1、I. 前 言台灣地區圖資系醫學圖書館相關課程一覽表台大圖書資訊學系醫學圖書館師大社會教育學系圖書館組None輔大圖書資訊學系醫學資訊服務淡大資訊與圖書館學系醫學圖書館世新資訊傳播學系醫學資訊系統玄奘圖書資訊學系None繼續教育的重要性n醫學圖書館員所處的大環境不但變化快速,而且攸關生命,館員持續地提升其專業知能是很重要的n近年來資訊技術發展快速,對各行各業都有深遠的影響個人電腦,新興資訊儲存媒體,網際網路,與通訊技術,更改變了醫學圖書館的作業,讀者現在可以不必親自到館就能取得更多的資訊繼續教育的基本考慮n圖書館員能力的增進n圖書館員新專業技術的獲得n從生涯發展的觀點去更新圖書館員的專業技術So
2、urce: Library Association, UK繼續教育的類型n從工作中學n自我學習n內部訓練n外部訓練Source: Library Association, UK繼續教育對”圖書館”的好處n獲得更好的讀者服務n獲得更好的表現和生產力n獲得更好的推廣者n被視為”好”的雇主n獲得更有向心力,技術更好的工作人員Source: Library Association, UK繼續教育對”圖書館員”的好處n獲得更好的技術和工作滿意度n處於一個支持繼續教育的環境n獲得一個明確的繼續教育架構n參加繼續教育課程可做為評鑑其個人工作表現的標準n對圖書館學與資訊技術有更進一步的了解n增加館員的自信心S
3、ource: Library Association, UK醫學圖書館員的新角色nTeacher of information management skills (資訊管理技巧之教師)nTrainer (訓練者)nTechnology-transfer officers (科技轉移者)nResource builders (資源建設者)nConsultants to health care providers (健康照顧人員之資訊顧問)nManagers of integrated information services(整合性資訊服務之管理者)醫學圖書館所需的新技能nAdult educ
4、ation (成人教育)nTechnology-transfer skills(科技轉移之技巧)nMedial languages(醫學語彙)nInter-disciplinarity and teamwork(跨學科與團隊工作)新衍生的專業議題nLicensure (執照)nAccreditation (認可)nCertification (證書)nMandated continuing education (強制性的繼續教育)繼續教育的方式n研習會n短期課程n討論會n專業性會議與演講n至各相關學系選修或旁聽正式課程n參觀其他圖書館n參加圖書館內部業務討論會繼續教育的方式n圖書館在職人員輪調
5、n鼓勵館員從事專題研究n讓館員以自入的方式研讀其有興趣的專業文獻和交換彼此閱讀心得繼續教育的方式n在工作職埸時p參與在職訓練,加入專業組織,修習各種課程,閱讀專業文獻,出席專業會議,撰寫專業論文,發表專業演講繼續教育的方式n在工作餘暇時p培養相關興趣,觀看相關電影節目及錄影帶,接受各種自學課程,閱讀相關讀物II. 美國地區之狀況n美國MLA之AHIPn知名的醫學圖書館相關學程n醫學圖書館員繼續教育的進行方式What is AHIPnAHIP (The Academy of Health Information Professionals)p醫學圖書館員之專業技能培養與資格鑑定計畫p此計畫就館員
6、之專業素養予以資格檢核證明,除申請為準會員外,亦提供升等的機會給在專業工作上有傑出表現,或對圖書館界的發展有所貢獻者,以鼓勵館員將時間與精力投資於專業能力的提升What is AHIPn優點p樹立醫學圖書館員繼續教育的正確方向p確立醫學圖書館員的專業教育與繼續教育的內容p分級會員制可刺激榮譽感與進取心p鼓勵會員參與學會貢獻時間與精力What is AHIPnAHIP (The Academy of Health Information Professionals) is a credentialing program started by the Medical Library Associa
7、tion to recognize academic preparation, professional experience, and professional accomplishment. Credentialing is different from both certification and licensure. Certification focuses on the attainment of minimal standards; licensure is a legal requirement of certain professions. Academy membershi
8、p is a designation recognizing the time and effort a health information professional commits to professional development activities.何謂AHIPnAHIP (The Academy of Health Information Professionals) 是一個證書計畫,肇始於醫學圖書館學會對學校預備教育、專業經歷 、 和專業成就的認證。此認證是有別於資格檢定和證照。 資格檢定重點是達到最低標準;證照是法律上認定的專業必需條件。而大學成員是被指定為認證健康資訊專業
9、發展活動。What is AHIPnThe Academy of Health Information Professionals recognizes the personal investment of time and effort required for exemplary professional achievement throughout your career through (i.e., publishing, teaching, and leadership positions). Over 1,300 health information professionals a
10、t all points in their careers participate in the academy. Five levels of membership are available, based on an individuals level of professional experience and accomplishments.何謂 AHIPn健康資訊專業學院依個人在任職生涯中,為了完成專業成就所投入的時間和努力作為認定依據。 (例如: 出版,教學及領導地位). 在大學有超過 1,300 健康資訊專家 參與過. 會員乃基於個人專業經歷與成就程度可分成5個層級。Why sh
11、ould I seek AHIP credentialsnProfessional Recognition(專業認同)nCareer Planning(事業規劃)nCareer Advancement(事業成就)nPrestige(名氣,威信)nPersonal Achievement(個人成就)Benefits nFor the Professional Librarian pFor the professional librarian, academy membership provides a structure for professional development. From th
12、e initial needs assessment and mentoring of provisional members to the recognition of professional accomplishments of distinguished members, the academy is here to support professional librarians. Membership in the academy recognizes and encourages professional activities, and the AHIP designation d
13、emonstrates this commitment to professional development.BenefitsnFor the Employing InstitutionpEmploying institutions view academy membership as proof that their librarians are committed to their own professional development and continuing education. Institutions who value academy membership recogni
14、ze and reinforce the importance the health information professional plays in their organization效益 n對專業圖書館員而言 p對專業圖書館員而言, 大學全體會員為專業發展提供一個制度。 最原始需求是基於對會員提供評價和顧問指導進而對卓越的會員進行認證,在這裡大學是支持圖書館員的,由大學成員來認證並鼓勵專業活動, AHIP 是被指定為專業發展的示範單位。n對顧用機構而言p從顧用機構角度而言, 大學會員就如同證明他們的館員是具有專業發展且有持續在進行繼續教育。對機構的價值而言 , 是促使健康資訊專家在機構
15、的角色更顯重要。Membership LevelsnProvisional Member (準會員)nMember (會員)nSenior Member (資深會員)nDistinguished Member (傑出會員)nEmeritus Member (退休榮譽會員)Provisional MembernAmerican Library Association-accredited M.L.S. or a non-ALA-accredited masters degree with documented course work in all the Essential Areas of K
16、nowledge nevidence of current employment in the health information field, with less than five years of professional experience in the health information field following the masters degree nbecause they are new to the field of health information sciences, Provisional Members are assigned a mentor and
17、 are required to document 8 points of continuing education each year following the first year of academy membership.準會員n不論是否為美國圖書館協會所認可的MLS碩士學位都必要提供相關知識領域的課程修習文件n證明現職為健康資訊領域, 取得碩士學位後至少有5年在健康資訊領域專業經歷 n雖然在健康資訊科學領域是新兵,但是臨時會員取得也可以提供必備文件證明是大學會員裡每前有持續進行繼續教育且獲得8學分。MembernALA-accredited M.L.S. or a non-ALA-
18、accredited masters degree with documented course work in all Essential Areas of Knowledge nfive years of professional experience in the health information field following the masters degree n50 points for professional accomplishment in the last five years 會員n不論是否為美國圖書館協會所認可的MLS碩士學位都必要提供相關知識領域的課程修習文件
19、n取得碩士學位後有5年在健康資訊領域的專業經歷 n在5年內取得50學分的專業知識Senior MembernALA-accredited M.L.S. or a non-ALA-accredited masters degree with documented course work in all Essential Areas of Knowledge nfive years of professional experience in the health information field following the masters degree n80 points for profes
20、sional accomplishment in the last five years. No more than 50 points may be sponsored instruction, although all 80 points may be from professional accomplishment. nAt least 5 of the 80 professional accomplishment points must be from professional organization activities, not necessarily MLA.資深會員n不論是否
21、為美國圖書館協會所認可的MLS碩士學位都必要提供相關知識領域的課程修習文件n取得碩士學位後有5年在健康資訊領域的專業經歷n5年內取得80學分的專業知識, 也可以從機構中獲取其中50學分。 n80學分的專業成就中有學分的專業成就中有5學分必須是來自專學分必須是來自專業組織活動業組織活動,不一定是在MLA。Distinguished MembernALA-accredited M.L.S. or a non-ALA-accredited masters degree with documented course work in all Essential Areas of Knowledge nt
22、en years of professional experience in the health information field following the masters degree n120 points for professional accomplishment in the last five years. No more than 50 points may be sponsored instruction, although all 120 points may be from professional accomplishment. nat least 10 of t
23、he 120 professional accomplishment points must be from professional organization activities, and at least 5 of the 120 points must be MLA activities. 傑出會員n不論是否為美國圖書館協會所認可的MLS碩士學位都必要提供相關知識領域的課程修習文件n取得碩士學位後有10年在健康資訊領域的專業經歷n5年內取得120學分的專業知識,也可以從機構中獲取其中50學分。n120學分中至少有至少有 10學分個專業知識是來自學分個專業知識是來自專業組織的活動專業組織
24、的活動,以及至少5學分必須是MLA 的專業活動。Emeritus Membernretired nmust have been a member of the academy at any level, EXCEPT PROVISIONAL at the time of retirement, and have been credentialed/certified by MLA for at least ten consecutive years at the time of retirement. nno points are required to renew at this level
25、. Send a written request to the Professional Development department, along with a completed Form EMERITUS and copies of your academy certificate(s) documenting membership in the academy.退休榮譽會員n退休n退休時必須是會員成員之一,但是臨時會臨時會員員除外。在退休時至少連續10年獲得MLA 認證資格。n在這個層級無須更新任何學分。 只要寄一封專業發展部門的書面要求加入榮譽會員並複印在大學的會員資格文件即可。Es
26、sential Areas of Knowledge(七大領域) nHealth Sciences Environment and Information Policies (健康科學的大環境和資訊政策)nManagement of Information Services(資訊服務的經營管理)nHealth Sciences Information Services (健康科學資訊服務)nHealth Sciences Resource Management (健康科學資源管理)nInformation Systems and Technology (資訊系統與資訊科技)nInstructi
27、onal Support Systems (教學支援系統)nResearch, Analysis, and Interpretation (資訊的研究,分析,和解釋)Health Sciences Environment and Information PoliciesnHealth sciences librarians must understand the contexts in which the need for biomedical and related information emerges and the unique ways of perceiving and inter
28、preting these environments. Therefore, they should be alert to changing information and health care environments and major program and policy sources, including: plegal, ethical, economic, and legislative issues phealth sciences professions: system, structure, terminology, education and training pat
29、terns, and associations and organizations ppurpose, program, and activities of MLA, the National Library of Medicine (NLM), and related information associations and organizationsManagement of Information ServicesnLeadership in the application of library and information science to the handling of hea
30、lth information resources in complex institutional environments requires specialized knowledge, skill, and understanding of management, including: pthe institutions mission and the specific mission of the information resource center pinstitutional functional planning processes pdecision-making strat
31、egies phuman resources management and labor relations pstaff development, project and program management and evaluation porganizational structure and behavior Management of Information Servicespinterinstitutional relations pnumerical literacy and computational proficiency pfinance and budgeting, cos
32、t analysis and price setting pskills in fundraising and proposal writing ppublic relations and marketing pfacilities planning and space allocation poral and written communication pinterpersonal relationsHealth Sciences Information Services nHealth science librarians require knowledge of the content
33、of information resources and should be skilled in their use. They must understand the principles and practices related to providing information to meet specific user needs and how to assure convenient access to all forms of information including: pinformation needs of health practitioners, researche
34、rs, educators, students, and consumers pinformation seeking and transfer characteristics of user groups and individuals passessment of identified information needs Health Sciences Information Servicesphealth sciences and other information resources and their relevance to specific information needs p
35、retrieval strategies and techniques panalysis, evaluation, and synthesis of information for identified information needs pdevelopment of services tailored to meet needs of individuals and groups. (resource sharingHealth Sciences Resource ManagementnHealth sciences librarians must know the theory of,
36、 as well as have skills needed for identifying, collecting, evaluating, and organizing resources and developing and providing access to databases including: pidentification and selection of materials and their sources pacquisition of materials pbibliometric techniques pthesauri construction pbibliog
37、raphic tools pcataloging and classification theory Health Sciences Resource Managementpnational and international standards and conventions including cataloging and filing rules pindexing, abstracting, and classification systems pinventory control systems pserial publications presource conservation
38、and preservation ppublishing industry ptrends in information formatting, production, packaging, and dissemination pcopyright issuesInformation Systems and TechnologynDevelopments in technology have reshaped the goals and systems of health sciences librarianship and changed the way information profes
39、sionals function. Health sciences librarians must be able to understand and use technology and systems to manage all forms of information, including: pbasic principles of automated systems: (record and file construction, computer hardware and software, telecommunications and networking, database man
40、agement software) Information Systems and Technologypsystems analysis, and artifical intelligence and expert systems phuman behavior and technology pdesign, use, and evaluation of information systems pacquisition, use, and evaluation of information systems pintegration of systems and technology into
41、 the long-term information management needs and plans of the institutionInstructional Support SystemsnTeaching ways to access, organize, and use information to solve problems is an essential and ever-widening responsibility of the health sciences librarian. Effective instruction entails not only kno
42、wledge of the structure and content of specific courses and technology, but also an understanding of and expertise in: plearning theory and cognitive psychology pcurriculum and instructional development pinstructional systems design Instructional Support Systemspeducational needs assessment and anal
43、ysis plearning style appraisal pinstructional methodologies pevaluation of learning outcomesResearch, Analysis, and InterpretationnFew dispute the librarys responsibility to explore the fundamental nature of biomedical information storage and organization, utilization, and application in learning, p
44、atient care, and the generation of new knowledge. In order to conduct and interpret research, the health sciences librarian is called upon to apply knowledge, skills, and understanding of: ptheoretical basis of health sciences information, education, and clinical practice pinformation structure, tra
45、nsfer, and processing Research, Analysis, and Interpretationpanalysis, evaluation, and application of research results pmethods for evaluating system effectiveness and efficiency pstatistical theory presearch methodologies健康科學大環境與資訊政策n健康科學圖書館員必須瞭解生物醫學和相關資訊顯示的內容,以及能對環境具有獨特的知覺與說明 。 因此,他們應該能敏銳地感受有關資訊、健
46、康照顧環境、主要計畫及政策資源的改變,包括: p法律、道德、經濟、和法律條文。p健康科學專業: 系統、結構、術語教育、以及訓練模式和協會與組織。pMLA目的、計畫、活動, 以及相關資訊協會與組織。資訊服務經營管理n在複雜的組織環境中,將領導應用在圖書館及資訊科學上以處理健康資訊資源,是需要特別的知識技巧和管理的認知。包括: p機構的目標和資訊資源中心的特殊任務p機構功能性畫過程 p決策 p人力資源管理與勞工關係p職員發展、 專案及計畫管理與評估 p組織結構與行為 p組織間的關係 p數字素養與熟練計算 p財政與預算,價值分析與價格定位。 p計畫撰寫技巧 p公共關係與行銷 p設備計畫和空間配置 p
47、口頭與書面溝通 p人際關係健康科學資訊服務n健康科學圖書館員需要的知識,包括:資訊資源內容及具運用的技巧。 他們必須瞭解理論及實務間的關係, 以提供資訊滿足特殊使用者需求,且兵確知所有資訊形式皆是方便取得的。包括:p資訊尋求並因使用者群體或個人之間差異而轉變p確認使用者資訊需求的評價 p對特殊的資訊需求瞭解健康科學與其它資訊資源間的關聯 p檢索策略和技巧 p對定義資訊需求進行分析、評估和綜合 p整理服務的發展以符合個別及團體需求 (資源分享)健康科學資源管理n健康科學圖書館員必須知道定義需求的技巧、 蒐集、 評估與組織資源和發展及提供取得資料庫的理論。 包括:p定義及選擇資料與資源 p資料的採
48、購 p書目計量學方法 p索引典結構p書目工具 p目錄及分類理論 健康科學資源管理p國家與國際的標準和慣例,包括: 分類及編目規則p索引、摘要及分類系統 p目錄控制系統 p連續性出版品 p資源保存 p出版事業 p資訊類型、製作、包裝及傳播的趨勢。 p版權資訊系統與資訊科技n由於科技改造健康科學圖書館學的目的和系統的發展,也改變了資訊專業功能的方向。健康科學圖書館員必須能夠瞭解和利用科技與系統,以管理所有形式的資訊。包括: p自動化系統基本原則:(記錄與檔案結構, 電腦硬體與軟體, 通信與網路, 資料庫管理軟體) p系統分析, 人工智慧及專家系統 p人類行為和技術 p設計,利用,與評估資訊系統p採
49、構,利用,與評估資訊系統p長期性系統與技術的整合p資訊管理需求和機構的計畫教學支援系統n取得, 組織, 及利用資訊去解決問題的教學方法,是一位健康科學圖書館員基本的責任。 有效的教導並不是僅注意特殊課程的知識結構及內容,也必須瞭解專門的技術: p學習心理理論和認知p課程與教學發展 p教學系統設計 p教育需求評定和分析 p學習型態的評價 p教學方法論 p學習成果的評估資訊的研究,分析, 與解釋n以圖書館責任的少數爭論去探究 “ 生物醫學資訊在學習上、病人照顧及新知識時代中的保存、組織、利用與應用的基礎本質。 為了引導及說明研究, 健康科學圖書館員被認為是應用知識、技巧和判斷的依據: p健康科學資
50、訊、 教育及臨床實驗的理論基礎p資訊組織, 改變, 與過程 p研究結果的分析,評估, 及應用 p評估系統的有效益及效率的方法p統計理論 p研究方法論MLA會員認為21世紀重要的繼續教育主題(5 point scale)n溝通技巧(3.80)n醫療人員資訊需求(3.78)n檢索技巧(3.71)n健康科學資訊資源(3.66)n預算管理(3.58)n電腦軟體(3.57)n通訊與網路技術(3.57)n規劃(3.56)MLA會員認為21世紀重要的繼續教育主題n資訊傳遞方式(3.49)n健康科學大環境(3.49)n資訊需求的評估(3.48)n發展滿足資訊需求的服務(3.48)n資訊資源的選擇(3.47)n