1、The Old Man And The Sea-Ernest Hemingway Main story:a story about an old man struggling with the nature Main characters 1:the old man 2:the boy 3:the sea 4:the sharks 5:the great marlinT h e o l d m a n w i t h g r e a t determination ,courage and confidenceThe boy like a mirror reflect the old m a
2、n s c h a r a c t e r f r o m a n o t h e r s i d e The sea a platform for the old man to display his courage and perseveranceThe sharks the symbol of evil f o r c e i n t h e a u t h o r s w o r l dSome comments of mineOld mans sprite Who is the victor ?What does the author want to express ?victoryfailureSome comments of mineOld mans sprite Who is the victor ?What does the author want to express ?