1、2022年海外交流生英文简历模板 随着职场竞争的激烈,现在英简历也越来越受欢迎,那么你会写英简历吗?今日我们就一起来看看海外沟通生英简历模板吧! 海外沟通生英简历模板No.67, Lane123 Job Road, Job istrict, Shanghai(+86) 138-XXXX0000EUATINUniversity of alifornia BerkeleyBachelor of Arts, ognitive Science and LinguisticsGPA 3.79 ay 2022Pontifical atholic University of hileSantiago, St
2、udy AbroadJuly-ecember 2022RELEVANT EXPERIENEResearch AssistantAffective ognitive Neuroscience Lab, U BerkeleyJanuary 2022-present•ollected, manipulated, and classified images into emotional and semantic categories for experimental stimulus sets•Assisted fRI scan sessions with subjects, in
3、cluding careful and efficient pre-scan equipment set-up and attentive eyetracking and bio-data collection during scans•Used SP software to accurately define specific brain area as Region of Interest from previous fRI scans•Helped design and co-execute two-part behavioral study, collecting
4、behavioral data from a total of 60+ subjects (and counting) for honors thesis project•Attended and actively participated in weekly two-hour lab meetings, in addition to initiating and participating in smallergroup meetings to communicate ongoing updates and issues of tasks in progressExternNort
5、h akland ommunity harter School, akland January 2022•bserved special education resource teacher duties, including meetings with parents and teachers, lessons with individual students and small groups, and ad hoc academic and behavioral guidance of students in class•Assisted in reading, wri
6、ting, and math tutoring and behavioral guidance of troubled students in grades 2-8 during lessonsVolunteer Ruca Rayén School (for severely disabled youth), Santiago, hileAugust-November 2022•heerfully assisted class of 5-10 students in daily activities•Provided one-on-one help with
7、meals and hygiene, participated and guided students in games, songs, and craftsVolunteer undación San Nectario (school for autistic children), Santiago, hile August-November 2022•Assisted with PE class and recess, crafts and cooking, occupational therapy, school-wide cultural activities;
8、 maintained positive attitude and mentoring demeanorResearch AssistantInfant ognition and Language Lab, U BerkeleyJanuary 2022-ay 2022•Recruited and patiently managed infant and toddler subjects•esigned and set up studies, created experimental stimulientorLongfellow iddle School, BerkeleyS
9、eptember 2022-ay 2022•ith dedication and reliability, tutored and mentored one middle school student, punctually chaperoned weekend events and enthusiastically volunteered at concession standsINTERNATINAL EXPERIENETraveled internationally since 11012. Places visited include anada, exico, India,
10、 rance, Italy, Turkey, Greece, Scotland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Paraguay, hile, and Argentina.SKILLS AN INTERESTSProgramming: luent in Java, Scheme. Proficient in Jess, Python, atlaSoftware: icrosoft ffice, acromedia ireworks, reamweaver, athematica, SPSS (introduced Spring 2022)Languages: luent
11、English, Bengali, Spanish; Proficient HindiInterests:singing, piano (14 years), karate (9 years), reading fiction, knitting 延长阅读 办公室说话技巧 1、不要和上司开玩笑 有的上司亲善可亲、平易近人,上下级之间的界限不是那么清晰。但是作为下属的你要知道,上级只要在你上头一天,就要和他保持肯定的距离,不要以为自己在工作中能和他成为挚友,否则,当遇到一些挚友之间的私事时候,他会首先拿上级的辈分来打压你。即便以前你们是同学或者挚友,也不要拿过去的交情和上级开玩笑。 2、不要拿同
12、事的缺点开玩笑 金无足赤人无完人。不能拿同事的缺点开玩笑,你以为自己很熟识对方,随意说些玩笑话,假如对方比较敏感,觉得你在冷嘲热讽,你的一句玩笑话触怒了他。那么你们两个的友情已经破裂,同事的关系变得惊慌。另外,取笑别人的缺点,会深深的损害到对方,事后致歉一万次都没用,想要懊悔也来不及了。 3、不要板着脸开玩笑 这是幽默的最高境界往往听笑话的人笑得前仰后合,而说笑话的人却一本正经,这是幽默师说笑话的程度。而生活中的我们,并不是幽默师,很难做到这点,假如你一本正经的说笑话,那么对方笑过之后,看到你板着脸,忽然气氛就尴尬了,而且会引起不必要的误会。 4、不要和异性同事开玩笑 办公室里开玩笑可以调整惊
13、慌的气氛,异性之间的玩笑也会缩短两人的距离,但是次数不要过多,不然会让四周同事产生暧昧的眼光看待你们两个人。并且不能在异性面前说黄色笑话,这样会降低自己的人格,异性也会认为你的思想不健康。 5、不要总和同事开玩笑 开玩笑的次数应当把握一个度,一两次的玩笑就行了,总是开玩笑,时间一长,就会显得自己不够敬重同事,在领导面前,也会显得自己不够踏实与成熟,领导也不能在信任你,不会委以重任。 第5页 共5页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页