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1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 假如一个外国伴侣到你的家乡让你介绍一个好玩的地方英文作文【篇一:七年级英语常见作文题目】 2.写篇短文,谈谈你和你的好伴侣mary 各宠爱吃什么,并且说一说对你的伴侣在饮食上的一些建议;35 词 3. 一 my family 为题写一篇短文,不少于 10 句话,介绍一下你和家人的情形 .工作 .爱好 .年龄等 .留意人称和数的变化; 4 依据以下信息,以“ my english teacher”为题写一篇短文,所给信息必需全用上; name :william brown date of birth:november 11th age :23 n

2、ationality:america job :english teacher favorite sport:basketball favorite food:chicken and hamburgers favoritecolor:blue 不少于 35 词 5. 调查一下你全家人宠爱的电影或电视节目,并写成一篇短文;不少于 35 词名师归纳总结 6.给你的伴侣 jane 写封信,介绍一下一天的生活,不少于40 个词第 1 页,共 17 页 7. 以 my friend为题,依据提示写一篇介绍你的伴侣的短文;- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 要求:语

3、言流畅,条理清晰,不少于50 词;下面提示只限于此题提示: 1.他是一个中国女孩,今年13 岁,他的生日是12 月 25 号 2.她最宠爱的食物是冰激凌,他不宠爱花椰菜; 3.他宠爱喜剧片,由于他认为喜剧片很滑稽;他最宠爱的学科是 音乐,由于他认 为音乐课很轻松; 4.他最宠爱的老师是英语老师,他是一个严格的老师; 5.他英语说得好,钢琴弹得好;他常常帮我学英语; 6.他每天和我一起回家; 7.他是个好同学 . 8. 你的伴侣要去你家,请告知他你家的路线,不少于 50 词;可适 当发挥; 9.你做了一个调查,结果如下,请写一篇不少于 宠爱吃面条 48% 宠爱吃薯条: 86% 宠爱吃面包 38%

4、 宠爱吃米饭 :90% 宠爱吃鸡肉 64% 宠爱吃蔬菜: 54%60 词的报道; 10.以 dream home为题,写一篇不少于70 词的文章; 1.我的理想家园接近海边; 2.它至少有三层;我有自己的卧房,它在其次层;3.我的卧房里有一张课桌,上面有台电脑;我可以从网上获得信息; 4.我最宠爱的地方是阳台;我和家人在那可以谈天,并向外远眺海 滩; 5.我仍有一个花园,我们可以在那种花种菜;名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 17 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 你给英国的笔友写了一封信,信中介绍了你的家乡镇江,并邀请他 来玩; 1.镇江是我的家乡;它

5、在长江以南; 2.它不大,但是一个美丽的城市; 3.没有太多的空气污染;从我家乘公交到市中心只要 15 分钟; 4.镇江有三个美丽的公园;我最宠爱的是金山公园; 5.在公园里可以看到青山,绿树和湖水仍有一座古老的寺庙 temple ; 6.它是个居住的好地方;期望你能来;我将带你游玩镇江; 12.假设你是 lintao , 你想举荐你班同学 生奖,请依据以下要点写一封举荐信: 1他很聪慧,学习努力; 2他方案周密,能很好地组织班级活动;daniel 为本学期最正确学 3他乐于助人,他常常帮忙其他同学学英语;他仍常常在车上给老人让座; 4上星期,一个 5 岁的孩子迷路了,他帮忙那男孩找到了父母;

6、 5我们认为他应当得到这个奖项;13.amys cat amy 有只小猫叫 beibei. beibei 有灰色的毛,白色的爪子;很可爱也很文雅;beibei 最宠爱的食物是鱼和牛奶;她宠爱在沙发上睡觉; amy 知道如何照管她;amy 每天给她刷毛;周末, amy 会带她出去漫步;beibei 宠爱在公园里追球玩; 14.amazing things about goldfish名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 17 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 1. 我们读了一本关于金鱼的书;我发觉它很好玩; 2. 金鱼寂静而美丽;有美丽的鳍和长长的尾巴; 3.

7、 金鱼的记忆很差,他们记东西只连续三秒钟;他们不知道三秒前 发生了什么; 4. 金鱼睁着眼睛睡觉; 5. 金鱼很简洁照管;我们不必喂他们很多食物; 6. 我们可以观看他们在鱼缸里游来游去;我们决不行以把他们放在 太阳下; 15. 你们班预备去上海看世博the world expo in 2022 shanghai ,请依据所给信息写活动支配: 1 我们将在周五动身;坐火车到上海两小时;期望每个人带上自 己的食物,不行以带水; 2下了火车,我们将乘地铁到世博园 the expo site ;从出口出来,向左拐,下车后步行约 15 分钟到达世博园入口 the expo site entrance

8、; 3 我们将在上海两天,第一天参观中国馆china pavilion. 4 晚上,我们将入住锦江宾馆; 17 介绍你最宠爱的季节 18.介绍你最宠爱的照片,谈谈你正在干什么 19.朗朗是世界上出名的钢琴家,请你查找相关资料,写一篇不少于 90 词的作文 20. 班上来了一个新同学,请你介绍他的情形,从外貌、性格、喜好名师归纳总结 等方面介绍,不少于55 词;第 4 页,共 17 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 【篇二:高考英语作文- 地点介绍类说明文经典原创 】地点介绍类说明文李华欢送你迎接第一个晨曦,李华在这等你,慢点来吧不焦急,他年年都留级;

9、语言特点 1. 时态:多用一般现在时 2. 方位词精确运用,过渡语使用恰当 3. 遣词造句要简洁,不行过分渲染或模棱两可 sb 要来 sp, 请李华介绍 你的英国伴侣bob 即将到你所在的国际学校学习;应他要求,请你写一封 e-mail历史: 40 年历史, 2006 年重建 1 句 2. 位置 : 教学大楼的左面,大操场的西面,面朝学校大门1 句 3. 结构:占地 750 平方米,三层,一楼游泳池,二楼排球、篮球、羽毛球场、三楼有报告厅2 句 4. 特点:设备现代,环境美丽1句 5. 开放时间: 6:30 a.m. -10:00 p.m., 周末照常开放;1 句 dear bob, i am

10、 so glad to hear that you are coming to study in our school. 写信目的 gym. 详细介绍 希望 i am looking forward to your coming.名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 17 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - sincerely yours, lihua 09. 全国 介绍以下内容: 1. 简况:长 800 米、 600 多年历史、 300 余家商铺; 2. 位置:天安 门广场南面; 3. 交通:公共汽车 17、69、59 等路,地铁 2 号线; 4. 特色:步

11、行 街、当当车、茶馆、剧院等;参考词汇:步行街:pedestrian street;当当车: trolley car; 地铁: subway dear sarah, thank you for your letter asking about the rebuilt qianmen street. 写信目的详细介绍 qianmen street is a famous street of over 600 years old. along this 800-metre street, there are more than 300 but希望 i m sure you ll like it.

12、looking forward to your coming. yours, lihua 06. 四川 假设你是李华,你的新西兰笔友 nick dear nick, im glad to hear that youre coming to sichuan in august. 写信 目的详细介绍sichuan province is rich in tourist attractions and enjoys interest, such 1享有 many world-famous places of 希望 im sure youll have a good time. im looking

13、forward to your coming.名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 17 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - yours sincerely, li hua 03. 全国卷 假设你是李华,你的英国笔友 bob来信请你在学校邻近为 500 元;留意: . 词数: 100 左右; . dear bob,i m so glad to learn that youre coming in september.写信目的 i ve found a place for you.it s a small flat the school. in fact, it

14、s only one stop.结尾 do you think youd like it. if not, i can try and find another place for you. just let me know. yours, lihua 06.全国卷 i、ii 假定你是李华;应英国伴侣 内容要点: 1. 图书馆的位置:前有花园,后有教学楼bob 两幅图中的相关信息; 2. 内部环境:宽阔、有书架、报刊、书籍等 3. 图书馆功能:借阅、借阅数量和借期 4. 开放时 间 5. 合适的结尾 june 8 dear bob, thank you for your last letter

15、 asking about our library. 写信目 的 详细介绍 our library is in the center of the school. there is a beautiful garden in front of it and our classroom building名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 17 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 简洁总结 we all like our library very much. 2 best wishes. li hua广告宣扬 07. 全国 应包括: 1. 地点:据白山入口处 5

16、00 米; 2. 房间及价格:单人间共 20 间, 100 元/天;双人间共 15间, 150 元/天;热水淋浴; welcome to baishan mountain hotel baishan mountain hotel is now open for business.详细介绍 our hotel stands 500 meters away from the entrance to baishan mountain. it has 20 single rooms and 15 .客套话 all are welcome.必备素材 面积1. 2. its a small flat 历史

17、 1. 2. it was built over 2000 years ago. 人口时间 1. 2. it is open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays and closed on weekends. 3. 景点特色1. 2. 3. the city, known as , attracts 4. 表示动作的词名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 17 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - go along, turn left, turn right, go straight ahead, keep going, cro

18、ss the street, walk down the street, lie in, be located in, face, be ,take the first turning on your left, go straight on to the traffic light, you cant miss it 表方位的词 in the center of, to the left/right, at the foot of, on the top of, in the distance, close to, next to, beside, opposite, facing, too

19、 blocks away, at the end of bridge street, at the crossing, at. street, is just in front of you, east of is, on the other side of 表次序的词first, until, then, when you find a , after 5 minutes walk/ride, finally 【1】 李华在这里,活地图陪伴你李华上网去,帮人辅导心理 英语大门常打开,作文在这等你 长城天坛前门大街玩转你 介绍图书馆不费吹灰之力 红星中学高三一班李华天下无敌 李华在这里,不认路

20、有啥了不得 李华在这里,有困难有啥了不得 他有一堆外国伴侣人脉广泛的 你照样会有开心记忆 他一出面一切都顺当 他是无所不能的,除了学英语【2】 【3】 奥运会召开在即,李华日理万机 没有外教别焦急,李华帮你联系 李华欢送你,用作文黑了你 外国伴侣都来拜望李华要接待的 写信邮件和留言条是他最善于的 任务全是我们帮他完成的 故宫北海颐和园全有他的踪迹 李华仍会分身术从高三到初一 李华黑了你,其实他没啥了不得 不吃小吃没关系,肯定看京剧 凡有作文的地方,皆有他印记 君不见他频频留级 3【篇三:人教 _初一英语 _必考作文 上册 】新目标英语七年级上册作文范文: 1. my friend我的伴侣 i

21、have a good friend. her name is may. she is 12 years old.her telephone number is 87634966 her birthday is march 5th. she is good at english and chiese.she often plays the piano. she 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 17 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - likes reading books and listening to the music. her hobbies a

22、re reading and listening to music. she is a nice girl. we often help each other. we are good friends. 2.假设你是李枚,下面的照片是你的全家福,请你写一篇文章介绍你的家庭; hello,everyone.im limei.look. this is my family photo. this is my grandmother. she is 58. this is my father. he is a teacher. he is 36. and my mother is 36, too.

23、whos that boy. oh, he is my brother. he is 13 and i am 12. my brother and i are students. 3.假设这是 tom 的房间,请你用80 词左右介绍他的房间;look. this is toms room. his photos are on the wall. his t-shirt is on the bed. his baseball bat is behind the dresser. the keys are in the drawer. the computer is on the desk. wh

24、ere is toms baseball. oh, its under the bed. what is on the floor. they are toms shoes, socks and computer games. what do you think of toms room. 4.写一篇文章介绍你的伴侣 运动;jim 所拥有的体育器材和他宠爱的体育 jim has a great sports collection. he has 10 basketballs, 4 footballs,2 ping-pong balls, 15volleyballs and 9 baseball

25、s. he doesn t have a ping -pong bat, but he has 8 tennis rackets. of all the sports, he likes tennis best. he likes sports very much, because he thinks sports are good for health. he often plays tennis and basketball with his friends after school. 1.我有一个好伴侣;她的名字叫梅;她12 岁;她的号码是87634966 ;她的生日是3 月 5 日;她

26、善于英语和汉语;她常常弹钢琴;她宠爱看书和听音乐;她的爱好是读书和听音乐;她是一个好 女孩;我们常常相互帮忙;我们是好伴侣;名师归纳总结 2.大家好!我是limei. 看!这是我的全家福;这是我的祖母;她58岁;这是我的父亲;他是一名老师;他36 岁;我的母亲也是36 岁;第 10 页,共 17 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 那个男孩是谁?哦,他是我哥哥;他 我都是同学;13 岁,我 12 岁;我的哥哥和 3. 瞧!这是汤姆的房间;他的照片挂在墙上;他的 t 恤在床上;他的棒球棒在梳妆台后面;钥匙在抽屉里;电脑在书桌上;汤姆的棒球在哪里?哦,在床

27、底下;地板上是什么?它们是汤姆的鞋子,袜子和电脑嬉戏;你觉得汤姆的房间怎么样? 4.吉姆拥有一个大的体育用品保藏;他有10 个篮球, 4 个足球, 2乒乓球, 15 个排球和 9 个棒球;他没有一个乒乓球球拍,但他有 8个网球拍;在全部的运动中,他最宠爱打网球;他很宠爱运动,因为他认为运动是对健康有益的;他常常在放学后和他的伴侣们打网球和篮球; my name is wang ming.my birthday is june 5th. i am chinese. i am a student.i study very hard.my favorite subject is english. i

28、 like it because it is interesting. i can play the piano and the trumpet, but not very well. i love swimming and i am good at it.of all kinds of movies, i like comedies best. i think theyre interesting. im one of the best students in my class. my teachers all say i am a good student.they all like me

29、 and i like them, too. 6. my english teacher我的英语老师 miss wang is my english teacher. she looks very young.shes about thirty years old, and she wears glasses.shes funny . but she is strict with us. she wants us to study hard, her lessons are interesting. we are very happy in her class and we all like

30、her lessons. she is a good teacher, and we all like her. 7.music lovers wanted聘请音乐爱好者 we need more music lovers in our club. do you like music. can you sing. can you dance. can you play the violin, the 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 17 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - piano, the guitar or the drums. if your

31、answers are “ yes” , then you can join our music club. please call gina at 612-5568. 8. 谈谈你对电影的看法of all kinds of movies, i like comedies best. i think theyre interesting. my favorite actor is jackie. i like his movie king of comedy. i think its a successful comedy. for action movies, i like the lord

32、 of the ring best. itre true stories. i exciting. i like documentaries because theylike only some thrillers. many thrillers are scary and boring. 5.我的名字是王明 .我的生日是6 月 5 日;我是中国人;我是一个学生.我学习很努力 .我的最宠爱的科目是英语;我宠爱它,由于它很有 趣;我可以弹钢琴和吹喇叭,但不是很好;我宠爱游泳并且我很擅 长.在全部种类的电影中,我最宠爱喜剧片;我想他们很好玩;我是 我班上最好的同学之一;我的老师都说我是一个很好的同

33、学 .他们都 宠爱我,我也宠爱他们; 6.王老师是我的英语老师;她看起来很 young.she 的约三十岁,她 穿 glasses.she 很好玩;不过,她严格要求我们;她要我们努力学 习,她的课很有意思;我们特别兴奋,在她的课堂,我们都宠爱她 的课;她是一位好老师,我们都宠爱她; 7.我们需要在我们的俱乐部更多的音乐爱好者;你宠爱音乐吗?你 能唱歌吗?你能跳舞吗?你能拉小提琴,钢琴,吉他,打鼓呢?如 果你的答案是 “ yes”,那么你可以加入我们的音乐俱乐部;请致电 612-5568 吉娜; 8.在各种各样的电影中,我最宠爱喜剧片;我想他们很好玩;我最宠爱的演员是成龙;我宠爱他的电影 胜利的

34、喜剧;至于动作片,我最宠爱“喜剧之王 ” ;我认为这是一个“指环王 ” ;它令人兴奋;我喜欢纪录片,由于他们是真实的故事;我只宠爱一些恐惧片;很多恐 怖片都太恐惧和无聊;9.请你写一篇短文介绍你的周末生活;名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 17 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - i have a good weekend. on saturday morning ,i do my homework. after lunch, i go shopping with mymother. at about five oclock, i go to play

35、basketball with my friend. on sunday, i watch a football game on tv. i often help my mother do housework. i watch tv with my parents in the evening. then i go to bed at nine oclock. im very happy on weekends. 10. 以 my favorite为题,写一篇短文 my favorite subject is english. i like it because it is interesti

36、ng. i have english every day. i can speak a little english. i join the school english club. every afternoon i go there to talk in english. i can see the english movies and read english books. i think it is useful for me. i want to learn it well. i like english very much. 11. 介绍你的一日三餐;hello, everyone

37、. i dont like sports, but i like eating very much. i eat a lot food every day. for breakfast, i like milk, eggs and bread a lot . for lunch, i like french fries, chicken, hamburgers and apples. for dinnerr, i like fruits, vegetables and rice. 12.my day 我的一天 i get up early at six every day. after doi

38、ng some morning exercises, i read english for twenty minutes. at seven i have breakfast. after breakfast i take my schoolbag and go to school. our class begins at eight, and we have four classes in the morning. after lunch at 12 oclock, i take a short rest in the classroom. we have three more classe

39、s in the afternoon.after school at five , i go back home. i often help my mother do some housework. sometimes i watch tv. after dinner, i begin to do my homework. then i take a shower. i go to bed at nine thirty.名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 17 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 9.我有一个美好的周末;星期六早上,我做我的功课;午饭后,我

40、和我的母亲去购物;大约5 点,我和我的伴侣一起玩篮球;星期天,我在电视上观看足球竞赛;我常常帮忙妈妈做家务;晚上我与我的 父母看电视;然后我在九点钟去睡觉;周末我很兴奋; 10. 我最宠爱的科目是英语;我宠爱它,由于它很好玩;我每一天都 有英语课;我会讲一点英语;我参与了学校的英语俱乐部;每天下 午我去那里用英语交谈;我可以看英文电影和阅读英文书籍;我想 这对我来说是有用的;我想学好它;我特别宠爱英语; 11. 大家好!我不宠爱运动,但我很宠爱吃;我每天吃很多食物;早 餐,我特别宠爱牛奶,鸡蛋和面包;午餐,我宠爱薯条,鸡肉,汉 堡包和苹果;对于晚餐,我宠爱水果,蔬菜和大米; 12. 我每天早上

41、六点起床;做了早操后,我读英语20 分钟;七点吃早餐;早饭后,我带上我的书包去上学;我们的课始于八点,我们早上有四节课;在 12 点吃午饭后,我要在教室里作短暂的休息;我们在下午仍有 3 节课;在 5 点放学后 .我回到家里;我常常帮忙妈妈做一些家务,有时候我看电视;晚饭后,我就开头做家庭作业;然后我冲个澡;我在九点半去睡觉;人教新目标英语七年级上册各单元英语作文范文最新 2022 版 unit 1 my name is gina.假设你是 kate jane brown,你刚刚结交了一位新的笔友jennifer ;请写信告知她你的个人情形和在校的情形;my parents are teach

42、ers. the girl is my sister. her name is anna. this boy is my brother, tom. those are my uncle and aunt. and that boy is my 要求:1.词数 60 左右; 2. 叙事清晰,语句通顺,语意连贯;与校名; 参考词汇 3文中不得显现真实的人名名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 17 页精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 1单词: and ,but ,student ,my ,old 2短语: first name name, full name,

43、phone number, last name, middle 3句子 :i am .years old. i am a girl. dear jennifer, my full name is kate jane brown. kate is my first name and jane is my middle name. brown is my last name. i am a student at no. 2 middle school in nanjing. i am /n class 12,grade l, and i am 12 years old now. my favour

44、ite color is blue. my telephone number is 184-3546. i have a good friend at school her name is mary. her phone number is 254-3975 whats your telephone number.can you write and tell me about you. yours, kate unit 2 this is my sister. 创新写作指导 假设你是 vera ,预备将自己全家福寄给在上海的笔友 rosie ,并写 信向她介绍你的家庭成员;要求: 1词数: 60 词左右; 2介绍家庭成员,可添加、职业、年 龄等;参考词汇: 1单词: father ,mother ,family 2句型: there are. people in my family. dear rosie, yours, vera unit 3 is this your pencil.


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