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1、List of References you have used: 1 book, 2 or more articlesBackground or historical Information: 5 points (when, who, major issues)Definition: 3-5 sentencesTheoretical basis and Empirical studies: psychological, linguistic and teaching experiments /in what way? The role of teachers and students and

2、 material: 2-3 sentences for each pointCharacteristics of Teaching Method: One ppt pageProcedures: one ppt pageHow to use it in practice: one example (1-2 ppt pages)Development of Teaching Methods: 1-2 ppt pagesStrong points and weak points: 1 ppt pageSignificance in history: 2-3 sentencesOriginated

3、 in :Canada around 1965 .One of the first programs in the immersion education developed to provide countrys English-speaking young population with opportunities to French Canadas other official language. First appeared on the general language teaching scene in the mid to late 1980s It gained increas

4、ing popularity throughout 1990s and initial years of new millennium. Expanded in many different areas for a variety of educational projects, and being widely used in Canada and American institutions . CBIT is an instructional approach in which language proficiency is achieved by shifting the course

5、from language per se to the learning to the learning of subject matter. (Lever&Stryker ;1989:270)The integration of particular content with language teaching aims () the concurrent teaching of subject matter and language skills (Brinton et al ;1989:2)In content-based instruction, language teachers u

6、se content topics, rather than grammar rules or vocabulary list, as the scaffolding for instruction.(Short;1993:629)Major source:The postulates of krashen and Swain .Krashen(1982,1984) claims that SLA occur when the learner receives comprehensible input, not when she is forced to memorize vocabulary

7、 or manipulate language by means of batteries of grammar exercises.The more comprehensible input it provides, the more likely students are to progress in their command of new language when they understand the content in that new linguistic code.In order to for learners to develop communicative compe

8、tence, they must have opportunity for language of using language productively ,both orally and in writing (Swain ;1985,1993).Comprehensible and coherent output falls into the category of CBLT.Theoretical Basis and Empirical studies Students are exposed to authentic reading material: Interpret and ev

9、aluate the information contained in them , to cooperate , so that they can respond either orally or in writing ; “Synthesize facts and ideas from multiple sources as preparation for writing” (Stroller;1997:29) . Teacher : Provide meaningful, communicative, significant context for language learning t

10、o occur; draw upon learners past experiences and knowledge as well as previous experience from the curriculum make assessment frequently and regularlyMaterial: provide relevant and meaningful content can satisfy students interests and needs than language itself. language is the vehicle for meaningfu

11、l and developmentally appropriate content.Subject matter core: the fundamental organization of curriculum should be derived from the subject matter rather than from forms ,functions or situation.Leaning of new information: students should use second language to learn new information and evaluate the

12、 new information based on the previous experience and immediate prior learning. Appropriate to the specific needs of students: the topics, contents and learning activities should correspond to the cognitive and affective needs of the students and should be appropriate to the proficiency level of the

13、 class. They practice authentic reading, listen to the teachers comments and speak about the content. They write certain tasks to consolidate what they have previously listened to , read and spoken In addition to that ,students interpret and evaluate information provided, study and learn facts and d

14、evelop a variety of receptive and productive procedures which prepare them for the range of academic demands which they have to face with CBIT is closely related to Strong points:Search for references first.Read your references carefully & try to understand it .Highlight What you read and your ppt is just the outline for you to do the presentation, not the details.When you present, you should make yourself understood.Time used is 10 minutes.Your ppt should be less than 11 pages altogether.Thank you for Listening!Thank you for Listening!


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