1、勇敢点儿。 Go for it! 这是对将要开始某事的人说。例句:Its my turn to bat. 该轮到我打了。Go for it! 加油!下次再努力一点吧。 Try harder next time.例句:My test score was low. 我的考分很低。Try harder next time. 下次再努力吧。 别松劲! Hang in there! 鼓励正在做某事的人,“坚持下去!”、“不要放弃!”。例句:I cant do it anymore. 我不行了。Hang in there! 别松劲!你可以的! You can do it!例句:This machine i
2、s too difficult to operate. 这台机器很难操作。You can do it! 你可以的!Keep your chin up! 直译是“抬起下巴来”。作为词组常用来表示“别失望,抱点希望”。例句:I feel so sad. 我真的很痛苦。Keep your chin up! 别灰心!这是一个机会。 Theres a chance. *鼓励对方打起精神的说法。“愿望有可能实现”,但带有希望不大的语感。例句:Ill never pass that test. 我肯定考不过。Theres a chance. 这可是个机会。振作起来! Get it together!例句:I
3、 cant do it, I cant! 我做不了,我不行。Get it together, Jack! 振作起来,杰克!试试看。 Just try it.例句:I dont think I can. 我想我不行。Just try it. 你试试看。I dont want to. 我不想做。Just try it. 就试一下。别哭了。 Dont cry.擦擦眼泪。 Wipe your tears.振作起来! Cheer up!尽你最大努力! Do your best!好好干! Do a good job! 给自己一次机会碰碰运气吧! Take a chance!坚持下去!Keep at it!
4、 要有信心!Keep your chin up! 再加把劲! Try harder! 别认输!/别放弃! Dont give up! 它和hang in there的意思几乎相同,只不过这种说法比较直接。绝对不能放弃! Never give up! 只要你想做,你就一定能做得到。 You can do anything if you really want to.You can do anything if you put your mind to it.You can do anything if you are so minded.那才是好样的!Thats the spirit!只要有信心,什么事都办得到。You can accomplish anything if you believe in it. 再试一遍。 Try again.Have another try.Do it again.Give it another try.