ; 并 采 用 了 校 企 合 作 的 方 式 , 培 养 软 件 人 才 。社会环境 从 国 家 加 入 WTO开 始 , 所 有 大 型 企 业 都 开 始 建 造 智 能 建 筑 , 所 有 企 业 都 需 要 网 络 人 才 来 设 计 、 管 理 , 这 就 为 我 们 的 就 业 市 场 提 供 了 广 阔 的 场 景 。 现 在 信 息 化 浪 潮 正 以 其 凌 锐 之 势 席 卷 全 球 , 新 经 济 的 发 展 和 经 济 全

15、球 化 都 必 须 依 托 信 息 化 。 目 前 ,我 国 正 在 实 施 信 息 化 带 动 工 业 化 的 战 略 , 信 息 化 产 业 将 得 到 大 力 支 持 和 突 飞 猛 进 的 发 展 。 近 两 年 , 就 业 市 场 上 最 火 爆 的 专 业 当 属 与 业 相 关 的 计 算 机 、 通 信 、 电 子 等 信 息 类 专 业 。 不 少 高 校 该 类 专 业 供 需 比 达 比 以 上 , 有 的 甚 至 更 高 , 毕 业 生Now, we are in a new historical stage of all-round construction of a

16、 well-off society. In perform duties, and carried d out work of proce ss i n the , we to put people as a g uide principle s, s, a nd a test standard, efforts from masses most hope do of things do up, from masses most care e of hot probl em grabbed, from masses most not satisfaction of pla la ce modi

17、fied up, not make nomi nal of formalism, not do grandsta ndi ng of cosmetic, to seekingg of style, help masses share, is people benefit. (C) the investe e pe opl e is not only an idea, it is a job requirement. Philosophy through to the pe ople-oriented thought in t e he work of the Office, must bee

18、clear work objectives. Party Office in the city thi s year remains: Advanced civil strife, local brand. The County (City) Party Committee offices and units directly under the Office to hold high the banner of first to excellenc, people-oriented requirements, s, strengthen the construction and manage

19、ment of the Office towards the work a higher level. Investee 1. political participati on base d on conspira a cy to adherre to people-oriented, will be around to promote coordinati onDevelopment events, great searchi ngs. The 16 se ssion of t t he partys scientific Outlook on development, i i s the

20、e new Central colle ctive leadership to the development of connotation, development essential requirement s we seek s, further dee pen t he essence of devel opme nt and innovation, is our party k s to streamline d cle ar, wit h simple of language ex pressi on deep of thought, with s ruling i dea a l

21、ea short of length p. At present, esta blishing a nd impleme nting t hoste d rich of connotation. Second, the survey resulthe scientific conce pt of dev s more. Investigation el opme nt has become the partys importa of the base, the road to success is sometnt work. A s the Office of party Committee,

22、 w hing , is our for the Party Committees poliorking party shoul d cy de cisi on a g ood ideservice cente a, an importar, initiative to claim leadershi p of the nt part of a good staff. This year, to focudeci sion, the s around icurre nt f ocus is to focus ndustrial XING city, as on promoti nd farme

23、rs increase ng comprehensive , coordi nated a nd sustai e , and and manpower development, and senable devel opment wit h more suggestions, eking, major problem and foster advantage ido more re search, summarized the typical. One is drafted t ndustry, and a djustment agricultural str uctureo raise th

24、e l , and carrieevel of your presentation. Your presentation is the main Office of products, is the ba sic carrier staff service, is importa a nt to measure service levels. The quality of your presentation, mainly depen ds on how much we drafted a document recognized by the leadershi p, how many are

25、 listening t t he people in favour of the report, how many paid dividends in the practical work. Improve prese ntation drafting level, requirements we accurate grasp led intent, Ge neral led care of work are to as understand, General led consi der of pr r oblem are to in-depth thinking; requirements

26、 we highlig ht place features, , put superi ri or approach poli cy and l ocal a a ctual combined up, put presentation of theme thrust and masses of by thought by wants to combined up;名师归纳总结 第 3 页,共 6 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - is one of the pra ctical form of values. steady heart perform

27、ance, creatiThe so-calle ng serve for one officer, td values refers to t he obje ctive thi ngs are of no value and t he value of fundamental perspective. Different values, he be nefit of achieveme nts, and overall construction of well-off society a nd promoting t he all -round peoples behavi our, at

28、titude s, ways are development of peoples performance. Achievement evaldifferent. Pe ople-ori ented focus uation in both e conomic aon ahuma n value a nd realit ccomplishments, take anoty, we need t he br oadest masses as values. A her look at the effectiveness of social prdhere t o pe ople-ori ente

29、d val ues, i s to make the e conomy more development, impr ogress; changes i n both ur ban a nd rural cha nge; both hard e nvironme nt to strengtove dem ocra hen a nd take acy, cultural prosperit y, and live a ha ppi er; is dee ply concerne nother l ook at the soft envir onment impr ovement momed th

30、at human development and human val ntum of devel opme nt at prese nt, depending ues, development of socia on the pote ntial for sustai l and huma ai nable develn devel opme opme nt. Leave nt of rationa l unifie people to talk ad, insisted i n the material civ bout values are worthless and leave peil

31、ization, political civilizati on and opl e to talk about Outlspirit ual civili zation in the overall adva ook is not w hat the performava nce. ncement of Socialist civilization to a higher leve l. l. Also want to see that persons val al ue is not only meet your needs, al l so is to meet the needs of

32、 others and the community. Adhere to peopl e-oriented, to strongly advocate every lity, hacommunity member, serve others, beneficial to the community of people. Ted to he so -called Outlook, attitude is on the record, includi ng who, how to create a record of achievements, how to evaluate performanc

33、e, and so on. What values, w n hat kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-oriented Outlook, is on the premise of respecting the interests and power of peopl e, creating a popular, warm hearts, 4. people responded to the starting point of the question, a nd replied to que stions point. Man is the sum of s

34、ocial relationships. We cannot leave the chichuanyongdu, housing, tourism and entertainment, entertaining, and even certai n political, e conomic, cultural and social environment, and so on. Due to human needs, all walks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue en

35、joyi ng the results of the construction. Colorful in the transformation of the people of the world, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefore, any work we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed up development, the core of which is to meet the needs of people, including

36、 survival needs, emotional nee ee ds and self-act ualization needs. It should be noted t hat people are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be controlle e d. People have their own personas its ow n per sonality, has its own dignity. Person in need of care, you neunderstand, need to meet

37、. It is said that in the agricultural society, people pla la nt; in industrial society, man is an a nimal; the information society, retur选 择 余 地 非 常 大 。 据 统 计 , 北 京 、 上 海 、 广 东 、 江 苏 等 省 市 接 收 人 数 最 多 的 专 业 是计 算 机 类 专 业 。 全 球 业 的 低 迷 波 及 了 一 系 列 相 关 产 业 , 但 其 中 也 有 例 外 培 训 市 场 就 表 现 出 旺 盛 的 生 命 力 。

38、作 为 领 域 内 一 个 极 具 潜 力 的 市 场 , 中 国 对 专 业 人 才 的 需 求 显 得 更 为 迫 切 。 资 料 显 示 , 我 国 目 前 软 件 人 才 的 缺 口 是 每 年 万 人 以 上 , 而 这 部 分 人 才 如 果 靠 传 统 教 育 模 式 培 养 , 不 仅 数 量 上 难 以 补 缺 , 更 远远 满 足 不 了 我 国 软 件 业 发 展 对 人 才 结 构 的 要 求 。职业定位我未来职业的目标方向是:软件工程师大学教授软件顾问等INFP 工作中的优势1. 考虑周到细致且能集中注意力深入某个问题或观点2. 投身于所信仰的事业3. 必要时一个人也

39、能很好地工作4. 对收集所需信息有一种天生的好奇与技巧5. 能通观全局以及看到意识与行为之间的联系6. 能洞察别人的需要与动机7. 适应能力强,能很快改变你的行事速度及目标8. 在一对一的基础上很极好地与人工作工作中的劣势1. 必须控制方案 / 计划,否则你可能会失去兴趣2. 有变得无秩序性的倾向,很难把握优先处理的事3. 不愿做与自己价值观相冲突的工作4. 在做事方式上不愿按照传统方式5. 天生的理想主义,这样可能使你得不到现实的期望6. 讨厌以传统的或惯常的方式行事7. 很难在竞争的、气氛紧张的环境中工作下去8. 在处理及完成顽固的组织和人们打交道时没有耐心9. 在预计做某事要求多长时间时

40、有不切实际的倾向10. 不愿惩戒直接肇事者,不愿意批评别人Now, we are in a new historical stage of all-round construction of a well-off society. In perform duties, and carried out work of proce ss i n the , we to put people as a g uide principles, a nd a test standard, efforts from masses most hope do of things do up, from mass

41、es most care of hot probl em grabbed, from masses most not satisfaction of place modified up, not make nomi nal of formalism, not do grandsta ndi ng of cosmetic, to seeking of style, help masses share, is people benefit. (C) the investe e pe opl e is not only an idea, it is a job requirement. Philos

42、ophy through to the pe ople-oriented thought in the work of the Office, must be clear work objectives. Party Office in the city thi s year remains: Advanced civil strife, local brand. The County (City) Party Committee offices and units directly under the Office to hold high the banner of first to ex

43、cellence, people-oriented requirements, strengthen the construction and management of the Office towards the work a higher level. Investee 1. political participati on base d on conspiracy to adhere to people-oriented, will be around to promote coordinati onDevelopment events, great searchi ngs. The

44、16 se ssion of the partys scientific Outlook on development, is the new Central colle ctive leadership to the development of connotation, development essential s, further dee pen t he essence of devel opme nt and innovation, is our party s ruling i dea a lea p. At present, esta blishing a nd impleme

45、 nting t he sci entific conce pt of devel opme nt has become the partys importa nt work. A s the Office of party Committee, w orking party shoul d service cente r, initiative to claim leadershi p of the deci sion, the curre nt focus is to focus on promoti ng comprehensive , coordi nated a nd sustai nable devel opment wit h more suggestions, do more re search, summarized th e typical. One is drafted t o raise the l evel of your


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