1、键盘及指法键盘及指法功能键区主键盘区编辑键区小键盘区正确的打字姿势1、座位高度适合,便于操作。2、身体保持端正,双脚平放于地上。3、肩膀要放松,上臂自然垂。4、手腕要平直,手指轻放于规定的字母键上。5、手腕不要压在键盘上或桌上。6、把要输入的稿件放置于键盘左侧,便于阅读。7、手臂保持静止,全部动作仅限于手指,不要移动手腕或 手臂来寻找键位。8、眼睛不要经常看键盘字母,应该平视屏幕。操作计算机的正确姿势:操作计算机的正确姿势:在记事本中输入:在记事本中输入: I love my teacher My teacher, her first impression that gives a perso
2、n is an ordinary woman, not fat not thin, not tall nor short, not black nor white. She is not the actor as beautiful face, no more fashionable women like fancy clothes, but she in my mind than those fashionable stars are ordinary people more beautiful, more noble. There is so much knowledge of her mind, heart is so kind, just like a loving mother, like a big sister kind. 作业:八个键位记心中,八个键位记心中,手指分工要弄清。手指分工要弄清。手指不离基本键,手指不离基本键,反复练习得真功。反复练习得真功。盲盲 打打 歌歌总总 结:结: