1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - exchange ex perience i 10, devel op emergency n safety, commend a dvanced teams a plans and dr ills are reg ularly organd i nized. ndivi duals; Group lea 8, the establi ders safety duties shment of the workshop safety management network, reg 1 and carry out busi ness and wor
2、kshop on safety instructiular checki ng, arra ngement of se ons and requirements, te curity work , workshop and team security officer role i he teams overall responsibility for the safety and nto full play personal safety and 9, issue health e d strict enfor of workers; r cement of labor 2 organi ze
3、 and partiprotecti on articles, he cipate i n security ae alth sta ndards, and do a good job post wor ctivities, a dhere to safety, before class to chekers la ck sela bor protecti on wea curity, after summing r, guara up the se nteed post w e curity system; orkers safety and health; 10, develop emer
4、gency pla 3, responsible for ne w workers (including internshi ns and drill s are regularly organize hi ps, a ccompanyi ng staff) job safety, ed. Assistant Superinte ducat ion and the rigndent of se curity responsi bilities 1, Direct or of the work shop on the safety of the unit ht to st op wit hout
5、 the third-l evel educati on a nd safety assessment of qualified w responsi ble, De orkers operate indepeputy Dire ctor i n charge of business-wide security work; 2, ndently; 4, found a ccidents signs and accideseriously carry out the party and the nts take effective measures to prevent the situatic
6、ountrys w ork safety laws, regulati ons, standards, and research on safety technol on from expanding a nd re porting ; shall immediately re port the l accideogy, exemplary i nt and organi zed rescue, prn the impl ementation of operationa otect the scene, make detailel procedures and Safety Manager.
7、d records, partici pate in a ccide nt investigations, , organize workers to analyze the cause of the accident, the implementation of preventive measures; 5, engaging in obvious dang er or serious violations of the employee shall beentitled to stop the operation of the procedures and arrangements pos
8、t operator, report to t he leadership; 6 so as to improve safety and fire fighting facilitie e s, equipme nt inspections and maintenance work, remain flexible to use , check the worker reasonable use ofof personal protective equi pment, and proper use of fire fighting equipment. 7, focus on team-bui
9、lding, improve management level ofof teams. Keep the work site tidy, clean, realization of civilization, and do ide ologi cal and political work team; 8 so as to improve track safety contest, commend the advanced experiences. Craft safety responsibilities 1, responsible for their own safety in the c
10、ontext of work, ensure the safety and reliability of the te e chnical work. 2, i s responsible for the preparation of technical specificati ti ons for the units security and safety management system. In the preparati on of start up, shut down, or when equipment maintenance, techni cal feasibility, t
11、o have reliable health and safety measures and inspection of the implementation. 3, in the area of staff security techniqueand safety training, organi ni zation of technical training activities, regul ul ar assessment. 4, often goes into the field to check上册知识点总汇(一)我们周围的空气考点一:空气的成分:1、空气是一种 _,主要是由 和
12、组成。空气的成分得出按 _分数计算,大致是 _占 21%,氮气占 _,_占 0.94%,_占 0.03%,其他气体和杂质占 0.03%。2、空气污染可分为两类,有害气体如、等和粉尘。污染源有 _的燃烧和工厂排出的 _,汽车的 等。 NO2、 SO2 进入大气后,易形成 _。防治污染的方法:、注意 :空气质量日报计入空气污染物的有害气体为_、 _、_以及 _和_。二氧化碳虽能造成温室效应,但不是质量日报所报告的。3、在空气中氧气含量测定的实验中,使用的药品是,该物质燃烧时有大量的 _生成,同时集气瓶内水面 _,说明氧气约占空气体积的 1/5。以上实验测定氧气的含量往往偏低,引起这样结果的原因可能
13、是:;该实验不能用燃烧后生成 _的物质(如碳、硫等)代替红磷,也不能用铁代替红磷,因为。考点二、氧气1氧气的物理性质:通常状况下是色味的气体,比空气密度,溶于水,液态和固态的颜色为色。2氧气的化学性质生氧气是一种的化学性质 的气体,具有 _性,在一定条件下,能跟许多物质发 反应。碳 在 氧 气 中 燃 烧 的 反 应 属 于 基 本 反 应 类 型 中 的 _ 反 应 , 化 学 方 程 式 为_ ,如果氧气不足,碳与氧气反应则生成 _。硫在空气中燃烧发出 火焰,在氧气中燃烧发出 _火焰,生成一种的气体,方程式为 _。铁在氧气中燃烧生成 _色的 _(填化学式) ,方程式为 _ _。注意 : 在
14、硫燃烧的集气瓶中要加水的目的是_ ;在铁燃烧的集气瓶中加水或细沙的目的是 _。3、用途:氧气的两个重要用途是_和_ 。4、危害:氧气对人也有有害的一面,如缓慢氧化造成 _、_。注意 :火焰是气态物质燃烧时产生的特有现象。一般可燃性气体和熔沸点较低易汽化的固体、名师归纳总结 production safety sit it uation, potential acci i dent is discovered in time to propose measures to eliminate them, to stop illegal operations. Do not scatter in a
15、n emerge ge ncy, to stop their work, and to immediately report to t t he manageme e nt. 5 participate i n workshop equipment, changes in technology programme and review of roasting temperature curve i s modified, to comply with safety requireme me nts and product requirements. 6 participate i i n an
16、y accident investigation, a nalysis, and find out the reason, responsi i bility and come up with preventive measures, and shall pr r omptly report to the leadership or a uthority. 7, making maintenance, shutdown, work programme, in particular when process changes, mapping w orork well before start.
17、Level 1 employe e e safety responsibilities, conscientiously study the relevant safety instructions, rules and safety procedures, mastering the post operating rules; 2, must wear PPE as required operation, proper use a nd proper storage of protective equi pment and fire-fighting equipme e nt; 3, wor
18、k will focus on safety, stabloperation and strictly observe labour di scipline and process discipline a a nd conscienti ti ously records, gang, leave, is strictly prohibited in the post, not sleeping, slapsti i ck and ot her disci plinary matters, to discourage the illegal actions of others and . .
19、2, r esponsible for fire analy ly sis and enter the Tower, tanks of gas metering and analysis data reporte d to the authorities. 3, responsible for a cccci dent investigation, statistics and reporting work. 1 electrical safety responsibilities, conscientiously study and a bide by the safety rules an
20、d regulations, i i n stri ct compliance with the prohibitions and provisions of safety, perform guard duties. 2, before the operation, wear appropriate PPE, implement security measures, issuing safety permits, inspecti on tools, instruments are in good condition. 3, any electrical appliance without
21、inspection, shall be deemed to have access to electricit y, is forbidden to touch. 4, ele e ctrical maintenance, you must stop, cut off power, and hang up the no close warni ni ng signs befor or e they can work. 5, good job in electricity, maintena ncerecords, easily lead to key parts of ongoing sup
22、ervi vi sion and inspe pe ction of the accident.第 1 页,共 14 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - exchange ex perience i n safety, commend a dvanced teams a nd i ndivi duals; 8, the establi shment of the workshop safety management network, reg ular checki ng, arra ngement of se curity work , worksho
23、p and team security officer role i nto full play 9, issue d strict enfor cement of labor protecti on articles, he alth sta ndards, and do a good job post workers la bor protecti on wea r, guara nteed post w orkers safety and health; 10, develop emergency pla ns and drill s are regularly organize d.
24、Assistant Superinte ndent of se curity responsi bilities 1, Direct or of the work shop on the safety of the unit responsi ble, De puty Dire ctor i n charge of business-wide security work; 2, seriously carry out the party and the countrys w ork safety laws, regulati ons, standards, and research on sa
25、fety technol ogy, exemplary i n the impl ementation of operationa l procedures and Safety Manager. 10, devel op emergency plans and dr ills are reg ularly orga nized. Group lea ders safety duties 1 and carry out busi ness and workshop on safety instructi ons and requirements, t he teams overall resp
26、onsibility for the safety and personal safety and health of workers; 2 organi ze and parti cipate i n security a ctivities, a dhere to safety, before class to che ck se curity, after summing up the se curity system; 3, responsible for ne w workers (including i nternshi ps, a ccompanyi ng staff) job
27、saf ety, e ducation and the rig ht to st op wit hout the third-l evel educati on a nd safety assessment of qualified w orkers operate indepe ndently; 4, found a ccidents signs and accide nts take effective measures to prevent the situati on from expanding a nd re porting ; shall immediately re port
28、the accide nt and organi zed rescue, pr otect the scene, make detaile d records, partici pate in a ccide nt investigations, organize workers to analyze the cause of the a ccide nt, the implementation of preve ntive measures; 5, engagi ng in obvi ous danger or seri ous violati ons of the em ployee sh
29、all beentitled to st op the operation of the pr oce dure s and arrangements post operator, re port to t he leadershi p; 6 so as to im prove safety and fire fighting facilitie s, equipme nt inspe ctions and maintenance work, remai n flexible t o use , check the worker reasonable use of personal pr ot
30、ective e qui pment , and proper use of fire fighting equipment. 7, focus on team-buil ding, improve ma nagement level of teams. Kee p the w ork site tidy, clean, real ization of civili zation, and do ide ologi cal and political w ork team; 8 so as to im prove track safety contest, commend the a dvan
31、ced ex perie nces. Craft safety responsi bilities 1, responsibl e for their own safety in t he context of work, e nsure the safety and relia bility of the te chnical w ork. 2, i s responsibl e for the pr eparation of techni cal specificati ons for the units security and safety management system. In
32、the preparati on of start up, shut dow n, or w hen equipme nt maintena nce, techni cal feasibility, to have reliable healt h and safety measure s and inspe ction of the impleme ntation. 3, in t he area of staff security techni queand safety traini ng, organi zation of technical trai ning activities,
33、 regul ar assessment. 4, often goe s into the field to che ck液体,燃烧时有火焰, 如 _、_、_等,不易汽化的固体物质,如_、_等,燃烧时没有火焰。考点三 . 氧气的实验室制法(1) 工业制氧气分离液态空气法(原理: 利用氮气和氧气的不同, 属于变化)(2) 实验室制取氧气反应原理: (反应的化学方程式为)过氧化氢溶液中加入二氧化锰在氯酸钾中加入二氧化锰(加热)加热高锰酸钾发生装置:用过氧化氢制取氧气用型,因为(氧气的密度比空气;)用氯酸钾和高锰酸钾制氧气则用型,因为。收集方法:(氧气不易溶于水)或操作步骤:检验与验满:用的小木条放
34、在或,观察木条是否。注意事项: a 试管口要 _,以防止 _ 。b 用排水法收集完毕, 先_再_,以防止 _ 。c 在加热高锰酸钾的试管中塞棉花的目的是_ 。d 向上排空气法收集气体时,导管要伸到集气瓶底是为了 _ 。碳和碳的氧化物考点一、碳单质的物理性质和用途碳单质存在形式主要有、和,由于它们的 不同,导致它们在性质上有很大差异。它们之间的转化是 变化。1. 金刚石是自然界中 的物质,它可用钻探机的钻头是由于它,可做钻石是由于它。2. 石墨是 的矿物,有 感,可用做,质软,可做,有优良的 性,可用做 等。3. 活性炭具有 的结构,有很强的 性,可做冰箱 _,防毒面具,自来水厂用活性炭来 _。
35、考点二、单质碳的化学性质:1、常温下,碳的化学性质,随着温度的升高,碳的活动性大大增强。名师归纳总结 2、可燃性: 氧气充足时, 发生反应:production safety situation, potential accident is discovered in time to propose measures to eliminate them, to stop illegal operations. Do not scatter in an emergency, to stop their work, and to immediately report to the manageme
36、nt. 5 participate in work shop equipment, changes in technology programme and review of roasting temperature curve is modified, to comply with safety requirements and product requirements. 6 participate in any acci dent investigation, analysis, a nd find out the reason, responsibility and come up wi
37、th preventive measure;氧气不足时, 发生反应s, and shall promptly report to the leadership or authorit t y. 7, making maintenance , shutdown, work pr ogramme, in particular when process cha nges, mapping work well before start. Level 1 employee safety responsibilities, conscientiously study the relevant safety
38、 instructions, rules and safety procedures, masterictricitng the post operat at ing rules; 2, must wear PPE as re re quired operation, proper use and proper st orage of protective equipment a a nd fire-fighti ti ng equipment; 3, w w ork will focus 。on safety, stable operation and strictly obse rve l
39、abour discipline and d process discipline and conscientiously records, gang, leave, is strictly prohi bited in the post, not sleeping, slapstick a a nd other disci plinary matters, to discourage the illegal actions of others and . 2, responsible for fire analysis a nd enter the Tower, tanks of gas m
40、etering and analysis data re re ported to the authorities. 3, responsible for acci dent inve e stigation, statistics and reporting w ork. 1 electrica l safety responsibilitie s, conscientiously study and abide by the safety rules and regulations, in strict compliance with the pr ohi i bitions and pr
41、ovisions of safety, perform guard duties. 2, before the operation, wear appropriate PPE, implement t security measures, issuing safety permits, inspection t ools, instrume e nts are in good condition. 3, any electrical appli ance without inspection, shall be deemed to have a cce ss to eley, is forbi
42、dden to t ouch. 4, electrical maintenance, you must stop, cut off power, and hang up the no close warning signs before they can w ork. 5, good job in ele ctricity, maintenance records, easily lead to key parts s of ongoing supervision and inspe pe ction of the accident.2 第 2 页,共 14 页- - - - - - -精选学
43、习资料 - - - - - - - - - 所以单质碳做燃料时,如果不充分燃烧,不仅浪费燃料,而且还造成_。3、还原性: 在高温条件下, 可与物反应, 夺取氧化物里的_,生成碳的氧化物。(1)与金属氧化物反应: 焦炭与氧化铁反应的现象是:_ ,化学方程式: _ 。焦炭与氧化铜反应的现象是:_ , 化学方程式:发生的方法是 _。_ 。判断该反应(2)与非金属氧化物反应: 高温下碳与 CO2 反应的化学方程式为 _ 。以上两个反应都为 _(填吸热或放热)反应。4、碳还原氧化铜的实验注意事项:(1)试管口;(2)酒精灯应用。【易错点】 “ 碳” 、“ 炭” 的区别:在描述物质组成时用“ 碳”,如_、_等,“ 炭”指具体物质,一般指 _、_、_等。不同的碳单质因原子的排列方式不同,导致 性质不同,