1、The official Institutions (官学):originated during the western Zhou Dynasty, sponsored by the official constitution, only for the children of the nobles. The Private School(私学):result of the contention of hundreds of schools of philosophy, run by the local scholars, highly developed in the Song Dynast
2、y. The Civil Service Examination System (keju 科舉) , The “Fifth Invention”Honour Roll Zhuangyuan 状元 bangyan 榜眼 tanhua 探花The National Three Hall System, 1102-1121Six Arts(六艺)ritual; music; archery; driving; calligraphy and mathematics礼(礼节)、乐(音乐)、射(射箭)御(驾车)、书(识字)、数(算数)Multiple sourcesConfucian ideals“T
3、o learn, and then have occasion to practice what you have learned is this not satisfying?”學而時習之,不亦樂乎? “In education there should be no class distinctions.”有教無類。“Having in the morning heard the Way, one could die that evening without regret!”朝聞道,夕死可矣!Abolishment of Examinations, 1905Impacts on the co
4、untrysideMay Fourth Movement, 1919Chinese Communist RevolutionSocialist educationReorganization of higher education, 1952Soviet curriculumEstablishment of technological schoolsCancellation of social science departmentsRecent developmentRapid growthState controlled institutionsWestern influencesPract
5、ical concernsSoviet institutionsIvan Andreyevich Kairov 凯洛夫 (1893-1978) Soviet educatorPrinciples: party spirit, state-orientedMoral education: Communist world view, nationalismPedagogy Centered on the classroom Teacher-centered Standardized curriculum Fixed conclusions and answers Emphasizing scien
6、ces and technologies Organizational methodsClass adviser (banzhuren 班主任)Class committee (banweihui 班委会)United StatesColonial periodBoston Latin School, 1635 (High school)Harvard, 1636; William and Mary College, 1693; Yale, 1701; Princeton, 1747After 1776Growth of public schools John Dewey (1859-1952
7、) “Progressive Education”Purpose of educationNot to acquire skills and knowledgeBut to realize ones full potentialPrinciples participation discussion critical thinking open environment Learning by doing师者,所以传道授业解惑也。师者,所以传道授业解惑也。It takes a teacher to transmit wisdom, impart knowledge and resolve doub
8、ts.师道尊严师道尊严Dignity of the teaching profession一日为师,终身为父。一日为师,终身为父。A teacher for a day is a father for a lifetime.Academic achievementSTEM performanceSample GRE Math QuestionSample Chinese Graduate School Entrance Examination QuestionQuality of higher educational institutions15 out of 20 best world un
9、iversities are in the USCWUR, 2014Times Higher Education, 2013-14Economic resources7.3% of GDP used for education in the US$11,000-$15,000 per studentCompared to Japan ($8,000) and South Korea ($7,000)Rich elite universitiesHarvards Endowment: $32 billionAcademic environmentGlobal vision (Examples f
10、rom Cornell University)Area studiesAfricana StudiesAsian StudiesChina and Asia-Pacific StudiesGerman StudiesJewish StudiesLatin American StudiesLatino StudiesNear Eastern StudiesSouth Asian StudiesThematic studiesGlobalization, Ethnicity & DevelopmentInequality StudiesInternational Development Studi
11、esMinority, Indigenous and Third World StudiesWHY?Academic environmentResourcesCornell University Library9 million volumes; 1.3 million Asian books5 million article downloads per yearHarvard University Library16 million volumes; 1.4 million Asian booksLibrary of CongressLargest library in the worldM
12、ore than 100 million items in 470 languagesAsian DivisionLibrary of CongressChinese educationSolid primary & secondary educationEmphasizing STEM learningState-orientedRapid development in recent decadesAmerican educationResourcesAcademic environmentAssessmentGlobal perspectiveSociety-oriented希望工程 Pr
13、oject Hope 学龄儿童 school-ager人才枯竭 exhaustion of human resources辍学(失学)青少年 school dropout/ leaver学分制 the credit system德才兼备 to combine ability with character政治思想教育 political and ideological education自学成才 to become educated through independent study启发式教育 elicitation method of teaching填鸭式教学法 cramming/force
14、d-feeding method of teaching普及教育 universal education义务教育 compulsory education发挥学生主动性、创造性 to give scope to the students initiative and creativeness培养学生自学能力 to foster the students ability to study on their own Education must serve the needs of socialist modernization, be integrated with productive lab
15、or, and train builders and successors who are well developed morally, intellectually, and physically. The general goal of Chinas educational development is to set up a basic framework for a socialist education system with distinct Chinese characteristics that meets the needs of socialist modernizati
16、on and is oriented to the 21st century. In order to achieve this goal, the state has formulated a strategy for educational development. Its main points are: improving the quality of education, stressing efficiency in school management, adjusting the educational structure, adhering to a coordinated a
17、nd balanced program of development, increasing regional planning, and strengthening communal participation while keeping to the socialist orientation. 到到2020世纪末,九年义务制教育已在全国大部分世纪末,九年义务制教育已在全国大部分地区普及,十二年义务教育在一些大城市中得到地区普及,十二年义务教育在一些大城市中得到试点。成人教育已多元化方式得到发展,农村地试点。成人教育已多元化方式得到发展,农村地区的新增劳动力会接受各种层次的职业技术教育区的新增劳动力会接受各种层次的职业技术教育或培训,企业新职员在上岗前,必须参加职前教或培训,企业新职员在上岗前,必须参加职前教育和岗前培训。政府付出巨大努力来提高劳动者育和岗前培训。政府付出巨大努力来提高劳动者的思想意识,促进他们的职业道德。的思想意识,促进他们的职业道德。