1、中国书法中国书法(calligraphy)是一门是一门独特的独特的艺术艺术,是是世界上独一无二的世界上独一无二的艺术瑰宝艺术瑰宝。 Chinese calligraphy is a unique art and the unique art treasure in the world. 4UNIT1UNIT中国书法艺术的中国书法艺术的形成、发展与形成、发展与汉文字的汉文字的产生与产生与演进存在着演进存在着密不可分的密不可分的关系。关系。 The formation and development of the Chinese calligraphy is closely related to
2、the emergence and evolution of Chinese characters. 4UNIT1UNIT汉字汉字在漫长的演变发展过程中,一方面在漫长的演变发展过程中,一方面起着起着交交流思想、继承文化的流思想、继承文化的重要作用重要作用,另一方面它本,另一方面它本身又身又形成了一种形成了一种独特的独特的艺术艺术。 In this long evolutionary process, Chinese characters have not only played an important role in exchanging ideas and transmitting cul
3、ture but also developed into a unique art form. 4UNIT1UNIT书法能够书法能够通过作品通过作品把把书法家个人的生活感受、书法家个人的生活感受、学识、修养、个性等学识、修养、个性等折射折射出来,所以,通常出来,所以,通常有有字如其人字如其人的的说法说法。 Calligraphic works well reflect calligraphers personal feelings, knowledge, self-cultivation, personality, and so forth, thus there is an expression that seeing the calligraphers handwriting is like seeing the person. 4UNIT1UNIT中国书法中国书法不仅不仅是是中华民族的中华民族的文化瑰宝文化瑰宝,而且在,而且在世界文化艺术宝库中世界文化艺术宝库中独放异彩独放异彩。As one of the treasures of Chinese culture, Chinese calligraphy shines splendidly in the worlds treasure house of culture and art.4UNIT1UNIT