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1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载. .练习单元 前元4 个 i: i e . . t . tr ts h 后元5 个 :.: . u: u 元 12. 个元3 个 . . : . au .i 20 个 双元 双元 .5 个 ei .u ai 8 个.双元 .3 个 i. u . . f s 辅 清辅11 个 p t k 辅17 个 b d g v z e . d . dr dz l 28 个 浊m n .j w r /i:/ bee/bi:/ feet/fi:t/ keep/ki:p/ key/ki:/ team/ti:m/ meet/mi:t/ /i/it

2、 /it/ big/big/ city/ siti/ give/giv/ sick/sik/ /e/ get/get/ best/best/ text/tekst./ help/help/ 名师归纳总结 /./fat/f.t/ have/h.v/ cat/k.t/ back/b.k/ hat/h.t/ 第 1 页,共 10 页/a:/ laugh. /la:f/ glass. /gla:s/ half/ha:f/ farm/fa:m/ park/pa:k/ / .:/ horse. /h.: s/ saw/s.: / corn/k.:n/ cours.e/k.:s/ salt/s.:t/ /

3、. / dog/d.g/ pot/p.t/ cost/k.st/ what/w.t/ hones.t/. /u:/ food/fu:d/ moon/mu:n/ rule/ru:l/ loose. /lu:s/ noon/nu:n/ /u/ book/buk/ put/put/ good/gud/ would. /wud/ could. /kud/ / . / must/m.st/ does/d.z/ money. /m.ni/ ugly/.gli/ come/k.m/ /.:/ nurse. /n.:s/ bird/b.:d/ burn/b.:n/ turn/t.:n/ girl/g.:l/

4、/. / bette. r/bet./ never./nev./ worke. r/w.:k./ welco. me/welk.m/ei/ may/mei/ name/neim/ game/geim/ eight./eit/ age/eid./ /.u/ no/n.u/ home/h.um/ hope/h.up/ wrote. /r.ut/ note/n.ut/ pose/p.uz/ /ai/ eye/ai/ time/taim/ buy/bai/ right./rait/ bike/baik/ kite/kait/ /au/ now/nau/ out/aut/ how/hau/ about.

5、/.baut/ south . /sau/ house . /haus/.i/ boy/b.i/ toy/t.i/ noise. /n.iz/ voice. /v.is/ point./p.int./coin/k.in/ /i./ ear/i./ near/ni./ idea/aidi./ hear/hi./ mere/mi./ spear./spi./ / ./ air/ ./ tear/t ./ care/k ./ dare/d ./ fair/f ./ there. /e ./ /u./ tour/tu./ poor/pu./ sure/.u./ moor/mu./停靠 your/ju.

6、/ /p/ pea/pi:/ pie/pai/ top/t.p/ cap/k.p/ peopl. e/pi:pl/ pride. /praid. /b/bee/bi:/ by/bai/ buy/bai/ black. /bl.k/ bear/b ./ /t/ let/let/ sat/s.t/ feet/fi:t/ team/ti:m/ tide/taid/ - - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载/d/ led/led/ sad/s.d/ feed/fi:d/ do/du:/ dear/di./ /k/ lack/l.k/ take/te

7、ik/ clock. /kl.k/ class. /kla:s/ weeke. nd/wi:kend/ /g/ big/big/ lag/l.g/ glass. /gla:s/ gum/g.m/ good/gud/ guest./gest/ /f/ face/feis/ fast/fa:st/ leaf/li:f/ surf/s.:f/ favor.ite/feiv.rit/ /v/ very/veri/ five/faiv/ fever./fi:v ./ serve. /s.:v/ never./nev./ / bath/ba:/v 洗澡 thick. /ik/ mouth. /mau/ b

8、reat. h/bre/n 呼吸 thoug. ht/ .:t/ autho. r/ ./ truth. /tru:/ /e/ the/ e./ they/eei/ that/e.t/ mothe. r/m.e./ thus/ e.s/ then/een/ /s/ face/feis/ mouse. /maus/ cakes ./keiks. / caps/k.ps/ likes./laiks. / stops. /st.ps. /z/ close. /kl.uz. / keys/ki:z/ boys/b.iz/ pens/penz/ halve. s/ha:vz/ /t./ catch. /

9、k.t./ cheep. /t.i:p/ rich/ri t ./ watch. /wt./ child. /t. d/ quest.ion/kwest.n/ teach. /ti:t./ chall.enge/t. d./ 名师归纳总结 /d./orang. e/.rid . /large. /la:d ./ juice. /d.u:s/ job/d .b/ 第 2 页,共 10 页/tr/tree/tri:/ try/trai/ true/tru:/ troub. le/traub .l/ track. /tr.k/ /dr/ dry/drai/ dream. /dri:m/ dress.

10、 /dres/ drink. /dri.k. / hundr. ed/h.ndr.id/ /./ she/.i:/ sharp. /.a:p/ fish/fi ./ shock. /.k/ shoe/.u:/ /./pleas. ure/ple./ measu. re/me./ telev. ision./teliv. i.n/ /ts/lets/lets/ sport. s/sp.:ts/ puts/puts/ write.s/raits. / seats. /si:ts/ /dz/ hands. /h.ndz. / birds. /b.:dz/ frien. ds/frein. dz/ b

11、eds/bedz/ stand. s/st.nd. z/h/ he/ hi:/ hard/ha:d/ him/him/ heard. /h.:d/ half/ha:f/ /l/like/laik/ late/leit/ learn. /l.:n/ lead/li:d/ light./lait/ /m/ my/mai/ more/m.:/ seem/si:m/ meat/mi:t/ mind/maind. /men/men/ /n/nice/nais/ wind/waind. /mind/maind. /rain/rein/ fine/fain/ /./ sing/si./ wing/wi .

12、/ ring/ri. / long/l./ beaut.iful/bju:t.fl/ /j/you/ju:/ few/fju:/ yard/ja:d/ music. /mju:zik/ stude. nt/stju:dnt/ excus.e/ikskju:z/ /w/ work/w.:k/ way/wei/ well/wel/ what/w.t/ twelv. e/twelv. /twin/twin/ /r/ red/red/ road/r.ud/ write. /rait/ wrong. /r./ probl. em/pr.bl. .m/ 练.习- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - -

13、 - - - - - - - 1./i:/ /i/ /e/ /./ /ri .l/ 学习必备欢迎下载/tip/ /zip/ /rid/ /wil/ /fil/ /bit/ /wi:k/ /di:l/ /kid/ /dig/ /kwik/ 名师归纳总结 bit week deal real kid dig quick.tip zip rid will fill 第 3 页,共 10 页/pet/ /p.k/ /g.p/ /k.g/ /n.g/ /r.m/ /b.tl/ /sed/ /h.pi/ /ten/ /red/ pet pack gap cap nag ram battl. e said

14、happy.ten red /setl/ /tr. ./ /dipend/ settl. e trash.depen. d2./a:/ / .:/ / . / /u:/ /u/ /a:sk/ /ma:sk/ /pa:st/ /fra:ns/ /.d/ /l.:n/ /n.:t/ /p.:z/ /f.ks/ /s.k/ ask mask past Franc. e odd lawn naugh. t pause.fox sock /fa:/ /la:d . / /ma:k/ /l.:d/ /t.:/ /st.:m/ /p.t/ /kr.p/ / .t/ /pr.mi.s/ far large.m

15、ark Lord torch.storm.pot crop thoug. ht promi. se /huk/ /lu:s/ /sut/ /tuk/ /mud/ /ru:/ /pul/ /wud/ hook loose.soot took mood throu. gh pull wood 3././ /./ /./ /b.z/ /d.l/ /h.ri/ /g.lf/ /tr.bl./.:n/ /s.:f/ /t.:n./ /beg./ /t.k/ buss dull hurry.gulf troub. le earn surf turne. rbegge. rtuck /k.:b/ /.:k/

16、 /.merik. / /s.k./ /k.mp ./s.vei/ /p.veid/ /p.h. ps/ curb irk Ameri.casocce. rcampe. rsurve. yperva. de perha. ps /b.:lesk/ /m.:d./ burle. sque murde. r3./ei/ /.u/ /ai/ /au/ /.i / /keip/ /greit./mein/ /pr.p.uz/ /m.u.n/ /st.un. / /.u v./ /sait/ kape great.main propo. se motio. n stone.over sight./rai

17、m/ /daut/ /taipi.st/ /aust/ /m.ist./.ist . /rhyme.doubt.typis. toust moist.oyste. r4./i./ /./ /u./ /vi ./ /.f./ /d./ /sk./ /bu.n/ /gu.d/ /ru.r.l/ /.pi./ /k.l.m. bi./ veer affai.rdare scare.bourn.gourd.rural.appea . rColom. bia /m.ti.ri.l/ /misti.ri. /- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - mater.ial m

18、yste. rious.学习必备欢迎下载5./ /e/ /e. t / /e. n/ /fei/ /t.gee./ / .k/ /e.m selvz. / /m.n/ /i:f/ month.thief.that than faith.toget.her thank.thems. elves.元素:/i:/ 【衣 发长点】/I/ 【衣 急促地发声 】/e/ 【哎 发这个的 时候不要把 “哎”的 给读出 来,嘴唇放松自 然地读】/. / 【哎 发这个的 时候不要把 “哎”的 给读出 来,嘴唇扁平地 发】/.:/ 【额 发长】/./ 【额 发短】/ 【阿 嘴巴微微地 张开发出这 个就可以 了】/a

19、:/ 【啊 嘴巴长到最 大】/./ 【哦 急促】/.:/ 【哦 声拖长】/u/ 【乌 急促】/u:/ 【乌 声拖长】/eI/ 【有点像答应 人的“诶”的声】/aI/ 【唉】/.I/ 【哦喂 连着读】/.u/ 【呕】/au/ 【傲】/I./ 【衣饿 连着读】/ ./ 【哎饿 连着读】/u./ 【乌饿 连着读】辅素:/p/ 【普不要把 给发出来,轻】”一样, 不要把 给 发/b/ 【不不要把 给发出来,浊】/t/ 【特不要把 给 发出来,轻】/d/ 【得不要把 给发出来,浊】/k/ 【克不要把 给发出来,轻】/g/ 【各不要把 给发出来,浊】/f/ 【福不要把 给 发出来,轻】/v/ 【有点像摩托

20、 车启动的声,“呜呜呜 ”地,但是是像发 “出来,浊】名师归纳总结 /s/ 【丝像蛇吐芯子 发出的那种 声,不要把 给读出来,轻】第 4 页,共 10 页/z/ 【就是 /s/的浊】/ / 【牙齿咬住舌 头的轻】/ / 【牙齿咬住舌 头的浊】- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - / / 【西学习必备欢迎下载不要把 给发出来,轻】/ / 【衣 不要把 给发 出来,浊】/h/ 【喝 不要把 给发出来,轻】/r/ 【如 不要把 给发出来,浊】/t / 【七 不要把 给发 出来,轻】/d / 【姬 不要把 给发 出来,浊】/tr/ 【缺 不要把 给发出来,轻】/d

21、r/ 【撅 不要把 给发出来,浊】/ts/ 【次 不要把 给发出来,轻】/dz/ 【自 不要把 给 发出来,浊】/m/ 【嘴巴闭住,然后发,气流从鼻子 出来,浊】/n/ 【嘴巴微张,舌尖顶住上 颚,气流从鼻子 出来而不是 从嘴巴出来 ,浊】/./ 【嘴巴长大,舌头向下弯 曲,气流从鼻子 出来而不是 从嘴巴出来 ,浊】/l/ 【有两个读 ;一是放在 结尾发呕 ,浊;而是放在 发了,浊】/w/ 【我 不要把 给发出来,浊】/j/ 【呀 不要把 给发 出来,浊】所谓浊,就是声带要 振动的;轻就是发 出了但声带 却不振动的全部的元 都是浊,声带都要振 动;1 的 .几个概念1 :的.形式;元a. ,

22、e, iy, o, u, 有2. 0元;2 :的形.式;3 素:的最的.单位;有4. 8 素;4 :元辅. 的发.单位;apple, student, teacher, understand.5元:发,是;气流.不;是.的主要;6辅:发不., 是;气流. 到;不是. 的主要 .;有2. 8 辅;7开:a 辅 +元 +辅 +e name bike ;b 辅 +元 he, go, hi 8闭:a 辅 +元 +辅 bad, bed, sit, hot, cup; b元 +辅 it 9 读:单发 .特的.;2. 元: :下. 是. 的 . 1i: sea, he, see, piece. , ceil

23、i.ng 2i sit, build. , miss, myth 3e bed, desk, head, 4. bad, land, bank, stamp.5a: car, fast, class. , plant., calm, aunt 6 . hot, want 7 .: door, more, sport., ball, warm, autho. r, court., bough. t, caugh. t8u: good, who, blue, soup, 9u look, put, women. , could.10 cup, come, blood. , rough.11.: g

24、irl, work, serve. , nurse.12 . cadre. , ago, forge. t, polit.e, dolla. r, docto. r, famou. s, Satur. day 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 10 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载13ei cake, they, play, eight., great., 14ai bike, die, neith. er, light., try, find, heigh. t, eye 15 .u phone. , cold, boat, sou

25、l, grow 16au house. , town 17 .i boy, oil 18i . dear, idea, deer, here, fierc. e, 19 . pear, care, there. , fair 20u . tour, poor, 3. 的.元1e . bed bad; men, man; pen, pan; lend land 2i: ei real rail; greet ., great.; mean, main; read raid 3e ai bet bite; red write . ;said side, head, hide 4au .: hous

26、e. horse. ; loud lord; south. sauce . ; now nor; count. corn; cloud. claus. e 5au found. fond; gown gone; down don 4. 辅 1p pen, 2b bed, comb 3t tell, 4d, day, playe. d, wante. d 5k cold, sky, quick. , schoo. l, back, accep. t, box 6g big, go, guess., langu. age 7m man 8n nine, knife. , autum. n 9 ba

27、nk, uncle. , Engli. sh, sing, 10l land, world.11r read, write. , 12f five, cough. , laugh.13v voice. , of 14 think. , 15 e this, bathe.16s sit, miss, scien. ce, case, scarf.17z zoo, close. , 18 sure, she, socia. l, natio. n 19/ pleas. ure, 20h hot, who, hour 21w wall, what, answe. r 22j yes 23t chil

28、d. , teach. , catch.24d/ joke, bridg. e, 25ts boats.26dz goods.27tr tree 28dr dream.名师归纳总结 5. 的.辅第 6 页,共 10 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载1v w vet wet; vest west; vine wine; very well 2s sink think. ; sort thoug. ht; miss myth; mass math 3z e closi. ng cloth. ing; breez. e breat.he

29、; bays bathe . s4n thin thing. ; sin sing; ban bang win wing; ran rang 6. 读规章1 读 元辅 . 的例句 2 读 . . banan. a, stude. nt, today. , after. ,i orang. e, secre . t, eveni. ng, very, Monda. y7. 特别读 1 的连读:not at all, half an hour, I love you and all. after . all 2失去爆破: good girl, good stude. nt, good job, e

30、xpre. ssion. , schoo. l, extre. me3 的同化:this year, Would. you do it. Cant you see it. 8. 1单A 双a一在一 .个 读 .;lette. r, sorry.b有 a-, be-, de-, re-, res-, in-, im-, en-, em-, es-, ex-, con-, com-, dis-, mis-, pre-, per-, pro-, trans . - 前的 .,个 .是;about, believe. , address. , decide, report, condemn, resp

31、ect, compare, inform, discuss, impress., mistake, enforce. ,prepare, employ, permit, escape, produce, exclaim. ,trans.late c有 de-, in-, re-, con-, pre- 前的 . . 类有 , 一 的 . 在一 .个上,的 .在个 . 上;recor. d, record; insul.t, insult; condu. ct, conduct; prese . nt present; conte. nt, content d有 . 带有前 . re-, ex-

32、, un-, pre-, post-, 的,有两个 .;outside, retell, well-known. , unreal, fifteen, Chinese, pre-war, post-war B多a一. 个是. ; diffi. cult, commu. nist, famil. y, econom. y, oppor.tunit. y,democra. cy. b有一双 . ,了前.后了多. ,但这. 来的. 读;caref. ully, indefin. ite, comfo.rtabl. e, conducto. r, accordi. ng, disturba. nce,

33、 compl.icate. d,establi. shmen. t, c 尾有-eous, -grahp. y, -ial, -ian, -ic, -ics, -ience. , ient, -ify, -ion, -ious, -ity, ive 后的,在这 .后的前一.个上;courteous. , calligra. phy, editoria. l, historia. n, periodic, mathe.matic. s, experie. nce,sufficie. nt, identi.fy, trans.latio. n, religio. us, curiosity. ,

34、protecti.ve d 尾有-ain, -ee, -eer, -ese, -ette 后的,在后. 上,而有一个 .次;enter.tain, emplo. yee, mount. aineer, Japanese, cigarette2句子A 的.:(轻)-轻-轻-(轻)或 -轻-(轻)(轻) . 那样句 .子的. 的.;B 句子的.长短:是句子 .的读的. 的., 而不是C 实读 (副读) ,虚轻读 ,单.,单连 .,人,主,动,动.动be. .D 实不读.的特别.a 实次.显现He think. s of that as a child. think. s. 名师归纳总结 b 一个.

35、 个.修饰第 7 页,共 10 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载I met her in the railw. ay stati.on. c 替 Which. book do you want. The small. one. d 的. what how What a good day it is. How beaut .iful she is. e stree. t 在有 .Wangf. ujing. Stree. t.f this 在.这短.,this morni.ng/after. noon/eveni. ng.时;E虚读的

36、.特别.动be 在.句,句尾a 动,动Do you like it. Yes, I do. Are you a docto. r. Yes, I am. Can you help me. Yes, I can. I dont like you. He isnt a worke . r. b 动. 可,.时;They may come this eveni. ng. Can it be five alrea. dy. He must be in the room. c 在句 .句尾;In the box, he found. a lette. r. He is the perso. n I ta

37、lke. d with. d 句.的连在句 . ;If you wish, Ill visit . you. When he comes. , Ill tell him. e.强调;He could. nt come himse. lf. 发连 读的规章连读的 .:的两 .在上必 . ., 同一个 . ;连读所 .的一 .都不读,自 .然地一带而 . ,不行读得 . ,也不行; 连读符: 1 “ 辅 +元” 型连读在同一个 . ,两 . 的前一 .个是以辅 . 结尾,后一个是 .以元开头 .,这就要辅 . 元 .起来连读;sh boy. Itisanold book. Let me havea

38、 lookatit. rday. dyou halfanhourago. e. Notatall. e pickitup. 2“ r/re+ 元” 型连读前一个.是以-r 或者 -re 结尾,后一个是.以元开头.,这时的 r 或.re不但要 .发/r/,而要 .后的元. 起来连读 .;r. .it. on the desk. r for you. Hereare foureggs. 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 10 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习必备 欢迎下载is my cup. r. 但是,一个 . 的前后都 .有 r,后的 . 以元开

39、.头,也不连读 .;The black. cloud. s are comin.g neare. r and neare. r.(neare. r and. 不行连读)3“ 辅 +半元” 型连读.的/j/ /w/ 是半元,前一个 . 是以辅 .结尾,后一个是 .以半元, 特是 /j/ 开头,时也要连 .读;you. Nice to meetyou. .Would. you likea cupof tea?e. “的同化”常把 /d/+/j/ 读 /dV/ ,did you 上 . 了/dIdVu. /,would. you 了 ./wudVu. /,could. you 了 ./kudVu.

40、/;4“ 元 +元” 型连读 .前一个以 .元结尾,后一个 以 .元开头,这两个 . 也要自然 .而不地.连 读到一起 .;se. dly to me. sh. Howand why did you come here. it. .r. 5 短或从.句. 停 .时 ,. 有.两个的.辅元 .显现,也不行连读.;Isit ahat or a cat.( hat o. r 不行 .以连读)There. isa good book in my desk. (book .in 不 .可以连读)Can you speak. Engli. sh or Frenc. h. (Engli. sh or. 不行以 .连读)Shall. we meet ateight. or ten tomor. row morni. ng. ( meet . at,eight. or .不行以连读 .)She opene. d the door and


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