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1、How to Celebrate Holidays第一页,共四十四页。Procedurew Preparationw Detail Study of the Textw Post-reading Activitiesw Homework第二页,共四十四页。Preparationw 1. Thanksgiving: w Date: w Thanksgiving is celebrated in the US on the fourth Thursday in November. w Celebration: Schools, offices and most businesses close f

2、or Thanksgiving, and many people make the whole weekend a vacation.w Thanksgiving is considered the beginning of the Christmas period, and the next day many people go out to shop for Christmas presents.第三页,共四十四页。2. the Pilgrims:w They are the 102 English people who sailed to America on the Mayflower

3、 in 1620. Their group included 35 Puritans whose aim was to create a safe religious community in the New World. The Pilgrims probably landed at Plymouth Rock, and they established Plymouth colony. 第四页,共四十四页。Questions related to holidaysWhat about western traditional festivals?w St. Valentines Dayw E

4、asterw Mothers Dayw Fathers Dayw Halloweenw Thanksgiving Dayw Christmas第五页,共四十四页。Detail Study of the TextDetail Study of the Text under way: in motion or operation, having started and making progressw The nationwide medical reform is now under way.w Preparations for the 100th anniversary celebration

5、 are now well under way.w A battle to conquer nature is under way. collocation:w all the way 自始至终w any way 无论如何w by the way 顺便说w by way of 经由,通过(tnggu)的方法第六页,共四十四页。1. under wayw in in motion or operationmotion or operation, having started , having started and and making progressmaking progressw A na

6、tional debate A national debate is now under wayis now under way about the manner in which we as a about the manner in which we as a society should protect our natural society should protect our natural resources.resources.w Preparations for the 100Preparations for the 100thth anniversary anniversar

7、y celebration are now celebration are now well under waywell under way. .第七页,共四十四页。2. ashore adv. 2. ashore adv. towards or towards or onto landonto land from an area of water:from an area of water:w We swam ashore.w A few pieces of wood had washed ashore.w Strong winds blew the ship ashore.be aboar

8、d, be away, be awake, be alike, be afraid, be abreast第八页,共四十四页。3. get to sth./ doing sthw begin to give serious attention to or deal withw Thinking about the movie Clock-stoppers, I got to wondering what the world would look like if you could stop time.w Some students get to thinking about what to d

9、o until their forth year.第九页,共四十四页。4. and the rest-and so onw The patients can have apples, apple juice, apple sauce, and the rest.w The citizens are interested in the governments policies on such important issues as health, education, tax, and the rest.第十页,共四十四页。5. in quest of-seekingw Tony went to

10、 the school library in quest of Mark Twains novels.w Mary told me that she was leaving New York City in quest of a tranquil life.quest for 到处到处(doch)寻找寻找w The police are still questing for further evidence.第十一页,共四十四页。6. Sincere adj. not pretending, honest6. Sincere adj. not pretending, honestw Any r

11、eaders who feel annoyed please Any readers who feel annoyed please accept my sincere apologies.accept my sincere apologies.w Id like to express my sincere thanks Id like to express my sincere thanks and love to my family for all their help and love to my family for all their help and support.and sup

12、port.sincerelysincerely adv. Yours sincerely adv. Yours sincerelysinceritysincerity n.u the warmth and sincerity of n.u the warmth and sincerity of his his welcomewelcome第十二页,共四十四页。7. Gratitude n.7. Gratitude n. n. being thankful, thankfulness (followed n. being thankful, thankfulness (followed by t

13、o sb./ for sth.)by to sb./ for sth.)I should like to I should like to express my gratitudeexpress my gratitude to all to all members of the lab for their contribution members of the lab for their contribution to the breakthrough.to the breakthrough.What she felt for David was not love but What she f

14、elt for David was not love but gratitude.gratitude.第十三页,共四十四页。8. Reverend n. 8. Reverend n. a title for a minister a title for a minister of the Christian church:of the Christian church:the Reverend H. Clarkreverence n. great respect or admiration She has/shows/feels great reverence for her professo

15、rsreverend adj. a reverend gentlemen (教士教士(jiosh))= priestpriest第十四页,共四十四页。9. Statement n. sth. that is said or written, esp. formallyand officiallyThe trade union issued a statement opposing racial discrimination.One tends to believe whatever one repeats to oneself sufficiently often, whether the s

16、tatement be true or false.第十五页,共四十四页。10. Specific adj. 1)1) relating to one thing and not others relating to one thing and not othersTheThe new system made it easier for new system made it easier for employers to recruit workers based on employers to recruit workers based on specific needsspecific n

17、eeds. .2) 2) particularparticularWhat people do, think, and feel may What people do, think, and feel may depend greatly on the specific depend greatly on the specific conditions in which their behavior occurs.conditions in which their behavior occurs.第十六页,共四十四页。Specific, special, unique,Specific, sp

18、ecial, unique,Special a. not ordinary or usual:Special a. not ordinary or usual:The car has a number of The car has a number of special safety special safety features.features.unique a. being the only existing one of its type unique a. being the only existing one of its type or, more generally, unus

19、ual or special in or, more generally, unusual or special in some way:some way:Each persons genetic code is Each persons genetic code is uniqueunique except in except in the case of identical twins.the case of identical twins.第十七页,共四十四页。Particular adj.before nounParticular adj.before noun1.1. special

20、, or this and not any other:special, or this and not any other:She wanted a particular type of She wanted a particular type of cactus.cactus.2.2. be particular about sthbe particular about sth. . She is particular about her breakfast.She is particular about her breakfast.第十八页,共四十四页。11. on ones behal

21、f11. on ones behalf = on the behalf of sb. = on the behalf of sb.1) 1) for sb.; in the interests of sb.for sb.; in the interests of sb.Please dont leave Please dont leave on my behalfon my behalf (= because of me)(= because of me)2) 2) as the representative of sb.as the representative of sb.You can

22、consider having him as your lawyer to act You can consider having him as your lawyer to act on your on your behalfbehalf when you need legal help. when you need legal help.He delivered a speech He delivered a speech on the behalf of allon the behalf of all the graduates on the graduates on the Gradu

23、ation Day.the Graduation Day.第十九页,共四十四页。12. Unload v. remove12. Unload v. remove(the load or cargo) from a ship, car, etc.;(the load or cargo) from a ship, car, etc.;remove the load or cargo from (a ship, car, etc.)remove the load or cargo from (a ship, car, etc.)For economic reasons, shipbuilders h

24、ave designed For economic reasons, shipbuilders have designed vesselsvessels that can be loaded and unloaded in a that can be loaded and unloaded in a minimum amount of time with minimum labor.minimum amount of time with minimum labor.My son helped me unload the shopping from the car.My son helped m

25、e unload the shopping from the car.第二十页,共四十四页。13. Considerate adj. kind & 13. Considerate adj. kind & helpfulhelpfulIt wasnt very considerate of you to drink all the milk.Be considerate to others.w NOTE: The opposite is inconsiderate.第二十一页,共四十四页。14. Amid prep. in the middle of, 14. Amid prep. in the

26、 middle of, amongamongThe children were changing The children were changing classrooms amid laughter and classrooms amid laughter and shouts.shouts.Amid the confusion, the two men Amid the confusion, the two men slipped away quietly without being slipped away quietly without being noticed.noticed.第二

27、十二页,共四十四页。15. Swift 15. Swift a. a. rapid, promptrapid, prompt Because of the swift, enormous growth of Because of the swift, enormous growth of the urban areas many farmers left their the urban areas many farmers left their villages in quest of work.villages in quest of work.The Olympic motto is Th

28、e Olympic motto is Citius-Altius-Foutius.Citius-Altius-Foutius. These words mean “Swifter, Higher, These words mean “Swifter, Higher, Stronger.”Stronger.”第二十三页,共四十四页。16. weep v. shed (tears), cry 16. weep v. shed (tears), cry because of (fml) because of (fml) for/over sb/sth for/over sb/sthLaugh, an

29、d the world laughs with you; Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone.weep, and you weep alone.weep for joyweep for joya mother a mother weeping overweeping over the death of her the death of her childchild第二十四页,共四十四页。17. undergo, encounter, experience17. undergo, encounter, ex

30、perience1) 1) undergoundergo ( (遭受,经历遭受,经历) ) 指某些必需指某些必需(bx)(bx)的或不愉快的或不愉快的事情发生在你身上或别人对你做了,尽管这的事情发生在你身上或别人对你做了,尽管这可能会对你造成可能会对你造成麻烦、痛苦或不幸麻烦、痛苦或不幸,但你还是忍受,但你还是忍受了。了。His mother was about to undergo a major operation.His mother was about to undergo a major operation.You have to undergo the military train

31、ing this You have to undergo the military training this summer.summer.第二十五页,共四十四页。2) 2) encounter encounter ( (遭遇遭遇(zoy)(zoy),遇到,遇到) )为正式用词。为正式用词。指经历了麻烦或困难指经历了麻烦或困难( (without without expectation)expectation)I encountered many difficulties when I I encountered many difficulties when I first started t

32、his job.first started this job.They ve never encountered any They ve never encountered any discrimination.discrimination.第二十六页,共四十四页。3) 3) experienceexperience (经历)指某种情形或问题发生在你身上或你受此影响。着重生活(shnghu)中有事物发生但未指此遭遇是否愉快、重要与否。w They are experiencing a population explosion.They are experiencing a population

33、 explosion.w The world has experienced great changes in last The world has experienced great changes in last two decades.two decades.第二十七页,共四十四页。18. corn on the cob noun U18. corn on the cob noun Uw the cylinder-like part of the maize plant the cylinder-like part of the maize plant which is cooked w

34、ith the sweet yellow which is cooked with the sweet yellow or white grains on itor white grains on it第二十八页,共四十四页。19. feature v. to include someone or 19. feature v. to include someone or something as an important part:something as an important part:The film features James Dean as a The film features

35、 James Dean as a disaffected teenager.disaffected teenager.This weeks broadcast features a report This weeks broadcast features a report on victims of domestic violence.on victims of domestic violence.Its an Australian company whose logo Its an Australian company whose logo features a red kangaroo.f

36、eatures a red kangaroo.第二十九页,共四十四页。20. grammar school20. grammar schoola British school, especially in the past, a British school, especially in the past, for children aged 11-18 who are good for children aged 11-18 who are good at studying. In America, especially in at studying. In America, especia

37、lly in the past, it is a school for children the past, it is a school for children aged 5-12 or 5-14.aged 5-12 or 5-14.Public school (EXPENSIVE SCHOOL) Public school (EXPENSIVE SCHOOL) in England, an expensive type of in England, an expensive type of private schoolprivate school (= school paid for b

38、y (= school paid for by parents not by the governmentparents not by the government第三十页,共四十四页。public school = FREE SCHOOLpublic school = FREE SCHOOLin in Scotland, Australia and the US,Scotland, Australia and the US, a free a free school provided by the governmentschool provided by the government第三十一

39、页,共四十四页。21. remind verb T to 21. remind verb T to make someone make someone aware ofaware of something they have forgotten something they have forgotten or might have forgotten:or might have forgotten:Could you remind Paul about dinner on Could you remind Paul about dinner on Saturday?Saturday?Pleas

40、e remind me to post this letter.Please remind me to post this letter.I rang Jill and reminded her (that) the I rang Jill and reminded her (that) the conference had been cancelled.conference had been cancelled.第三十二页,共四十四页。reminder noun C reminder noun C a written or spoken a written or spoken message

41、 message which which reminds someone to do something:reminds someone to do something:If he forgot to pay his rent, his landlady If he forgot to pay his rent, his landlady would send him a reminder.would send him a reminder.Mum sent me off with a final reminder to Mum sent me off with a final reminde

42、r to be back before 11 pm.be back before 11 pm.第三十三页,共四十四页。22. recede verb I 22. recede verb I to move to move further awayfurther away into the into the distance, or to become less clear or distance, or to become less clear or less bright:less bright:As the boat picked up speed, the As the boat pic

43、ked up speed, the coastline receded into the distance coastline receded into the distance until finally it became invisible.until finally it became invisible.The painful memories gradually The painful memories gradually receded in her mind.receded in her mind.第三十四页,共四十四页。23. 23. accord (GIVE) verb T

44、 FORMAL accord (GIVE) verb T FORMAL to treat someone specially, usually by showing to treat someone specially, usually by showing respect:respect: The massed crowds of supporters The massed crowds of supporters accorded him a heros welcome.accorded him a heros welcome.Certainly in our society teache

45、rs dont Certainly in our society teachers dont enjoy the respect that is accorded to enjoy the respect that is accorded to doctors and lawyers in UK.doctors and lawyers in UK.第三十五页,共四十四页。24. 24. pound v. to pound v. to hit or beathit or beat repeatedly with a lot of force, or to repeatedly with a lo

46、t of force, or to crush something by hitting it crush something by hitting it repeatedly:repeatedly:I could feel my heart pounding as I went on stage to collect I could feel my heart pounding as I went on stage to collect the prize.the prize.Nearly 50 people are still missing after the storm pounded

47、 the Nearly 50 people are still missing after the storm pounded the coast.coast.He pounded on the door demanding to be let in.He pounded on the door demanding to be let in.She was pounding away on her typewriter until four in the She was pounding away on her typewriter until four in the morning.morn

48、ing.第三十六页,共四十四页。Pound up on decksPound up on decksTo move with heavy quick step that make a dull sound To move with heavy quick step that make a dull sound up to the upper deckup to the upper deck25. graduate25. graduate verb I to advance or improve:She graduated from being a secretary toShe graduat

49、ed from being a secretary torunning her own departmentrunning her own department.第三十七页,共四十四页。26. immerse verb 1 R to become completely involved in 26. immerse verb 1 R to become completely involved in something:something:She got some books out of the library and She got some books out of the library

50、 and immersed herself in Jewish history and culture.immersed herself in Jewish history and culture.2 2 T FORMAL to put something or someone completely under the surface of a liquid:The shells should be immersed in boiling The shells should be immersed in boiling water for two minutes.water for two m


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