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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date河海大学研究生英语课程课文翻译河海大学研究生英语课程课文翻译本文只针对期末考试重点课文的翻译。Unit 1Ghosts for Tea“十便士看一次海湾风光,”那个带着一架望远镜的老头说道。“多么晴朗美丽的早晨。请来看看那古老的灯塔和1935年失事的大轮船残骸吧。”要十便士简直是敲诈勒索,可是海湾的景色确实壮丽。峭壁向远方伸展,海风激起的阵阵波浪泛着白花,冲上海滩。海

2、面上几艘游艇张着乳白色的风帆优雅地避开浪头蜿蜓前进。山崖下面,一群海鸥相互叫唤着,在海面上盘旋飞翔。离岸一英里处,在海浪贪婪地吮舔着的岩岸上,那座古老的灯塔矗立在一座石头平台上。 说实话,我毫不吝惜那几个钱。当我把望远镜转朝灯塔时,站在我身旁的那个老头拍了拍我的手腕。“您听过在那座灯塔里发生的一起骇人听闻的惨案吗?”他压低了嗓声对我说。“我想这个地方看起来非常富有戏剧性,有关它的传说一定不少,”我说。“这可不是传说,”那老头郑重其事地说。“我父亲认识那起惨案的两个当事人。一切都发生在50年前的今天。让我说给您听听吧。”他的声音似乎变得更低沉、更富有戏剧性了。“整整一个礼拜,风暴困住了那座灯塔,




6、转身欲走。“对了,”他又开口了,“今天下午您有空吗?要是有空,干吗不到那座灯塔去喝杯茶?今天我们开专船,收费一镑,人们在原址建造了一座新灯塔,我兄弟买下了那座旧的。他能沏好茶茶钱都算在船费里了价钱公道,要知道搞到食品是很费事的。如果您对鬼之类的神奇东西有那么一点儿兴趣的话,这可能是一次不寻常的,大概还是不可思议的经历呢。”我以赏识的目光打量了他一下说:“您真是在浪费您的才能。您应该当个小说家。”“很难相信,”我回答说。“我父亲叫亨利?科克斯,52 年前就开始在那里当灯塔管理员,现在他和吉姆?道利都已退休拿养老金。他们一起看守灯塔有十年之久。哪天您不妨去看看我的父亲,并把故事讲给他听,他一定会欣

7、赏的。” 但老头已把注意力转向一个更有可能上当的顾客身上去了。Unit 2Individuals and Masses个人以及群体 一个人通过以下两种方式与社会直接接触:作为某个家庭、职业或宗教组织的成员,或者仅仅是隶属于某个群体。一个组织所表现出来的智慧和道义是与其成员的一致的,而一个群体却是无秩序的,没有特定的目的并且无法进行明智的行为和现实性的思考。在一个群体里,人们失去了用逻辑思维来推论和选择对与错的能力,取而代之的是那个群体的集体思维的选择。他们因此也变得极为亢奋,将作为个人和大众的责任全都抛之脑后,易受到意想不到的过多怒气、狂热以及恐惧而极度情绪化。总之,一个人身处某个群体里就好像

8、吃了大量的烈性致醉药物,他自己便是这种有毒药物的牺牲品。和酒精一样,这种药物能使人兴奋,并且是极度兴奋。被这种群体药物麻醉的人逃避责任,不愿动脑子,失去道德感,变得和疯子、动物没两样。 阅读是一种个人而不是集体的思维活动。作者叙述的对象是处于清醒状态的个人,而演讲家讲演的对象是由一个个被麻醉的个人组成的群体。这个群体已经处在他的控制当中,如果他知道这种情况的话,如果他愿意的话他可以随意的煽动这些人。 和大多数人不一样,知识分子崇尚理性,讲究事实。对大多数人都有影响的宣传在他们这失去了应有的效果便是得益于这种思维方式。知识分子就是这么一些注重证据以及对逻辑的不一致与欺骗性感到震惊的人。他们认为过

9、于简单化是思想的原罪,标语、毫无道理的断言和大量的概括性用语等宣传家们常用的伎俩对他们毫无作用。 哲学告诉我们要对那些不证自明的事情进行怀疑。而宣传家们却恰恰相反,他们教我们要无条件的接受这些本应该受到质疑东西。因此他们是始终如一的教条主义分子,说的话都是不允许他人质疑的。在他们的世界里,只存在邪恶的黑色和崇高的白色而没有处于中间的灰色。他们从不承认自己有一点点的错误,也决不会认为别人有部分是对的,更不会和对手讲道理,只会用蛮力对对手进行攻击压制,一旦他们感到这些反对者太过讨厌就把这些人终结了。 在小组织里,人与人作为个体而进行自由交往时美德和智慧就会成为他们个人的特点,罪孽和愚钝也是一样。但

10、是煽动分子经常依靠的低人类的盲目和他们进行煽动时所凭借的被煽动者的道德障碍是人在群体里表现的特征而不是人本身的特征。盲目和道德障碍不是人的本性,而是被药物麻醉后的症状。在世界所有有更高宗教信仰的地区,超度和启蒙的对象都是个人。因知道上帝而获得的安详和快乐只会存在于个人的心里,而不是集体无知的群体里。在一个人口和社会组织急剧膨胀以及公众交流方式前所未有多的年代,我们要如何保护人类个体的完整性,重申人类个体的价值呢?这是一个仍需解答的也是一直被深刻探询的问题。也许等到下一代即使找到答案也为时过晚,也许在那样一个集体气候极为浓重的年代就是连问这个问题也变的不可能了。Unit 3On Friendsh

11、ip论友谊Few Americans stay put for a lifetime.很少有美国人留下来了一生。 We move from town to city to suburb, from high school to college in a different state, from a job in one region to a better job elsewhere, from the home where we raise our children to the home where we plan to live in retirement.我们从郊区小镇到城市,从高中

12、到大学在不同的状态,从工作在一个地区的一个更好的工作在其他地方,从家中,我们提出我们的孩子的家中,我们计划在退休后的生活。 With each move we are forever making new friends, who become pan of our new life at that time.随着每个动作我们永远是结交新朋友,谁成为我们当时的新生活锅。 For many of us the summer is a special time for forming new friendships.对于我们许多人的夏季是一个特殊的时间形成新的友谊。 Today millions

13、of Americans vacation abroad and they go not only to see new sights but alsoin those places where they do not feel too strangewith the hope of meeting new people.今天,数百万美国人和他们去国外度假不仅要看到新的景点,而且在那些地方,他们并不觉得太陌生了迎接新人们希望的。 No one really expects a vacation trip to produce a close friend.没有人真的需要一个假期旅行产生一种亲密

14、的朋友。 But surely the beginning of a friendship is possible?但肯定是一个友谊的开始是可能的? Surely in every country people value friendship?当然每个国家的人民珍视友谊? They do.他们做的。 The difficulty when strangers from two countries meet is not a lack of appreciation of friendship, but different expectations about what constitutes

15、 friendship and how it comes into being.困难时,来自两个国家的陌生人见面,是不是缺少的友谊表示赞赏,但对什么是友谊,它是如何得来的不同的期望。 In those European countries that Americans are most likely to visit, friendship is quite sharply distinguished from other, more casual relations, and is differently related to family life.在这些美国人是最有可能访问欧洲国家,友谊

16、是很明显区别于其他,更休闲的关系,是有不同的家庭生活有关。 For a Frenchman, a German or an Englishman friendship is usually more particularized and carries a heavier burden of commitment.对于法国人,德国人或是英国人的友谊通常更具体且带有较重的负担的承诺。 But as we use the word, friend can be applied to a wide range of relationshipsto someone one has known for

17、a few weeks in a new place, to a close business associate, to a childhood playmate, to a man or woman, to a trusted confidant.但是,正如我们用一个词,“朋友”可以应用到广泛的关系到一个人一个人知道了好几个星期在一个新地方,在密切的业务联系,在童年的玩伴,一个男人或女人到一个值得信赖的知己。 There are real differences among these relations for Americansa friendship may be superfici

18、al, casual, situational or deep and enduring.这些关系之间存在着真正的差异,美国人,可能是肤浅的友谊,休闲,情景或深刻而持久的。 But to a European, who sees only our surface behavior, the differences are not clear.但对一个欧洲人,谁只看到我们的表面行为,区别不明确。 As they see it, people known and accepted temporarily, casually, flow in and out of Americans homes w

19、ith little ceremony and often with little personal commitment.当他们看到它,人们已知的和暂时接受,随便,流入和美国人的家庭出现许多小仪式,并经常与一些个人承诺。 They may be parents of the childrens friends, house guests of neighbors, members of a committee, business associates from another town or even another country.他们可能是孩子们的朋友的父母,邻居家里的客人,一个委员会的

20、成员,从其他城市甚至另一个国家的商业伙伴。 Coming as a guest into an American home, the European visitor finds no visible landmarks.作为进入美国的家里做客的到来,欧洲游客没有发现明显的地标。 The atmosphere is relaxed.气氛是轻松的。 Most people, old and young, are called by first names.大多数人,老的少的,被称为首先名字。 Who, then, is a friend?那么,谁是朋友? Even simple translat

21、ion from one language to another is difficult, You see, a Frenchman explains, if I were to say to you in France, This is my good friend, that person would not be as close to me someone about whom I said only, This is my friend.即使是简单的从一种语言翻译成另一种是困难的,“你看,”法国人解释说,“如果我说你在法国,这是我的好朋友,这个人不会像我这样的人靠近约人我说的只是,

22、这是我的朋友。 Anyone about whom I have to say more is really less.关于他我要多说任何人是真的少了。“ In France, as in many European countries, friends generally are of the same sex, and friendship is seen as basically a relationship between men.在法国,在许多欧洲国家,朋友一般都是同性,友谊是人与人之间的关系基本上是看到。 Frenchwomen laugh at the idea that wom

23、en cant be friends, but they also admit sometimes that for women Its a different thing.法国女人笑的想法:“女人不可能成为朋友,”但他们也承认,有时,为妇女“这是一个不同的事情。” And many French people doubt the possibility of a friendship between a man and a woman.和许多法国人怀疑的一个男人和一个女人的友谊的可能性。 There is also the kind of relationship within a grou

24、pmen and women who have worked together for a long time, who may be very close, sharing great loyalty and warmth of feeling.此外,还有什么样的关系在一个组,男性和女性谁工作了很长的时间在一起,谁可能是非常密切,共享伟大的忠诚和温暖的感觉。 They may call one another copainsa word that in English becomes friends but has more the feeling of pals or buddies.他们

25、可致电彼此copains,一个词,在英语成为“朋友”,但对“好朋友”或以上的感觉“哥们”。 In French eyes this is not friendship, although two members of such a group may well be friends.在法国的眼里这不是友谊,虽然两个这样一个小组的成员可能成为朋友。 For the French, friendship is a one-to-one relationship that demands a keen awareness of the other persons intellect, tempera

26、ment and particular interests.对法国来说,友谊是一对一的关系,要求对其它人的智力,气质和特殊利益的深刻认识。 A friend is someone who draws out your own best qualities, with whom you sparkle and become more of whatever the friendship draws upon.一个朋友是谁的人掏出了自己最佳品质,和谁在一起你就会精神焕发,成为任何借鉴更多的友谊。 Your political philosophy assumes more depth, appre

27、ciation of a play becomes sharper, taste in food or wine is accentuated, enjoyment of a sport is intensified.假设你的政治理念更深入,一出戏欣赏变得更清晰,食物或酒的味道是突出,一个是加强运动乐趣。 And French friendships are compartmentalized.而法国的友谊隔离。 A man may play chess with a friend for thirty years without knowing his political opinions,

28、 or he may talk politics with him for as long a time without knowing about his personal life.一个人可以玩了三十多年的朋友棋不知道他的政治观点,否则他可能说话长达一时间不知道他的个人生活与他的政治。 Different friends fill different niches in each persons life.不同的朋友填写每个人的生活的不同利基。 These friendships are not made part of family life.这些友谊不是用家庭生活的一部分。 A fri

29、end is not expected to spend evenings being nice to children or courteous to a deaf grandmother.朋友是不会花晚上善待儿童或礼貌,一聋的祖母。 These duties, also serious and enjoined, are primarily for relatives.这些工作,也严重和禁止,主要是亲属。 Men who are friends may meet in a cafe.男人可能遇到谁都是朋友在咖啡馆里。 Intellectual friends may meet in lar

30、ger groups for evenings of conversation.知识分子朋友可能满足晚上在大组的谈话。 Working people may meet at the little bistro where they drink and talk, far from the family.在职人士可满足在小酒馆喝酒,在那里他们交谈,远离家人。 Marriage does not affect such friendships; wives do not have to be taken into account.婚姻不影响这种友谊;妻子不必予以考虑。 In the past in

31、 France, friendships of this kind seldom were open to any but intellectual women.法国在过去,这种友谊是开放给任何很少,但知识女性。 Since most womens lives centered on their homes, their warmest relations with other women often went back to their girlhood.由于大多数妇女的生活在自己的家园为中心,他们与其他女人关系最热烈经常回到自己的少女时代。 The special relationship

32、 of friendship is based on what the French value moston the mind, on compatibility of outlook, on vivid awareness of some chosen area of life.友谊的特殊关系是基于法国人最珍视什么,在头脑中,Outlook的相容性对一些地区的生活选择了生动的认识。 Friendship heightens the sense of each persons individuality.友谊加剧了每个人的个性的感觉。 Other relationships commandi

33、ng as great loyalty and devotion have a different meaning.作为伟大的忠诚和奉献指挥其它关系有不同的含义。 In World War II the first resistance groups formed in Paris were built on the foundation of les copains.在第二次世界大战中的第一阻力在巴黎成立组建立在莱斯copains基础。 But significantly, as time went on these little groups, whose lives rested in

34、one anothers hands, called themselves families.但重要的是,随着时间的推移这些小群体,其住在彼此的双手休息,称自己为“家庭”。 Where each had a total responsibility for all, it was kinship ties that provided the model.凡各有一个人人共享的总的责任,这是亲属关系的规定的模式。 And even today such ties, crossing every line of class and personal interest, remain binding

35、on the survivors of these small, secret bands.即使在今天,这样的联系,穿越每一个阶级和个人利益一致,仍然具有约束力的这些小秘密带的幸存者。 In Germany, in contrast with France, friendship is much more articulately a matter of feeling.在德国,与法国相比,友谊更articulately一个感觉的问题。 Adolescents, boys and girls, form deeply sentimental attachments, walk and talk

36、 togethernot so much to polish their wits as to share their hopes and fears and dreams, to form a common front against the world of school and family and to join in a kind of mutual discovery of each others and their own inner life.青少年,男孩和女孩,形成深厚的感情,一起走路,说话,不是要擦亮自己的智慧,以分享他们的希望,恐惧和梦想,形成了对世界的学校和家庭共同战线

37、,并参加在一对发现的一种互相的和自己的内心世界。 Within the family, the closest relationship over a lifetime is between brothers and sisters.在家庭,过一个一生中最亲密的关系是兄弟姐妹之间。 Outside the family, men and women find in their closest friends of the same sex the devotion of a sister, the loyalty of a brother.家庭以外的,男人和女人找到自己最亲近的同性的一个妹妹,

38、一个弟弟忠诚奉献的朋友。 Appropriately, in Germany friends usually are brought into the family.适度,在德国朋友们通常被带入家庭。 Children call their fathers and their mothers friends uncle and aunt.孩子们叫他们的父亲和母亲的朋友“叔叔”和“阿姨”。 Between French friends, who have chosen each other for the congeniality of their point of view, lively d

39、isagreement and sharpness of argument are the breath of life.法国朋友之间,谁选择了他们的观点,生动的分歧和尖锐的争论点好好先生对方是生命的气息。 But for Germans, whose friendships are based on mutuality of feeling, deep disagreement on any subject that matters to both is regarded as a tragedy.但对于德国人,其相互关系上的感觉,深分歧的基础上对任何事情都看作是一个悲剧主题的友谊。 Lik

40、e ties of kinship, ties of friendship are meant to be irrevocably binding.像亲属关系,友好关系是为了不可挽回地约束力。 Young Germans who come to the United States have great difficulty in establishing such friendships with Americans.年轻的德国人谁来到美国已经与美国建立这样的友谊非常困难。 We view friendship more tentatively, subject to changes in i

41、ntensity as people move, change their jobs, marry, or discover new interests.我们对友谊的看法更暂定,但随着人们在移动强度的变化,改变他们的工作,结婚,或发现新的兴趣。 English friendships follow still a different pattern.英国的友谊仍然遵循一种不同的模式。 Their basis is shared activity.其基础是共同的活动。 Activities at different stages of life may be of very different

42、kindsdiscovering a common interest in school, serving together in the armed forces, taking part in a foreign mission, staying in the same country house during a crisis.在人生的不同阶段的活动可能是非常不同的种类,发现在学校的共同利益,服务于军队一起,参加一个外国使团的一部分,在同一个国家在危机中的房子住。 In the midst of the activity, whatever it may be, people fall

43、into stepsometimes two men or two women, sometimes two couples, sometimes three peopleand find that they walk or play a game or tell stories or serve on a tiresome and exacting committee with the same easy anticipation of what each will do day by day or in some critical situation.在活动的,无论它可能是中间,人们陷入一

44、步,有时两个男人或两个女人,有时两个,有时三人,发现他们步行或玩游戏或讲故事或令人讨厌的服务和严格具有相同对每个白天或会做一些简单的危急局势天预期委员会。 Americans who have made English friends comment that, even years later, you can take up just where you left off.美国人谁取得了英国朋友评论说,甚至数年后,“你可以拿起刚才你留下来。” Meeting after a long interval, friends are like a couple who begin to danc

45、e again when the orchestra strikes up after a pause.会议经过一个较长的时间,朋友像一对夫妇谁开始跳舞时,乐队再次罢工后一个暂停。 English friendships are formed outside the family circle, but they are not, as in Germany, contrapuntal to the family nor are they, as in France, separated from the family.英国的友谊是形成家庭以外的圈子,但他们都没有,在德国,对位的家庭,也不是他

46、们,在法国,从家庭分离。 And a break in an English friendship comes not necessarily as a result of some irreconcilable difference of viewpoint or feeling but instead as a result of misjudgment, where one friend seriously misjudges how the other will think or feel or act, so that suddenly they are out of step.在英

47、语和友谊断裂发生由于一些不可调和的观点或感觉差异的结果不一定而是作为一个误判,其中一位朋友认真misjudges对方会如何思考或感觉或行为,使它们突然出结果步。 What, then, is friendship?那么,什么是友谊? Looking at these different styles, including our own, each of which is related to a whole way of life, are there common elements?在这些不同的风格,包括我们自己,每一个都涉及的是整个生活方式来看,有共同的要素是什么? There is t

48、he recognition that friendship, in contrast with kinship, invokes freedom of choice.还有就是认识到,友谊,与亲属关系的对比,调用选择的自由。 A friend is someone who chooses and is chosen.一个朋友是谁的人选择和被选择。 Related to this is the sense each friend gives the other of being a special individual, on whatever grounds this recognition is based.与此相关的是,在这个每个朋友给出了一种特殊的个人,任何理由对这种认识是基于其他。 And between friends there is inevitably a kind of equality of give-and-take.和朋友之间有一个不可避免的给予和采取一种平等。 These similarities make the bridge between societies possible, and the Americans characteristic openness to different styles of relationship makes


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