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1、YOUR SITE HERELOGOFocal PointsReligion in AmericaI. How religious are Americans?Religion is a very important part of life in America.v76% of American adult citizens identify themselves as Christians.v15% (in 2008) of American adult population have no religious affiliation(附属,加入) 44% in UK, 69% in Sw

2、eden.v51% of American believe that God created humans in their present form. v“ In God We Trust” are stamped on the coins.vThere are churches , synagogues(犹太教堂), and temples in every part of the country.I. How religious are Americans?vPennsylvania was established by QuakersvMaryland by Roman Catholi

3、csvMassachusetts Bay Colony by Puritans.vNine of the 13 colonies had official public religions.II Religious diversityvChristian: 78.4%Protestant 51.3%Roman Catholic 23.9%Mormon 1.7%Jehovahs Witness 0.7% (耶和华见证人,美国的一个教派,成立于19世纪70年代的小教派,宾夕法尼亚是其发祥地。)Orthodox 0.6%Other Christian 0.3%vNo religion 16.1%vJ

4、ewish 1.7%vBuddhist 0.7%vMuslim 0.6%vHindu 0.4%vOthers 1.2% Taoism, Confucianism, Shintoism(日本的神道教)vThe Washington National Cathedral, located in the capital. vCrystal Cathedral, a megachurch in CaliforniavInterior view vThe Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington,

5、 D.C., is the largest Roman Catholic Church in the USA.vBeth-El Temple in Birmingham, Alabama. (保守派犹太教会堂)vThe Arhat Garden in the temple 罗汉公园vHsi Lai Temple (lit. Coming West Temple), a Buddhist monastery(修道院) in Los Angeles, California.Tibetan Buddhist temple in Seattle, WashingtonvThe Islamic Cent

6、er of Washington in the Capitol is a leading American Islamic Center.vMalibu Hindu Temple, nestled in the hills of Calabasas, California vDetail of Malibu Hindu Temple in California.Plurality(多元) of religious preference by state, 2001YOUR SITE HERELOGOAmerican mainstream culture was developed from W

7、ASP culture and people who settled in the 13 North American colonies that would become the United States were mostly Protestant believers.American HistoryWhite Anglo-Saxon Protestant盎格鲁撒克逊裔的白人新教徒盎格鲁撒克逊裔的白人新教徒YOUR SITE HERELOGOReligious LibertyBy the middle of the 18th century, many different kinds o

8、f Protestants lived in America. (1)Lutherans(路德派教徒,信义会教友路德派教徒,信义会教友) had come to America from Germany.(2) The Dutch Reformed Church (荷兰改革派教会)flourished in New York and New Jersey.(3)Presbyterians (长老会教友)came from Scotland。 (4)Huguenots(胡格诺派教徒)(胡格诺派教徒) from France. (5)Congregationalists(公理会教友)(公理会教友)

9、, as the Puritans came to be called, dominated in New England.Although the Church of England (英国国教)was an established church in several colonies, Protestants lived side by side in relative harmony. The Great Awakening(宗教大觉醒运动)(宗教大觉醒运动) of the 1740s(Note 4), a revival movement which sought to breathe

10、 new feeling and strength into religion, cut across the lines of Protestant religious groups, or denominations .YOUR SITE HERELOGOReligious LibertyThe Great Awakening大觉醒大觉醒/宗教大觉醒宗教大觉醒The term Great Awakening (or The Great Awakening) is used to refer to a period of religious revival in American relig

11、ious history. The First Great Awakening began in 1734 and lasted to about 1750. Ministers from various Protestant denominations supported the Great Awakening. It resulted from powerful preaching that gave listeners a sense of personal guilt and of their need of salvation by Christ. Jonathan Edwards乔

12、纳森乔纳森爱德华兹爱德华兹George Whitefield怀特菲尔德怀特菲尔德YOUR SITE HERELOGOReligious LibertyThe Effects of the Great AwakeningThough a religious movement, the Awakening had effects not only in religion, but in cultural and political spheres as well.The major effect of the Awakening was a rebellion against authoritar

13、ian religious rule.Revivalism in the colonies opposed the notion of a single truth or a single church. As preachers visited town after town, sects began to break off larger churches and a multitude of Protestant denominations sprouted.religious diversity The First Great Awakening is considered as a

14、forerunner to the American Revolution. The movement played a key role in the development of democratic concepts in the period of the American Revolution. This helped create a demand for the separation of church and state.YOUR SITE HERELOGOReligious LibertyJohn LockeHe reasoned that the right to gove

15、rn comes from an agreement or (社会契约)voluntarily entered into by free people(自愿缔结).social contractIt was and not religion that most occupied Americans minds during the War of Independence and for years afterward.A few Americans were so influenced by the new science and new ideas of the Enlightenment

16、in Europe that they became , believing that reason teaches that God exists but leaves man free to settle his own affairs.Many traditional Protestants and deists agreed that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights”, and among the rights that

17、the new nation guaranteed, as a political necessity in a religiously diverse society, was freedom of religion.politicsdeistsYOUR SITE HERELOGOThe Relationship between government and religion in America The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States forbade the new federal government to

18、 give special favors to any religion or to hinder the free practice, or exercise, of religion. The Unites States would have no state-supported religion. The First Amendment insured that American government would not meddle in religious affairs or require any religious beliefs of its citizens. The go

19、vernment supports all religions. Religious groups do not pay taxes in the United States. But government does not pay ministers salaries or require any belief not even a belief in God - as a condition of holding public office. Oaths are administered, but those who, like Quakers, object to them, can m

20、ake a solemn affirmation, or declaration, instead.The truth is that for some purposes government ignores religion and for other purposes it treats all religions alike at least as far as is practical. When disputes about the relationship between government and religion arise, American courts must set

21、tle them.YOUR SITE HERELOGO中文翻译在中国,基督宗教的一些中文翻译名称造成了误解,“基督教”翻译自英文的 “Christianity”,指一切相信救主耶稣基督的信仰,包括天主教、正教和新教等;而在中国,“基督教”则一般是指英文的 “Protestantism”,更确切的翻译是“新教”,是1517年由马丁路德宗教改革后形成的基督宗教教派。Christianity基督教基督教 /基督宗教基督宗教 基督教的产生基督教的产生YOUR SITE HERELOGOChristianity is based on the life and teachings of Jesus. A

22、dherents of the Christian faith are known as Christians.Christianity teaches that Jesus is the Son of God, God having become human and the savior of humanity. Because of this, Christians commonly refer to Jesus as Christ or Messiah弥赛亚,救世主. The three largest groups in the world of Christianity are th

23、e Roman Catholic Church天主教,又称公教, the Eastern Orthodox churches东正教,又称正教Orthodox Church, and the various churches of Protestantismprtistntizm新教(中文又常称为基督教). The Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox split from one another in 1054 AD, and Protestantism came into existence during the Protestant Reformation

24、 of the 16th century, splitting from the Roman Catholic Church.Christianity基督教基督教 /基督宗教基督宗教 YOUR SITE HERELOGOYOUR SITE HERELOGOChristianity in the Unites StatesYOUR SITE HERELOGOToday, the majority of Americans belong to the Protestant church are the largest Protestant group in the US. They believe

25、 in by immersion, symbolizing a conversion experience.The Baptistsadult baptismmature and responsibleProtestants in the Unites StatesYOUR SITE HERELOGOThe Baptists concentrated particularly in the Southern Bible Belt (Note 16)The Great Awakening energized the Baptist movement, and the Baptist commun

26、ity experienced spectacular growth. Baptists became the largest Christian community in many southern states, including among the black population.After the American Civil War, most black Baptists in the South separated from white churches and set up their own congregations. So most black Baptists go

27、 to different churches from the white.Baptist ChurchesProtestants in the Unites StatesYOUR SITE HERELOGO浸礼会(Baptist Churches),基督教新教主要宗派之一。十七世纪上半叶产生于英国以及在荷兰的英国流亡者中。当时属清教徒中的独立派。反对给儿童行洗礼,主张教徒成年后方可受洗,且受洗者须全身浸入水中(象征重生),称为“浸礼”,故名。浸礼会抵制抽烟、酗酒、跳舞等行为,并主张独立自主,反对国教和政府对地方教会的干涉。该教派在美国主要分布于北美地区,著名的洛克菲勒家族即信奉该教派。Pro

28、testants in the Unites StatesBaptist ChurchesYOUR SITE HERELOGOProtestants in the Unites StatesBaptist ChurchesYOUR SITE HERELOGOProtestants in the Unites StatesMethodist church卫理公会派卫理公会派Methodist church is a Christian denomination. We can trace its roots to John Wesleys revival movement within Angl

29、icanism(英国国教). Wesley, along with his brother founded a holy club while they were at Oxford, where John was a professor. The holy club met weekly and they systematically set about living a holy life. They were branded as Methodist by students at Oxford who mocked the methodical way they ordered thei

30、r lives. Wesley took the attempted mockery and turned it into a title of honor.In the United States, it ranks as the second largest Protestant church after the Baptist Church, and the third largest Christian denomination.约翰约翰卫斯理卫斯理 YOUR SITE HERELOGOthe fundamentalistBesides the main Protestant grou

31、ps, smaller sects from Europe have taken root, and new sects have formed within America. There are more than 100 other Protestant sects. Among them, the dominant trend is Protestants in the Unites StatesChristian fundamentalism, movement in American Protestantism that arose in the late 19th century

32、in reaction to theological modernism神学上的现代主义, which aimed to revise traditional Christian beliefs to accommodate new developments in the natural and social sciences, especially the advent (出现,到来)of the theory of biological evolution. In keeping with traditional Christian doctrines concerning biblica

33、l interpretation, the mission of Jesus Christ, and the role of the church in society, fundamentalists affirmed a core of Christian beliefs that included the historical accuracy of the Bible, the literal nature of the Biblical accounts, and Christs Virgin Birth, the bodily resurrection of Christ复活复活,

34、 and Christs death was the atonement(弥补,赎罪)(弥补,赎罪) for sin.原教旨主义 YOUR SITE HERELOGO原教旨主义最先在美国基督教新教中出现,时间是20世纪20年代。其观念形式在神学中是一种自我意识的对现代主义的批判。19世纪最后10年至一战期间,达尔文主义广泛传播,影响到社会各领域。它严重冲击了传统观念和文化,尤其是对圣经构成了直接威胁。人们对圣经和道德提出了怀疑,教会于是分裂成两派,一派是自由主义自由主义,20世纪早期称此思潮为“现代主义”。它对基督教教义进行了调整,用现代哲学、历史和科学知识对传统教义和圣经重新解释,目的是调和

35、基督教教义和现代科学之间的矛盾。另一派是原教旨主义原教旨主义。原教旨主义者认为圣经是神的启示,是绝对真理圣经是神的启示,是绝对真理。Protestants in the Unites StatesYOUR SITE HERELOGOCatholicsThe Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church, is the worlds largest Christian church, claiming more than a billion members. Led by the Pope.Catholic doctrine t

36、eaches that the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ in the 1st century AD.Since the East-West Schism( sizm分裂) of 1054, the churches that remained in communion(交流) with the See of Rome(罗马教廷) have been known as Catholic, while the Eastern churches that rejected the popes authority have general

37、ly been known as Eastern Orthodox“天主教是耶稣亲手创立的教会。公元1054年,基督教东西教会大分裂,东部称东正教;西部称天主教。YOUR SITE HERELOGOCatholicsPopeThe word Pope derives from Greek meaning Father“, is the Bishop of Rome, a position that makes him the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church. 教宗本笃十六世1927年4月16日出生于巴伐利亚. 是现任天主教教宗,2005年4月19

38、日被选为教宗,2005年4月24日正式登基。The current office-holder is Pope Benedict XVI, who was elected on 19 April 2005.他是第八位德国籍教宗,能讲十种语言。YOUR SITE HERELOGOCatholicsAlthough the largest church is of the Protestant faith, the largest single religious group in the United States is of Roman CatholicsThe majority of the

39、 Catholics in America are descendants of immigrants from Ireland, Italy and PolandMost of the Catholics stayed near the Anti-Catholic prejudice was very strong, more often taking the form of discrimination. By 1960, John F. Kennedys presidential election victory put to rest the catholic religion as

40、an issue in national politics. Kennedy was Roman Catholic.Catholics wanted their own schools, colleges and hospitals for they believed that these institutions were needed to preserve their faith.Catholics had risen to positions of leadership, not only in labor unions, but in business and politics.ea

41、st coast.YOUR SITE HERELOGOThree FaithsBy the 1950s, a kind of “three faiths” model of the United States had developed. Americans were considered to come in three basic varieties:YOUR SITE HERELOGOThe U.S. has always been a fertile ground for the growth of new religious movement. Frontier American p

42、rovided plenty of room to set up a new church or found a new community: Amish ; (阿门教派, Note 32) Jehovahs Witness; Mormons;(摩门教徒,一夫多妻制) Evangelical Protestants;(新教福音派的) Orthodox Jew ;(正统派犹太教徒) the Islam religion; Buddhism; Hindu(印度教徒)Religious DiversityYOUR SITE HERELOGOvAmericans of so many differen

43、t religious manage to live together under common laws and pursue common goals.YOUR SITE HERELOGOWhat is the American Character of Religion? YOUR SITE HERELOGOn Americans with different religions live together under the same law.n The religious beliefs of Americans continue to be strong with social progress.n In the United States every church is a completely independent organization, and concerned with its own finance and its own building.YOUR SITE HERELOGO


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