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1、YOUR LOGO原 创 文 档 请 勿 盗 版初中英语教学风格评语(共8篇) 第1篇:初中英语教师 教学风格新课标更注意英语教学要面向学生全体;立足于教和学次性化的真正形成实现素质教育的全面发展;探索新概念英语教学之风格; 一、以自己的风格培养有风格的学生 一直以来;受应试教学的影响;英语教学一直重知识轻能力;重视对学生的基础知识的灌输;却忽视对学生语言能力的培养;往往是教师一手拿教材;一手拿“教参”;讲练不分家;根本不考虑英语学科的独特性; 现在;素质教育要求学生养成良好的学习习惯;具备较强的自学能力;以学生的发展为着力点;所以;当教师的任务不仅是“教”;更重要的是“教学”;是教学生学;教
2、学生如何学;如何科学地学;如何摸索出一套适合自己的具有永久性指导意义又能一直完善的学习方法;不仅能使学生初中阶段的英语学有成绩;更重要的是将对学生以后的继续学习、深造及走向社会后的工作和生活打下基础;二、新课标下英语教学风格的实践性内涵 英语教学中;我们可以规范字词、语法及英语修辞方法;甚至也可以规范思考英语知识的逻辑性;但我们决不能让每次学生依托老师的框架把学习和思想均达到整齐划一;我们必需给学生更多的空间去扩大思想和独立创新; 在教学中;教师不应将教材视为一部固定的机器;而是要经过教师精心谋划使之变得丰富多彩、姿态万千;每一篇英语课文甚至是每一句话都允许依照规律来显示师生自己的理解;体现放
3、权观念;能让学生说的老师不说;能让学生做的老师不做;创设各种合作学习的活动;促使学生养成互相学习、互相辅助的学习习惯; 在教学中;教师不该也不能拘泥于考试命题和尺度化答案来教学;而应重在对学生英语综合能力的培养和提高了;在纠正学生所犯的错误中指导学习方法;指导学生课内打基础、课外长能力;根据新教材中部署的实践活动;及时举办如朗诵、唱歌、演讲、讲故事、表演、英语角、办英语墙报、展览等活动;给学生以展现自己的机会;进一步培养他们的自主性和创新意识; 在教学中;教师应针对学生学习的特点;为学生精心设计学案;在课堂整体过程中学生“画龙”;教师“点睛”;然后在“自学”和“共学”的基础上让学生“练习”;比
4、方:精选课中就出现的重要词、句及学生提出的问题进行练习;把了解知识的着重放在对问题思考上;根据学生知识结构、思想方式和特点;通过提问、启发和点拨;引导学生积极思想;多角度思想;使他们在了解基础知识的同时得到思想方法训练;灵活应用所学知识;真正体现素质教育的精髓一切为了学生的发展;三、新课标要求改变教学观念;端正教学主体 旧的教学模式一直存在着“重知识讲授;轻能力培养”的倾向;经常会发生“高分低能”现象;而现在的社会需要高素质的人才;所以教师必需改变教育教学观念;寓素质教育于英语教学中;面向全体学生;充分发挥学生特长;为学生在教学中提供次性化学习的途径和手段;并和学生形成民主、平等、互动的关系;
5、从某种意义上讲;英语教学的成败就在于教师人格魅力的影响和教学风格的感染力度;当代的教师必需自觉地、一直地追求科学的教育教学风格;辅助学生确立正确的人生观、价值观;实现既教书又育人的目标;第2篇:评语之初中英语课堂教学评语初中英语课堂教学评语【篇1:初中英语课堂教学评价语拿捏尺度之我见】初中英语课堂教学评价语拿捏尺度之我见摘 要:初中英语课堂教学的评价语要注意方式;要抓住评价的时间和机会;掌握好尺度;关键词:英语课堂;评价语;尺度在英语课堂教学中;教师的评价语其实是对学生在课堂学习中所存在的问题以及各种信息的分析和判断的一次评价过程;评价语是否得当在一定水平上影响着学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性;所
7、于口头的赞赏;物质奖励更能激发学生对英语学习的积极性;例如;学生在回答问题时表示的非常优秀时;教师可以奖励学生一次漂亮的小卡片、书签、笔等;通过此种形式;学生积极地参加到教学课堂中;提高了自身的听力和运用英语表白的能力;(2)教师可以在课堂中通过组织一些活动【篇2:初中英语教学中课堂评价的合理运用】龙源期刊网 .cn初中英语教学中课堂评价的合理运用作者:魏素菲摘 要:课堂评价是指任课教师在课堂教学中;对学生的学习态度、学习过程和学习结果的评价;初中英语教学中的课堂评价随同课堂教学的全过程;合理运用课堂评价这一教学手段;使课堂评价和课堂教学无缝结合;能提高了初中英语教学效率;结合初中英语教学实践
8、;就课堂评价方式多元化、课堂评价方法多样化、课堂评价成为课堂教学过程的有机组成部份、充分发挥课堂评价的作用等方面进行了有益的探讨;关键词:英语教学;课堂教学;课堂评价课堂评价是指任课教师在课堂教学中;对学生的学习态度、学习过程和学习结果的评价;初中英语教学中的课堂评价是初中英语课堂教学的有机组成局部;是重要的教学手段之一;初中英语教学中的课堂评价随同课堂教学的全过程;一、课堂评价方式要多元化课堂评价的方式要灵活多样;课堂评价方式以口语评价为主;辅以教师的形体语言和奖励等;如;教师的表情、语调、眼神、手势等都属于课堂评价方式范畴;后者有时会收到意要不到的好效果; 1.口头评语;语言评价是课堂评价
9、的主要方式;初中英语教学中的课堂评价用语五彩斑斓;教师要根据不同的情境灵活运用;不要总是用“very good!”等几句单调的评语;要知道;灵动的评价语言会给课堂带来清新活力;2.形体语言;教师的形体语言是课堂评价的一种常用方式;如鼓掌、点头、微笑、赞赏的眼神、翘大拇指等;3.其他课堂评价方式;其他课堂评价方式也不少;如;奖小奖品方式、奖小星星方式、奖小红花方式、课堂表示加分方式等都可运用;二、课堂评价的方法要多样化1.以教师评价为主;适当运用学生的自我评价、相互评价;课堂评价的方法要多样化;在课堂教学中;以教师评价为主;适当运用学生的自我评价、相互评价;2.适当运用分层评价方法;分层评价的立
10、足点是“以人为本;以学生为中心;以学生的发展为本”;评价不是为了证明;而是为了进步;【篇3:初中英语教师课堂评价语言的使用策略】初中英语教师课堂评价语言的使用策略初中阶段的学生尽管已经接触了三四年的英语;但在课堂上还存在一系列问题;表示得比拟被动和拘谨;如果教师能够充分使用语言策略;对他们的学习行为进行评价;将推动他们形成良好的心理素质;有利于实现学生的英语自主学习;培养学生语言综合运用的能力;为终生学习打下坚实的基础;本文试图把教师课堂评价语言作为观察对象;并分析他课堂评价语言的使用情况;进而提出几点针对性的建议;一、对一段英语公开课视频的观察和思考 (一)观察对象和方法 1观察对象观察的目
11、的是考察一位教师的课堂评价语言使用情况;笔者搜集了一次初中英语课堂教学的录像片段(http:/ unit 6 reading 2局部;该录像能够满足观察目的; 2观察方法观察这段视频采取的是间接观察的方法;它的好处是能够带着研究目的反复观察并修正观察结果;尽可能做到观察的客观性;欠缺之处在于;因为是公开课;镜头基本上对准的是教师;而无法正面反映学生的学习行为;鉴于笔者主要考察的是教师评价语言的使用情况;因此学生的举止神态可以暂时忽略;另外一次欠缺的地方是;笔者对在场学生的情况不够了解;因此也可能会影响教师评价语言使用策略的提出;具体在观察的过程中;采取了事件取样法;把规定性事件的出现和否和如何
12、出现作为记录的尺度;有利于对观察结果作分析;(二)观察过程和数据统计 1明确观察对象此次观察针对的是教师的评价语言;具体而言是指教师对于学生回答问题的情况进行的评判;本文试图用语言的分类、语言的性质和说话的内容三大维度来考察该教师的课堂表示; 2分析统计数据第3篇:初中英语评语文涛:Youre smart and quick response in the cla as you can answer the questions quickly.Just keep on and you can succeed.Everything taken into consideration you are
13、 an excellent student with a strong potential to develop.What you should do is to keep your enthusiasm in your English learning.Besides be more careful in your study and try your best to remember more words youll be the best ! Come on ! 杨鑫: You are a nice boy and can behave yourself in the cla .Some
14、times you can take the notes carefully .However I think you should pay more attention to the way you study.And I hope you can spend more time in your grammar learning .Whats more you should make full use of your time to remember more new words and then I believe you can get better grades.Keep on! 丹华
15、:You are an honest student respect the teachers get along well with your clamates.You listen to the teacher carefully in cla and take notes in time. If you could make full use of your time to remember more new words I believe youll make great progre.Besides I think you should pay more attention to t
16、he way you study and then I believe you can get better grades.Keep on! 柏濠:You are quiet in cla .But you listen to the teacher carefully.Whats more Im glad that you take the notes in time.I know you really work hard from your notes exercises and the exams.And your pronunciation is quite good but you
17、need more time to practice if you want to speak fluently.Besides if you can do your exercises more carefully and try your best to remember more words as much as your can Im sure you will see a different world.紫晴:You are quiet in cla.But you listen to the teacher carefully.You can always concentrate
18、your mind in cla but you are just too shy to ask questions.Consult your teachers whenever you meet difficulties you can solve the problem and make progre.In addition I hope you can spend more time in your grammar learning and vocabulary learning.I believe you can do a better job.树坚:Youre serious-min
19、ded and listen carefully in the cla.And your writing is quite good.Whats more Im glad that you take the notes in time.But youre too quiet and shy which is not good for you to learn English well.And you should make full use of your time to remember more words by heart.So just be more active.Believe i
20、n yourself ! Come on! 杰城:I really like that you and Zhu Wentao are so cooperative and active in the cla.You always discu with each other to get the best answer.Besides you are good at English but a little carele.So remember to be more careful when you do exercises. In addition you have a solid found
21、ation in English.Thats very good but I still hope you can spend more time in vocabulary learning. I m sure you can make a great progre in the near future English study.凯轩:You listen to the teacher carefully in cla.Every time you answer the questions very loudly and correctly .In fact;your answers ar
22、e always pretty good every time;you should believe yourself.You have a very solid foundation in English.Thats very good.I still hope you can spend more time in reciting words.Believe in yourself ! You will be better at English .Come on ! 炜莹:You study really hard and always eager to learn more.This i
23、s a good habit.You can listen attentively take notes carefully and complete tasks within the given time.In addition you can always give a perfect answer whenever being asked.If you can spend more time in your grammar and reading I believe you can do a better job! Never give up and try hard I believe
24、 you can make a great progre.杨婧:You can behave yourself and you are always active in every cla.You can put your heart into what you are doing.Thats a very good habit! Keep going on! In additionyou can always concentrate your mind in cla but you are just too shy to ask questions.Consult your teachers
25、 whenever you meet difficulties you can solve the problem and make progre.Be confident! You can make it! 智成:You have very bright smile and a quick mind.Actually you are very smart.If you can focus your mind on what you should do in the cla.You can do a better job.Come on! However you couldnt help do
26、ing monkey busine during the cla.And you should remember more words.Try to be more self-disciplined you can make progre soon!暂时的落后不谨代表什么;就像长跑竞赛 冠军通常不是起跑领先的人;坚强就是胜利;老师相信你一定行的;加油!(建议你继续报读寒假的课程;把以前还没有了解好的知识点补回来) 凤宜:You are a nice girl.I like you because you are always active and can answer every questi
27、on correctly.Thats very good.In addition you are very smart and pleased to ask questions.Thats a very good learning habit.I believe you can make progre by doing this.Do enough exercise but not too much.Try not to make the same mistake again.You can do a better job! Come on! 展文:You are unique and cle
28、ver.Dont forget to arrange everything well do what you should do at the right time.I hope you can do more exercise and speak more English to improve yourself.Come on! You can make it! Besides what you should do is to keep your enthusiasm in your English learning.Speak more English and reading more E
29、nglish books you can do it better! 锡明:You are a nice boy and can always behave yourself in the cla.You can always concentrate your mind in clabut you are just too shy to ask questions.Ask your teachers whenever you meet difficulties you can solve the problem and make progre.BesidesI hope you can spe
30、ak English louder without any hesitation.Actually you can do it be confident! 国豪:You are a good boy but just too shy.You always speak in a low voice.Try to be active read out English loudly.Secondly you are very clever and can learn everything quickly.But you couldnt help doing monkey busine during
31、the cla.Try to be more self-disciplined you can make progre soon! Finally I still hope you can spend more time in reading and writing.Then you can do a better job! Come on! (建议你继续报读寒假的课程;把以前还没有了解好的知识点补回来) 苑澄:Your pronunciation and intonation are very good.I can see that you have the gift for English
32、.Make full use of this advantage and do more exercise of grammar.You can do a much better job! In addition you are also quick-minded in every cla.Thats very good.What you should do is to keep your enthusiasm in your English learning.Keep going on! You can always do a better job! 嘉慧:You are clever bu
33、t just too quiet.So I hope you can be more active and catch every opportunity to open your mouth and practise your English.I believe you can do a better job! In addition you are a nice girl.I can always see your sweet smile.You can always give a perfect answer whenever being asked.If you can spend m
34、ore time in your grammar and reading I believe you can do a better job! Come on! 宇恒:You are active in cla.And you listen to the teacher carefully.I am happy to see that you can take the notes in time.Whats more you have a good understanding of language.But sometimes you could not focus your mind on
35、what you are doing.Try to be more concentrated and remember more words as much as you can you can do a better job! (建议你继续报读寒假的课程;把以前还没有了解好的知识点补回来) 杨家:You are a nice boy but too quiet.Especially when you are speaking English if you can speak louder that will be better! Be more confident and active yo
36、u can do a better job! Besides you should spend more time in remember words and reading.Try to work hard and try to be more self-disciplined I believe you can get better grades.Keep on! 暂时的落后不谨代表什么;就像长跑竞赛冠军通常不是起跑领先的人;坚强就是胜利;老师相信你一定行的;加油!(建议你继续报读寒假的课程;把以前还没有了解好的知识点补回来) 凯轩:You listen to the teacher ca
37、refully in cla.Every time you answer the questions very loudly and correctly .In fact;your answers are always pretty good every time;you should believe yourself.You have a very solid foundation in English.Thats very good.I still hope you can spend more time in reciting words.Believe in yourself ! Yo
38、u will be better at English .Come on ! 锡明:You are a nice boy and can always behave yourself in the cla.You can always concentrate your mind in clabut you are just too shy to ask questions.Ask your teachers whenever you meet difficulties you can solve the problem and make progre.BesidesI hope you can
39、 speak English louder without any hesitation.Actually you can do it be confident! (建议你继续报读寒假的课程;把以前还没有了解好的知识点补回来)第4篇:初中学生英语评语杨鑫: you are a nice boy and can behave yourself in the cla .sometimes you can take the notes carefully .however i think you should pay more attention to the way you study.and i
40、 hope you can spend more time in your grammar learning .whats more you should make full use of your time to remember more new words and then i believe you can get better grades.keep on! 丹华:you are an honest student respect the teachers get along well with your clamates.you listen to the teacher care
41、fully in cla and take notes in time.if you could make full use of your time to remember more new words i believe youll make great progre.besides i think you should pay more attention to the way you study and then i believe you can get better grades.keep on! 柏濠:you are quiet in cla .but you listen to
42、 the teacher carefully.whats more im glad that you take the notes in time.i know you really work hard from your notes exercises and the exams.and your pronunciation is quite good but you need more time to practice if you want to speak fluently.besides if you can do your exercises more carefully and
43、try your best to remember more words as much as your can im sure you will see a different world. 紫晴:you are quiet in cla.but you listen to the teacher carefully.you can always concentrate your mind in cla but you are just too shy to ask questions.consult your teachers whenever you meet difficulties
44、you can solve the problem and make progre.in addition i hope you can spend more time in your grammar learning and vocabulary learning.i believe you can do a better job. 杰城:i really like that you and zhu wentao are so cooperative and active in the cla.you always discu with each other to get the best
45、answer.besides you are good at english but a little carele.so remember to be more careful when you do exercises.in addition you have a solid foundation in english.thats very good but i still hope you can spend more time in vocabulary learning.i m sure you can make a great progre in the near future e
46、nglish study. 杨婧:you can behave yourself and you are always active in every cla.you can put your heart into what you are doing.thats a very good habit! keep going on! in additionyou can always concentrate your mind in cla but you are just too shy to ask questions.consult your teachers whenever you m
47、eet difficulties you can solve the problem and make progre.be confident! you can make it! 锡明:you are a nice boy and can always behave yourself in the cla.you can always concentrate your mind in clabut you are just too shy to ask questions.ask your teachers whenever you meet difficulties you can solv
48、e the problem and make progre.besidesi hope you can speak english louder without any hesitation.actually you can do it be confident!篇2:初中学生英语评语 nothing is difficult to the man who will try. mi zhu work harder and you will make much more progre. mi zhu no pains no gains.i hope you will make more progre in the future. mi zhu the harder you work the sooner you will improve. mi zhu you have to believe in yourself.thats the secret of succe.mi zhu goals determine what you are goin