1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师精编 优秀教案英语阅读懂得微技能训练推测词义长汀一中 付秀清课型:技能训练课课时:一节课( 45 分钟)授课对象:高三( 12)班同学授课时间: 2022 年 4 月 2 日授课地点:长汀一中录播室一、教学设计的背景和意义 : 1. 新课标和考纲的要求:推测词义的才能是语言运用才能中特别重要的一部分,高中英语新课程标准要求高中同学能利用上下文和句子结构推测词义;新课程标准对合格高中毕业生阅读外语速度的要求是每分钟 7080 个词,在阅读的过程中同时培育从上下文所给的信息中猜词的才能; 高考的阅读材料中可以含有3%的生词, 高考试题的阅读懂得
2、部分没汉语注释的生词,往往是出题人有意识留下的题眼;每年的高考阅读懂得中有 1-2 个词义 推测题,近几年的高考阅读试题中词义推测的考查力度逐步加大,要求考生阅读时能 够通过上下文,结合中同学应有的常识来估计尚不熟识的词和词组的意思;2. 学情分析:高三同学已把握了肯定的英语阅读技巧并有肯定的语篇分析才能,积存了肯定的 词汇量和构词法学问,有较丰富的学习体会和生活常识,但生词依旧是同学英语阅读 过程中遇到的最大绊脚石,它直接关系到同学的阅读爱好能否连续;阅读中遇到生词 时,很多同学或翻阅词典或求助老师,缺乏利用语境中已知信息进行估计、判定某些 生词意义的习惯和意识;因此 , 通过这样的一节课来
3、指导和训练同学把握肯定的猜词技巧和策略,对突破高 考阅读懂得中生词的障碍,顺当懂得文章的思想内容,提高阅读速度,提高同学的捕 捉文本信息才能和语篇分析才能都有特别重要的指导意义;名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 5 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 二、教学目标:名师精编优秀教案通过“ 自主探究 , 合作争论” 的学习方式,指导同学回忆和总结猜词的技巧与策略,学会“ 利用体会常识猜词” 、“ 利用构词法学问猜词” 、“ 利用语境上下文提供的线索和标志词找寻信息猜词”三、教学过程与方法,提高同学利用语境猜词的意识和才能;I. 课前预习:发“ 自主预习案”,
4、同学自主完成 10 个猜词小题,摸索并尝试归纳推测词义的方法;(所需时间 10-15 分钟)II. 课中探究:1. 话题引入( 3 分钟)2. 检查预习( 5 分钟)小组争论核对并确定“ 自主预习案” 答案,合作探究归纳词义推测的三种方法;小组代表出现答案并讲解推测依据:A 利用构词法学问(由预习题 1、2 小题归纳)B 利用常识和已有的学问和体会(由预习题3、4、5 小题归纳)C 利用上下文语境(由预习题 6、7、8、9、10 小题归纳)老师屏幕出现正确答案,对代表展现作出评判并依据同学回答进行补充、点拨、提炼;老师做小结:3. 语境探究( 25 分钟)小组争论 , 完成“ 课堂探究案” 任
5、务:观看 示对应关系的标志词和信息提示6 组句子,借助上下文猜词并找出揭小组代表展讲,组员补充,组间补充,举荐下一小组展讲 展讲内容:在语境中找出并归纳总结“ 揭示生词和语境规律关系的六组线索和 信息提示和标志词”老师强化重点,并进行补充,拓展、延长;4. 巩固强化( 7 分钟)师生互动,回忆总结本课所学猜词方法和技巧 III 课后巩固:布置课后作业:完成文本阅读任务,猜出语篇中有关服饰习语的含义,并在文中 划出推测的依据;名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 5 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师精编 优秀教案四、教案设计 I 教学目标 Knowled
6、ge and skills学问与技能 1. Acquire the techniques and strategies of word-guessing 2. Use the techniques and strategies of word-guessing learnt to solve the problems. Emotion, attitude and values 情感态度价值观 1. Build up confidence in guessing new words while reading 2. Increase the awareness of guessing new w
7、ords in reading discourses depending on the context and enhance the skills in use. II 教学重点与难点 Teaching focus: 1. Search for the clues and hints in the context that reveal the techniques of word-guessing. 2. Sum up the ways and the techniques to guess new words. III 教学方法 Communicative Approach,cooper
8、ative-learning,Inquiry-based learning,Autonomous learning,Individual work ,Group discussion IV 教学过程设计 Teaching Procedures: Before class 课前自主预习 1. Look at the examples and guess the meaning of the underlined words: 2. Sum up the ways to guess new words depending on what youve done In class 课堂合作探究、归纳总
9、结的猜词方法和技巧 Step1. Greeting and lead-in 导语设计 Hello, everyone. Welcome to my lecture. As you know, well meet with new words while reading. What will you do when you come across new words. Ask students and collect answers. Yes, remember the Golden Rule meeting new vocabulary: the first thing to do is to
10、 guess rather than refer to a dictionary immediately. Today our task is to learn to guess the meaning of a new word. There are some ways and techniques. 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 5 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师精编 优秀教案Step2. Check prevision 1. Students work in groups and check their answers to previ
11、ewing exercises. 2. Cooperate in groups and inquire three ways to guess the meaning of each unknown word according to the given contexts. 3. Students sum up the three ways with the help of the teacher and through inquiring-learning :Word formation 构词法 by Exercise1、 2 Common sense 生活常识和体会 by Exercise
12、3、4、5 Context 语境/上下文线索 by Exercise6、7、8、9、10 老师小结We have learned about word formation in Book4 and I think you can guess the meaning of a new word by using the knowledge of word formation. Today we focus on the ways and techniques to guess the meaning of a word according to the context. There are al
13、ways some clues and hints in the context that reveal the access to meaning of an unfamiliar or unknown word. Step3. Learn and Inquire Students activity 课堂活动 1. Work in groups and observe the following sentences, predict the meaning of each unknown word depending on contexts, and try to discover the
14、key words clues and hints hidden in the context. 2. Present what the group discover and recommend the next group to continue the presentation. 3. Teacher adds and extends more information 设计说明该环节的重点是让同学理清一个词所处的详细的语言环境 ,在语境中查找和生词存在以下内在规律关系的线索和信息提示:1.构词法 2. 定义说明和同位关系3. 同义、并列关系 4. 对比,转折或反义关系5.因果关系5. 生活
15、常识和体会等等来揭示语境规律关系的方法和技巧推断推测词义;Step4. Practice and competition 1. Make a competition: students are required to finish off a test as soon as possible; the groups which guess out all the new words and do fastest will win. 名师归纳总结 2. Evaluate students performances and reward.第 4 页,共 5 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师精编 优秀教案After class(课后巩固提高)Read the passage and complete two tasks concerned to consolidate students skills and techniques of word-guessing acquired in class. 1.名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 5 页