1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上AliceInWonderlandscript The First Act(Alice and Alices father enter on the stage)Alice:ImfallingDownadarkhole.ThenIseestrangecreatures.Alicesfather:Whatkindofcreatures?Alice:Theresadodobird,arabbitinawaistcoatandasmilingcatAlicesfather:Ididnotknowcatscouldsmile.Alice:NeitherdidI.Andther
2、eisabluecaterpillar.Alices father: Abluecaterpillar?Alice:DoyouthinkIvegoneroundthebend?Alice:Imafraidso.Youremad,bonkers,offyourhead.ButIlltellyouasecret.Allthebestpeople are.Itsonlyadream,Alice,nothingcanharmyouthere.Butifyougettoofrightened,You canalwayswakeup.LikethisThe Second ActThirteen years
3、 laterAlice:Mustwego?Alices mother:Yes,wemust. Alice:Fatherwouldhavelaughed.Imsorry.Imtired.Ididntsleepwelllastnight.Alices mother:Didyouhavebaddreamsagain?Alice:Onlyone.Itsalwaysthesame,eversinceIcanremember.Doyouthinkthatsnormal?Dont mostpeoplehavedifferentdreams?Alices mother:Idontknow.Hamishs mo
4、ther:Alice,Hamishiswaitingtodancewithyou.Go.Alices mother:Sorry.Hamishs mother:Oh!Let it past.(Alice dance with Hamish)(In the pavilion,in the face of all,Hamish proposing to Alice) Hamish:Willyoubemywife?Alice?Alice:Well.Everyoneexpectsmeto.And,youreaLord.MyfacewontlastandIdontwanttoend uplikeButth
5、isishappeningsoquickly,I.IthinkI.Ineedamoment.(Alice followed the rabbit came to a big tree.she fell into a black hole below the tree,the bottom of the black hole has a hall,surrounded by a lot of doors.At the end,she found a tiny door.Then she saw a small key was lying on the table and a small bott
6、le of liquid medicine,bottle that read:”drink me”)Alice:Its only a dream.(Miniature Alice opened the tiny door,into the underground kingdom.She saw many kinds of strange creatures)Alice:Things more and more strange.(Tweedledee,Tweedledum and the rabbit enter on the stage)Tweedledee:She is Alice.Twee
7、dledum:She is not Alice.Tweedledee:She is Alice!Tweedledum:Shes not real Alice!Alice:Who are you?Tweedledee:Oh,ImTweedledeeandhesTweedledum.Tweedledum:My foot! ImTweedledumandhesTweedledee.Rabbit:Dont mind them!I ll take you to find Absolum.Alice:Who is Absolum?(When they meet Absolum)Absolum:Who ar
8、e you?Alice:Absolum?Absolum:You are not Absolum,I am.The problem is that who you are?Alice:Alice.(Rabbit take out the Oraculum)Rabbit:This is Oraculum.Absolum: Show her the Frabjus Day.Rabbit: Yes, Frabjus, being the day you slay the Jabberwocky.Alice:Sorry? Slay the what?Rabbit: That being you ther
9、e with the Vorpal sword.No other swords can kill the Jabberwocky. No how.If it aint Vorpal, aint deadAbsolum:You go,Red Queen is coming.The Third Act(In Red Queens palace,Red Queen enter on the stage)Red Queen:Someone has stolen three of my tarts! Did You steal them? Guard A:No, Your Majesty. Red Qu
10、een:Did You? Guard B:No, Your Majesty. Red Queen:Did You steal them? Guard C:No, Your Majesty. Red Queen:Did you steal my tart? Guard D:No, Your Majesty . Red Queen:Its cranberry juice. Guard D:I was so hungry! I didnt mean to . Red Queen:Off with his head! Guard D:My family! No, please, please dont
11、! I have little ones to look after! Majesty!Red Queen:Oh,little Jack!Where have you been lurking? Jack:Majesty. I have found the Oraculum. Red Queen:That? Looks so ordinary for an Oraculum. Jack:Look here. Frabjus Day. Red Queen:Id know that tangled mess of hair anywhere.Is it Alice? Jack:I believe
12、it is. Red Queen:What is she doing with my darling Jabberwocky? Jack:She appears to be slating it. Red Queen:She killed my Jabberbabywocky? Jack:Not yet. But it will happen if we dont stop her. Red Queen:Find Alice,Jack. Find her!(Jack with a group of soldiers to go looking for Alice)The Fourth Act(
13、After Alice escaped from the heavy hair,she came to a jungle beast.Then she met Chester.Chester takes Alice to find Hatter and Rabbit) Chester:What do you call yourself? Alice:Alice. Chester:The Alice? Alice:There has been some debate about that. Chester:I never get involved in politics.Youd best be
14、 on your way. Alice:What way? All I want to do is wake up from this dream. Chester:Fine. Ill take you to the Hare and the Hatter, but I can only do that. (In front of a deserted hut,Hatter is drinking tea.When he saw Alice,he is very excited)Rabbit:Is it the wrong Alice? Hatter:Its absolutely Alice.
15、 Youre absolutely Alice.Id know you anywhere.Id know him anywhere!We must conduct the Frabjus Day! All:The Frabjus Day!The Frabjus Day!Hatter:Haveyouanyideawhyaravenislikeawritingdesk?Rabbit&Chester: DownwiththeBloodyBigHead!Down with the Bloody Big Head!Alice: What?Hatter: BloodyBigHead,beingTheRed
16、Queen.Chester:Whats the matter with you?Hatter,you used to be a pistachio nuts.You used to be the best fordwiggins dancer here.Alice:What?Fordwiggins?Hatter:Is a kind of dance.On the day of the Frabjus Day,when the White Queen wearing the crown again,I would enjoy dancing fordwiggins.(Jack led soldi
17、ers found here)Rabbit:Oh!The Red Queen one again.Hatter:Wait a minute.Its better to take her to see the White Queen.She would be safe over there.(Jack grabbed Hatter)Alice:Damn you Red Queen!Where will they take him to go?Chester:To Red Queens palace.Alice:We must save him.Chester:Thats impossble.Al
18、ice:I dont care.If not for me,he wouldnt be caught.Chester:Hey,whats this?Rabbit:Oh my god!Its Vorpal sword.Even the god is helping us.The Frabjus Day is coming soon,you must to prepare to confront the Jabberwocky.Use this sword to kill it,then you can save him.Lets go,Ill take you to White Queens p
19、alace.The Fifth ActWhite Queen:WelcometoMarmoreal.Alice:Ibelievethisbelongstoyou.White Queen:TheVorpalswordishomeagain.TheArmoriscomplete.Nowallweneedisa champion.Comewithme.Theressomeoneherewhodliketospeakwithyou.Alice:Absolem!Absolum:Whoareyou?Alice:Ithoughtwedsettledthis.ImAlice,butnotthatone.Abs
21、thatthisisalladream.Absolum:Alice,you cant live to please all people.You have to make your own decisions.Because when you stand against the warcraft,you will be alone.At that time,crying is invalid.Alice:Dontgo.Ineedyourhelp,Idontknowwhattodo.Absolum:Icanthelpyouifyoudontevenknowwhoyouare,stupidgirl
22、.Alice:Imnotstupid!MynameisAlice,IliveinLondon.IhaveamothernamedHelenandasisternamedMargaret.MyfatherwasCharlesKingsley.Hehadavisionthat stretchedaroundthe worldandnothingeverstoppedhim.Imhisdaughter.ImAliceKingsley.Absolum:Think about it.Remember, the Vorpal Sword knows what it wants. Allyouhavetod
23、o, isholdontoit.Farewell,Alice.PerhapsIwillseeyouinanotherlife. The Sixth Act(Red Queen and White Queen meet on the battlefield,Alice will use the Vorpal Sword to kills the Jabberwocky) White Queen:Hello,Iracebeth.Red Queen:Hello.Mirana.White Queen:Iracy,wedonthavetofight.Red Queen: Iknowwhatyouredo
24、ing.YouthinkyoucanblinkthoseprettylittleeyesandIllmelt,just like mommyanddaddydid.White Queen:Please.Red Queen:No!Itsmycrown!Iamtheeldest!Jabberwocky!Alice:Thisisimpossible.Hatter:Onlyifyoubelieveitis.Alice:Sometimes before my breakfast,I will think of as many as six impossible things. Hatter:That i
25、s a good practice.However,justatthemoment,youreallymightwanttofocusonthe Jabberwocky.Red Queen:So wheres your warrior?Sis.White Queen:Here.Red Queen:Hello.Jabberwocky:Somyoldfoe,wemeetonthebattlefieldonceagain.(Alice killed Jabberwocky)Red Queen:TheHatterisinterfering!Offwithhishead!Alice:Offwithyou
26、rhead!Red Queen:Kill her!Soldier:We wont listen to you any more!Red Queen:Off with his head!(The crown back to the White Queen)White Queen:Iracebeth,your sins are enough to let you die.But it break my oath.So Ill banish you to the border.No one will be kind to you,no one will talk to you.You will ha
27、ve no friend on this world.Jack:His Majesty.I think you wont. White Queen:There is only one exception.You will go to the border,too.Red Queen:At least we have each other.(Jack wants to kill the Red Queen) Jack:Majesty!Please,kill me!White Queen:But I have no sympathy for you.Jack:Off with my head!Re
28、d Queen:He wants to kill me!Jack:Please!Red Queen:He wants to kill me!Jack:Majesty!Red Queen:He wants to kill me!All:FrabjusDay!Alice:Whatishedoing? Chester:Futterwacken.White Queen:Oh! ThebloodoftheJabberwocky.Youhaveoureverlastinggratitude.Andforyoureffortsonourbehalf.Alice:Willthistakemehome?Whit
29、e Queen:Ifthatiswhatyouchoose.Hatter:Youcouldstay.Alice:Whatanidea?Acrazymadwonderfulidea!ButIcant.TherearequestionsIhavetoanswerThingsIhavetodo.Illbebackagain,beforeyouknowit.Hatter:Youwontrememberme.Alice:OfcourseIwill.HowcouldIforget?Hatter,why isaravenlikeawritingdesk?Hatter:Ihaventtheslightestidea.FairfarrenAlice.【END】专心-专注-专业