1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑市场策略营销岗位职责 市场策略经理 - 多渠道营销方向 0075 MedSci 上海梅斯医药科技有限公司,梅斯医学,梅斯医药,梅斯 职位描述: 帮助销售收集医药及生命科学领域企业客户项目需求并制作方案,并与销售一起负责项目竞标工作 为企业客户供应基于梅斯、生物谷网络平台、移动端应用(app、微信等)、线下学术会议等相关渠道的数字化营销解决方案 推动外部战略合作,帮助相关管理者完成合作谈判 在各类会议、市场活动中,收集模板客户的需求,传递公司的商业解决方案 搜寻、维护竞争对手的商业模式及情报信息,提炼产品的优势信息 任职要求: 医学、药学、生物专业本科以上学历
2、 3年以上医药企业市场部或互联网医疗公司的工作阅历 熟识互联网营销的行业生态 精彩的组织协调和沟通力量,优秀的项目管理力量,强自我任务驱动者 对真实世界讨论有较强的爱好和理解力,及强大的快速学习力量 具备大客户服务意识,英语听说读写流利 娴熟使用Office软件,尤其是PowerPoint 篇2:客户策略经理岗位职责 客户经理(商务拓展及策略方向) 优尼博览(北京)有限公司 优尼博览(北京)有限公司,优尼博览 You are a creative thinker and an influential collaborator. You know how to ask the right que
3、stions and are connected to the trends in digitalization and globalization. We are an agency for brand experience. We create unforgettable, unrepeatable and unexpected moments that make each experience unique. With our strengths in “Imagining + Making”, we demonstrate our creativity to imagine it an
4、d the craft to make it happen. Our Business Development, Strategy Corporate Communications team is made up of planners, sales and strategists with an entrepreneurial outlook who are highly adaptable and flexible in style. They are focused on whats in front of them but have an eagerness to look for n
5、ew raw material to drive the strategy/transformation agenda of the company. We are delivering an Experience Center project for an international Auto brand. This is their first experience center in China. We have professional teams who in charge of different parts (design and content management, inte
6、raction design and development, audio/lighting design, video diagramming, technical drawings, fabrication, etc) What you will do: 1. Content management ( learn the history and knowledge of this auto brand, support creative team on design, collect information from clients for graphic design); 2. Assi
7、st the project lead to organize the meetings and manage the meeting schedule, taking meeting minutes; 3. Assist the project lead on communication with each execution team; 4. Assist the sub-contractor management and communication; 5. Responsible for account management and execution; Abilities and Ex
8、perience: 1. 3 to 5 years work experience in BTL industry. 2. Fluent in Mandarin and English. 3. With the sense and knowledge of branding, design, etc. 4. With the experience of project management or execution, large events, exhibitions, design. 5. With the experience of project management, small ev
9、ents, exhibitions, design 6. Positive, aggressive, passionate, careful. 篇3:商业策略分析师岗位职责 商业分析师(策略分析) 美团点评 北京三快在线科技有限公司,三快在线,大众点评,美团,美团点评,三快在线 岗位职责: 1、预判行业趋势,结合公司整体进展战略,有效输出外卖业务的经营规划策略,并定期复盘前期经营状况; 2、依据业务需求,输出对餐饮品牌、地域、线上活动等维度的经营专题分析;有针对性的对核心经营指标、特别数据进行监控分析; 3、负责餐饮及相关行业讨论、用户讨论、竞对讨论等,基于讨论分析结果,产出业务策略,推动策略落地。 4、依据业务经营目标及策略,设计符合业务导向的销售激励政策,并保证政策得到有效的上传下达。 任职要求: 1、本科及以上学历,5年工作阅历,有互联网/管理询问阅历者更佳; 2、商业敏感性高,分析和建模力量突出,有2年以上互联网运营或数据分析工作阅历者优先; 3、工作方案性强,考虑问题全面、仔细细致,对工作结果交付有高度责任心; 4、学习力和洞察力突出,具备优秀的规律思维力量、表达力量、沟通协调力量,能够与各部门有效合作; 5、熟习基本的统计与数学学问,娴熟使用EXCEL,PPT,MySQL查询语言。 第 4 页 共 4 页