Customers expecting to cash in on a widely anticipated price war among online home appliance retailers were disappointed to find that only a limited number of products were cheaper yesterday.
The war kicked off when Beijing-based 360Buy.com promised to keep its prices at 10 percent below those sold at the offline retail outlets of its major rival, Suning, Chinas largest home appliance retailer.
1. It was the second most-visited online retailer in December, after eBay。
2.Ecommerce continues to thrive on the Web, and no company is going to shut its Web site as an information resource.
3.Now business organizations such as the Alliance for Electronic Business (AEB) are adding to the criticism.
price war 价格战 retail outlet 零售店 online shopping site 网上商城
It is said that the price of the summer educational travel conducted by EFL is much higher than the market price .
“educational travel”就是游学的意思,也可以译成“study tour”,或者“study abroad”。
1.There are hundreds of ways you can enrich your vacation experience with educational travel.
2.The study results show students participating study tours more likely come from higher income family, are female and extrovert.
3.Keats felt with walking he was part of the land – that he didnt have to be a rich person to be able to experience the sublime (he couldnt afford to go further afield on the Grand Tour).
济慈觉得行走时他是土地的一部分—— 所以他没有必要成为一个富人来体验崇高(他在游学旅行时没有财力走更远)。
Authorities have stepped up measures against gutter oil after more pharmaceutical firms were found to have used the waste material.
The State Food and Drug Administration has told the countrys pharmaceutical firms to carefully scrutinize their sources to prevent such ingredients being used in medicine.
"gutter oil"地沟油的意思,也可译成illegal cooking oil或swill-cooked dirty oil。
1. Gutter oil is collected and refined from eatery offal,and it always contains animal fat.
2. If the content of cholesterol was more than 0.05 mg/g, the vegetable oil was considered to have mixed with gutter oil.
3. Gutter oil refers to oil extracted from oily floats in the drain or leftover food from hotels or restaurants.
water drain 下水道 recycle 再循环、再利用 illegal 非法的
Shanghais two airports are raising security checks to Level-2, or the same as those in place during World Expo 2010 and the Beijing Olympics. Passengers were advised to take off rings andnecklacesand take coins from their pockets because alarm systems had been adjusted to be more sensitive, It takes about three minutes for each passenger to receive the stricter checks.
"security check"就是安检的意思。安检共分为三个级别:一级安检(Level-1)中,所有旅客都要经过严格安检,进行多次X光机扫描探测,随身行李全要经过机器和人工的双重检查,行李也要经过爆炸物检测器检测。二级安检(Level-2)中,不少乘客至少要经过两道X光机身体扫描,同时还要脱鞋、解皮带等,接受手持探测仪的搜身深检,乘客随身物品要严格抽检且不能少于50%。三级安检(Level-3)为普通级别,就是众多旅客日常在机场出行时接受的安检步骤。
1. What is the procedure of the security check?
2. Please move on to the security check passage.
3. Passengers are required to through security check.
4. The security check is for your safe. Be cooperative, please.
carry-on bag随身行李 random check随机检查 X-ray machineX光机
Australias producer price index (PPI) at the final stage of production rose 0.5 percent in the June quarter, following a 0.3 percent fall in the March quarter, the AustralianBureauofStatistics(ABS) reported Monday.Australian economists said the weaker Australian dollar had driven the PPI up in the June quarter.
“producer price index”,缩写“PPI”,意思是“生产者物价指数” ,也称“生产价格指数”,是衡量工业企业产品出厂价格变动趋势和变动程度的指数,是反映某一时期生产领域价格变动情况的重要经济指标,也是制定有关经济政策和国民经济核算的重要依据。
1. producer price index/PPI 生产者物价指数,生产价格指数
2. consumer price index/CPI消费物价指数
3. the Australian Bureau of Statistics/ABS 澳大利亚统计局
4. weak adj. 【经】疲软的
例:weak economy/stock/dollar 疲软的经济/股市/美元
In a demand-led market economy, CPI growth would turn positive before PPI.
It is still possible that PPI may run out of control in coming months, and if this was to transpire, China would have little option but to hike rates, precipitating a wider slump.
Negative real interest rates, accelerating PPI and rising inflation expectations are all important reasons to begin hiking interest rates, said Jinny Yan, an economist at Standard Chartered.
渣打银行经济学家Jinny Yan 说,负的实际利率、上涨的PPI及上升的通涨预期都是加息的重要原因。
The Ministry of Finance plans to restart selling up to 40 billion yuan ($6.32 billion) worth of electronic savingsbondsnext week, after previousissuanceswere suspended last week due to a surprise rate cut by the central bank.
“electronic savings bonds”解释为“电子式储蓄国债”。电子式储蓄国债是财政部面向个人投资者发行的,以电子方式记录债权的一种不可上市流通的人民币债券。企事业单位、行政机关等机构投资者不能购买。
issuancen. 发行
例句:Mere inflation—that is, the mere issuance of more money, with the consequence of higher wages and prices may look like the creation of more demand.
issuev. 发行
例句:Markets would not allow them to issue much additional debt, and there would be no default risk.
The Ministry of Finance 财务部 the central bank 中央银行
The Treasury Department is shifting from paper to electronic savings bonds next year. But dont worry — the electronic bonds will be just as worthless as the paper ones.
美国财政部明年将从发行纸质国债转为发行电子式储蓄国债,但不用担心 —— 电子式国债将完全像纸质国债一样——一样不值钱。
Under normal circumstances rate electronic savings bonds in the same period interest rates.
The Peoples Bank of China, the countrys central bank, said now is the time for the country to establish a deposit insurance system.That announcement came as part of an official report that was released over the weekend and is a strong indicator that the long-awaited system will be introduced soon.
“deposit insurance system”意思是“存款保险制度”,也可称“deposit protection system”。这是一种金融保障制度,是指由符合条件的存款性金融机构建立一个保险机构,存款机构作为投保人缴纳保险费,当成员机构发生经营危机时,存款保险机构向其提供财务救助,从而保护存款人利益,维护银行信用,稳定金融秩序的一种制度。存款保险制度是一国重要的金融基础设施,尤其是利率市场化以后,如果没有存款保险制度,银行业经营和存款人将面临很大的风险。
1. The Peoples Bank of China 中国人民银行 2. official report 官方报告
3. financial guarantee institution 金融保障制度 4. policy holders 投保人
5. bank credit 银行信用 6. financial order 金融秩序
And banks can fund their expanded asset base because at the same time deposits are attracted into the banks by the comfort of deposit insurance.
Outside the US, deposit insurance system is rarely complete and there are usually delays before reliable cheques denominated in central bank money duly arrive.
The implicit deposit insurance system can not meet the demand of financial stability and development under market economy.
中国中央政府部门于周四开始公布公开2011年公款花费。根据公开的数目来看,去年中央部门在公务接待、公车、出国方面的支出为93.6亿人民币 (约合14.8亿美元),即众所周知的“三公经费”。至今已有超过90个中央部门公开了他们2010年至2011年的公务出国、接待和交通费用。
Chinese central government departments on Thursday began to publish details on their expenditures in 2011. According to the figures released, central government departments spent 9.36 billion yuan (1.48 billion U.S. dollars) on receptions, vehicles and overseas trips, also known as "the three public consumptions". More than 90 central government departments publicized their 2010 and 2011 spending on overseas travel, receptions and vehicles.
“the three public consumptions”就是“三公经费”的意思,“三公经费”是指中央财政按照有关规定,通过财政拨款安排给相关中央部门及其所属单位,用于因公出国(境)、公务用车购置及运行和公务接待等方面的支出。“三公经费”是一个划时代的进步,公开后要加强对细目账单的核查。目前的公开还没有使公众对政府部门的预算进行有效监督,并达到制止政府部门过度消费的目的。
1. the three public consumptions 三公经费,三公消费
2. vehicle purchasing and maintenance 车辆购置及运行费
3. central government department 中央政府部门
4. excessive consumption/over-consumption 过度消费
5. publicize v. 公布
例句:These securities were so bad that they wouldnt even publicize their credit rating.这些证券如此之差,以至于不能公布他们的信用评级。
Since May 2011, the State Council has repeatedly called on its ministries to reduce "squandering practices" and make their fiscal information public in more areas and "provide greater details", especially regarding funds used for "the three public consumptions".
"The three public consumptions" have long been criticized as "sources of corruption and waste".
Japans current accountsurpluscontinued to narrow and machinery orders fell more than expected in May, as the global slowdown weighed on the nations economic recovery.Government data released Monday showed the current account surplus dropped 62.6% from a year earlier to 215.1 billion ($2.7 billion).
“current account surplus”意为“经常项目盈余”。经常项目(也称经常账户),指的是本国与外国进行经济交易而经常发生的项目,是国际收支平衡表中最主要的项目。“surplus”意为“盈余、顺差”,是国际收支平衡表上反映出来的贷方余额,即一国在一定时期内(通常为一年)对外经济往来的收入总额大于支出总额的差额,逆差则相反。
1. economic recovery 经济复苏 2.balance of international payments 国际收支平衡表
3.credit balance 贷方余额 4.deficit 逆差
Each year, with a current account surplus of about 3 per cent of GDP, it adds to its claims on foreign assets.
Monetary policy seems to be too loose for the good of China because of the large current account surplus.
At a fixed exchange rate, a current account surplus not offset by a corresponding voluntary capital outflow will generate an increase in the monetary base.
A recent survey found that urban Chinese born in the 1990s are playing a significant role in consumptionbecause they have moredisposablemoney and a greater say in family spending.The pocket money for a middle school student averaged 382.3 yuan ($61) a month in 2010, five times more than the 67.7 yuan a month found in the pockets of this demographic in a similar survey conducted 10 years ago, according to a report from Sinomonitor Marketing Research Co.
“disposable money”意为“可支配资金”。“disposable”有“可自由支配的、可任意实用的”意思,如“disposable income”为“可支配收入”。“disposable”也有“一次性的、用完可丢弃的”意思,如“disposable worker”为“临时工”、“disposable slippers”为“一次性拖鞋”。