1、精品文档 仅供参考 学习与交流企业品牌文化对员工的激励行为研究【精品文档】第 3 页企业品牌文化对员工的激励行为研究摘要企业品牌文化是现代企业管理的重要组成部分。对提升企业的竞争力以及推动企业长远的发展起着至关重要的作用。营造企业品牌文化的激励机制,以人为本、尊重人才、挖掘员工的潜能是现代企业管理的中心环节。如何运用好品牌文化的激励机制,激发员工的主观能动性成为企业面临的一个重要问题。本文围绕企业品牌文化对员工激励行为因素的分析,并结合麦当劳的实际案例,从物质激励与精神激励两方面总结出如何构建企业品牌文化对员工的激励管理机制。关键词:企业品牌文化;员工;激励The research of co
2、rporate brand culture on motivating staff behaviorAbstractCorporate brand culture is an important component of modern enterprise management section. In enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises and promoting the development of long-term business plays a vital role. Create incentives for corporate
3、 brand culture, people-oriented, talented, and tap the potential of staff is a central part of modern business management. How to make good use of incentive mechanisms brand culture, inspire the staffs initiative to become a major problem facing businesses. This paper focuses on corporate brand culture on employee motivation of behavioral factors, combined with McDonalds case study is inspired from the material incentives and both summed up the spirit of how to build corporate brand culture on employee motivation management.Keywords: corporate brand culture;staff;motivation