1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - In order to e School ste nsure normal tea ude nts report majorchi ng or der, accide nt withi protecti ng student s healt i n a n hour of education; sthy growth, udent run aensuring t nd disahat nati ppearaonal (pr nce s to reoperty) is not lost, to preve port; re port of the
2、 ant or minimize the cci dent t o a writte occurre nce of safety acci n report in tri plicate, a correctident onal s, follow t ce ntre, a poli he preve nt, rescue ea li ce station, a ta ch othe ownshi p pehe r, ensure safety and re duce losses pri opl es Governme nt shall not conceal the accidenci p
3、le, a a ccordi nt. 4 ng to the l week, teaoca l conditi chers are ti ons, make t he manageme nt system. 1, t he pri on duty system, esta blish and improve the leari nci pal is t dership vals t he responsi ues; strengtbility of school safety, school se hen t he e ducation, managemese curity under the
4、 lea dership of Presi nt of teaching activities in school s to edent security w ork l nsure normal teachingea ding group. The order; responsihead tea cher to the l eadership team i s responsibl ble for school safety leader ship always mai ntainee for, impl ementation of the a d cl ose contact a nd d
5、istri ccountability system. i ct police stations, canvas2, school monthly st si ng support from the police udent knowle e station dge ab out safety education, education should on school safety a nd help. 5, st rengthening tea be diver sified in t a chers moral ehe form every safety educati ducation,
6、 esta blish a deon for st dicate d lovude nts of cla sse s per we ek shoul d be targeted. To carry e, improvi ng educati on quality, observe the students psyon emerge chologice ncy i ssue s dealing wit al change s at any time ait h educati on i n Ge nd take preventiveneral, self-hel p and mutual re
7、measure s, no corporal puniscue knowle dge. Emergency call s shme nt and covert corporal punishment ( such as s 110, 119, 122, 120, and so on) use common sense in e on students, st ude nt out of the classroom, schools may ducation. 3, t he establishme not be. 6, units or dee nt of major a ccident re
8、 po partments use st udent Street prrti ng system. opaga nda orparticipate in the cel ebrations, as well a s participating i i n ot her social work, without approval l of the Correcti i onal Centre, school pri ri nci pals conse nt, without organizati i on. Without the approval of relevant department
9、s, may organize students to participate in fire fighting, disaster relief and so on. 7, schools should educate stude nts to obey the school r l r ules a nd regulations, on time, on time home to prevent accidents. 8, school to school inspections on a reg g ular basis, found hidden in time, and in sev
10、ere cases, it is hard to eliminate immediately closed, and reported to the local peoples Government, education, and rule of law section. 9, the school should always check the internal walls, retaining walls, ponds, railings, handrails, doors, Windows, staircases and a variety of sports, extracurricu
11、lar activities, fa a cilities such as fire safety, infrastructure security, unsafe facility to immediately repair and demolition to ensure that teachers and students work, learn, live venues and facilities are safe and reliable. Song Li n Xi Xi ang Li u Jia pi i ng elementary school March 2016 song
12、Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping primary school fire safety systems to enhance fire safety, protecti i on of public property and the life and property safety of teachers and st t ude nts, school fire safety into day -to-day management, is s developi pi ng the following fire safety system. 1, strengthen fire s
13、afety education of the w w hol e school. According to the requirements of the Fire Services Act, so that everyone has of keeping fire control safety, protecting fire control facilities, fire prevention, reports of fire劳动安全卫生专项集体合同书第一章 总则第一条:为进一步规范企业与职工双方在生产经营活动中的行为,加强安全生产的管理和监督, 防止和减少安全生产事故的发生,维护职工的
14、安全健康合法权益,促进企业的稳步发展。依据劳动法、工会法、安全生产法、职业病防治法、消防法、危险化学品安全管理条例、集体合同规定等劳动安全卫生法律法规及标准的有关规定,协议。结合本公司实际情况、 签订本第二条:企业在生产经营活动中,坚持“安全第一,预防为主 ”的方针。牢固树立 “安全责任重于泰山 ”的观念,始终把企业和职工的安全放在第一位,进一步完善和落实安全生产责任制和各项措施,努力提高安全生产管理水平。第三条:企业在安全生产管理过程中,凡公司所属各分厂、分公司、部门等 均须遵守本协议:1、企业必须遵守国家政策法规,加强安全生产管理。建立健全安全生产责 任制和各项规章制度,积极改善生产环境和
15、作业条件,保证安全生产。2、工会依法组织职工参加企业安全生产工作的民主管理和民主监督,维护 职工在安全生产方面的合法权益。3、企业职工有依法获得安全事项告知和安全生产保障的权利,并负有认真 遵守企业安全生产规章制度和操作规程的义务。第四条:本协议所指的劳动安全卫生的主要内容:1、安全生产责任制。2、劳动条件和安全技术措施。3、危险化学品的生产、储存、运输经营、使用安全管理。4、安全操作规程。5、职业安全培训及 “三级安全教育 ”。6、职业卫生与劳动保护。7、工伤事故调查处理。8、安全应急救援预案制度及定期演练。名师归纳总结 Electricity li Liu Jia piy li nes,
16、e qui pment inspeng eleme ntary school, ctions, found hi pine slopes surrdde n in time for rectificati ounding safety managemeon, mai nt system 1 tea ntena nce , and security. a chers and stude9, do not nts, t he suse a urrounding arn open flame in t ea of the he cla school govssroom, pr ernapr ohi
17、bit burning nce covers g stove, lit capersonal a nd food ndles, mosquito repellent, hygiene , cultural eve no s e nts and ot m oking, t her aspeand cts, inbanning messy wiring. tegrated gov erW na nce it hout usi shall obtai si ng any household i n wide support and fappliances is ull cooperation not
18、 allowed. 10, live on cam of the com munity. On the pus fa suculty members, must lead surrounding e nvironment in by example, a schools should nd educate families and childred be cl l ose ly monitored. 2, school wn ready to fire. 11, household use of gas iol work at the same time, should pay attenti
19、n schools, to master tion to the safety manageme proper usage, pay attenti me nt of school eon to the leak-proof, expll environment, should take tosion-proof, fireproof, closing valve after use to ensure security. 12, dihe initiative to contact the district police station, the village ning room must
20、 be Committee, Correction qualifiea l Centre, d, and annual testi ow nship gover nment, ng of pressure vessels, t business managemeo regularly nt and other dely che ck, the partments to cantee don worker a good jos must be b managcertified, stri ement. 3, teactly by operation operation, gas tank a c
21、her on duty with the exceptind st on of inspectit ove safety distance of 1.5 meters, to prons in schools, should also pay atevent accidents. 13, the a tention to envir onmea dverse ntal inspe ctions neconse ar thque nce s ca e campus, used found tby ignoring fire safety regulations, w hat the joble
22、ss migrants from rural areill be puni s, for eshe d, until investigate s, for example, harassment d for legal responsibi of students a nd a varility. Song Li ety of an Xi ccideang Li u Jia pi nts, accor ding t ng elementary school t o different situatiMarch 2016 ons reported Xiangschool 第 1 页,共 7 页o
23、fficials or the police Burea u in charge of sestation i n a timely manner, to curit y. 2, ea ch a ctivity shoulprote ct the safety of stude d have a specific responsibility, pay attentints. 4, every day before on to tschool, teachers remind student s, pay attenti he per sons age, physical match. Rou
24、te 3, activitieon to traffic safety. 5, shoul d educate s, location, field surveys should be carriee students to re spe ct social et hics, and various regulati d out i n adva nce. 4, activities for t he means ons, maintai of transport shoulning publi d explaii c or der, a nd fight t n the situation
25、to the t t he ba d guys, and grasp the school to compl y with vehicl corre ct ways and means of maintaini l e, safety requir ements, before the ling and improvi ng student s self-car ne for repairs. 5, each activity must have see ability. 6, t curithe establishme nt of emergency rescue teams y, emer
26、gency response pla n for accides nts. 6, of teachers picnics, hiki iin school s, on hig h alert and de ploye d. Song Li n Xia ng Li ng, pi cni c to pay attenti on to fire preve ntion, food poisoningi u Jia pi ng elementary school March 2016 song Li , preventi on of fall accidents 7, t he activitieie
27、n Xia ng Li u Jia pi s near the rivers, reservi ng primary school tea oirs, no measurehers and student s or do not meet the s organi zations out of safety management sy security requirements of the Organi ni zation astem organizati on nd not let stude a ctivities betwee nts into t he watern teachers
28、 and students, to dra a w up a precise plan and security measures must be signe d by the school officials to review the programme of activities agreed upon Correctional Center agreed to implement. Organization to the fiel el d relatively far or activities requir e approval by the Deputy Director of
29、the Education - - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - In order to e School ste nsure normal tea ude nts report majorchi ng or der, accide nt withi protecti ng student s healt i n a n hour of education; sthy growth, udent run aensuring t nd disahat nati ppearaonal (pr nce s to reoperty) is not lost, to
30、 preve port; re port of the ant or minimize the occur cci dent t o a writte n report in trire nce of safety acci plicate, a correctident onal s, follow t ce ntre, a poli he preve nt, rescue ea li ce station, a ta ch othe ownshi p pehe r, ensure safety and re duce losses pri opl es Governme nt shall
31、not conceal the accidenci ple, a a ccor nt. 4 di ng to the l week, t eaoca l conditi chers are ti ons, make t he manageme nt system. 1, t he pri on duty system, esta blish and improve the leari nci pal is t dership vals t he responsi ues; strengtbility of school safety, school se hen t he e ducation
32、, managemese curity under the lea dership of Presi nt of teaching activities in school s to edent security w ork l nsure normal teachingea ding group. The order; responsihead tea cher to the l eadership team i s responsibl ble for school safety leader ship always mai ntainee for, impl ementation of
33、the a d cl ose contact a nd distri ccountability system. i ct police stations, canvas2, school monthly st si ng support from the police udent knowle station dge about safety education, education should on school safety a nd help. 5, strengthening tea be diver sified in t a chers moral ehe form every
34、 safety educati ducation, esta blish a deon for st dicate d lovude nts of cla e, improvi ng esse s per we ek shoul d be targeted. To carry ducati on quality, observe the students psyon emerge ncy i chological changessue s dealing wit s at any time ah educati on i n Ge nd take preventiveneral, self-h
35、el p and mutual re measure s, no corporal puniscue knowle dge. Emergency call shme nt and covert corporal punishment s (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, and so on) use common sense in e on students, st ude nt out of the classroom, schools may ducation. 3, t he establishme not be. 6, units or dee nt of ma
36、jor a ccident re po partments use st udent Street prrti ng system. opaga nda orparticipate in the cel ebrations, as well a s participating i i n ot her social work, without approval l of the Correcti i onal Centre, school pri ri nci pals consent, without oorganization. Without the approval of releva
37、nt departments, may organize students to participate in fire fighting, disaster relief and so on. 7, schools should educate stude nts to obey the school r l r ules a nd regulations, on time, on time home to prevent accidents. 8, school to school inspections on a reg g ular basis, found hidden in tim
38、e, and in severe cases, it is hard to eliminate immediately closed, and reported to t t he local peoples Government, education, and rule of law section. 9, the school should always check the internal walls, retaining walls, ponds, railings, handrails, doors, Windows, staircases and a variety of spor
39、ts, extracurricular activities, fa a cilities such as fire safety, infrastructure security, unsafe facility to immediately repair and demolition to ensure that teachers and students work, learn, live venues and facilities are safe and reliable. Song Li n Xi Xi ang Li u Jia pi i ng elementary school
40、March 2016 song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping primary school fire safety systems to enhance fire safety, , protection of public property and the life and property safety of teachers and st t ude nts, school fire safety into day-to-day management, is developi pi ng the following fire safety system. 1, stren
41、gthen fire safety education of the w w hol e school. According to the requirements of the Fire Services Act, so that everyone has of keeping fire control safety, protecting fire control facilities, fire prevention, reports of fire9、特殊设备的使用管理。第五条:本协议由企业方与职工方代表集体协商达成一致,经职工代表大会审议通过,由企业方(企业法人代表)与职工方代表(企
42、业工会主席)签订。本协议签订后,对企业和职工双方均具有约束力,双方应认真履行协议的规定。第二章 安全生产管理第六条:企业应当依法设立安全生产管理机构,识的专兼职安全管理人员。并配备责任心强具有专业知第七条:企业依照国家有关法律法规,建立健全安全生产责任制, 劳动安全卫生制度; 组织编制安全生产规章制度、安全操作规程及岗位操作法, 组织制定实施安全生产事故应急救援预案,防止劳动过程中的事故发生,减少职业危害。第八条:企业应不断改善劳动条件 (生产设备、设施、生产工具、作业环境)。有计划地进行安全设备, 设施的更新改造。 企业每年年初制订年度安全技术措施 项目方案,及时提供资金保证,确保专款专用。
43、工会参与安全技术措施立项讨论,并代表职工监督实施情况。第九条:企业应对职工进行劳动安全卫生教育和培训,并建立安全生产教育培训档案。认真落实 “三级安全教育 ”制度,并建立健全职工转岗教育制度和台帐,结合企业实际对职工进行国家政策法规、条例教育;有毒有害化学物质信息卡及其防护教育; 企业安全生产管理制度的教育; 职业病防治和各种生产工伤事故案例教育;化学危险品应用等基础知识教育;企业安全操作规程、 岗位操作法及技能教育。未经安全生产教育培训合格的人员不得上岗作业。特殊工种作业人员必须经过国家有关部门培训后,可安排其进行特殊作业。取得相应资格操作证, 方第十条:企业严格执行 危险化学品安全管理条例
44、 ,建立健全危险品台帐,加强对危险化学品的生产、储存、使用、运输、经营的管理,建立事故应急救援预案。并告知职工和相关人员在紧急情况下应当采取应急措施。企业使用危险化学品要严格落实生产、储存、使用场所动火审批制度。第十一条:企业加强安全生产检查, 行政方领导定期组织安全、 生产、基建、消防、保卫、工会等部门进行综合检查; 各职能部门要定期组织专业人员进行专业检查。对发现的事故隐患和职业危害,下发整改通知单限期整改。Electricity lines, e qui pment inspections, found hidde n in time for rectification, mainten
45、a nce , and security. 9, do not use an open flame in the classroom, prohi bit burning stove, lit candles, mosquito repellent, no smoking, and banning messy wiring. Without using any household appliances is not allowed. 10, live on campus faculty members, must lead by example, and educate families and children ready to fire. 11, household use