1、Word考生考研核心词汇的详细内容 考生考研必备核心词汇的具体内容 O object 物体,事物 cultural s objective 目的,宗旨 political s oblige 强迫,迫使 In certain countries the law s parents to send their children to school obscure 晦涩的,费解的 an text obsolete 废弃的,淘汰的 Wooden warships are . obstinate 顽固的,固执的,倔强的The girl would go her own way, in spite of
2、all warnings occasion 时刻,场合They met on three s occupy 占用,占有My books a lot of space occur 发生,存在,消失 when did the earthquake ? odd的奇数的,单的,惊奇的One ,three five are numbers offend 冒犯,使生气 She was afraid of ing anyone. offence 犯法行为,过错 They were arrested for drug s. offset 补偿,抵消They gains the losses. omit 省略,删去 Minor points may be omitted. opaque 不透亮的A brick wall is . optimistic 乐观的,乐观主义的 option 选择权 It is your to take it or leave it orient 东方,东方国家 political theory in the West and in the Orient origin 起源,由来 a word of Latin ornament 装饰品,点缀品 We bought s for the Christmas tree 2