1、 What is conversation? A way of using language socially, of doing things with words. A interaction of two or more participants. Number of participants and length of contribution to the conversation can vary. Open-ended, has the potential to developed in any way. planned for occasions for speaking, s
2、uch as meetings or debates.What is conversation analysis? CA is the study of recorded, naturally occurring talk-in-interaction. Its object of the study is the interactional organization of social activities. CA aims at discovering how participants understand and respond to one another in their turns
3、 at talk, with a central focus on how sequences of actions are generated.It is an empirical approach which avoids premature theory construction. methods are inductive, search for recurring patterns. Origin of the conversation analysisInspired by ethnomethodology(人类方法学), CA was developed in the late
4、1960s and early 1970s. Representatives(famous American scholars) : Harvey Sacks, Emmanuel Schegolff Gail JeffersonFundamental essay :A simplest systematic for the organization of turn-taking for conversation.Today CA is an established method used in sociology, anthropology, linguistics, speech-commu
5、nication and psychology. It is particularly influential in interactional sociolinguistics, discourse analysis and discursive psychology, as well as being a coherent discipline in its own right. Basic notions: Turn:basic unit of conversation it may contain many illocutions, it is everything that a sp
6、eaker communicates during a unit of conversation.Turn-taking: basic form organization for conversation.speakers change occursmostly, one speaker talks at a timecurrent speaker may select another speaker or parties, or may self-select in starting to talktransition from one turn to the next without ga
7、p or overlap turn order and size not fixedrepair mechanisms: deal with turn-taking errors and violationsTransition relevance places(TRP)Transition: a relay of the right to speak to the next speaker Mechanisms of selection (self- or other-) TRP can be exploited by the speaker holding the floorDirectl
8、y, for the purpose of allocating the right to speaker to a next speaker of his/her choiceIndirectly, by throwing the floor wide open to whoeverAdjacency pairs(相邻对子)紧挨在一起的话轮称作相邻对子。特点:必须是由两个言语行为组成的序列这两个行为由不同的发话人发出这两个行为通常紧挨在一起,且排列顺序有规律,先出现的是相邻对子的第一部分,后出现的为第二部分两部分之间有固定的联系,第一部分出现预示着第二部分的出现Complaint/denia
9、lE:Hey yuh took my chair by the way anI dont think that was very nice.N:I didnt take yer chair, its my chair.Complaint/rejectionA: Im glad I have you for a friend.B: Thats because you dont have any others.例子:Preference organization of adjacency pairs例子:A: What does John do for a living?B: a. Oh this
10、 and that. b. He doesnt. c. Ive no idea. d. Whats that got to do with you?分类:合意等级(preferred organization):指应答无标记的,很快的发出,结构上简单。不合意等级(dis-preferred organization):有标记的,形势复杂。Levinson 归纳了一些标记性特征:(1)在说出不合意的应答前有延迟,如 发话前的停顿;使用各种开端语(见(2),通过补救引发语插入序列来造成错位。(2)使用各种开端语(preface),如“uh”、“well”之类的标记;象征性的同意、感谢或道歉;限制语
11、;各种形式的犹豫踌躇,包括自我修正。(3)说明解释为什么合意的应答没有出现(4)拒绝的部分,在形式上可以与第一部分配对,但比较简洁委婉。请求前序列位置1:A请求前话语位置2:B肯定回答位置3:A发出请求位置4:B答应或拒绝请求Mary: Hi, Lily, What are you going to do?Lily: Not much.Mary: you wanna drink?Lily: Okay.Insertion sequences (pre-sequences)Example:A: can I have a bottle of Mich? Q1B: Are you over twent
12、y one? Ins1A: No. Isn2B: No. A1repair mechanism(补救机制)四种基本补救类型:自我引发的自我补救,指发出补救对象的人引发和实施的补救;例子:啊我感觉到虽然呢班主任的工作很琐碎的,但是 也有很多#其中也有很多乐趣。他人引发的自我补救,指发出补救对象的人在听话人要求下进行的补救。例子: A: 两个烧卖,一个花卷。 B:几个烧卖? A:两个。 B:恩。(把烧卖和花卷递给A)自我引发他人补救,指发出补救对象的人自己要求但由他人完成的补救。例子:B:He had dis uh Mistuh W-m whatever k-I cant think of his
13、 first name, Watts on, the one that Wrote that pieceA: Dan Watts. 他人引发的他人补救,指发现补救对象的听话人自己要求并由他本人完成的补救。Milly:and then they said something about Kruschev has Leukemia so I thought oh its all a big put on.Jean: BreshnevMilly: Breshnev has leukemia. So I dont know what to think.Discourse analysis and co
14、nversation analysis Discourse analysis: is the study of (1)How sentences in spoken and written language form larger meaningful units, such as paragraphs, conversations, interviews, etc.(2)How the choice of articles, pronouns, and tenses affect the structures of discourse.(3)The relationship between
15、utterances in a discourse.(4)The moves made by speakers to introduce a new topic, change the topic, or insert higher role relationship to the other participants.Similarities:Concerned with giving an account of how coherence and sequential organization in discourse is produced and understand.CA is cl
16、osely connected With DA because sometimes analysis of spoken discourse is called conversation analysis.Differences:CA emphasizes on the interactional and inferential consequences of the choice between alternative utterances and on what can actually be found to occur, not on what one would guess to b
17、e acceptable.DA could be an analysis of any text, so it would include written texts, lectures, etc.会话分析的应用机构性谈话:如医患关系交谈,采访、电视录制、现场直播节目、法庭辩论等。从词语选择,话轮设计,总体结构及社会关系和认识论方面进行分析。电话谈话:Kang Kwong Luke把目前电话谈话划分为三种不同的研究路向:社会学研究路向:(解释电话背后的社会秩序)方法论研究路向:(涉及不同语言和文化背景的交际者是如何利用电话实现其特定的交际目的)跨文化研究路向 二语习得通过收集和分析英语课堂学生小组对话语料来探究话语共建现象。也有部分学者利用会话分析的原理对汉语语料进行分析并展开社会学方面的研究,诸如:在汉语问路话语的研究一文中,作者通过对大量语料的分析得出了有益于我们进行对外汉语教学的问候模式,也对我国人民实际中问话时的一些话语特点进行了总结和分析。政治演讲:通过掌声来分析引起观众对演讲者演讲内容积极反应的方式,如:演讲者通过对比、列举、表明态度、关键语句等方式引起观众的掌声,会话分析学者还在日常会话中、广告、报纸、科技文章等也发现这些手段同样能引起积极的反应。文学对文学作品里人物的话语与形象分析,以及话语的选择与社会背景的分析。Thank you !结束结束