
*- 第一部分语法(第一章 动词时态) 1.This kind of computer often does only one job. 这种计算机经常只做一种工作。 2.The premium is usually paid every year. 保险费通常每年支付一次。 3.At present,almost all our energy comes from fossil fuels. 现在,几乎我们所有的能源都来自矿物燃料。 4.Frequently,the transfer of energy involves a transfer from one body to another.能量的转化常常还包括能量由一个物体转移到另一个物体。 5.All substances are made of very small parts called molecules. 所有物质都是由叫做分子的微粒组成的。 6.Julie does beautiful work with her hands. 朱莉的手工活做得很好。 7.Iron is very strongly magnetic. 铁具有很强的磁性。 8.The atomic weight is the relative weight of an atom of the element. 原子量是该元素中原子的相对重量。 9.The proton has a positive electric charge. 质子带正电荷。 10.Temperature affects matter in many ways. 温度在许多方面对物体产生影响。 11.In 1678 the Dutch scientist Christian Huygens was the first to propose that light travels in waves. 1678年,荷兰科学家克里斯琴海根首次提出光以波的形式运行。 12.If present trends continue,the world will face a major crisis by the end of this century. 如果目前的趋势继续下去,到本世纪末世界将面临巨大危机。 13.Long before fossil fuels are exhausted,demand will greatly exceed supply. 在矿物燃料耗尽之前,需求量将大大超过供应量。 14.If radiation escapes into the atmosphere,radiation pollution will occur. 如果射线排到大气中,就会产生放射污染。 15.The plane takes off at 10 a.m.. 飞机上午l0点起飞。 16.When does the train leave for Shanghai? 火车什么时候开往上海? 17.In those early days salt was scarce in some places. 在古代,盐在某些地方是十分稀少的。 18.After WorldWar Ⅱ,the energy derived from burning the various fractions of petroleum exceeded that of coal. 二战后,燃烧各种石油馏分所产生的能量超过了燃烧煤所产生的能量。 19.He learned to make clothes from some parts of plants and from wool. 人学着用植物的某些部分和羊毛制做衣服。 20.In the 1960s and 1970s,radio telescopes searched space for signs of intelligent life beyond Earth. 二十世纪六、七十年代,射电望远镜搜索太空寻找地球外存在智慧生命的迹象。 21.The train will arrive tomorrow. 火车明天到达。 22.We will be ready to take off. 我们准备起飞。 23.In order to understand the modern world and developments in it in the next century,an understanding of science andtechnology will be necessary. 要认识现代世界、了解下个世纪世界的发展,有必要掌握科学与技术。 24.Early space colonists will come from all over the world. 早期太空移民将来自世界各地。 25.If you allowsomewater tofall on the smooth surface of a table,the water will normally continue to spread until its direction is changed by a solid object. 若让水落在光滑的桌面上,水通常会继续向外扩展直到遇到固体才改变方向。 26.Even if you want to go into business for yourself,youll need math.即使你本人想经商,也需要数学。 27.We are going to have to 1earn to share the resources we have. 我们必须学会如何分享现在拥有的资源。 28.There is going to be a report on educationtonight. 今晚有一个关于教育问题的报告。 29.Please get everything ready.The experiment is about to start. 请准备好,实验马上开始了。 30.We are about to leave,so there is no time to visit him now. 我们要走了,所以现在没时间去看他。 31.Who is to judge“proven ability”,or“future potential”? 将由谁来判断“已经证实的能力”或“将来的潜在能力”呢? 32.We told them we would do the experiment the next day. 我们告诉他们我们第二天要做实验。 33.I asked her where she would go. 我问她要到哪里去。 34.They were going to have a meeting to discuss the matter. 他们打算开个会讨论那件事。 35.He was just about to give up,and spend the rest of the night on the back seat of the car,when he had a bright idea. 他刚要放弃,在车内后座上打发后半夜时,忽然想起个好主意。 36.They were to visit the 1ob that afternoon. 他们计划那天下午参观实验室。 37.When you lift up a rock,you are changing the chemical energy of the food you have eaten into muscle energy. 当你举起岩石时,你所摄取的食物中的化学能正在转化为体能。 38.They are studying various other aspects of human biology,also. 他们也在研究人类生物学的其它许多方面。 39.Nowadays we are trying to extend our classroom beyond the walls of the school building. 现在,我们在设法将课堂扩展到校园外。 40.He is coming to visit our factory tomorrow. 他明天要来参观我们的工厂。 41.The plane is leaving for Beijing. 这架飞机要飞往北京。 42.I was practicing my oral English at eight o’clock yesterday evening. 昨晚八点我正在练习英语口语。 43.When I saw her,she was watching TV. 我见到她时她正在看电视。 44.He was making a call from 10 to ll last night. 他昨晚10点到11点在打电话。 45.Mr.Brown told me that he was leving for Beijing in a few days. 布朗先生告诉我几天后他就要离开这里去北京。 46.He asked me whether I was starting the next day. 他问我是否第二天就动身。 47.This time next week she will be working in that company. 下星期这个时候她将在那家公司工作。 48.The only certainty in the future is that radically new things will be happening. 未来唯一可以肯定的是,极先进的新事物将会层出不穷。 49.We shall be having a business talk with Mr.Brown in a minute. 我们一会儿要和布朗先生进行业务会谈。 50.I have not seen her since 1991. 自1991年以来我就没有见到她。 51. For too many years,the world has consumed fossil fuels with little thought for the future. 多年来,全世界在消耗矿物燃料,却根本不考虑未来。 52.Over the last thirty years man has discovered and developed a new source of energy called nuclear energy. 在最近的三十年中,人类发现并开发了一种称为核能的新能源。 53.Scientists have helped to develop many of the modern tools of war.科学家已经帮助研制出许多现代化的战争武器。 54.We waited until he had finished his work. 我们一直等到他干完活。 55.Therefore,about 2.5 billion years had passed on the earth when life originated. 因此,生命诞生时,地球已经存在了25亿年。 56.Obviously travel had not broadened his mind. 很显然,旅行并没有开阔他的思路。 57.He said that he had sent her an e-mail. 他说他曾给她发过电子邮件。 58.Ill have done all the work by the time you are back this evening. 你们今晚回来时,我将完成全部工作。 59.The birds will have moved to the south before winter sets in. 冬天到来之前这些鸟就已迁移到南方了。 60.In 50 years time UK demand could almost have doubled, while indigenous supplies of oil and natural gas will have virtually ceased and world oil production will be falling. 五十年后英国需要的能量可能会增加近一倍,而那时英国本土的石油和天然气供应将完全终止,而且世界石油产量也将下降。 61.We have been working is Zhongyuan Oilfield since 1987. 自1987年以来我们一直在中原油田工作。 62.The Chinese have been using silk from the silkworm for a very long time. 长期以来,中国人一直使用蚕丝。 63.Man has been using the earths resources more and more rapidly over the years. 数年来,人类正越来越快地耗费着地球的资源。 64.He told me that he had been teaching Physics for more than twenty years. 他告诉我他教物理课已经二十多年了。 65.She said she had been expecting your good news. 她说她一直期待着你的好消息。 66.The telephone had been ringing for three minutes before somebody answered it. 电话响了三分钟后才有人来接。 第二章被动语态 1.This form of energy is called potential energy. 这种能被称为潜能。(一般现在时) 2.This concept was expressed in his famous equation E=mc。 这一观点体现在他的著名公式E=mc。中。(一般过去时) 3.As engineering becomes more and more precise,better accuracies than this will be needed. 随着工程需求越来越精确,我们需要比这更高的精确度。(一般将来时) 4.Almost everything in the world has been improved or changed in the last hundred years as a result of technology. 由于技术进步的原因,在过去的一百年里,几乎世界上的每一种事物都有所改善和变化。(现在完成时) 5.At the present moment,petroleum is being used up much more quickly. 目前,石油正在以更快的速度被消耗掉。(现在进行时) 6.Some improvements were being made in the design at that time. 那时,设计正在修改中。(过去进行时) 7.A number of different coolants had been employed,including water,carbon dioxide and liquid metals. 用过的冷却剂多种多样,包括水、二氧化碳和液态金属。 8.About three hundred years ago a mathematician made a system using only 1 and 0,but he didnt realize how much this binary system would some day be used.(过去将来时) 大约三百年前,一位数学家制订了一个只用l和0的计数系统,但是,他不知道这种二进制系统将会有多大用处。 9.This is called the 1aw of conservation of momentum. 这称为动量守恒定律。 10.In an electric fire the electrical energy is converted into heat. 在电热炉中,电能转化为热能。 11.At the present moment,petroleum is being used up much more quickly. 目前,石油正以更快的速度被消耗。 12.Interference would be eliminated by placing a disk-shaped metal baffle between Earth and the telescope. 在地球和望远镜之间放置一个金属碟形挡板,干扰就会消除。 13.Some questions have been studied by research scientists for many years. 从事研究的科学家们已经对许多问题做了多年的探讨。 14.The moon has been described by song writers and poets as a place for a romantic escape.月球一直被流行歌曲作者和诗人描绘成一个浪漫的避难所。 15.Almost all other substances are similarly affected by temperature. 几乎其它所有物体都同样受温度的影响。 16.Gases must be kept in sealed containers. 气体必须保持在密封容器内。 17.Most gases and liquids can be converted into solids by removing their heat. 通过降温,多数气体和液体能变成固体。 18.Onee the petroleum was obtained,it could be moved overland through pipes. 石油一旦开采出来,就可以用管道从陆上运输。 19.In ancient and medieval times,suchpetroleum seepages were more often looked on as medicines rather than as fuels. 在古代和中世纪时代,这种渗出的石油常常被看作是药物而不是燃料。 20.Generally speaking,IQ,or intelligent quotient,is arrived at by comparing a childs mental age with his or her chronological age and multiplying by 100. 一般来说,IQ即智力商数,是用孩子的智力年龄除以其年龄,然后乘以100得出来的。 21.Mrs Brown teaches us English in the university. 布朗夫人在大学教我们英语。 We are taught English in the university. English is taught to us in the university. 22.We advised him to practice speaking English. 我们建议他练习说英语。 He was advised to practice speaking English. 23.Good spirits were thought to live on the right side of the body. 人们认为好精灵在身体的右侧。 24.Noise has been shown to produce anxiety symptoms such as headache,nausea and irritability. 已经证实噪音能产生诸如头痛、恶心和烦躁这样的焦虑症状。 (第三章 动词不定式) 1.To remember to switch off the electricity is important. 记着关电很重要。 2.When to do the job is still unknown. 还不知道什么时问做这项工作。 3.It was easy to bring up the liquid material. 很容易把这种液体材料抽上来。 4.It was much easier to do that than to send men underground to chip out chunks of solid coal. 这样做比把人送到地下去一块一块采掘原煤要容易得多。 5.It is natural to remain at about arms length when having a social.one-on-one conversation with another person. 与另一个人进行社交场合的一对一谈话时,保持约一臂距离是很自然的。 6.However,in certain cultures in the Middle East,it is more comfortable to get as close as a few inches when having the same type of conversation. 然而在中东某些文化中进行同样类型的谈话时,近到几英寸的距离就比较舒服。 7.It must have been a great leap in the intuition of scientists to realize that light actually “travels”. 意识到光确实在“行走”一定是科学家在认识上的重大飞跃。 8.It was his job to guide ships up the river. 他的工作是引导船只沿河而上。 9.It is very important for us to have a good grasp of science. 好好掌握科学对我们来说是极为重要的。 10.It took six weeks for the travelers to reach the coast. 游客到达海岸花了六个星期时间。 11.It was easier for people in the central states to ship their goods to New York for export overseas. 对住在中部各州的人来说,把货物运到纽约出口就更容易了。 12.It is a difficult problem for the scientist to unravel these complicated molecules. 对科学家来说,解释这些复杂的分子是个难题。 13.It needed hard work to finish the job. 完成这项工作需要艰苦的劳动。 14.It took(us)five hours to get here. (我们)到达那里需要五个小时。 15.It takes special training to be a good carpenter. 要当一名好木工需要经过专门训练。 16.It does not take much in the way of chemical change to turn that(the fat)into petroleum. 生物脂肪转化成石油并不需要很多化学反应。 17.My idea is to start work at once. 我的主意是立即开始工作。 18.A11 he had to do then was to stop the car and shut the doors. 接着他要做的是停下车并关好车门。 19.The first is to find the resistance to loading of the wings,tail,etc. 首先要求出机翼、机尾等的负荷阻力。 20.The only way to explore it is to use your imagination. 探索新事物唯一的方法是运用你的想象力。 21.When we go shopping, we dont want to carry heavy loads with us. 当购物时,我们不愿身带重物。 22.Ive arranged to meet him at ten oclock. 我已经安排好十点接他。 23.Of course,we hope to get a few more. 当然我们希望多得一点。 24.I would like to tell you a little bit about the costs to people in a highly technological society. 我想给大家简单讲讲生活在高科技社会中人们所付出的代价。 25.We must find out what to do next. 我们必须搞清楚下一步做什么。 26.Remember when to turn on the light. 记着何时开灯。 27.I haven’t decided whether to take it or not. 我还未决定拿还是不拿。 28.The chemist today has found out how to make new substances. 今天,化学家们已经研究出制造新物质的方法。 29.Ill tell him what to do. 我要告诉他做什么。 30.Ask your teacher how to pronounce the word. 问问你的老师这个单词怎样发音。 31.He thinks it interesting to live alone in the forest. 他认为独自生活在森林中很有趣。 32.I thought it useless to explain that we borrowed the word“marmalade”from French. 我想不用解释我们是从法语中借用了marmalade这个词。 33.This is a good idea because it makes it harder for anybody to steal a cheque。 这个办法很好,因为这让小偷更难偷到支票。 34.Energy is the ability to do work. 能是做功的能力。 35.It had the power to do good or evil. 它可以行善或作恶。 36.One of the most difficult problems to deal with when marketing in foreign countries is culture在国外销售时最难解决的问题之一是文化差异。 37.When we store money,we store the power to choose and decide. 存钱时,我们就贮存了挑选和决定的权力。 38.To discover how life began,archaeologists study fossils. 为揭示生命是如何开始的,考古学家对化石进行了研究。(目的状语) 39.The wood combines with oxygen in the air to form carbon dioxide and water vapor. 木块与空气中的氧结合产生二氧化碳和水蒸气。(结果状语) 40.He lifted a rock only to drop it on its own feet. 他搬起石头砸了自己的脚。(结果状语) 41.The girls jumped with joy to hear the news. 听到这个消息,姑娘们高兴地跳了起来。(原因状语) 42.A computer needs to have a program in order to work. 为了工作,计算机需要设汁程序。 43.It was a precious item,too precious to be wasted. 它是一种宝贵的东西,太宝贵了而不能浪费。 44.Paper may feel smooth,but it is rough enough to slide off some sheets of atoms. 纸也许感觉起来是平滑的,但其粗糙程度足以擦去一部分原子片。 45.Mary would be so careless as to forget her key. 玛丽太粗心了,忘了带钥匙。 46.Keep quiet so as not to wake the baby. 安静,别吵醒了孩子。 47.This sudden change can cause rocks to shatter due to the alternate expanding and contracting. 这种(温度的)突然变化会由于膨胀收缩交替出现而导致岩石破碎。 48.But no matter what he did,he could not get the engine to start. 无论怎么做,他都无法将发动机发动起来。 49.We consider her(to be)a good worker. 我们认为她是个好工人。 50.I imagine him to be above fifty. 我想象他已年愈五十。 51.Did you see him go out? 你看见他出去了吗? 52.I heard her sing in the next room. 我听见她在隔壁唱歌。 53.What makes objects float? 什么使物体漂浮起来? 54.Maybe you think we should let those machines do our math problems. 也许你会想,应该让那些机器为我们做数学题。 55.A basic knowledge of science can help you to understand both the questions and the answers. 基础科学知识能帮助人们理解这些问题及其答案。 56.They can be taught to do many different jobs. 可以教他们做许多不同的工作。 57.Different builders are then invited to submit estimates,or tenders,for doing the work. 然后邀请不同的建筑商进行报价或投标。 58.I noticed him leave the house. 我看见他离开了房子。 59.He was noticed to leave the house. 有人看见他离开房子。 60.The energy stored in food molecules needs to be released by enzymes or substances in the body. 储存在食物中的能要通过体内的酶或各种物质才能释放出来。 61.These elements seem to be working well under high voltage. 这些元件似乎正在高压下正常工作。 62.Some 5,000 years ago,we Chinese seemed to have known about a numbering systembased on two numerals. 大约五千年前,我们中国人好像就已经懂得二进制计数系统。 63.This machine is the first of its kind to have ever been used here. 这台机器是这里一直使用的这种机器中的第一台。 64.This scientist is known to have been working on this problem for about ten years. 人们知道这位数学家研究这个问题已经达10年之久了。 (第四章 分词) 1.China is a developing country.中国是一个发展中国家。 2.All these materials come from living things. 所有这些材料都来自生物。 3.You can’t be an exciting teacher unless you’re excited yourself. 只有你振奋了,你才能成为一名使别人振奋的教师。 4.A lorry traveling at 70 mph has more momentum than a car traveling at 70 mph.以时速70英里行驶的卡车比时速为70英里的小汽车的动量大。 5.You see this page because light reflecting form the sun or an electric light travels from the paper to your eyes. 我们看到这页纸,是因为从太阳或电灯反射的光从纸进入眼睛。 6.Birds flying close enough to the Great Salt Lake in the United States were said to be easily captured. 在美国大盐湖附近飞行的鸟据说很容易被捉住。 7.Hearing the news of victories,they a11 jumped with joy. 听到这个消息,他们都高兴地跳了起来。 8.Petroleum is lighter than water and,being liquid,tends to ooze upward through the porous rock that covers it. 石油是液体,且比水轻,故倾向于透过上覆的空隙性岩石向上渗透。 9.Using this principle,a large number of cores can

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