1、2022年秘书免费英文简历模板The Third Prize of English ontest of our college In the summer of 2022, won the Advanced individual of summer social practice In the year of 2022, won the Third Level Scholarshipof our school ertificate of ritten and ral of TE4 ertificate of ET6 and ET4 Social Activities: In the perio
2、d 2022 - 2022, as a eputy inister of uality evelopment Association , organizing several activities of the quality of development in ordre to let students understand the importance of teamwork in physical exercise. In the period 2022 - 2022, participating in the campus culture section of the speech c
3、ontest. uring the summer of 2022, having a part time job in a production and packaging of the private company, fully aware of the basic production and packaging procedures, and proficiency in operating . uring the four years constantly serving as a tutor, not only improving the students' English
4、 scores but also enhancing my English basic skills. Self-evaluation: Taking a serious and responsible attitude to work, diligent, steadfast, having a strong learning ability. Highly skilled in translating materials in many fields such as trade, culture, tourism, science and technology, political and
5、 diplomatic. apable of performing the interpretation of the general formal meeting or business negotiations. Skilled using of ffice software (ord, Excel, Power Point, etc.) 令HR反感的3种求职者 职业规划专家在对千余例询问案例的分析探讨中发觉,在面试中,当HR遇到以下五类人时,他们多数是不予考虑的。 (一)隐瞒真实个人资料的不诚恳者 简历是求职的第一步,只有面试官对你的简历有爱好才会通知你面试。在简历中适当地突出个人特点,
6、体现出自己适合这项工作,吸引HR眼球是明智的。然而,简历千万不能有隐瞒个人真实状况或欺瞒面试官的做法,否则会给面试官留下不诚恳的印象,而这一印象也就确定了无论你实力再强,也不行能被考虑。因为,对于公司来说,品行对于一个员工来说是更为重要的。 (二)频繁跳槽稳定性不高者 职业规划师们常常遇到这样的案例:每份工作的时间都长不过两年,甚至每隔几个月就要换东家,频繁跳槽到最终发觉越跳越糟。 职场上有类人,特殊是一些刚毕业的学生,对于跳槽总是不以为然。这样的人在面试中很有可能不被录用,无论怎样的公司聘请,总希望员工能为公司效力长点时间,遇到你这样频繁跳槽的人,面试官也不敢录用你,哪怕你工作实力再强。许多
7、工作许多岗位都须要员工能长期坚守,假如像你这样频繁地跳槽的主,公司说不定或阵子又要重新聘请新人了。 当然每个人跳槽都有不同的缘由,不能一概而论跳槽不好。但在跳槽前肯定要深思熟虑,不要在你的简历上留下不光彩的工作历史。 (三)不注意个人职业形象者 当你在投递简历后接到面试通知后,你一般会怎样做?选择一套合身的衣服,打算好须要呈给面试官的资料等,然后计算好去公司面试的时间在规定时间内达到面试公司。 而总有些求职者马马虎虎急连忙忙地就赶到面试的公司,迟到不算,衣着装扮也不合时 宜,给面试官的第一印象是连自己的形象都不注意,这样的人怎么放心把工作交付给他?不注意个人职业形象者,通常很难让HR有爱好进一步了解他,也很难让人信任。所以面试中适当地包装下自己,千万要留意自己的职业形象。 第4页 共4页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页