1、【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流法雷奥常见缩写.精品文档.AQP.pp:ADVANCED QUALITY PLANNING for Product & ProcessAQP.pp Stage 0 Supplier pre selection 9AQP.pp Stage 1 Supplier selection 10AQP.pp Stage 2 Supplier nomination 11AQP.pp Stage 3 Design validation 11AQP.pp Stage 4 Process validation 13AQP.pp Stage 5 Initial s
2、ample validation 16AQP.pp Stage 6 Start Of Production & probationary period 17AQP.pp Stage 7 Product Quality Assurance managementCSL1: Control Shipment Level 1CAR: CORRECTIVE ACTION REQUESTCCL: COMMODITY CHECK LISTEVAL: VALEO supplier evaluation tool taking into account 8 key criteria concerning ope
3、rational andstrategic performances of the suppliers. This grid is used to select as well as to evaluatesuppliers (present and potential suppliers)FDPR :FULL DAY PRODUCTION RUNIMS: INCIDENTS MANAGEMENT SYSTEMIS: INITIAL SAMPLESISR: INITIAL SAMPLE REPORTNBOH: NEW BUSINESS ON HOLDPOKA YOKE: ERROR PROOF
4、INGPPB: PARTS PER BILLIONPQA: Product Quality AssuranceQIP:Quality Improvement PlanQRQC: Quick Response Quality ControlQAF: Quality assurance fileRCP:Reinforced Control PlanRFQ: REQUEST FOR QUOTATIONSOP: Start of ProductionSPPC:Special Product & Process CharacteristicsSRM: SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENTSQA:supplier quality manual YS(特性) :Significant CharacteristicYC:Critical CharacteristicVRF: VALEO Pre-Sourcing Requirement File