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1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 新课程标准下高中英语 “ 阅读与辩论 ”课教学设计教学案例简介: 这是一节在新课标理念指导下,练的“ 阅读与辩论” 课;教学过程为:老师引导同学体验学习过程以及进行思维训1、同学独立阅读教材第五页“A FACT OR AN OPINION”(见附录 1),学习 “观点 ”an opinion 和 “ 事实 ” a fact的概念;2、同学使用 “观点 ”,“ 事实 ”的概念判定与本单元主题“Cultural relics ” 相关的五个单句(见 StepIII ppt 图片) 和教材第五页其次部分文段(见附录 2),实现概念从初级到高级的使用;

2、3、同学阅读教材第七页其次部分Weber 的一封信(见附录3),找出 Weber 的观点和支撑其观点的事实依据,目的是猎取信息;4、同学在老师的引导下对“a fact” 、 “an opinion ”进行归纳并提升,进一步指明,在辩论中,要提出 “ 观点 ”并列举出支撑该观点的“事实依据 ”,并完成表格填写,以猎取、处理阅读材料中的信息;6、在上述步骤的基础上,进行分组,争论,列举并写出支撑各自观点的事实,为辩论做预备;7、辩论;这是本节课英语学习中的高级任务;教学案例特点:1、教案设计及实施突出表达了进行思维训练,特殊是批判性思维训练的过程;2、任务的设计遵循了由简到繁,由易到难,层层深化,

3、并形成从初级任务向高级任务的过渡, 即阶梯性任务原就;任务的设计充分考虑到了既要完成课程标准的要求,又要使师生易于操作;3、对教学材料进行了重组,留意到了同学的可接受性和潜能的发挥;4、教学过程中,同学充分地体验语言学习和运用的过程;教学内容:本课的教学内容是人民训练出版社出版的高一一般高中课程标准试验教科书英语(必修) Unit 1 Cultural relics “ Using Language ”中的 “ Reading and writing;”本单元的话题是“文化遗产 ”,内容涉及文化遗产的含义、特点、种类、归属以及如何更好地爱护文化遗产等话题;本单元话题与同学的生活和体会相对较远,

4、因此, 依据教学内容和同学的语言学问和语言技能的实际情形,拟设计 7 个课时,本课时为第 6 课时,是在前 5个课时学习的基础上,环绕本单元主题绽开的读与说的技能训练;在本教学设计中, 为了较好地表达语言接触懂得体验 语言聚焦 自主运用的教学思路;在教学内容上对教材进行了重组和整合,即:把教科书 P5“ Reading and listening 中的Part1Part3 中的教学内容(见附录 1、 2)与教科书 P7 中的内容(见附录 3)重组,使教学内容梯度明显, 难度与重量适中; 这样的重组既留意到了同学的可接受性,也关注了同学的潜能的发挥;同学情形:本课的教学是在牛栏山一中高一(14

5、班)实施的;该班是英语试验班,多数同学的英名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 11 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 语基础相对较好, 通过义务训练阶段和高一前五个单元的学习,同学已经具备了基本的用英 语猎取信息、 处理信息、 分析问题、 解决问题及批判性思维的才能和用英语进行思维和表达 的才能;教学目标:Students will be able to 1. define what an opinion is and what a fact is ; And judge five sentences and a passage whether they

6、are opinions or facts ; 2. debate after discussion; 教学过程:教 学 过 程 专家点评Step I: Students are told to have a debate in this class. 老师实际上 给同学说明设计意图: 开门见山, 让同学明确本节课所要学习的内容;以激发同学了本课时的的学习爱好,削减学习的盲目性;教学目标,我们可以说,教 课堂实录:学目标就是 Tteacher: Hello, class. Today we are going to have a class debate, which is 指同学在这unfa

7、miliar to us. But as we all know, in a debate, we should first raise our 节课的学习opinions and then some facts to support our opinions are followed. So to begin 目标;同学只 with, we will learn what an opinion or a fact is. Now please open your books and 有明确了自read the passage entitled “A FACT OR AN OPINION.”

8、on page 5. 己的详细学 习目标,才能 为之努力,学 习的效益才 会高;Step II: Students read the passage entitled “A FACT OR AN OPINION ”通过独立阅 on Page 5 (附录 1)and give the answer to each of the following questions and 读懂得的方then set an example 式,同学猎取 关于 fact 和名师归纳总结 Answer the following questionsopinion 这两第 2 页,共 11 页个词的概念,Q: Wha

9、t is a fact.又经过他们A:_.的分析、处理An example:_.Q: What is an opinion.后,通过书写A:_.和举例的方An example: _.式出现出来;Q: What is an evidence.A:_. 老师依据学An example:_.生口头传递设计意图: 同学独立阅读并以口、笔头形式完成上述任务,用说明、举出来的信息,例方式澄清概念,可有效地培育同学自主学习、探究的才能;判定同学获课堂实录:取概念的情T: What is a fact. 况;这正是学- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - S 1: A fa

10、ct is anything that can be proved . 生自己猎取T: An example. 信息、处理信S1: China has more people than any other country in the world. 息、传达信息T: And then , what is .an opinion. 的实际学习S2: An opinion is what someone believes is true but has not been proved . 语言的过程;For example, “The Amber Room should belong to the

11、 government, I think.”T: Would you please tell us what an evidence is. S3: The true information given by eyewitness is called an evidence. For instance, the traffic accident were seen by a passer-by. StepIII: Use the definition of “ a fact” or “ an opinion” to judge individually 同学从语言 形式上辨别 详细的语句 是

12、fact 仍是 opinion ,这是 同学对以上 两个概念的 详细化过程,也是同学获 得语言输入 和输出才能which of the following sentences is the opinion and which is the fact Judge individually which of the following sentences is the opinion and which the fact 1.In my opinion, the Amber Room should be returned to Russia. opinion2.The Amber Room was

13、 designed for the palace of Frederick I. fact3.The art treasure was damaged because I had little knowledge of prot ecting it. 4.I don t think it is worth rebuilding lostrelics. cultural opinion5.It can be proved that the Gr one of the wonders in the world. eat Wall of China is fact的重要过程;设计意图:同学使用“ 观

14、点” 或“ 事实” 的概念判定五个与单元主题相关的单句;这一环节是概念的初级运用;课堂实录:T: Any volunteers to show your judgement. S1: The first sentence is an opinion, T: Why do you think it is an opinion. S1: Because in this sentence there is “In my opinion ” . That means “the Amber Room should be returned to Russia ” is what “I” think . T

15、: What about the others . S2: Ex.2, a fact; Ex.3, a fact; Ex.4 ,an opinion and Ex. 5 is a fact. T: But why do you think the third sentence is a fact. S2: Because it is a thing that is known to be true. 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 11 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - Step IV: Work in pairs . Read the passage

16、 of part 2 on P5 见附录 2 and then make a judgement on whether it is a fact or an opinion . Give reasons. 设计意图: 两人一组争论,判定一个文段,遵循了由简到繁、循序渐进的语言实践活动过程;这是“a fact” 和“an opinion ” 的高级运用;课堂实录:T: Now let s make a judgement on the passage of Part 2 on Page 5. Is it a fact or a opinion. Or some part is a fact, s

17、ome, opinion.S1: In my opinion, the most part of the passage is a fact, but the sentence “ I think it might be so, as the Amber Room has never been found ” shows an opinion. T: Would you please give the reasons. S1: In our daily life, what people see or what people hear is a fact.Step V: Students re

18、ad the passage above again and fill in the following 同学通过阅table.(阅读延长)读猎取了信 息、分析了信Read the passage of Part 2 on P5 again and fill in the following table. 息,各重要的 是,同学阅读 体验到了作者的 opinion NameJan HasekJobminer和 fact, 进一步加深了学PlaceCzech RepublicTimeApril, 1945生对这两个概念的懂得What he heardSomethingexploded at mi

19、dnight程度,由于学生是在语言What he saw1. Some German soldiers put wooden boxes in the mine.篇章的层次上处理作者What he believes2. The entrance to the mine was closed.的 opinion 和reasons,为学The Amber Room and some gold were buried 生在后面的in the mine.教学环节能 够说出自己 的 opinions 设计意图: 同学通过完成表格的填写,用英语猎取信息、处理信息、分 和 析问题、 解决问题的才能; 进一步

20、说明人们亲眼看到的、听到的都是 “事实 ”;factreasons 而“ What he believesthinks 就为观点;这样,就为后面的“辩论 ” 环节供应了 作了预备;支持;Step VI: Make a summary of what we have learned above. 经过前一个 教学环节,学名师归纳总结 设计意图: 归纳概括才能是同学具有良好思维品质的一个方面,可以把生又从详细第 4 页,共 11 页零散的感性熟悉上升到系统的理性熟悉,通过归纳总结, 同学对 “观点 ” 和“ 事的语言中抽- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 实

21、” 概念及其使用有了一个完整的把握,为以下“辩论 ”环节奠定了基础;象和验证opinion 和 课堂实录:(注:黑体部分是老师的提示语,非黑体部分是同学一起口 fact 的概念;头总结的部分)A fact is anything that can be proved; An opinion is what 这是同学由someone believes is true but has not been proved; An evidence is the true 感性到理性information. While using English, such as in talking, writing

22、and especially 的思维过程;debating, you, in my opinion, should offer an opinion, and after that, give 在这一环节,some facts to support your opinion. 老师获得了 同学抽象过 程后的直观 结果,为老师 打算是否进 行下一环节 的教学供应 了依据;StepVII: Students read the letter written by Johann Weber on Page7见附录同学又进行3, trying to decide whether they agree w

23、ith Weber or not. 关于 opinion 1.Read the letter and fill in the following blanks: (猎取信息)和 fact 的语言Read the letter and fill in the 体验,猎取信息,处理信following blanks:Johann Weber s opinion: _.息,而且,学Reasons given by Weber :_. 生通过阅读Weber s conclusion:_ .明确了自己将要进行口 头表达的任2. Students read the letter again and giv

24、e their choice. 务,要摸索学Q: Do you agree with Johann Webers opinion. 生自己的Yes No opinion 和fact,为他们 设计意图: 本环节的设计是同学通过阅读该信件,自己猎取 Weber 在信 进行口头表 中的观点是什么, 支持该观点的依据是什么以及他最终得出什么样的结论等 达奠定了基 信息,然后,明确自己的观点(支持仍是反对 Weber 的观点),为下面的分 础;组争论奠定基础; 本环节能够使同学在英语学习过程中,提高独立摸索和判 断的才能;课堂实录:T: What is Weber s opinion. Ss All t

25、ogether the treasure shouldn be returned to Russia or any government if they find it; T: His reason. Ss:Together the search has cost them a lot of time and money; T: What about his conclusion. Ss: Those who find the Amber Room should decide what to do with it. 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 11 页精选学习资料

26、- - - - - - - - - Step IX: Students are divided into several groups according to whether 老师对同学they agree or disagree with Weber Students work in groups of four to make 活动的支配a discussion about why they agree or disagree with Weber, listing at least 简洁、明白,one fact. Meanwhile, the teacher gives a guida

27、nce for the host on the 同学很简单debating rules . 执行操作,进Rules and useful expressions in the debate: 行语言沟通活动;Rules for an informal class debate: Useful expressions:同学分组讨 论他们各自 的观点,充分 地训练了学 生的发散思 维才能、想象 才能、语言思 维的才能等;同学能够比The debater should express your opinions and facts clearly. AgreementDisagreementI th

28、ink that , because I dont think thatEach side takes turns to debate and becausegives reasons for your opinion. Yes, I agree with you. Sorry, I dont agree with you.At the end of the debate , we will judge It can be proved. That cant be true.which side has done a better job.I think is telling the I do

29、nt believetruth becausebecause较自如地表达自己的观设计意图: 上述设计是辩论前的预备工作;为了使辩论有意义,阐述观 点和理由;点和事实言之有物,需要同学进行充分争论,交换信息, 丰富并充实各自所 老师供应功列举的缘由(事实依据);老师告知主持人如何主持辩论活动,可降低主持 能用语,提示难度,使辩论有章可循,有序进行;上述所供应的参考功能句,可降低同学 同学尝试使表达中的焦虑感和难度,能使同学运用已学过的功能项目有效地表达情感、用,特殊是对意图和态度;一些学习相对比较困难的同学来说,其帮助的作用就更大了;StepX: Debate: Before declaring

30、 the beginning of the debate, the host 这个环节的first tells both sides about the debating rules and the functional items while 辩论是同学debating. 综合运用以前环节关于设计意图: 辩论是一种较高级的学习任务,也是语言输出和输入交错 opinion 和在一起的学习过程;创设“ 辩论 ” 这种合作学习的活动,促使同学相互学习、fact 的学问相互帮忙、体验集体荣誉感,进展合作精神;通过辩论,同学能够用英语 的一种详细表达观点和举证,能有效地进展同学综合语言运用才能,提高“

31、 说”的表达 表达的活动技能;培育同学用英语猎取信息、处理信息、分析问题、解决问题以及批 方式,在很大判性思维的才能,提高同学用英语进行思维和表达的才能,增强爱国主义 程度上激发精神、民族使命感和责任感,形成健全的情感、态度、价值观,了同学的情感、思维、已名师归纳总结 课堂实录 :由于辩论双方事先并没有推举辩手,人人都享有表达的机会,有学问知系第 6 页,共 11 页因此, 双方的辩论特别猛烈,为了反对对方观点,有时会同时站起几个人争统,调动了学- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 取发言机会; 使人感到惊讶的是,主持人在没有老师的授意下,看到有个别生的学

32、习积同学没有积极参加到辩论中来(或不主动争取发言机会,或不留意倾听) 时,极性和学习便主动提示有类似情形的同学,勉励他们参加到其中;当主持人宣布“辩论 潜能,开启了终止 ”时,几乎全部同学同时发出了意犹未尽的“ 哎呀 ” 声;(请参看课堂实录)同学的聪明,S1: For weber: I agree with Weber, people who found it spent a lot of time 提高了同学and money looking for them. If they handed the treasure to the government 的综合素养;without any

33、pay, it is so unfair for them. Second, the Amber Room was lost during the war because of the government carelessness. They were so irresponsible that they didnt pay enough attention to k eeping the Amber Room. Third, if the government doesn t pay any good attention to them again, it will be a big pi

34、ty for the finder.So how could they hand them in secure.S3:Against Weber:I don t agree with Weber. Because the cultural relics belongs to everyone in a country. The owner should be the government instead of a person. Second , the country had good protecting skills to pertect the relics, but if they

35、didnt return the treasure, it might be destroyed easily. Third, the cultural relics stand for the history of one country, people can know about their own countrys history by studying them.Step XI: Comment on the debate 这里的形成性评判既有设计意图: 辩论后的点评是辩论必不行少的环节;主持人和老师对双方 同学之间的的得体、 客观的点评会进一步增强同学信心和成就感,激发他们学习英语

36、的 评判,又有教爱好, 同时也是教学评判的一种有效方式;经过点评, 训练同学要树立正确 师对同学的的人生观、世界观和价值观;评判;老师的评判合理,语课堂实录:言具有感染Host: I m delighted to say that either side has done a very good job. But I 力,激励了所think the side who agree with Weberopinion listed more facts than the side 有同学;who disagree with Weberopinion . And in my opinion, eve

37、ryone played an active role during debating. Thank you .”T: I agree with Shi Zhuofu. And I would like to say that Shi Zhuofu has also done a very good job. He well organized this debating,and spoke excellent English. As for the debate , I think , although the side who disagree with Webers opinion ha

38、d fewer facts , they expressed more clearly. What we should do with the cultural relics we have found still remains a question. Each si des opinion is reasonable , so we need to have a further discussion in the future. But everyone should have a better sense and responsibility of protecting the cult

39、ural relics. Step XII: Homework: write a report on the debate,students can take 学 生 在 进 行the following sample writing as a reference: 了 比 较 充 分的 口 头 语 言 表达之后,学 生 写 起 来 就会顺当;同学名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 11 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 的 口 头 表 达The sample writingOur class had a debate , discussing wheth

40、er it is right for whoever finds valuable cultural relics to keep them.能 力 对 书 面 表 达 能 力 的 提 高 就 有 很 大 的 促 进 作 用;假如同学 口 头 表 达 不 娴熟,书面表 达 也 不 会 顺 利;当然,口 头 表 达 能 力 与 书 面 表 达Those who agreed that if you find a cutural relics you can keep them, the reasons are: First, ;Second, ; Third, they said that .T

41、hose who disagree also had three reasons: First, ;Second, ;Third, .At last the teacher made a comment能 力 相 互 促进的;设计意图: 这一环节是课上教学活动的延长;依据辩论内容写出一份报告的过程是同学整理思路、规划文章结构、 组织素材、 组织语言的技能培育过程; 同学通过阅读报告结构范例,写出辩论报告能有效地培育同学用英语进行思维和书面表达才能;老师适时地给同学供应了写作结构做参考,既是同学学习的过程,也是为了降低写作难度;这样的设计, 能使同学把握语篇中基本的连接和连贯手段,并依据特定目的

42、有效地组织信息;课后反思一、同学的主体位置得到了充分发挥本课教学从设计、到实施、 再到课后后续的任务支配,较充分地表达了新课改理念所倡导的同学 “主体位置 ” ,留意了同学的学习过程;同学在老师的引导、支持下,有效地进行了独立学习 “观点 ”和 “事实 ” 的概念运用概念判定单句属性运用概念两人一组争论判定文段属性;同学在老师的提示下,集体对观点和事实进行了归纳总结;在分组争论中,同学在猎取信息、整合信息、处理信息方面,进行了有效的合作与沟通;在辩论环节,同学态度积极,语言运用恰当,综合语言运用的才能得到了进一步的提升,较好地进行了沟通与合作,激发了集体荣誉感,同学接受了一次批判性的思维训练;

43、撰写辩论报告使同学又进一步对辩论中所猎取的信息进行了处理、整合, 在老师供应的写作范例提示下,同学能够写出一篇比较符合要求的辩论报告;本设计采纳了形成性评判,对同学学习过程进行了有效地监控,达到了目标要求;二、教学材料的重组和增加,使教学过程能够有序出现,同学易于接受为了达成教学目标, 把教科书第五页“ Reading and listening 中的 Part1Part3 中的教学内容与教科书第七页的内容重组在一起,增加了五个单句的判定,使教学材料的程度与重量适中;在材料和教学过程的编排次序上,又表达了由浅入深、由简到繁、循序渐进的原就;而且,全部教学内容均环围着本单元主题“ Cultural Relics绽开; 这样,同学在学习过程中就容易接受,便于其潜能的发挥;名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 11 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 三、任务设计表达了阶梯性任务原就本课设计了一系列从初级到高级的任务活动;初级任务是完成高级任务的铺垫和预备,而高级任务又涵盖初级任务;无论是辩论仍是辩论后的报告,都需要有观点和支撑该观点的事实依据;为了有效地完成这些高级任务,特地设计了“ 阅读,学习什么是概念,什么是事实” ,然后又设计了“判定单句到判定文段” 的任务型活动,以加深对概念的懂得和应用;再后,“阅读,猎取 Weber信件中的观点和事实依


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