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1、最新合同推荐最新合同推荐2021年海洋运输货物保险条款(附英文20XX年XX月CONTRACT SOLUTIONS合同资料CONTRACT PAPERCOMPANY NAMEThe project plan is the most important indicator plan. The brief introduction reflects the project achievement status of the company. The project plan needs to be formulated in strict accordance with the process【合

2、同大全】海洋运输货物保险条款(附英文RESUMEPERSONAL 20XXPERSONAL RESUME资料:合同资料日期: XXX海洋运输货物保险条款(附英文)一、责任范围本保险分为平安险、水渍险及一切险三种。被保险货物遭受损失时,本保险按照保险单上订明承保险别的条款规定,负赔偿责任。(一)平安险本保险负责赔偿:1、被保险货物在运输途中由于恶劣气候、雷电、海啸、地震、洪水自然灾害造成整批货物的全部损失或推定全损。当被保险人要求赔付推定全损时,须将受损货物及其权利委付给保险公司。被保险货物用驳船运往或运离海轮的,每一驳船所装的货物可视作一个整批。推定全损是指被保险货物的实际全损已经不可避免,或



5、质缺陷、特性以及市价跌落;运输迟延所引起的损失或费用。(五)本公司海洋运输货物战争险条款和货物运输罢工险条款规定的责任范围和除外责任.三、责任起讫(一)本保险负“仓至仓责任,自被保险货物运离保险单所载明的起运地仓库或储存处所开始运输时生效,包括正常运输过程中的海上、陆上、内河和驳船运输在内,直至该项货物到达保险单所载明目的地收货人的最后仓库或储存处所或被保险人用作分配、分派或非正常运输的其他储存处所为止。如末抵达上述仓库或储存处所,则以被保险货物在最后卸载港全部卸离海轮后满六十天为止.如在上述六十天内被保险货物需转运到非保险单所载 明的目的地时,则以该项货物开始转运时终止。(二)由于被保险人无



8、也不得视为接受委付的表示。(三)如遇航程变更或发现保险单所载明的货物、船名或航程有遗漏或错误时,被深险人应在获悉后立即通知保险人并在必要时加缴保险费,本保险才继续有效。(四)在向保险人索赔时,必须提供下列单证:保险单正本、提单、发票、装箱单、磅码单、货损货差证明、检验报告及索赔清单。如涉及第三者责任,还须提供向责任方追偿的有关函电及其他必要单证或文件。(五)在获悉有关运输契约中“船舶互携责任”条款的实际责任后,应及时通知保险人。五、索赔期限本保险索赔时效,认被保险货物在最后卸裁港全部卸离海轮后起算,最多不超过二年。OCEAN MARINE CRGO CLAUES . Scopeof Coer:

9、This uran is cssi nto he ollwing hree Coditins Fre From aiulrvrag (。 P 。 ), Wit erae (W. )and AlRis. here te gods insued heeundersusan losr dmag, e Copayhalundrtake to indemnify fr accodingt the insured ondiin eidin t Polic ndthe Povisionhese Caus:1。 Fre FroPaticularAvrg (F。 。 A。 )T isurance cover:1

10、) Ttal oonstrcveTaLo f he wholecosignmnt hereby inured caused in te couse ofransi b natural alamities: veaher, tnin, tnmi,arhqaeand flood。Inceaocti ttal loslaiedfr,he Isured shall aandontoth Cpayth dmage oods n all hi ihs nd lperainin thto。 hegoods on each igher o orfro th saoing veshall edeemedaspa

11、rate rsk. ConsrctiveTotal Loss refes to te loss whee n actal ta los aparsto b avodbleo hecosto be incured ircoerig recondtioningtegods ogetherwt the orwading cost to he desinatioamed the Polc woud eced thivlu onarval。2)Ttalor Ptial Los cued by accidets thcarryig cnveance beiggouded, randed, sun orin

12、 collisionwth floaig ie othe obct ire r exlsion 3)Prtial loss the nsued goosattribuble toeavy weter, ihnng nd/or sunami,where heconveynce has ben gundd, srnded, sunk or bun. irspectie of whherthe event oto pace or after sh accet.) Partial ttal losonsqueton ligof entire pakg or paages into sea duing

13、loadig, rnsshpme or ischage。5)easonablecst inurre y te inurd on salvaging the so avertng or miniizng aloss recoveraleer ePolicy, poveh uch os shl no xee the m insuredfthe coinment oaved。6)Loses tribual todihare f thinsuredgodsa a perf disss followng a sea eri as wla secil chargeising fom loadig, war

14、ehosgandoradingof e good a an nermeiate port call o efuge。7)arifcin nd Cntribtion to GenerlAerage nd alvage harges.)Such poprti o osesusainedteshipownrsa it be eiured by the CagOr uner tCt ofAfeightent othto Bae Collisin cause。2。 it Aerage(。 A )sidefrom hriskscveende 。 .。 ondn asbove, tis isurnealso

15、cvrprtialoses of insured good cause b hevy weaher ,lghtnin,uami ,erthquake an/or flood.3 Al iksside frome riks coeed uethe FP. A。 ad W. . ondtionsas abve, hs insune alo calrisk los of r dmage to teiured gods hehr partia r oal, aiig romxternal cauesintcae of tranitII. Excluions:Ths inurne do ntcover

16、: 。1。os odagecued by h inteiona ac r ault of te inurd.2. s damagefalinnder t liaiiy of theonsigno。3。 Ls or daage rising fomheiferr ality orsortage of te insued good prior to te attachment of this nsurae。4. oss or dme arsin from noral oss,neent ior natu of the insued goos , osso mrket ad/or dely trns

17、itandany epse aisingther from.。5. Riss and labiities cvere and clud y the cen aine(cargo) ar ris cue adstrke , riot an ivil ommotio auesof this Copny.II CommecementoTermintion f covr:.Waehouse to wrehses Caus :Tis inurancettacesrmte im th goodsrby insured lev thewareous or plcef storage med ineoly f

18、or te ommenceentof tetrnsit cntinuesin oe nth ordnary ce of trastinding sa ,lan andinln werway transits ndtansit i ligtr until he insureood ar delvered o te nignee final warhus o plae of srageat the dstinaion nmed in hPolicy or to any othe place usby th insr orallocaion or drbto of theodsrfor stie t

19、ht nh ordiaryure of tanit. This surace shal。,however , limited osixty (0) safercomplen of ischargetheinsued gods rom the goi se at thefina ort of discage befoe theyrach e ave meniond areoseor plac of storie。 If pror t the xpiof the above mentioedsixty(0)days , te insurd gods re to befwaedto a statio

20、 othr an thatamed the Poliy,hs insane shl erminate ath comencmentofsuchtrnsit.2。If, owingto delay , eviatin , oceddiscarg , reshment or transshimen ynd hecontrolo the insred or y hane orerinontevoyge arisin frm te exerci of alberty grantdtothe shnsuder thecntrct ofaffeightmnt, he iured goos arrv at

21、a or o ace other than tatnmed nthe Picy,Sube timmedite noice bein give the opany b the inuredn an dtin preum beng pad, ifepared, tisnsurce shll remain in rean shall trinte as hereder:1) If the isuredgoods a old at port or pc not amed in the Polcy , tis isuraneshal trmne on deliveryof th goods so,bt

22、in event hall tsnuce exten byondxt (0) days aft cptin ofdiscare fe insured odsfom th caryinveelat such rt r pace2) f th insured god to be forarde to he final destinatnnamedinte Picy or thr estintio, th insurance shal trmiate in acodacewthecn 1above.IV 。 Duy of the inure:ti the dut o tenure aten to l

23、l matters assecified hereun ,failig whch thecopany rsrves the rgt to reject his clam or anylss f ad hensu filre prejuice the righ f the ompany:1。Te insued shal taedevery of te insure goos godte upon ir rrival attheport fdetination named inthePolicy。 I the evnt o any amge to te oo, the insured hall i

24、mmediaelyappl o srvey to teSurveyad/r settlingasent stila ihePolcyIftheisurd goodsre fund shortin er pakage r pacages oro shw apaentrae dama , te insredhal btai fom the Carrie, bail or therrlnt authorities (Custosand PortAuthortisec. ) cericatf loss rdmage and/or sorlande memo Sho the crier,bald r t

25、he otherelevat authorte be resonsile for such shorge, the insured shll logea clawiththem inrting nd , fecessary,ta thei cofirmation o an tensin f he th tielimt vlidi of sh cli。 Th nsured shall ,and th oanlo, tke reasnbl meaurs imediateyin alvgig te goods o prevening r iimig os o de thrto. h mues s t

26、ake by e insured or by teCopany shall not be onserd reectivy, a waver of abandomethereunder , or s a acetane theeof。 In case of achg of voyage ny omiion or er n the descripton of the inters , the a of he vssel or oyae, hisinsuan shll reman n forc only upn romp noticeto thi Comanywn e nsured bos awre

27、 of the se an payment oan addtonalpmiumif reuird.4。 The olloing docmets sold accoan n laimeunder aeagainstthis ompay :Ogal olicy, Bi of Ladng nvce, Packin Lis, Taly She, Wight Memo,Certificate foss orDmage and/o horthad Meo, Suve Rport, sttemnt o laimIfan hird paty is inled , docuents elativ ursuin

28、ofreory fm sh pary should alo be iclud。5。 mmediae ntice shod beven tthe ompany whn heag Ownrs actu reposibility uder the ontt of Afrightt n th t Blame Colsi Clause becoeknon.V Te Time fVadityf A aim :he me of idityoa cam nde this isuace shalnotexceed apeiodf t ars ountng from he tie of completio fdischag o the nsuredgoods from the aging vesel atteial pr o dschrg。


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