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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date全国英语翻译(00087)2010年4月高等教育自学考试试题及答案(1)讲诉全国2010年4月高等教育自学考试全国2010年4月高等教育自学考试英语翻译试题课程代码:00087I . Multiple Choice (30 points, 2 points for each)1. Chu Deh remembered his age. He was thirty-si

2、x, his youth had passed like a screaming eagle, leaving him old and disillusioned.A.朱德想起了自己的年龄,他已36岁了,他的青春转瞬即逝,使他感到衰老和失望。B.朱德想起了自己的年龄,36岁了,青春转瞬即逝,使他感到衰老和失望。C.朱德想起了自己的年龄,36岁了,他的青春转瞬即逝,留给他的只是衰老和失望。D.朱德想起了自己的年龄,他已36岁了,青春转瞬即逝,留给他的只是衰老和失望。2. It would have been difficult to find a happier child than I was

3、 as I lay in my crib at the close of that eventful day and lived over the joys it had brought me.A.在这个意义重大的日子即将结束的时候,我躺在小床上,沉浸在快乐之中,恐怕再也找不到比我更幸福的孩子了。B.在这个意义重大的日子即将结束的时候,我躺在小床上,生活在快乐之中,我比任何孩子都幸福。C.恐怕再也找不到比我更幸福的孩子了,就在这个意义重大的日子即将结束的时候,我躺在小床上,沉浸在快乐之中。D.我比任何孩子都幸福,就在这个意义重大的日子即将结束的时候,我躺在小床上,生活存快乐之中。 3. My

4、fingers lingered almost unconsciously on the familiar leaves and blossoms which had just come forth to greet the sweet southern spring.A.几乎是无意识地,我用手指摸着我所熟悉的叶片和花朵,久久不愿移开,这些新长的叶片和刚开的花朵迎来了芬芳的、南方的春天。B.几乎是无意识地,我用手指摸着我所熟悉的叶片和花朵,久久不愿移开,这些新长的叶片和刚开的花朵似乎在迎接着南国芬芳的春天。C.我的手指几乎是无意识地摸着我所熟悉的叶片和花朵,久久不愿移开,这些新长的叶片和刚开的

5、花朵迎来了芬芳的、南方的春天。D.我的手指几乎是无意识地摸着我所熟悉的叶片和花朵,久久不愿移开,这些新长的叶片和刚开的花朵似乎在迎接着南国芬芳的春天。4. I am filled with wonder when I consider the immeasurable contrast between the two lives it connects.A.从今天开始,我的生活和以前迥然不同,想到这点,我就感到非常兴奋。B.我非常兴奋,因为我想到我今后的生活和以前迥然不同。C.从今天开始,我的生活会和以前迥然不同,想到这点,我就感到非常兴奋。D.我非常兴奋,因为我想到今后的我会和以前生活迥然不

6、同。5. To determine the consequences of sleep deficit, researchers have put subjects through a set of psychological and performance tests.A.为了弄清睡眠不足会产生什么样的后果,研究人员通过一系列心理测试和表现测试来设立学科。B.为了弄清睡眠不足会产生什么样的后果,研究人员对这些学科进行了各种测试,包括心理和表现。C.为了弄清睡眠不足会产生什么样的后果,研究人员对测试对象进行了各种测试,包括心理和表现。D.为了弄清睡眠不足会产生什么样的后果,研究人员对测试对象进

7、行了一系列的心理测试和表现测试。6.今天,专心致志进行现代化建设的中国人民,更需要有一个长期的和平国际环境和良好的周边环境。A. Today, the Chinese people, who are committing to their modernization, need more than ever a long-term international environment of peace and a favorable neighboring climate.B. Today, the Chinese people, who are committed to their moder

8、nization, need more than ever a long-term international environment of peace and a favorable neighboring climate.C. Today, the Chinese people are committing to their modernization need more than ever a long-term international environment of peace and a favorable neighboring climate.D. Today, the Chi

9、nese people are committed to their modernization need more than ever a long-term international environment of peace and a favorable neighboring climate.7.相互了解,是发展国与国之间关系的前提。唯有相互了解,才能增进信任,加强合作。A. Mutual understanding is the basis for state-to-state relations. Only with mutual understanding, it would

10、be possible for countries to build trust in and promote cooperation with each other.B. Mutual understanding is the basis for state-to-state relations. Without it, it would be impossible for countries to build trust in and promote cooperation with one another.C. Mutual understanding is the basis for

11、state-to-state relations, without it, it would be impossible for countries to build trust in and promote cooperation with each other.D. Mutual understanding is the basis for state-to-state relations, only with mutual understanding, it would be possible for countries to build trust in and promote coo

12、peration with one another.8.合营企业的一切活动应遵守中华人民共和国法律、法令和有关条例规定。A. All activities of an equity joint venture should comply by the provisions of the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the Peoples Republic of China.B. All activities of an equity joint venture shall abide with the provisions of the

13、 laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the Peoples Republic of China.C. All activities of an equity joint venture shall comply with the provisions of the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the Peoples Republic of China.D. All activities of an equity joint venture should abide by the pro

14、visions of the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the Peoples Republic of China.9.按照联合国海洋法公约的规定,中国还对广阔的大陆架和专属经济区行使主权和管辖权。A. As defined by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, China also exercises sovereignty and jurisdiction over the vast continental shelves and exclusive economic zones.

15、B. Defined by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, China also exercises sovereignty and jurisdiction over the vast continental shelves and exclusive economic zones.C. China defined by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea also exercises sovereignty and jurisdiction over the vast continental sh

16、elves and exclusive economic zones.D. China as defined by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea also exercises sovereignty and jurisdiction over the vast continental shelves and exclusive economic zones.10.做事要有毅力,不要因为事情很难或者麻烦而撒手不干。A. Practise perseverance or never give up a thing because it is har

17、d or inconvenient.B. Practise perseverance and not to give up a thing because it is hard or inconvenient.C. Practise perseverance and never give up a thing because it is hard or inconvenient.D. Practise perseverance or not to give up a thing because it is hard or inconvenient.11._认为“以效果而论,翻译应当像临画一样,

18、所求的不在形似而在神似。”A.郭沫若 B.茅盾 C.傅雷 D.王佐良12.“翻译的确切性就是通过复制原文形式的特点(如果语言条件许可的话),或创造在作用上与原文特点相符的东西来表达原文所特有的内容与形式间的相互关系。”这是费道罗夫在他的著作_中指出的。A.语言与翻译面面观 B.语言与翻译C.论翻译的原则D.翻译理论概要13. According to A. F. Tytler, the three principles of translation are the following EXCEPT that _.A. the translation should have all the ea

19、se of the original composition B. the translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original workC. the merit of the original work should be completely transfused into another language D. the style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original14.

20、著名翻译家王佐良教授以翻译英诗为主,他对译诗的看法是_。A.格律要如原诗,追求每行字数的一律B.译者在自己的译文风格上不必追求创新和探索C.译诗须像诗,要忠实传达原作的内容、意境、情调D.语言要设法接近原作,要保持其原有的新鲜或锐利,但是形象可以意译15.原文:该厂产品的主要特点是工艺精湛,经久耐用。译文: The products of this factory are chiefly characterized by their fine workmanship and durability.对于原文中的黑体部分,译者采用的主要翻译技巧是_。A.增词 B.减词 C.词类转换 D.分译法II

21、. Word and Phrase Translation (20 points, 1 point for each)A. Directions: Turn the following words and phrases into Chinese. (Please write your answer on the answer sheet.)16. anti-doping agency 17. Achilles heel18. enforcement power 19. geologist20. entrepreneurial spirit 21. life imprisonment22. d

22、uty-free goods 23. the New Testament24. global positioning system 25. blue chipsB. Directions: Turn the following words and phrases into English. (Please write your answer on the answer sheet.)26.琉璃瓦 27.残奥会28.丝绸之路 29.旅游旺季30.余震 31.中国红十字会32.履行义务 33.知识密集型产业34.多边外交 35.同声传译III. Translation Revision (20 p

23、oints, 2 points for each)36. 原文: We have acquired a keen sense of the diversity, dynamism, and progress of China under your policies of reform and opening to the outside world.译文:在改革和对外开放政策下,我们强烈地感受到了中国的多样化、活力和进步。 改译:我们强烈地感受到了你们实行的改革和对外开放政策给中国的多样化、活力和进步。 37. 原文:Public officials may be removed from o

24、ffice for failing to perform their duties properly, as well as for serious violations of law.译文:公职人员如果渎职就会被撤职,并被视为严重违法。改译:公职人员渎职跟严重违法一样都会被撤职。38. 原文:You cannot be too careful in proofreading.译文:校对时,你不能过于仔细。改译:校对时,越仔细越好。39.原文: She persisted in her work when she might take a good rest.译文:当她可以休息时,她却在工作。

25、改译:尽管她可以好好休息一下,可她却还是坚持工作。40. 原文: He wished that he had asked her to dance, and that he knew her name.译文:他真希望自己请她跳了舞,又知道了她的芳名,那该有多好。改译:他真希望自己当时请她跳了舞,又知道了她的芳名,那该有多好。41.原文:理论上看起来容易的事情做起来却往往非常困难。译文: That seems easy in theory is often immensely difficult to achieve.改译:what seems easy in theory is often i

26、mmensely difficult to achieve.42.原文:人们喜爱这位美国当代优秀作家。译文: People love this American contemporary outstanding writer.改译:People love this outstanding contemporary American writer.43.原文:为了推动中美关系的发展,中国需要进一步了解美国,美国也需要进一步了解中国。译文: To promote the development of Sino-US relations, China needs to know the United

27、 States better and the United States needs to know China better.改译:To promote the development of Sino-US relations, China needs to know the United States better and vice versa.44.原文:中国作为人类文明发祥地之一,在几千年的历史进程中,文化传统始终没有中断。译文: As one of the cradles of human civilization, China has all along maintained it

28、s cultural tradition without letup in its history of several thousands years.改译:several thousand years45.原文:中国现有宜农荒地3,500万公顷,其中可开垦为耕地的约有1,470万公顷。译文: China now has 3.5 million hectares of wasteland which are suitable for farming. Of this, about 1.47 million hectares can be reclaimed.改译:35million 14.7

29、millionIV. Passage Translation (30 points)46.The central government has taken the unprecedented step of giving children across the country a special lesson on their first day of schoolhow to survive natural disasters.This comes in the wake of the devastating Sichuan earthquake in May, which left 88,

30、000 people dead or missing. In response, Beijing ordered China Central Television to produce a programme to teach students how to survive during emergencies.The First Lesson of the Beginning of the School Term, will be aired on CCTV tonight and is required viewing for all mainland school students.Th

31、e Ministry of Education has also instructed all primary and secondary schools to implement each safety measure presented in the programme and to plan for any contingency. After the school term opens, schools have to focus on carrying out safety education and safety drills, the ministry said.A Beijin

32、g-based journalism scholar welcomed the move, saying China had never before made a programme specifically on disaster prevention and escape.“In the past, we had a lack of disaster preventive measures,” he said. “Now I think the Sichuan quake finally brought some positive changes because the death to

33、ll, especially among students, was just too high .”47.立足国内资源,实现粮食基本自给,是中国解决粮食供需问题的基本方针。中国将努力促进粮食增产,确保在正常情况下粮食自给率不低于95,净进口量不超过国内消费量的5。现阶段中国已经实现了粮食基本自给,在未来的发展过程中,中国依靠自己的力量实现粮食基本自给,客观上具备诸多有利因素。根据中国农业自然资源、生产条件、技术水平和其他发展条件,粮食增产潜力很大。汉语第一个句号算一句,全文共4句。分句评价分的分值如下:第1句:3分。“实现基本自给”如果译错,扣1分。第2句:3.5分。“努力”若译成“to try her (or its) best”,不扣分,“净进口量”若译错,扣1分。第3句:4分。“现阶段”如果译成“now”,扣0.5分,“客观上(的)有利因素”如果译成“objective favorable factors”,扣1分。第4句:3.5分。“农业自然资源”若译成“agricultural natural resources”,扣1分。-


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