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1、2022浙江在职攻读硕士联考考试考前冲刺卷(9)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.在20年内,识别针对某个人可能有的对某种疾病的基因敏感性或许是可以做到的。结果是,可以找出有效的措施来抵制每种这样的敏感性。所以,一旦找到了这样的措施,按这些措施做的人就再也不会生病了。 以上的结论依据下面哪个假设A对每种疾病来讲只有一种阻止其发生的措施。B在将来,基因学是唯一的有重要意义的医学专业。C所有的人类疾病部分意义上都是个人基因敏感性的结果。D所有的人在基因上对某些疾病都是敏感的。 2.

2、地理学家和历史学家过去一直持有的观点认为南极是在1820年左右第一次被发现的。但是有些16世纪的欧洲地图上显示着与极地相似的一片区域,虽然那时的探险家从未见到过它。因此,有些学者争论说该大陆是被古代人发现并被画到地图上的,而大家知道这些古代人的地图曾为欧洲的制图者起到了模型的作用。 下面哪个如果正确,最能削弱上面学者所得的推论A谁最先发现南极的问题在现在依然很有争议,没有人能给出结论性的论据。B在3000年到9000年以前,地球比现在更温暖,极地很可能要比现在小。C只有几张16世纪的世界地图显示了南极大陆。D古代的哲学家认为在南极应该会有一大块地域来与北极大陆相平衡并使地球对称。 3.航空公司

3、是怎样来防止商业飞机的坠落的呢研究表明,在所有这样的坠毁事故中,有2/3的事故归因于飞行员的失误。为了正视这个问题,航空公司通过增加课堂教育时间和强调飞行员在座舱里的通讯技巧来升级它们的训练方案。但是,期望这些措施能补偿飞行员实际飞行时间的缺乏是不现实的。因此,航空公司应当重新考虑他们的通过训练来减少商业飞机坠毁的方法。 以上结论依据下面哪个假设A训练计划能够消除飞行员的失误。B商业飞行员在他们的整个职业生涯中,要经历附加的日常训练。C缺乏实际飞行经验是飞行员在商业飞机坠毁事故中失误的主要原因。D如果飞行员训练计划能着重增加飞行员实际飞行的时间,那么航空公司的飞机坠毁数量就会下降。 4.目前,

4、要求私营企业为抽烟者和不抽烟者设立不同的办公区的法规是一种对私营部门进行侵犯的不合理法规。研究指出的不抽烟者可能会由于其吸入其他抽烟者的烟味而受害的事实并不是主要的问题。相反,主要的问题是政府侵犯了私营企业决定它们自己的政策和规章制度的权利。 下面哪条原则如果能被接受,能合理地推出上述结论A仅当个人可能会被伤害时,政府侵犯了私营企业的政策和规章制度的行为才是正当的。B个人呼吸安全空气的权利高于企业不受政府侵犯的权利。C企业的独自裁决权高于政府必须保护的个人的一切权利和义务。D保护雇员在工作场合不受伤害是私营企业的义务。 5.同卵双生子的大脑在遗传上是完全相同的。当一对同卵双生子中的一个人患上精

5、神分裂症时,受感染的那个人的大脑中的某个区域比没有受感染的那个人的大脑中的相应区域小。当双胞胎中的两个人都没有精神分裂症时,两个人就没有这样的差异。因此,这个发现为精神分裂症是由大脑的物质结构受损而引起的理论提供了确定的论据。 下面哪一点是上述论述所需要的假设A患有精神分裂症的人的大脑比任何不患精神分裂症的人的大脑小。B精神分裂症患者大脑的某些区域相对较小不是精神分裂症治疗过程中使用药物的结果。C同卵双生子中的一个人的大脑平均来说不比非同卵双生子的人的大脑小。D当一对同卵双生子都患有精神分裂症时,他们大脑的大小是一样的。 6.来自巴西的火蚁现在正大批出没于美国的南部地区。不像巴西的火蚁王后,在

6、美国两个火蚁王后分享一个窝。来自这些窝的火蚁比来自单一王后的窝里的火蚁更具侵略性。通过摧毁几乎所有在它们的窝所属区域内出现的昆虫,这些具有侵略性的火蚁独自霸占了食物资源。于是这些火蚁的数量猛烈地增长。既然来自巴西的某些捕食火蚁的昆虫能限制那里的火蚁数量的增加,那么向美国进口这些不是火蚁的昆虫来抑制该地区火蚁数量的增加将从整体上对那儿的环境有益。 下面每一项如果正确都可以推出上面的结论,除了:A进口的捕食火蚁的巴西昆虫对美国环境造成的危害不比火蚁自身对环境造成的危害大。B来自巴西的那些捕食火蚁的昆虫在美国环境中也能存活。C火蚁的天敌能在这些火蚁扩展到更北方的州之前控制住火蚁的增长。D那些来自巴西

7、的捕食火蚁的昆虫不会被异常凶猛的双火蚁王后杀死。 7.戴尔制造业的工人很快就要举行罢工了,除非管理部门给他们涨工资。因为戴尔的总裁很清楚,为给工人涨工资,戴尔必须卖掉它的一些子公司。所以,戴尔的某些子公司将被出售。 假设下面哪一项,就可以推出上面的结论A戴尔制造业将会开始蒙受更多的损失。B戴尔的管理部门将会拒绝给它的工人涨工资。C在戴尔制造业工作的工人将不会举行罢工。D戴尔的工人不会接受以一系列改善的福利来代替他们渴望的工资增加。 8.要断定一个新的概念,例如“私人化”这个概念能多快在公众中占据一席之地的办法是观察代表这个概念的单词或短语多快能变成一种习惯用法。关于短语是否确实已被认为变成一种

8、习惯用法可以从字典编辑那里得到专业的意见。他们对这个问题总是非常地关心。 上面的描述断定一个新概念能多快被公众接受的办法依赖于下面哪个结论A字典编辑从职业上讲对那些很少使用的短语并不感兴趣。B字典编辑有确切的数量标准来断定一个单词是在什么时候转变成一种习惯用法的。C当一个单词转变成一个习惯用法时,它的意思在转变的过程中不会受到任何严重的歪曲。D一个新的概念要被接受,字典编辑就必须在他们的字典里收录相关的单词和语句。 9.OSHA(职业安全与健康署)的成立是为了保护工人免遭事故及远离工作中的危险环境。在存在OSHA的情况下,与工作相关的事故数量实际上有所增加。这显示了该机构的无能。 下面哪个关于

9、事故发生数量增加期间的陈述,如果正确,将最严重地削弱以上的论述A很多工作在OSHA最初成立时的立法中被排除在其管辖范围之外,现在继续处于其管辖范围之外。BOSHA被分配到更多种类的工作场所去进行监督。C工作的工人总数有所增加,而在OSHA监管的职业中,与工作相关的死伤数与劳动力数量之比有所下降。DOSHA发布的规章制度遇到当选官员和大众媒体的政治批评。 10.在一些19世纪的绘画作品中,雅典卫城的大理石建筑物被画成红色。但这些建筑物现在并不是红色,而大理石的天然色彩从19世纪以来不可能发生变化。因此,这些画表现的色彩一定不是这些建筑物实际的色彩。 下面哪一个如果正确,最严重地削弱上面的论述A雅

10、典卫城几乎可以在雅典的任何地点被看见。B生长在大理石上的一种叫做地衣的小植物可使大理石呈红色。C19世纪许多画家在绘画时极力在细节上忠实于真实生活。D不是所有的19世纪的关于雅典卫城的油画都把大理石建筑物描绘成红色。 11.在20世纪80年代期间,海洛因服用者就诊医院急诊室的次数增加比率超过了25%。因此很明显,在那个10年中海洛因的服用在增加。 假设下面哪一项,作者的结论可被合理地推出A那些因服用海洛因而寻求医学治疗的人通常在上瘾的后期阶段接受治疗。B那些海洛因服用者经常就诊医院急诊室。C海洛因服用者就诊医院急诊室的次数与海洛因被吸食的发生率成比例。D自从1980年以来,服用海洛因的方法已经

11、改变,新的方法降低了服用海洛因的危害性。 12.一种病毒可以通过杀死吉普赛蛾的幼虫从而有助于控制该蛾的数量。这种病毒一直存在于幼虫的身上,但每隔六七年才能杀死大部分幼虫,从而大大降低吉普赛蛾的数量。科学家们认为,这种通常处于潜伏状态的病毒,只有当幼虫受到生理上的压迫时才会被激活。 如果上文中科学家所说的是正确的,下面哪种情况最有可能激活这种病毒A在吉昔赛蛾泛滥成灾的地区,天气由干旱转变为正常降雨。B连续两年被吉普赛蛾侵袭的树林,树叶脱落的情况与日加剧。C寄生的黄蜂和苍蝇对各类幼虫的捕食。D由于吉普赛蛾数量过多而导致的食物严重短缺。 13.弗吉尼亚和她的兄弟威廉在关于他们的父亲的出生日期问题上意

12、见不一致。弗吉尼亚认为是1935年,威廉则认为是1933年。他们的父亲出生的那家医院没有1933年的记录,但是有1935年的完整记录记录中不包括他们的父亲的出生记录。因此,他们的父亲一定出生在1933年。 以上论证依赖于下列哪一项假设A或者弗吉尼亚或者威廉的看法是正确的。B他们的父亲出生的那家医院的记录始于1933年。C弗吉尼亚和威廉知道他们的父亲出生的日期和月份。D弗吉尼亚和威廉的亲戚中没有一个知道他们的父亲的生日。 14.在美国所有的捐献血液中45%是O型的。由于O型血液适合于任何人,所以在没有时间测定患者是何种血型的危急时刻,O型血是不可缺少的。O型血是惟一可以与其他人和血型相融的血型,

13、所以它可以输给任何患者。然而正是由于这一用途,O型血长期处于短缺状态。 如果上文的陈述是正确的,那么下面哪一项也一定是正确的AO型血的特殊用途基于这样一个事实:它与大部分人的血型是相融的。BO型血的供应一直很少,以至于在最能体现它有用性的危急时刻,它往往是不够用的。C美国45%的人的血型是O型,这使得O型血成为最普遍的血型。D要决定输送任何非O型血时患者的血型都必须被快速地测定出来。 15.厚厚的积雪可以使非同寻常的恶劣天气持续下去。如果一场严重的冬季暴风雪覆盖了大平原地区,那么积雪将太阳光的辐射反射回空中从而保持地面低温。由此,从加拿大南下的冷空气可以保持足够冷的温度从而引发更多的暴风雪。

14、从上述信息中能适当地得出以下哪项结论A大平原地区的冬天气候是气团不正常运动的结果。B大平原比其他地区更易遭受非常恶劣天气的影响。C如果在大平原地区的初冬有比正常情况下更多的降雪,并且降雪一直保留到春天才融化,则该冬季很可能比通常的冬季更冷。D即使大平原的气温只是低于冰点而不是非常低,一场不大的降雪也可能会转变成大的暴风雪。 16.关于财务混乱的谣言损害了一家银行的声誉。如果管理人员不试图反驳这些谣言,它们就会传播开来并最终摧毁顾客的信心。但如果管理人员努力驳斥这种谣言,这种驳斥使怀疑增加的程度比使它减少的程度更大。 如果以上的陈述都是正确的,根据这些陈述,下列哪一项一定是正确的A银行的声誉不会

15、受到猛烈的广告宣传活动的影响。B管理人员无法阻止已经出现的威胁银行声誉的谣言。C面对错误的谣言,银行经理的最佳对策是直接说出财务的真实情况。D关于财务混乱的正确的传言,对银行储户对该银行的信心的影响没有错误的流言大。 17.在20世纪30年代,可以产出绿色或褐色纤维的特种棉花就已经出现了。但是,直到最近培育出一种可以机纺的长纤维品种之后,它们才具有了商业上的价值。由于这种棉花不需要染色,加工企业就避免了染色的开销以及由于除去残余的染料及其副产品所带来的生态危险。 如果以上论述为真,可以推出以下哪个结论A就生态而言,加工长纤维棉花要比加工短纤维棉花更安全。B只能手纺的绿色或褐色棉花在商业上不具有

16、价值。C就生态而言,手纺的棉花比机纺的棉花会更安全。Dn短纤维的普通棉花从经济角度说比合成纤维更有竞争力。 18.Man have often been praised by being told that they were as smart as a Philadelphia lawyer. No one knows why there is something special about Philadelphia lawyers, but the expression smart as a Philadelphia lawyer seems to have come from a fam

17、ous trial early in the 18th century. An Englishman, William S. Cosby arrived in New York as the royal governor of the province. He was a tyrant. He wanted to make money quickly and he ruled the province with no thought for the law or the rights of the people. Among those who opposed his rule was Joh

18、n Peter Zinger who came to America from Germany Mr. Zinger started a newspaper which praised liberty and sharply criticized the governor. Governor Cosby arrested Mr. Zinger, charged him with slander and kept him in prison for 9 months. Mr. Zinger could not find a New York lawyer to defend him becaus

19、e of the governors power. But a leading lawyer from Philadelphia agreed to defend Mr. Zinger. He was Andrew Hamilton, white-haired and almost 80 years old. The trial opened, the jury chosen and charges read. At that time, the law on slander said that jury could decide only if the person accused publ

20、ished in the newspaper named in the charges. The question of whether words published were true or not was to be decided by the judge. Mr. Zinger told the court he was innocent. Then the lawyer from Philadelphia rose, admitted that Mr. Zinger did publish the newspaper as charged. But Mr. Hamilton con

21、tinued. The publishing of a newspaper does not make a person guilty of slander. He said that words themselves must be proved false or slanderous. Otherwise Mr. Zinger is innocent. The judge warned Mr. Hamilton that he, the judge, would decide if the words were slanderous or not. Mr. Hamilton quickly

22、 turned to the jury and asked them to decide. He said that it was their right to decide whether the alleged slander was in fact the truth. In his final statement to the jury, Mr. Hamilton said the question was much bigger than the charges against Mr. Zinger. He said the question was liberty and righ

23、t of people to oppose dishonesty and tyranny by speaking and writing the truth. After a brief discussion the jury declared that Mr. Zinger was not guilty and cheers broke out in the courtroom. The decision established the principle of freedom of the press in the American Colonies. Mr. Hamilton was p

24、raised as a hero. Through the fame of Mr. Zinger trial, the praise for Mr. Hamilton has spread throughout the country. And so it is believed that the expression as smart as a Philadelphia lawyer honors the man from Philadelphia who successfully defended the freedom of the press to print the truth.Ma

25、ny people opposed Governor Cosbys rule because _.Ahe wanted to make money quicklyBhe was the royal governorChe was a tyrantDthey were biased 19.Even plants can run a fever, especially when theyre under attack by insects or disease. But unlike humans, plants can have their temperature taken from 3,00

26、0 feet away-straight up. A decade ago, adapting the infrared scanning technology developed for military purposes and other satellites, physicist Stephen Paley came up with a quick way to take the temperature of crops to determine which ones are under stress. The goal was to let farmers precisely tar

27、get pesticide (杀虫剂) spraying rather than rain poison on a whole field, which invariably includes plants that dont have pest (害虫) problems. Even better, Paleys Remote Scanning Services Company could detect crop problems before they became visible to the eye. Mounted on a plane flown at 3,000 feet at

28、night, an infrared scanner measured the heat emitted by crops. The data were transformed into a color-coded map showing where plants were running fevers. Farmers could then spot-spray, using 40 to 70 percent less pesticide than they otherwise would. The bad news is that Paleys company closed down in

29、 1984, after only three years. Farmers resisted the new technology and long-term backers were hard to find. But with the renewed concern about pesticides on produce, and refinements in infrared scanning, Paley hopes to get back into operation. Agriculture experts have no doubt the technology works.

30、This technique can be used on 75 percent of agricultural land in the United States, says George Oerther of Texas A&M. Ray Jackson, who recently retired from the Department of Agriculture, thinks remote infrared crop scanning could be adopted by the end of the decade. But only if Paley finds the fina

31、ncial backing which he failed to obtain 10 years ago.Plants will emit an increased amount of heat when they are _.Asprayed with pesticidesBfacing an infrared scannerCin poor physical conditionDexposed to excessive sun rays 20.When television first began to expand, very few of the people who had beco

32、me famous as radio commentators were able to be effective on television. Some of the difficulties they experienced when were trying to (31) themselves to the new medium were technical. When working on radio, for example, they had become (32) to seeing on behalf of the listener. This (33) of seeing f

33、or others means that the commentator has to be very good at talking. Above all, he has to be able to (34) a continuous sequence of visual images which (35) meaning to the sounds which the listener hears. In the (36) of television, however, the commentator sees everything with the viewer. His role, t

34、herefore, is completely different. He is there to make (37) that the viewer does not miss some point of interest, to help him focus on particular things, and to (38) the images on the television screen. Unlike his radio colleague, he must know the (39) of silence and how to use it at those moments (

35、40) the pictures speak for themselves.AturnBadaptCalterDmodify 21.Concern with money, and then more money, in order to buy the conveniences and luxuries of modern life, has brought great changes to the lives of most Frenchmen. More people are working than ever before in France. In the cities the tra

36、ditional leisurely midday meal is disappearing. Offices, shops and factories are discovering the greater efficiency of a short lunch hour in company lunchrooms. In almost all lines of work emphasis now falls on ever-increasing output. Thus the typical Frenchman produces more, earns more, and buys mo

37、re consumer goods than his counterpart of only a generation ago. He gains in creature comforts and ease of life. What he loses to some extent is his sense of personal uniqueness, or individuality. Some say that France has been Americanized. This is because the United States is a world symbol of the

38、technological society and its consumer products. The so-called Americanization of France has its critics. They fear that assembly-line life will lead to the disappearance of the pleasures of the more graceful and leisurely old French style. What will happen, they ask, to taste, elegance, and the cul

39、tivation of the good things in life-to joy in the smell of a freshly picked apple, a stroll by the river, or just happy hours of conversation in a local cafe Since the late 1940s life in France has indeed taken on qualities of rush, tension, and the pursuit of material gain. Some of the strongest cr

40、itics of the new way of life are the young, especially university students. They are concerned with the future, and they fear that France is threatened by the triumph of the competitive, goods-oriented culture. Occasionally, they have reacted against the trend with considerable violence. In spite of

41、 the critics, however, countless Frenchmen are committed to keeping France in the forefront of the modem economic world. They find that the present life brings more rewards, conveniences, and pleasures than that of the past. They believe that a modern, industrial France is preferable to the old.Whic

42、h of the following is not given as a feature of the old French way of lifeALeisure.BElegance.CEfficiency.DTast 22.Concern with money, and then more money, in order to buy the conveniences and luxuries of modern life, has brought great changes to the lives of most Frenchmen. More people are working t

43、han ever before in France. In the cities the traditional leisurely midday meal is disappearing. Offices, shops and factories are discovering the greater efficiency of a short lunch hour in company lunchrooms. In almost all lines of work emphasis now falls on ever-increasing output. Thus the typical

44、Frenchman produces more, earns more, and buys more consumer goods than his counterpart of only a generation ago. He gains in creature comforts and ease of life. What he loses to some extent is his sense of personal uniqueness, or individuality. Some say that France has been Americanized. This is bec

45、ause the United States is a world symbol of the technological society and its consumer products. The so-called Americanization of France has its critics. They fear that assembly-line life will lead to the disappearance of the pleasures of the more graceful and leisurely old French style. What will h

46、appen, they ask, to taste, elegance, and the cultivation of the good things in life-to joy in the smell of a freshly picked apple, a stroll by the river, or just happy hours of conversation in a local cafe Since the late 1940s life in France has indeed taken on qualities of rush, tension, and the pu

47、rsuit of material gain. Some of the strongest critics of the new way of life are the young, especially university students. They are concerned with the future, and they fear that France is threatened by the triumph of the competitive, goods-oriented culture. Occasionally, they have reacted against the trend with considerable violence. In spite of the critics, however, countless Frenchmen are committed to keeping France in the forefront of the modem economic world. They find that the present lif


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