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1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 2022 年. 宿迁市中学 . 英语中考试 . 卷第一卷(挑选题,共 65 分)一、单项挑选1. Lily is _. _ activ. e girl and she is fond of playi. ng _. _vol.leyba. ll. A. an; a B. a; the C. an; / D. a; /2. When you visit. Franc. e, you can go to _. _ and take photo. s there. .AB C D 3. My recor. der is broke. n. Could

2、. I use yours. . _. _, but you have to retur. n it tomor. row. A. I .m not sure B. No probl. emC. I.m sorry.D. I hope so 4. My cousi. n wants. to keep slim. She does exerc. ise every. morni. ng and _. _ eats meat. A. seldo. mB. alway. sC. usual.ly D. often.5. Han Han is a popul. ar write. r. His new

3、 book will _._ this Septe. mber. A. come up B. come in C. come out D. come on 6. Did you see Mr. Black. just now. Yes. He _. _ his car when I met him. A. parke. dB. was parki. ng C. parks.D. will park D. on; of 7. I was born _. _ the morni. ng _. _ Febru. ary 25th, 1997. A. in; of B. on; in C. in; i

4、n 8. _. _ is it from your home to the schoo. l. About. ten minut. es. walk. A. How far B. How long C. How often. D. How soon 9. Paul isn.t as _. _ as Sandy . . He often. makes. mista.kes in his homew. ork. A. carel.ess B. more caref. ul C. more carel. ess D. caref. ul 10. Excus. e me, I lost my way.

5、 Will you pleas . e tell me _. _. A. where. am I B. where. I am C. where. you are D. where. are you 11. Which .do you prefe.r, tea or coffe.e. I don .t care. _. _ is fine. A. Eithe .rB. Neith .er C. Both D. All 12. Some peopl.e won.t reali.ze the impor.tance. of their.healt.h _. _ they have lost it.

6、 A. after .B. when C. until .D. as 13. Bob, it .s getti. ng cold outsi. de. _. _ take a jacke. t with you. All right ., Mum. A. Why do you B. Why not C. Why did you D. Why don .t 14. If there. is any chang.e to the plan, I _. _ you as soon as possi.ble. 名师归纳总结 A. told B. have told C. tell D. will te

7、ll 第 1 页,共 11 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 15. You look quite. tired. . You.d bette. r _. _ a good rest. A. stop to have B. stop havin. gC. to stop to have D. to stop havin. g16. Oh, my God. We have misse. d the last bus. What shall. we do. I.m afrai. d we have no _. _ but to take a taxi.

8、A. decis. ion B. choic. eC. advic. eD. reaso. n17. I don.t have any close. frien. ds here. I feel _. _ from time to time. A. alone.B. happy.C. lonel. y D. proud.18. Wow. What a lovel . ye-dog. Is it yours. .Yes, it .s _. _. My fathe. r bough. t it for me yeste. rday. A. my B. yours. C. mine D. your

9、19. We have two forei. gn teach . ers here. One is from Engla. nd, and _. _ is from Ameri. ca. A. anoth. er B. the other. C. other. D. the other.s20. It.s a fine day today. .Shall.we go swimm. ing. But we need to be home befor .e six o.clock.A. Have a nice time. B. Not at all. C. You are right . D.

10、Good idea. 二、 完形填空I sat down to read under.an old tree in the park. I felt my life was 21 , for my whole .world .was dark. A young .boy ran up to me, out of 22 . He stood .right .befor.e me with his head down and said 23 , “Look what I found .” In his hand was a flowe .r, and what a poor sight . The

11、 flowe .rwas dry and 24 . I gave him a small .smile.and then turne.d my eyes away so that he could.take his dry flowe .r and go off to play. 25 , he sat next to my side and place .d the flowe .r to his 26 and said in surpr .i se, “ It smell.s sweet. and.it.s beaut.i ful, too. That.s 27 I picke .d it

12、. Here,.it.s for you.” The flowe .rbefor.e me was dead. But I knew I must 28 it, or he might .never.leave. So I accep .ted the flowe .r, and repli .ed, “This is just what I 29 .” Just then, for the first . time I notic .ed that the boy could .not 30 he was blind. .Tears.眼泪 came down my face as I 31

13、him for picki .ng the best one. “You.re welco.me.” he smile .d, and then ran off to learn. about. my pain痛楚 . 32 . I sat there .and wonde .red how he was able to Throu. gh the eyes of a blind .child., 33 I could .see the probl .em was not with the world .;the probl .em was me. And for all those. yea

14、rs. I mysel .f had been 34 . I decid .ed to see the beaut.y in life, and 35 every.secon.d of my life. And then I held that dry flowe .r up to my nose and breat.hed in the smell .of a beaut.iful rose. 名师归纳总结 21. A. hopel.ess B. colou. rful C. simpl. eD. wonde. rful 第 2 页,共 11 页22. A. mind B. troub. l

15、eC. breat.hD. work 23. A. sadly.B. stric. tly C. angri.lyD. excit .edly 24. A. dead B. fresh.C. alive.D. heavy.25. A. So B. Or C. Howev. erD. And 26. A. head B. nose C. ear D. neck - - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 27. A. how B. when C. where.D. why 28. A. buy B. sell C. accep. tD. break.29. A.

16、admir.eB. disli. keC. want D. have 30. A. cry B. speak.C. smile.D. see 31. A. forga. veB. thank. edC. paid D. hated.32. A. sleep.B. study.C. dance.D. play 33. A. at most B. at times.C. at first.D. at last 34. A. cheer. ful B. usefu. lC. blind.D. deaf 35. A. waste.B. enjoy.C. lose D. forge. t三、阅读懂得(A

17、 How do you feel when you stay in hospi.tal alone. Jenny., 13, a US stude .nt, feels .bored. She knows.the feeli.ng becau.se she has been in hospi.tal many times.herse.lf. One day, she thoug.ht of an ideaif patie .nts could .get some books .to read , they would .feel bette .r. So, from May, she and

18、many of her frien .ds began.to colle .ct books.for hospi .tal patie.nts. In six month .s the stude.nts colle.cted 1,250 books .at schoo.l. They decid .ed to donat .e the books . to the North .Shore.Medic .al Centr .e, a child .ren.s.hospi. tal next door to their .schoo.l. “There.are books.for kids o

19、f all ages, from babie .s up to high schoo .l level.” said Jenny. .The stude .nts put the books .into “early.reade.rs” , “middl .e reade.rs” and “ advan.ced reade.rs”. Then they wrote .their.best wishe.s to patie.nts on bookm .arks书签 and lette.rs, put the books.in big boxes.and donat.ed them to the

20、hospi .tal. “ We wrote .thing.s like, ,Keep.on.readi.ng.and,Hope.you.feel.bette.r., ” said John, 14, Jenny .s.broth.er. “ And we also wrote .some funny.thing .s to make them laugh.”Frank. , 12, and Steve.n, 14, helpe.d carry.16 large.boxes.of books.into a car. “ I think .these.books.will make a lot

21、of patie .nts feel happy.”.said. Frank. Steve.n share.d his opini .on. “ It is reall .y the most meani.ngful.thing .that I have ever done in my life. ”36. Who first. thoug. ht of the idea of helpi. ng those. bored. patie. nts in hospi.tal. A. John. B. Frank. .C. Steve. n.D. Jenny. .37. From the arti

22、c. le, we can learn. that _. _. _. A. in half a year Jenny. and her frien. ds bough. t 1,250 books. B. the North .Shore.Medic .al Centr .e is far from Jenny. .s schoo. l C. Jenny. and her frien. ds were willi. ng to help bored. patie. nts D. Steve. n had a diffe.rent opini. on from Frank. and John 3

23、8. The best title. for the artic. le might. be “_. _. _”. A. Colle. cting.books.for bored. patie.nts C. Donat.ing books. to poor stude. nts B. Writi .ng a lette. r to a medic. al centr.e D. Readi. ng books. for hospi.tal patie. nts 39. Which .of the follo .wing words .can be used to descr.ibe those.

24、stude.nts. A. Polit. e and hard-worki .ng. B. Lazy and stubb .orn. C. Selfi.sh and proud.D. Thoug.htful .and helpf.ul. B Zhalo. ng is a natur. e reser.ve in Heilo. ngjia. ng in north. -east China. . It is one of the world.s most impor. tant wetla. nds. The reser. ve cover. s an area of 210,000 hecta

25、. res. The area provi. des food and 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 11 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - shelt. er for wildl.ife. It is an ideal. home for diffe. rent kinds. of plant.s, fish and birds. .Many birds. live comfo. rtabl.y in Zhalo. ng Natur. e Reser. ve all year round. , while. some only stay there

26、. for a short. time. There. are many fish in the wetla.nds, and the birds. can easil.y catch. them for food. Zhalo .ng has long been calle .d “the home of the crane.” . There.are 15 crane.speci.es物种 in the world . 8 of them are in China.and there.are 6 speci.es in Zhalo .ng area. It is an impor . ta

27、nt livin. g area for the rare red-crown. ed crane. s. There. are not many red-crown. ed crane. s in the world. .Every. sprin. g and summe . r, red-crown. ed crane. s lay and hatch. 孵化 their.eggs in Zhalo. ng. Some peopl. e want to chang.e the wetla. nds to make more space. for farms. and build.ings.

28、 This means. there. will be less and less space. for wildl .ife. More and more birds . are in dange. r becau. se they do not have enoug. h livin. g space. . Many of them died. The Chine. se gover. nment. wants. to prote. ct these. endan. gered. birds. , and they can be safe in Zhalo. ng. Every. year

29、, a lot of touri .sts go to Zhalo. ng to watch. birds. . This year, membe. rs of our Birdw. atchi. ng Club are going. to study. the diffe.rent kinds. of birds. in Zhalo. ng and the chang. es in their. numbe. rs. The study. begin. snext month. .We _. _. _ once a year. We are now invit .ing secon.dary

30、 schoo.l stude.nts to help. We need more peopl.e to help us count. and do somet. hing to help the birds. . Many peopl.edo not under. stand. the impor .tance.of the wetla. nds. We hope this infor . matio. n will help them under . stand. and make them activ. ely take actio. n to prote. ct wildl.ife. 4

31、0. What does the under. lined. word “ ideal.” mean. A. Perfe. ct. B. Dange. rous. C. Crowd. ed. D. Expen. sive. 41. What can we learn. from the secon. d parag. raph. A. All birds . stay in Zhalo. ng Natur.e Reser. ve all year round. .B. There. are eight. speci.es of red-crown. ed crane. s in Zhalo.

32、ng. C. The numbe. r of the world. .s red-crown. ed crane. s is small.D. Every. winte. r red-crown. ed crane. s hatch. eggs in Zhalo. ng. 42. Which. of the follo. wing can we choos. e for the blank. 空白 accor. ding to the last parag. raph. A. go birdw. atchi.ng B. do a bird count.C. go bird-hunti. ng

33、D. hold a bird show 43. The purpo. se of the artic.le is to _. _. _. A. attra. ct more visit. ors to pay a visit. to Zhalo. ng Natur. e Reser. ve B. ask peopl. e to take actio. n to prote. ct wetla. nds and wildl.ife C. preve. nt peopl. e from watch. ing birds. in Zhalo. ng Natur. e Reser. ve D. mak

34、e peopl. e aroun. d the world. know the Birdw. atchi. ng Club C Summe. r holid. ays are just comin. g. Have you got any plans. . Here are 4 five-star films. for you to kill your time. 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 11 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - Pirat.es of the Carib.bean 4 加勒比海盗 .4 Type: Adven. ture; Ac

35、tio. n Film Studi. o: Walte. r Disne. yPictu. res Date: May 20 th, 2022 Capta.in船长 Jack Sparr .ow of the Carib.bean has come back. This has made fans of Pirat.es of the Carib. bean very excit. ed. Johnn.y Depp, a famou. s actor., works. toget.her with a new direc .tor, Rob Marsh .all to bring. a new

36、 wave of pirat.e craze. . Johnn. y Depp is also known. for Walte. r Disne. y.s film Charl.ie and the Choco.late Facto. ry. Sherl.ock Holme. s Type: Actio. n; Detec. tive Film Studi. o: Warne. r Bros. Pictu. res Date: Dec. 25 th, 2022 Do you like detec. tive stori. es and want to solve. myste. ries l

37、ike well-known. Detec. tive Sherl. ock Holme. s. This one you certa. inly don.t want to miss. It is quite. diffe. rent from the earli. er Holme. s stori. es and has recei. ved much prais. e赞誉 from film fans. Toy Story.3 Type: Carto. on Film Studi. o: Walte. r Disne. yPictu. res Date: June 18 th, 202

38、2 Do you still . remem. ber Woody. and Buzz. Woody.is brave., like a cowbo .y shoul.d be. He knows .how to lead other .toys. And this time Woody . .s frien. ds have anoth. er big probl.em. They are trapp. ed by a selfi.sh and cruel. bear named Lotso. and his men in Sunny. side. Woody. goes to help t

39、hem. How can they find a way out. Ice Age 3 Type: Carto. onFilm Studi. o: Dream. Works. Pictu. res Date: July 1 st, 2022 Ice Age 3 is a whole.new adven.ture that every.one at any age can enjoy. All our old frien. ds are back. Sid the sloth. finds. three.dinos. aur babie. s and adopt.s收养 them as his

40、own. Then the mothe. r dinos. aur comes. for her babie.s and takes. Sid away. The adven. ture begin. s when Sid.s best frien. ds try to find him and get him back. Do they succe. ed in the end. 44. _. _. _ is the lates. t film accor.ding to依据 the artic. le. A. Ice Age 3 B. Pirat .es of the Carib .bea

41、n 4 C. Sherl. ock Holme. s D. Toy Story. 345. Which. of the follo. wing is RIGHT. accor. ding to the artic. le. A. Johnn. y Depp is the direc.tor of Pirat .es of the Carib .bean 4. B. Film fans don .t think. Sherl.ock Holme. s is a good film. C. The two carto. ons are produ. ced by the same film stu

42、di.o. D. Ice Age 3 is a carto. on suita. ble for diffe. rent age group. s.名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 11 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 46. From the artic. le, we know _. _. _ is a cruel. chara. cter. A. Sid B. Sherl.ock Holme. sC. Lotso.D. Jack Sparr. ow D Alice. was now in a long dark room with doors s

43、he could. not see the White. Rabbi.t anywh. ere. . all round. the walls. , and She tried. to open the doors., but they were all locke . d锁上. “ How will I ever get out again. .” she thoug. ht sadly. . Then she saw a littl.e glass. table. with three. legs, and on the top of it was a very small . gold

44、key. Alice. quick. ly took the key and tried. it in all the doors. , but she could. n.t open any. Then she saw anoth. er door, a door that was only forty . centi.metre.s high. The littl. e gold key unloc. ked this door easil.y, but Alice. could. n.t get throu. gh itshe was much too big. So she lay o

45、n the floor . and looke. d throu. gh the open door, into a beaut.iful garde.n with green. trees. and brigh. t flowe. rs. “ I.d like to be out there . not in this dark room. Why can.t I get small . er.” It was alrea. dy a very stran. ge day, and Alice. was begin. ning to think. that anyth. ing was po

46、ssi. ble. After. a while. she locke. d the door again. , got up and went back to the glass. table. . She put the key down and then she saw a littl. e bottl. e on the table. . Round. the neck of the bottl.e was a piece . of paper. with the words. DRINK. ME in large. lette. rs. “ It can be dange. rous to


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