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1、高考英语端午热门考点一The Dragon Boat Festivalfallson the fifth day of the fifthlunar month. There are many different legends (传说) about the festival, but the most famous one is about Qu Yuan, a patriotic (爱国的) poet of the State of Chu during the Warring States Period (475- 221BC).农历五月初五是端午节。关于这个节日有很多传说,其中流传最广

2、的是与战国时期(公元前475到221年)楚国爱国诗人屈原相关。fallv一词多义(日期)适逢lunar month 阴历一个月二Qu Yuanis said to havebeenloyaland patriotic his whole life. When he realized thedeclineof Chu wasbeyond recovery, his remorse (自责) knowing he could no longer save it grew stronger and stronger. On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month

3、, he threw himself into the river anddied forhisbelovedhomeland.屈原一生忠贞爱国,在意识到楚国即将灭亡时,他为自己无力救国感到非常自责。于农历五月初五投河自尽,以身殉国。be said to . 据说loyal adj 忠诚的;忠实的(近 true;反disloyal)decline n 学术词 一词多义 衰落;衰退beyond recovery 无法复兴die for 为献出生命belovedadj钟爱的三Localsliving adjacent (临近的) to the river rushed into their boa

4、ts to search for him. They threw jiaoshu (rice dumplings) and other food into the river tokeepfish and turtlesfrom devouring(狼吞虎咽地吃) Qu Yuans body.屈原投江后,住在河边的当地人为了捞救他,撑船从四面八方赶来。为使他的遗体不被鱼鳖侵食,人们往江中投放角黍(粽子)等食物。localn常用复数 当地人keep . from doing sth 阻止做某事四Later, to commemorate (纪念) this patriotic poet, the

5、 customs of holding dragon boat races and throwing jiaoshu into the river on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month werepassed down, giving rise tothe name Dragon Boat Festival.后来,为了纪念这位爱国诗人,五月初五“龙舟竞渡”,“角黍投江”等习俗被传承下来,由此得名端午节。later adv 课标新增词 以后;后来pass down 世代相传;流传give rise to 正式用语 引起五In September 200

6、9, the Dragon Boat Festival became Chinas first festival to be selected for the worldsintangible cultural heritage. Most Chinese festivalsare related tospecific foods, and the Dragon Boat Festival is noexception. 2009年9月,端午节成为中国首个入选世界非物质文化遗产的节日。大多数中国节日都与特定的食物有关,端午节也不例外。intangible cultural heritage 非

7、物质文化遗产“非物质文化遗产”与“物质文化遗产”相对,合称“文化遗产”。截止到2020年12月,中国已有42个项目被联合国教科文组织列入非物质文化遗产名录(名册),位居世界第一be related to 与有关exceptionn例外(except + -ion)六The zongzi is anindispensable(必不可少的) food for the Dragon Boat Festival. In the past, every family would soak (浸泡) glutinous rice (糯米) , prepare reed (芦苇) leaves forwra

8、pping,wrapthe rice around sweetfillingssuch as jujube and bean paste or savory (咸味的) ones, like fresh meat or ham andtiethemupintopyramidalshapes.粽子是端午节必不可少的食物。过去,每到端午家家都要浸糯米,准备包粽子的芦苇叶,把米裹进小枣、豆沙、鲜肉、火腿等或甜或咸的馅料,包成形状灵巧的三角粽。wrap v 课标新增词 (用)包;裹fillingn馅(fill + -ing)tie up 系紧;捆牢pyramidaladj金字塔形的(pyramid +

9、 -al)七Zongzi, which is very popular in China, are nowmass-producedon the production line. Many people choose to buy ready-to-eat products. Wufangzhai, one of Chinas largest zongzi producers,ships outmore than 3 million pieces a day during the Dragon Boat Festival and the their annual production of z

10、ongzi exceeds (超出) 400 million pieces.粽子深受中国人喜爱,如今已被送上成熟的生产线。很多人选择直接购买成品粽子。五芳斋,中国最大的粽子生产企业之一,端午时节每天发货超过300万只,全年粽子销量超过4亿只。mass-producedadj大规模生产的ship out(用船、飞机、卡车等)运送八In Qu Yuans hometown, Zigui county of Central Chinas Hubei province, agranddragon boat race is held every year during the Dragon Boat F

11、estival. This folk activity has been passed downfrom generation to generation,dating backmore than 2,000 years.在屈原的故乡,中国中部湖北省秭归县,每年端午节都有盛大的龙舟大赛。这项民俗活动代代相传,延续至今已有2000多年历史。grand adj 盛大的;宏大的from generation to generation 世世代代generation: generate (课标新增词) + -iondate back追溯到九Today, Chinas dragon boat racin

12、g has developed from a local activity into a grand sportseventand even became aninternationalsporting event. There are more than 85 countries andregionsin the world that holds dragon boat races annually.如今,中国赛龙舟由地方的群众性活动发展成重大的体育比赛项目,甚至成为国际性体育赛事。目前世界上已经有超过85个国家和地区每年开展龙舟赛。event n 比赛项目;体育比赛internationa

13、l adj 国际的;世界的(inter- + national)regionn课标新增词 学术词 地区十The Boston Dragon Boat Festival has been held for 40 years and the Toronto International Dragon Boat Festival haswitnessedmore than 30 years or races. Chinas dragon boats have “rowed” to the world.如美国波士顿龙舟节已举办40届,加拿大多伦多国际龙舟节已举办30余届。中国龙舟已“划”向了世界。witness v 名词动化 是发生的地点(或时间、组织等);见证rowv划(船)十一Afterbreakingsomesweatfrom a dragon boat race, the next festivalcalls forromance, the traditional Chinese Valentines day, or Qixi. Let us look forward to the arrival of love.在酣畅淋漓的龙舟大赛之后,下一个节日需要些浪漫,中国传统情人节七夕节。让我们一起期待爱情的降临。break sweat(因用力而)开始流汗call for需要3


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