1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习好资料 欢迎下载 口语资料 失望主妇有用短语及经典句型解析学英语 需要的不仅仅是深厚的爱好,仍要有 写说力图传神;我想失望主妇这么经典的desperate 的精神;听读保持心静,剧本 ,假如没有编剧的静心创作再加上 演员 的激情表演,是不行能得到众多的赞扬和追捧的;Ok, lets get to thepointEpisode04:Tom 将干练的 Lynette 劝回家做 baby-site,用了这么一句话:“Why not quit your job. Kids do better with stay -at-home moms, It
2、 would be so much less stressful.”男人期望女人为家庭做出牺牲,就得学 Tom 这样,话说得棒,姿态也做得到位;Episode05:Bree 给 Mary Alice 丈夫 Paul 送甜点以示慰问时, Paul 说道:Bree, you shouldnt gone to a ll this trouble.这句话的表达很 中国式思维, when someone show their respect for you loss,而你觉得给人添麻烦了,就可以使用这个句子;Well, at least I can do is to make sure your boy
3、s had a decent meal to look forward to in the morning. I know youre out of your mind with grief.请留意我有蓝色标记出的这个词组:下:decent meal :decent 这个形容词的说明如adj.有分寸的 ,得体的 ,相当好的,建议大家牢记把握,并加以运用,以下是例句:The lack of decent public transport is a great disadvantage.没有适当的公共交通工具是很不便利的 .His first novel was a flash in the pa
4、n, and he hasnt written anything decent since.他的第一部 小说 如昙花一现,此后他再没写出像样的东西;名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 4 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习好资料 欢迎下载He dreamed of living in decent conditions. 他理想着过风光的生活;It was decent of her to help the homeless.她帮忙无家可归的人,真是可敬;至于 “ look forward to 这个词组更是常见,在这里就不多说了;Episode06:
5、Narrator 在叙述 Susan 的经受遭受时,用了下面的一段话:A year had passed since the divorce; Susan had started to think how nice it would be to have a man in her life, even one who would make fun of her cooking.这段话是特别有用的一个写作句式,大家不妨依据自己的经受和体会造个句子,以便加深记忆;这里有个短语:子:“ make fun of ”(取笑和嘲弄的意思),举个例Its cruel to make fun of peopl
6、e who stammer. 嘲笑口吃的人未免不近人情 .That will teach him a lesson. It doesnt pay to make fun of the Law, my man. 那会给他一个教训!与法律开玩笑绝不会有好下场,我的老弟;Episode07:几位主妇坐在一起怀念曾经的同伴,显现了几句经典的对白:先看看 GABY的话,肯定有意思:“ Its like my grandmother always said, an erect penis doesnt have a conscience.不知道看我 笔记 的人都是什么年龄的,这里我就不直翻了;大家可以自己
7、去懂得;再来感受下 Mary Alice 安抚 Susan 的一句话,特别令人激励,我觉得很有必要 把它背下来;We all have moments of desperation. But if we can face them head on, thats how we find out just how strong we really are.Episode08:Susan 的小人精纵恿母亲开创新出路,另寻他欢:名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 4 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 学习好资料 欢迎下载Juliet:Hi,I saw you bo
8、th flirting at the wake, youre obviously into each other. You need to get back out there, come on, how long has it been since youhad sex.Susan:I dont want to talk to you about my love life any more,it weirds me out.留意:“weird ” 通常情形下作形容词或名词讲,但美国人说话并非如英国人那般严谨,在这里用作动词是个特别随便的口语表达;Episode09:Susan与 Edie 两
9、人不谋而合,都有意傍上 Mike 这个 eligible bachelor.于是,一场女人之间的烈火战争在不公正之中拉响了:Susan had met the enemy and she was a slut. And just like that, the race for Mike delfino has just begun.For a moment Susan was wondered if rivalry with Edie would remain friendly. She was reminded that when it came to me, women dont figh
10、t fair.刚入驻新家,便有两位 LADY 过来示好, Mike 可谓是艳福不浅;本应当邀请两位邻居进屋坐坐,但事先没有预备,出于礼貌,却:Mike 用了这么一个句型婉言推I d invite you both in, but I was sort ofin the middle of something.in the middle of sth:正在劳碌着做某事;正在 .当中 在.的中部 更多经典句型: Three days ago, Lynette replaced her grief with a much more useful emotion indignation.葬礼过去三天后
11、,勒奈特调试了自己的心情,她不再哀思,而是愤慨;大家留意下我用绿色标记的一个句型,不妨试着用它造句:我先来一句吧!Owen replaced his frustration with a much more useful emotion infuriation.Bree longed to share the truth about her husbands painful betrayal, but sadly for Bree:Admitting defeat was not an option.名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 4 页精选学习资料 - - - - -
12、 - - - - 学习好资料 欢迎下载用下面绿色标记的短语来形容Bree 的争强好胜肯定是一语中的;大家不妨多多关注这样的句式,虽然简短,但很有感染力;NARRATOR: And suddenly, there he was,like a phoenix rising from the ashes.他突然地显现了,就像浴火重生的凤凰;这句话意思是遇火重生,其实是形容 SUSAN 的心情,原本以为和 EDIE 约会的男人是 MIKE ,听说他伤得不清住院了, 没想到 MIKE 在这个时候显现在 SUSAN面前;让她的爱意之火死灰复燃,真是让人禁不住回望:飒爽的“ 火凤凰” 一辉;圣头士星失中英姿呵呵,这个经典的比如句型不用白不用,用了仍想用;最终,留个句子给大家练 练手吧:Owen将自己关在屋子里,深居简出;历经三年的苦读,最终,他像一只浴火重 生的凤凰显现在了 CCTV 英语 演讲的冠军席上;Lets all for today, herere some useful stuff Id like to share with you, enjoy it.名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 4 页