1、最新农村小学校园绿化方案 *小学校园绿化美化 实施方案 一、指导思想 为绿化、美化校园,为师生创建优美的工作学习环境,营造出浓厚的校园宁静气氛,合理分配校园绿化美化分布,环境育人,关心师生身心健康,建造人与自然的和谐发展。 二、目标 全力将可绿化面积进行绿化,将精力放到新开辟出的新可绿化地带。新增绿化带要和原有的绿化格调一致,注重基础工作就是长期工作,抓基础要思长远,注重品种搭配,合理栽种,增加垂直绿化面积,建立完整的绿化体系。将学校可利用的一切条件都挖掘出来,逐步发展、实施,完成规划任务与内容。 三、工作重点 1、紧紧以建设标准为依据工作,工作中合理调理调工作重点,将绿化工作的规划任务得以完
2、善。 四、规划设计原则 发挥校园面积小的特点,分块布局绿化,加强领导,高度重视,体现分布均衡,突出重点,尽可能的增加绿地面积,加大覆盖率,没有死角。 五、特点 我校校园面积相对小,可绿化面积不大。校园可绿化的地点是 几处带状的花池,形成透视隔离墙。所以在今年,要继续发挥校园占地面积小的特点进行合理的规划与实施,将小块的未绿化地带绿化,使可绿化地带达到100%。 在小龄学生活动区域种植草花,使小龄学生活动区域气氛鲜活,原有的绿地加种草花。 六、管理养护 适时种植是保证植物成活的关键,后期管理是保证植物生长好的关键,二个环节都不可忽视。 特别是中期管理更是保证绿化效果的过程,修剪、浇水、防治病虫害
3、等,都是非常重要的工作。要落实到人,及时检查,及时调整工作重点,这样才能保证植物长得好。 工作过程中,要动员全体教师、学生积极参与的次数,增强学生爱护花草树木的责任心。 今年绿化虽有一定的困难,但工作还是要做的。要年年搞,年年出新。我校要在前一阶段的基础上,在今年继续将绿化工作做得有声有色。 主谓一致练习题 1. Neither he nor I _ for the plan. a. were b. is c. are d. am 2. My family as well as I _ glad to see you. a. was b. is c. are d. am 3. My fathe
4、r, together with some of his old friends, _ there already. a. will be b. had been c. has been d. have been 4. There are two roads and either _ to the station. a. is leading b. are leading c. lead d. leads 5. Nine plus three _ twelve. a. are making b. is making c. make d. makes 6. Twenty miles _ a lo
5、ng way to cover. a. seem to be b. is c. are d. were 7. Very few _ his address in the town. a. has known b. are knowing c. know d. knows 8. When and where this took place _ still unknown. a. has b. is c. were d. are 9. I know that all _ getting on well with her. a. were b. are c. is d. was 10. The re
6、st of the novel _ very interesting. a. seem b. is c. are d. were 11. Our family _ a happy one. a. are b. was c. are d. is 12. The boy sitting by the window is the only one of the students who _ from the countryside in our school. a. was b. were c. is d. are 13. More than one answer _ to the question. a. had given b. were given c. has been given d. have been given 14. The students in our school each _ an English dictionary.