Lesson 1
1.3 美国副总统复旦演讲
1.4 Speech by Wang Guangya at Princeton University
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good evening.
I am honored to be invited to your seminar tonight. For me, for my colleagues and for many other Chinese, Princeton has long been a familiar name. With a history longer than the country, it has produced many outstanding people, Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US president, Albert Einstein, the great scientist, and T. S. Eliot, the famous poet, to name but a few. As former president Bill Clinton said in 1996 at the celebrations for the 250th anniversary of Princeton, “At every pivotal moment in American history, Princeton, its leadership, faculty and its students have played a crucial role.”
I am more pleased to learn that all of you have a keen interest in China. Though our two countries are geographically far apart, we have a great deal in common in the everyday life. While many Chinese enjoy Hollywood movies and McDonald’s fast food, many Americans find that their clothes and daily necessities are made in China. I hope that today’s seminar will help you gain a better understanding of China and its foreign policy, thus deepening further our friendship and cooperation.
1.5 新工厂落成典礼上的讲话
Lesson 2
2.3 大提琴家马友友
2.4 CNN interview with Jet Li
n 祝贺《英雄》取得了成功。请问您在《英雄》中扮演的角色是否与你通常演的角色很相似呢?
n It’s a very special part and a very special movie. I think it’s one of the most important action films in my life.
n 为什么你会这样说呢?你演过近30部电影,而《英雄》与其他影片有何不同呢?
n Usually action films have a formula: A child whose parents have been murdered by bad guys tries hard to learn martial arts and he grows up into an outstanding Kongfu master. He takes revenge and kills the bad buys. But “Hero” has a much broader them.
n 就比如象《卧虎藏龙》?
n No, it’s totally different. I think Ang Lee is a very very talented director. He uses martial arts to talk about love, you know. But Zhang Yimou tries to tell about Chinese culture, Chinese thinking and their inspirations about the world.
n 含义的确很深。 我们知道你的处女作是1979年拍摄的《少林寺》,那时你还是个十几岁的少年。影片在亚洲引起了轰动,并且还加拍了两部续集。我想问的是,你使如何从一位武术冠军成为一名好莱坞的动作明星的?
n I think the most important thing is that when I was young, I learnt martial arts. That is my special key. I can use my unique martial arts skills in the film. I have been thinking about doing something different, like using martial arts to talk about peace and to achieve peace.
n 这听起来似乎是矛盾的,对吗?你是一位打斗者,却要谈“和平”?
That’s right, because Chinese culture is not just martial arts. That’s only the physical part. It’s not true that the Chinese people are all Kongfu masters and can just beat up people; and that they have no brains, no thoughts. As a matter of fact, we have a deep, strong and sophisticated philosophy. I feel I have the responsibility to share this information with the worldwide audience.
n 美国兴起在线实时信息传递的狂热大约始于五六年前,那时我刚上大学。开始我对什么是网上聊天还一无所知,但我很快就明白了,没多久就对网上聊天着了迷。
n 只要有时间我就上网聊天。当我把越来越多的人加到我的“网友名单”上时,其他人也在做同样的事情。网上聊天真的是越来越普遍,很快就“人人为之”了。
n 我的打字技能应归功于长时间的上网聊天。然而令人遗憾的是,当我的打字速度提高后,一切语法规则也丢掉了。要知道,网上聊天的人有他们自己的速记语言,语法并不重要。
n 渐渐地,网上聊天的狂热在美国降了温,之后我就来了中国。
n 在QQ之外,还有一种恐怕是更为流行的快速传递信息的潮流,你一定猜到了——手机短信。
n 我承认当我走在外面或坐在地铁里发送信息时有点不好意思,但有谁不这样做?无论我走到哪儿,都能看到人们在手机上收发短信。实际上,倒是很少看到谁拿着手机在讲电话。
n 看来,无论我走到世界的什么地方,都无法逃避实时信息传递的狂热。显然,这个潮流不会改变。然而,最终我并不对此抱怨,因为实时信息传递又快又便宜,又简单又有趣。再说了,每个人都在这么做啊。
Lesson 3
3.3 Steve Forbes on Forbes
我祖父二十世纪初来到美国,他离开苏格兰时身上没有什么钱。连他在内有兄弟姐妹10人,不过他自小受到很好的教育。像许多人一样,他也是满怀憧憬和理想来到美国的。** 他创办了《福布斯》杂志, 报道那些实干家,那些给商业社会带来变革的人。
** 当前世界信息泛滥,足以将人淹么其中,人们迫切需要一本刊物来解读这些信息,告诉读者哪些重要哪些可以不必理会。这就是《福布斯》的价值所在。我们提供额外的视角和判断。我们从不停留于表面,总想看看公司到底如何经营的,正是当今芜杂繁多的信息使得《福布斯》日益重要。
3.4 Introduction to an arts and crafts company
Distinguished guests, dear friends:
I feel honored to have this opportunity to introduce our company to you through the platform provided by this conference.
Founded 15 years ago, we are a company specializing in the design, manufacture and sales of handicrafts. Fifteen years ago our staff numbered 50; now the figure is 1,700. Fifteen years ago we rented a facility covering a floor space of 4,500 square meters; now our own facility covers a floor space of 24,000 square meters. These figures speak loudly and clearly of our success.
Our leading products are various architectural models, including exotic European cathedrals, the Empire State Building, the White House, and the Pentagon in the U.S., along with cartoon animal toys and Christmas gifts with a variety of designs. Our designs have become trend setters in the industry.
Today, our products are sold worldwide in more than twenty countries including Japan, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, America, the UK, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Germany. They are well received by both local importers and customers. For fifteen years, our output value has maintained an annual growth rate of 30%.
3.5 财富500强
Lesson 4
4.3 西敏斯特大学介绍
4.4 Preserve core values of the Lunar New Year
To people of Chinese descent around the world, the Lunar New Year (also called Spring Festival) is undoubtedly the most important festival of the year. **Dating back 3,000 years, it celebrates the passing of a peaceful year and welcomes the new one.
The reunion dinner, eaten on New Year’s Eve, is de rigueur, with members of the extended family gathering for the most significant meal of the year. Even the absent members will endeavor to return home in time for it. It underscores the supreme importance of the family in Chinese culture, and aims at strengthening the sense of togetherness and cohesion.
The way people celebrate the New Year embodies two important core values. *The first value is the sense of family togetherness; members of multi-generation families are all there to have a big reunion dinner. Everyone will follow this custom. The female members are usually held responsible for preparing the dinner, and some rich families may take on extra hands. *The second value lies in the happy visits mutually made between friends and relatives, a good way to strengthen kinship and friendship.
However, economic development has resulted in some changes in lifestyles. After a busy year, people are tired of preparing for the reunion dinner, and would rather hold it in posh restaurants, despite the exorbitant costs. The festival door-to-door visits have given way to New Year greetings via telephone or text messages. Some families go away for a trip or even go to such extreme as to seek temporary refuge in a hotel so as to avoid being visited.
* Some tradition-minded people regard the reunion dinner and visits to relatives and close friends during the New Year as where core values are embodied, without which the holiday would lose much of its significance. Some pessimists contend that, as the popularity of western culture grows, Chinese traditional festivals will gradually lose their original meaning and degenerate into commercial festivals like Christmas.
The Spring Festival is an important part of the Chinese cultural heritage, and it will continue to be celebrated. The modes of celebration may change, but the core value should be sustained: that of respect for kinship and friendship.
4.5 中英教育交流
Q:My question is about educational exchanges. You mentioned in your speech that there are large numbers of Chinese students studying in Britain. As we know, it is extremely difficult to get a scholarship at a British university. But the tuition fees for international students far exceed these for home students. So we can not help wondering about the motivation of British universities in enrolling Chinese students. Is it to promote educational exchanges with China and to liven up campus life in Britain, or just for a commercial purpose? Thank you.
A: 这实际上是出于多种考虑。我不否认有商业考虑,办大学也要花钱,不过教育交流是主要目的。奖学金难申请是因为钱要由政府出,有时候纳税人有意见,说政府应该把奖学金给本国学生而不是外国学生,所以很困难。
Q: Mr. Blair, welcome to Tsinghua University. I was deeply impressed by your support for Sino-British educational exchanges, but I was also sorry to learn that some universities in northeastern Britain have decided to cancel the major of Chinese Culture and Language, among them the University of Durham. Will this affect cultural and educational cooperation between our two countries? If so, what is your solution?
A: 讲到学校的课程,既然我听说了这件事,我打算回去看看究竟,不过大学做出这样的决定原因很多,也许是经济原因,或者是他们面临某种困难,这也是时有的事情。要把想做的事情办成,钱总是不够的。不过我也可以向你保证,我们会一如既往地欢迎中国学生来英国学习,就算杜伦大学没有合适的专业,其他大学也肯定有。
Lesson 6
6.4. 国际烟草控制公约
已经有160多个国家在公约上签字,签约国必须在各自国家批准该公约。迄今为止,已有近60个国家批准了该公约,** 然而只需40个国家批准即可生效。该公约在2005年2月27日生效。
6.5 艾滋病的防治
B:Well, in China, HIV/AIDS has become a very serious problem related to social development. There’ve been cases of people being accidentally infected with HIV/AIDS, through accepting contaminated blood from hospitals, babies acquiring the disease from their mothers, having improper sexual relationships. From the time we discovered the first AIDS patient in 1985, our country has entered a period of rapid increase in AIDS infections. Experts estimate that more than 900,000 people had been infected with HIV by the end of last year. If we don’t take some efficient measures, this number will double by 2010.
A: 您认为增长这么快的主要原因在哪里?
B:First, because of poverty, people lack education and information about the prevention of HIV/AIDS. Second, ignorance. People do not pay much attention to this problem. Third, they lack proper resources, things like training, money and information. According to reports, we do not yet have an efficient medicine to cure HIV/AIDS.
A: 政府已经采取了哪些具体的措施来控制艾滋病在中国的蔓延呢?有什么国际合作吗?
B:We have already got very strong support from the international community, especially on the technical side. And on the domestic front, we’ve recognized that making our people understand and raising their awareness is very important. So, common sense, health education and behavioral changes are the only way for people to avoid HIV infection.
A: 贵国政府在发布警报以及增强公众对艾滋病传播危险性的认识方面一直都在怎么做?特别是在农村地区?您认为要解决这个问题还应该进一步做些什么?
B: Firstly, I think the government should improve our monitoring system, and secondly, NGOs should try their best to mobilize all the resources we can use to help the people, especially people at the grass roots and the rural areas, to let them know the terrible results of the spreading of the disease and how to prevent HIV/AIDS. I think we should do more advocacy work among the people.
A: 非常感谢您回答我们这么多问题。预祝你们在与艾滋病的斗争中取得成功。
B:Thank you.
Lesson 10
10.3 中与欧盟的关系
10.4 中国与东盟的关系
A: Excuse me, could you tell me when ASEAN was established? And how many member countries does it have now?
B: 东盟于1967年8月8日成立,目前有10个成员国,它们是:文莱、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、老挝、马来西亚、缅甸、菲律宾、泰国、新加坡和越南。
A: Besides these 10 member countries, ASEAN also always holds the 10+1, 10+3 meetings. Does it mean that ASEAN has some dialogue partners?
B: 是的。东盟有10个对话伙伴,它们是澳大利亚、加拿大、中国、