1、2022河南工程硕士(GCT)考试模拟卷本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.清末官制改革中将省刑名总汇的提刑按察使司改为_。A按察司B地方审判厅C提法司D地方检察厅 2.在我国,把“有法可依、有法必依、执法必严、违法必究”作为社会主义法治四个缺一不可的因素的是_。A党的十届三中全会B党的十一届三中全会C党的十二届三中全会D党的十三届三中全会 3.下列犯罪构成要件中,属于犯罪构成必不可少的必要要件是_。A犯罪目的B犯罪对缘C危害行为D犯罪时间 4.我国现行的立法体制为_。A单一制B
2、多元制C一元制D“一元、两级、多层次” 5.陕甘宁边区施政纲领关于加强团结的主要措施不包括_。A调解各阶级之间的关系B地主减租息C农民交租息D限制资本家的发展 6.根据法律规定,各级人民法院的院长、副院长、庭长、副庭长、审判员和助理审判员必须是年满_周岁的有选举权和被选举权的中华人民共和国公民。A18B20C23D25 7.法治精神的核心是_。A善法恶法观念B法律至上观念C法的统治观念D权利文化观念 8.1902年,清政府任命了两位修律大臣,一位是沈家本,另一位是_。A端方B伍廷芳C刘坤一D劳乃宣 9.下列选项中可以成立的是_。A西方的理性论认为自然法高于实在法B判决书等非规范性法律文件可以反
3、复被适用C法律事件是指与人的意志无关的,能够引起法律关系产生、变更与消灭的事实D法律制定的科学性原则要求法律制定必须从最大多数人的最根本利益出发 10.法的评价可以分为两大类,其专门的评价又称为_。A道德性的评价B政治性的评价C效力性的评价D舆论性的评价 11.被称之为法的细胞、属于法的微观结构、组成法的基本单位的是_。A法律原则B法律概念C法律部门D法律规范 12.From now on I want you to keep me _ of how things are going on with you.Ato informBinformedCinformingDbe informed 1
4、3.Ever since he arrived, he _ constantly about the weather.AcomplainedBhas been complainingCis complainingDhad been complaining 14.This multiple choice test _ 35 incomplete statements, please choose A, B, C or D to complete them.Ais composed ofBconsists inCmakes upDmakes use of 15.This kind of trous
5、ers _very well.AwashBwashesCis washedDare washed 16.I remember _ to Paris when I was a very small child.AtakingBto be takenCbeing takenDto take 17.Last week he promised that he _ today, but he hasnt arrived yet.Awill comeBwould comeCwould have comeDis coming 18.I don t swim now, but I _ when I was a
6、 kid.Aused to itBused toCused to doing itDused to do 19.He had his leg _ when he slipped on a piece of ice.AbreakingBbrokenCto breakDbreak 20.Weather _, the picnic will be held as scheduled.ApermitsBshould permitCwill permitDpermitting 21.To succeed in a scientific research project, _.Apersistence i
7、s what one needsBpersistence is neededCone needs be persistentDone needs to be persistent 22.I do wish you could _ these sheets of paper together.AmendBrepairCpasteDpatch 23.The FBI arrived in time to prevent the _ - of the secret documents.AtransmissionBtransformationCtransportationDtranslation 24.
8、Every time he thought of the innocent people he killed in China, his _ was troubled.AconservationBconsiderationCconscienceDconvenience 25.Whether he can pass the examination is thought to be _ for his going abroad.ApersonalBspecialCconventionalDcrucial 26.The population bomb is a _ that has already
9、happened in some parts of the world, with terrible results.AdistressBmiracleCdisasterDgiant 27.One of the attractive features of the course was the way the practical work had been _ with the theoretical aspects of the subject.AinstructedBinvolvedCinterferedDintegrated 28.The educational plan will fa
10、il because it has no _.AvacationBversionCvisionDvariation 29.It is well admitted that the high _ rate is caused in part by failure to communicate.AunemploymentBbirthCdivorceDinflation 30.Every autumn the bears can be seen _ around this town of about 800 people.AwonderingBwanderingCwindingDwounding 3
11、1.Mark offered to help me to learn English _.Aon dutyBin vainCon purposeDin earnest 32.If you stand there you obscure our view of the race.ArestrainBencloseCshadeDspoil 33.The prisoners became desperate in their attempts to escape.AcruelBwickedCdangerousDwild 34.She doesnt think other species-let al
12、one man-can survive unless they live with nature.Aexcept forBapart fromCnot to mentionDwith considering 35.It is important, too, that the selections be chosen from contemporary writings.AtraditionalBmodernCfutureDancient 36.At that time, people couldnt get everything they wanted at one store because
13、 there was an inadequacy of goods.Aa shortageBa varietyCa minimumDan abundance 37.Anyone who doubts that global financial markets control national economies need only look at the crisis facing the tigers of the Far East.AlocalBuniversalCEuropeanDAsian 38.My calculation was wrong because I overlooked
14、 one tiny point.AneglectedBaddedCmultipliedDsubtracted 39.Corruption in government was exposed through the agency of the press.ADishonestyBVirtueCPrejudiceDDiligence 40.It amazes me that shes got the energy for all those parties.AterrifiesBfrightensCamusesDsurprises 41.What are the prospects of gett
15、ing a good job in CaliforniaAA. propertiesBB. advantagesCC. benefits I). chances 42.现代企业制度是在现代市场经济条件下,以规范和完善的法人制度为主体,以有限责任制度为核心,以股份有限公司为重点的,(*A自主经营、自负盈B注重诚信,坦诚待客C产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学D尊重客户、合法运营 43.依据民法规定,下列不属于法人应当具备条件的是(*A依法成立;B有必要的财产或者经费C必须与外商进行商务往来D有自己的名称、组织机构和场所 44.对下列句子的修辞方法及其作用的表述,不正确的一项是_A长征是宣言书
16、,长征是宣传队,长征是播种机自从盘古开天地,三皇五帝到于今,历史上曾经有过我们这样的长征么用比喻的修辞手法,形象地说明长征的伟大意义B蜡烛一生虽然短暂,却把毕生心血化为光明来照亮别人用拟人的修辞手法,赞颂大公无私的牺牲精神C白发三千丈,缘愁似个长不知明镜里,何处得秋霜用夸张的修辞手法,形容愁多易老D横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛用夸张的修辞手法,表明对敌人、对人民的不同态度 45.赵某在火车上偷得某军人的一个手提包,内装人民币5 000元及手枪1支、弹药5发,均藏于身上,数月以后,赵某被捕,因为赵某的行为构成_A盗窃罪B盗窃枪支弹药罪C盗窃罪和盗窃枪支弹药罪D盗窃罪和私藏枪支弹药罪 46.下列
17、各句中,没有语病的一句是_A党和国家决定加快高等教育事业发展的规模和速度,今年大学将继续扩招,我省录取的比例有望达到二比一B今天,一股由疏而密、由徐而疾的网络世纪风已经登陆中国,并且正以一种令人眩目的速度扫荡着我们社会生活的各个角落C冬天星湖地区的景色有些凄清:湖水结了冰,四周枯草萋萋,树林里落满了橡子与松果,到处是一片寂静D张洪决定利用“五一”节的七天假期到中旬旅游妈妈在为他准备行装时反复叮嘱:出远门要穿好鞋,每天晚上要用热水泡泡脚 47.对下列句子的修辞方法及其作用的表述,不正确的一项是(*A炉火熊熊,映透九州春色;钢水滚滚,描出四化蓝图_用对偶的修辞手法,表现了四个现代化建设的蓬勃生机B
18、山楂树上缀满了一颗颗红玛瑙似的果子_用比喻的修辞手法,赞美红山楂的可爱C在白洋淀周围的广场上,就成了一条苇子的长城_用夸张的修辞手法,形容苇席数量多D这屯子还是数老孙头能干,又会赶车,又会骑马,摔跤也摔得漂亮,叭哒_响,掉下地来,又响又干脆_用比拟的修辞手法,表现老孙头能干 48.下列句子中,没有语病的一句是*A我们不但要改造世界,而且要认识世界B只要充分调动群众的积极性,才能做好工作C新加坡的竹节虫,不仅体色几乎和竹子一样,体形在安静时,也完全像一根树枝D你把这本书捎给他,省得我再跑一趟 49.下列加点字的释义全部正确的一组是(*A神籁(声音)自韵 生财有道(方法) 酿(蜜蜂做蜜)成大祸B日
19、侵(侵蚀)月削 宁(难道)缺毋滥 师(军队)老兵疲C农(农民)田水利 穷兵黩(滥用)武 誓死不从(屈从)D去(脱离)逆效顺 情天孽(罪孽)海 书不尽意(意思) 50.企业制定相关的标准是为生产经营活动提供控制的依据下列说法中不恰当的是_A制定标准应考虑实施成本B制定标准应考虑实际的可操作性C制定标准应定得越高越好D制定标准应考虑顾客需求第18页 共18页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页