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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date专业英语课后习题答案Lesson2Lesson2Exercises1. Put the following into Chinese.(1)Ohms law states that the voltage across a resistor is directly proportional to the current flowing through the resi

2、stor. The constant of proportionality is the resistance value of the resistor in ohms.流过电路里电阻的电流,与加在电阻两端的电压成正比,与电阻的阻值成反比。这就是欧姆定律。(2)Many materials, however, closely approximate an ideal linear resistor over a desired operating region.不过,许多材料在规定的工作范围内非常接近理想线性电阻。(3)It should be noted that an ideal vol

3、tage source (dependent or independent ) will produce any current required to ensure that the terminal voltage is as stated, whereas an ideal current source will produce the necessary voltage to ensure the stated current flow.应该注意:一个理想电压源(独立或受控)可向电路提供任意电流以保证其端电压为规定值,而电流源可向电路提供任意电压以保证其规定电流。(4)A differ

4、ent class of relationship occurs because of the restriction that some specific type of network element places on the variables. Still another class of relationship is one between several variable of the same type which occurs as the result of the network configuration, i. e., the manner in which the

5、 various element of the network are interconnected.一种不同类型的关系是由于网络元件的某种特定类型的连接对变量的约束。另一类关系由于网络结构,即网络的不同元件互相连接的方式所产生的相同形式的一些变量间的关系。(5)The thermal conductivity of metals is as much as several hundred times that of glass.金属的导热率比玻璃高几百倍。(6)Magnetic line of force will,whenever passible, travel through iron

6、 or other magnetic materials.磁力线只要有可能就会通过铁或其它磁性材料。(7)Actually, 0 o C is indeed the lower limit to temperatures capable of being attained.事实上绝对零度确是所能达到的温度的最低限度。2. Translate the following into English.(1)电路元件吸收或释放的功率为元件两端的电压与流过该元件电流的乘积。The power absorbed or supplied by a circuit element is the product

7、 of the voltage across the element and the current through it.(2)理想独立电源是一个有源元件,它所提供的电压或电流不依赖于电路中其他变量。An ideal independent source is an active element that provides a specified voltage or current that is completely independent of other circuit variables.(3)受控电源是一个有源元件,它所提供的电压或电流受电路中某部分电压或电流控制。 An ide

8、al dependent (or controlled) source is an active element in which the source quantity is controlled by another voltage or current.(4)叠加定理为:线性电路中,任一电压或电流都是电路中各个独立电源单独作用时,在该处产生的电压或电流的叠加。The superposition principle states that the voltage across (or current through) an element in a linear circuit is th

9、e algebraic sum of the voltages across (or current through) that element due to each independent source acting alone.(5)计算机可分为模拟计算机和数字计算机两种。Computers may be classfied as analog and digital(6)新型晶体管的开关时间缩短了三分之二。The switching time of the new-type transistor is shortened three times(7)超导体在电气应用上的重要性不能被估计

10、过高。The importance of superconductor in the uses of electricity cannot be overestimated.Lesson3Exercises1.Put the following into Chinese.(1)A bipolar junction transistor (BJT) is a three-layer silicon (or germanium) device consisting of either two p- and one n-type layers of materials (pnp) or two n-

11、 and one p-type layers of materials (npn). 双极结型晶体管为三层的硅(或锗)器件,由两个P型和一个N型材料层(NPN)或者两个N型和一个P型材料层(PNP)组成。(2)Since the emitter follower has a high input impedance and a low output impedance, its voltage gain is less than unity and the power gain is normally lower than that obtained from other configurat

12、ions.由于射极跟随器的输入阻抗高且输出阻抗低,其电压增益小于1,功率增益通常也比其他结构小。(3)The current in a reverse-biased diode is small (typically 10-8 A for silicon) and approximately independent of voltage until the breakdown region at high reverse voltages is reached.反向偏置的二极管中电流很小(硅管的典型值为10-8安),在处于较高的反向电压的击穿区外基本上与电压无关。(4)Most integra

13、ted circuits provide the same functionality as “discrete” semiconductor circuits at higher levels of reliability and at a fraction of the cost.许多集成电路具有和分立的半导体电路相同的功能,而且可靠性更高,成本更低。(5)Something must be done to prevent the expanding outbreak of bird flu.必须采取措施防止禽流感大流行。(6)The first round of the six-part

14、 talks had been colored by acrimony over North Koreas nuclear weapons. 第一轮六方会谈弥漫着不协调的气氛:会上对朝核问题争论激烈。(7)Two years working is a must to the people who want to take up graduated examination. 对于要参加研究生考试的人来说,两年的工龄事是必备条件。2.Translate the following into English.(1)模拟放大器根据设定的放大倍数对模拟电压或电流信号进行放大,以推动负载工作。Analog

15、 amplifiers can amplify analog voltage or current signals to drive the load according to the preset amplification.(2)放大器的增益就是放大倍数,用于表示放大器对小信号的放大能力。The gain of the amplifier is its amplification that is used to express its capability of amplifying small signals.(3)很多实际应用系统中的放大电路都通过级联多级放大器来提高放大倍数。Many

16、 amplifying circuits in practical application systems chain together a series of amplifier stages to improve their amplification.(4)模拟电路用于处理在0伏到电源电压之间任意变化的信号。Analog circuits are used to deal with signals free to vary from zero to full power supply voltage.(5)这位科学家早年为养家糊口曾干过兼职。During the first part o

17、f his life, the scientist ever had a part-time job to support his family.(6)你建议用什么办法防止漏气? What measures do you propose to prevent the leakage of gas.(7)迟早这位司机会断送性命的,因为他总违反交通规则。Sooner or later, the driver will get killed, because he is always speeding.Lesson4Exercises1. Put the following into Chinese

18、.(1)Because of their very high open loop gain, OAs are almost exclusively used with some additional circuitry (mostly with resistors and capacitors), required to ensure a negative feedback loop.由于运算入大器有较高的开环增益,使用一些辅助电路(主要是电阻和电容),它几乎专门用以确保负反馈环的实现。(2)The leads of the new condenser are shortened three

19、times as long as those of the old.新式电容器的引线比老式电容器的引线缩短了三分之一。(3) In a chemical change, energy is not created, nor is it destroyed.在化学变化过程中,能量既不会无端生有,也不会无端消失。(4) The integrated circuit is so called because all of the circuit elements are bonded together rather than separately wired to each other after

20、being manufactured.集成电路之所以被称为集成电路,是因为所有电路元件集成在一起而不是分立的,制造以后再用导线连接起来。(5)With radar, we can “see” things at a great distance, and it shows us how far away they are, in which direction they lie, and what movements they are making.有了雷达,我们就能“看到”远方的物体,雷达还能向我们指明这些物体的距离、方位 运动方式。(6)Electrical contact to the

21、semiconductor regions can be formed by opening new windows on the oxide layer and depositing a thin metal film of high electrical conductivity, such as aluminum(Al).半导体区域的电接触可以通过在氧化层中重新开出窗口然后在上面淀积一薄层高电导率的金属材料如AL来获得。(7) An operational amplifier is a high-gain electronic amplifier which is controlled

22、by negative feedback to accomplish many functions or “operations” in analog circuits.运算放大器是一个受负反馈控制的高增益的电子放大器,用来在模拟电路中完成许多运算功能。2.Translate the following into English.(1)随着大规模集成电路的出现,电子工业在60年代取得了巨大的进展。1960s saw the great advance in electronics industry with the emergence of the large scale integrated

23、 circuits.(2)单片集成电路的快速发展和广泛应用得益于平面工艺(planar technology)的优越性。The monolithic IC technology owes its rapid growth and acceptance to the advantage of planar technology.(3)电阻越大,通过导线输送一定电流所需的电压就越高。The greater the resistance, the bigger is the voltage needed to send a given current through the wire.(4)如果没有

24、无线电,人们就不能看到月球的背面了。If there had been no radio, man could not have seen the far side of the moon.(5)我们可以把该函数分成两段来表示。We may be able to express the function in two sections.(6)电信号用电子的方法放大,即利用输入放大器的交流电能将信号的功率放大。The electrical signal is amplified electronically, with an increase in signal power occurring

25、at the expense of the input ac power to the amplifier.(7) 运算放大器(缩写为op amps)是模拟电路的基本组成单元,正如NOR和NAND门电路为数字电路的基本单元一样。Operational amplifier (op amps, for short)provide basic building blocks for analog circuits in the same way that NOR and NAND gates are basic building blocks for digital circuits.Lesson

26、5Exercises1. Put the following into Chinese.(1) The feature of the transistor is that a small varying input voltage may cause a large output voltage to varying like degree or that a small input power may control a large output power.晶体管的特性就是一个小的变化的输入电压可以产生一个大的相应变化的输出电压,或是一个小的输入功率可以控制一个大的输出功率。(2) Yet

27、 the range of uses of this electronic device is considered to be merely on the threshold of an almost limitless potential.然而,这种电子设备的使用范围被认为仅仅是一个开端,它几乎具有无限的潜力。 (3) Now that may be a result of experimentation, but we havent been able to prove that.这有可能是实验的结果,但至今我们还不能证实这一点。(4)Telecommunications means s

28、o much in modern life that without it our modern life would be impossible.电信在现代生活中意义重大,没有它就不可能有我们现在的生活。(5)MOS transistors are classified as p-channel or n-channel device, depending on the conductivity type of the channel region. In addition, these devices can also be classified according to their mo

29、de of operation as enhancement or depletion type devices.根据沟道区域的导电类型,MOS晶体管可分成P沟道和N沟道,此外,这些器件还可以根据它们的工作模式分成增强型或耗尽型。(6)In contrast, the bipolar junction transistor requires both hole and electron currents.相反,双极型结型晶体管既有空穴导电,又有电子导电。(7)The great value of this new material lies in the fact that it can be

30、 used in high-tech area.这种新材料的巨大价值在于它能够用于高技术领域。2.Translate the following into English.(1)在这个工程项目中必须考虑三个因素。Three factors must be taken into consideration in the project.(2)与TTL电路相比,基于CMOS技术的逻辑门具有生产工艺简单和功耗低的优点,但工作速度相对慢一些。Compared with the TTL circuits, logic gates based on the CMOS technology have som

31、e merits, such as simple manufacture arts and crafts ,and low power lose, but operate speed is slow correspondingly.(3)门电路一般又称逻辑电路,因为它们能够完成逻辑运算的功能,在实际设计中应用得十分广泛。Gates circuits is generally called logic circuits, because they can perform logic operation function, its application is extensive in actua

32、l design.(4)把一个P沟道型的器件和一个PNP结型晶体管的工作原理比较一下是有益的。It is informative to compare the basic operation of a p-channel device with that of a PNP junction transistor.(5)晶体管的快速发展的关键是使用了硅代替导线作为基本的导电材料。The key to the transistors rapid development was the use of silicon instead of wire as the basic conductive ma

33、terial.(6)你熟悉这种类型的晶体管放大器的性能吗?Are you familiar with the performance of this type of transistor amplifier?(7)此结果与理论推导的结果完全一致。The results are in good agreement with those obtained by theoretical deduction.Lesson 6Exercise 1. Put the following into Chinese. (1) Integers are normally written using a posi

34、tional number system, where each digit represents the coefficient in a power series.整数的书写通常以位置式计数体制来表示,其中每一位数字代表权位序列中的系数。(2) From this last example, it is clear how to convert from binary to decimal; just evaluate the power series. To do that easily, it is useful to know the powers of 2, rather than

35、 compute them each time they are needed.在上一个例子中,我们可以很清楚的看到,将二进制转换成十进制只需计算权位序列。为了简化该过程,记住2的各个权位是非常有用的,而不是在每次需要的时候计算它们。(3) When the size of the storage place for a positive binary number is specified, then leading 0s are added so as to obtain the correct number of bits.当指定了一个正二进制数存储位置的大小时,需要在数字前补够0的个数

36、,从而得到正确的位数。(4) First, we can subtract from the number the largest power of 2 less than that number and put a 1 in the corresponding position of the binary equivalent. We then repeat that with the remainder. A 0 is put in the position for those of 2 which are larger than the remainder.首先我们可以从该数字中减掉比该

37、数字小的2的最大权位,并在二进制数位中相应的位置上填入1,然后对于余数重复同样的操作。在2的权位大于余数的情况下,在相应的位置上填入0。(5) The other approach is to divide the decimal number by 2 repeatedly. The remainder each time gives a digit of the binary answer, starting at the least significant bit (a0). The remainder is then discarded and the process is repea

38、ted.另一种方法是,将十进制数反复用2除,每次得到的余数,从最低有效位(a0)开始,给出了二进制中相应的位,然后丢弃余数并重复该过程。(6)The task would be unnecessary because anyone who read the circuit diagram would in their mind group the components together into standard circuits and think in terms of the “system” functions of the individual gates.这个工作是不必要的,因为任

39、何阅读电路图的人在心里总会将元件组合成标准电路并且从每个门电路的“系统”功能角度来考虑问题。(7)That is, it is desirable to broaden the range of values in the regions for 1 and 0 to allow for variations in transistors, power supply voltage, noise that might get mixed in with the signals, and the like.也就是希望扩展区域1和0的有效范围,以允许晶体管和电源电压的变化以及混杂在信号中的噪声等因

40、素的影响。2.Translate the following into English.(1) 在二进制中,数字通常以“位” 来表示,其中“位”即是二进制数字的缩写。In binary, the digits are usually referred to as bits, a contraction for binary digits.(2) 在计算机中,我们用位表示最小的数据,一组m位二进制数能够传递m位信息。In computer we use bit to represent the minimum data, a sequence of m binary digits can con

41、vey m bits of information. (3) 数字系统包括大量的与非门、或非门和非门,还有我们以后要讨论的存储器和定时电路。Digital systems consist of vast numbers of NAND, NOR, AND NOT gates, plus memory and timing circuit which we will discuss later. (4)设计重要部分在于选择一个独特的逻辑系列产品,这取决于你的最终产品的种类和工作环境。An important part of the design would be to select a part

42、icular “logic family,” depending on the nature and working environment of your eventual product.(5)通常将表达式D变换为一种更方便的形式可以获得一个更简单的实现方法。We may accomplish a simpler realization by manipulating the expression for D into a more convenient form. (6)对S取反的代数表达法是在变量或要取反的表达式上加撇号:S5表示对S取反。The NOT S function is r

43、epresented algebraically by a prime added to the variable of expression to be NOTed: S5 means NOT S.Lesson 7Exercises1. Put the following into Chinese.(1) Feedback control has a long history, which began with the early desire of humans to harness the materials and forces of nature to their advantage

44、.反馈控制有着悠久的历史,它起源于人类对于自然界物质与自然力量加以利用的愿望。(2) The associated machines, specifically steam engines, involved large amounts of power, and it was soon realized that this power needed to be controlled in an organized fashion if the systems were to operate safely and efficiently.相关的各种机器,尤其是蒸汽机, 能产生大量的能量。人们很

45、快意识到,要使各个系统安全有效地运行,需要通过有序的方式来控制这种能量。(3) Indeed, the accuracy of centre-line thickness control has improved by two orders of magnitude over the past 50 years, thanks, in part, to enhanced control.事实上,在过去的50年中,中轴线厚度的控制精度已经提高了两个数量级,这在一定程度上缘于控制水平的提高。(4) Beyond these industrial examples, feedback regulat

46、ory mechanisms are central to the operation of biological systems, communication networks, national economies, and even human interactions.在这些工业实例之外,反馈调节机制对于生物系统、通讯网络、国民经济甚至人际交流都发挥着重要作用。(5) Indeed, to carry out control successfully, one needs to combine many disciplines, including modeling, sensor t

47、echnology, actuators, communications, computing and interfacing.事实上, 要成功地进行控制,需要综合多个学科的知识,其中包括数学建模、传感器技术、执行器、通信、计算、和接口。(6) The sun is 330,000 times as large as the earth.太阳的大小是地球的三十三万倍。(7) The sales of industrial electronic products have multiplied six times.工业电子产品销售额增加了五倍。 (8) If the moon were only

48、 half as far away from the earth as it is,the force of attraction would be 4 times as great如果月球离地球的距离比现在的短一半,则引力将为现在的四倍。2.Translate the following into English.(1) 如果回到瓦特的飞球调速器,我们会发现,在很多情况下,这些系统会出现自持振荡现象。If we go back to Watts fly-ball governor, it was found that, under certain circumstances, these systems could produce self-sustaining oscillations.(2) 二次大战期间,很多学者的开创性工作使得各种单入单出反馈控制问题的简单的图形分析方法产生。The pioneering work o


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