1、用户界面设计实验报告 用户界面设计实验报告 学号:11061091 姓名:叶繁 班级名称:2022计科 指导教师:程鹏 实验日期: 序号版本号修订内容教师评语Ex1 Ex2 Ex3 Ex4 目录 Experiment 1: Evaluation Practices (1) Experiment 2: Design a graphic user interface (5) Experiment 3: Error Messages GUI (16) Experiment 4: Help Document (16) Experiment 1: Evaluation Practices 对中南民族大学
2、图书馆主页的可行性分析( /) The home page : My Opinion about the web sites: No. Criteria Importance Goal Actual most least 12345Time Time 1 Time to learn 1 Less than 5 second About 10 second 2 Speed of 3 Less than 10 second About 20 second Use the blank provided to answer the questions. Answer the questions on
3、a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is a strong no, 5 is a strong yes, and 3 is neutral. If the question does not apply, use a 0. No. Criteria Score no neutral yes 1 2 3 4 5 N/A 6 Is the terminology consistent? 5 7 Is the terminology appropriate? 5 performance low mod high very high low mod high very high 3
4、Rate of errors by users 3 low mod 4 Subjective satisfaction 4 Very high high 5 Retention over time 5 Very high mod No. Criteria Score no neutral yes 8 Is the terminology in the users vocabulary? 4 9 Are the instructions consistent? 4 10 Do the instructions accurately describe the task? 5 11 Do the d
5、isplay layouts simplify the tasks? 4 12 Are the error messages helpful? 4 13 Is it easy to correct errors? 5 14 Is the online help consistent and useful? 4 No. Comment 15 What specific suggestions do you have to improve this interface? Problem:In my opinion,the interface of our schoollibrary home pa
6、ge is good Navigation classification clear, page is concise,But it still have a little problem,The contents of the proposed improvements: 1.Home Resource Navigator provides some of the major database lists and links. The list of databases in the database resource classification, but simply divided i
7、nto Chinese database, foreign language database and trial database. If the database list for further disciplinary classification may be more convenient. 2.Proposed in terms of practicality, the pages should be divided into work, No. Criteria Score no neutral yes English and Mobile. Make the page mor
8、e user-friendly, easy to all kinds of users to browse 3.Many link to open two pages and a page overlap, it is recommended to be separated 16 What specific things did you like about this interface? First, it is easy to learn,even though for new learners.Because the introduction is very clear.You can
9、know how to use it the sight you look at it. Second, evrryone can find what he want quickly,for our home page is designed in detail.You can find what you want as soon as possible. Third,it can show our schools unique.It can provide a general look of our school which can attract others attention. Exp
10、eriment 2: Design a graphic user interface 设计的系统名称:电影院网上购票系统 针对用户群是:普通购票用户,非专业的计算机工作者 一、系统需求分析(The system requirement) 随着经济的发展,看电影已成为人们在日常生活中普遍的娱乐方式,这也推动了国内外电影产业的发展。由于网络技术的快速提高,网上订购电影票也在逐渐替换人们以前排队买票的现象。网上订票既方便、又可以节省时间,还可以实现退票。人们看电影不用再去电影院查看都有哪些影片和影片的具体信息以及场次。现在只要能上网在家里就可以轻松查询有关所有的信息。 二、系统功能定义(The fu
11、nction definitions) 实现功能(主界面导航): 功能说明: (1)网站首页:在网站首页中用户可以了解最新上映的电影和热门电影以及网站的站内新闻。 (2)站内新闻:用户可以浏览网站更新的有关新闻。 (3)影片资讯:影片资讯模块主要给用户提供对相关影片的详细介绍。用户可以通过该页面了解最新上映的电影以及电影的有关信息,例如该影片的导演、主演、剧情、片长、票价等。接下来可以选择自己想看的电影、然后跳转到订票页面再选择场次和座位,就可以成功订票。该功能要下下面单独介绍。 (4)用户注册:用户要想订票就得先注册,注册完以后登陆。 注册用户的个人功能模块如图所示: 用户登陆:用户输入自己
12、已注册的用户名和密码,成功登陆以后可以进入影片详细页面选择场次和座位、然后点击订票按钮就可以成功订票。用户还可以进入个人后台修改个人资料、管理个人订票记录。 三、我设计的界面(The GUIs) 1.登录界面(The login GUI): 此模块主要功能是用于登录本系统,首先将从前台页面提交的用户名和密码进行接受,之后在后台进行处理,按照用户名在数据库中进行查询如果查到该用户则将该用户的密码取出来赋给一个字符串变量,判断从数据库中读出的密码与登录时输入的密码是否配比上,若两个密码相同则进入相应的页面,否则输出密码错误。 用户登录界面如图所示: 2.主界面(The main GUI): 在网站
13、首页我们可以看到站内新闻列表、最新影片、以及网站的有关信息。网站首页界面如图所示: 点击上方的各个按钮就可以跳转到相关的信息页面。点击站内新闻列表可以直接跳转到该新闻的详细信息页面,点击最新影片的图片也可以跳转到该影片的界面。其中左下角的系统公告是从下往上动态浮动的。 3.其他界面(The other GUIs): (1)用户注册界面 用户要想订票就得先注册再订票。如果没有注册就不能执行订票功能。 注册流程:用户填写用户注册页面的表格,然后点击注册按钮,系统验证用户输入的注册信息是否合法,如果合法就把用户输入的注册信息保存到系统的数据库中。如果注册信息不合法就提示出错。 用户注册界面如图所示: (2)注册成功界面 (2)站内新闻界面 点击首页站内新闻以后就可以跳转到站内新闻列表页面中。可以点击任意新闻查看新闻内容。