1、大班英语公开课教案大班英语公开课教案1 活动要求: 1、能听懂句型“What's this?”,会用“It's a”句型回答问题。 2、复习单词:monky、ra it、cat、dog、panda、elephant、tiger、wolf、bird、fish 3、学习新词:sheep、lion 活动打算:录音机、磁带、背景图、图片、人手一份动物卡片。 活动过程: 一、Please stand up. Trun back. Let's say “Good morning,teacher.” There're many teachers at here,we'
2、re ha y and gay. Now. Let's sing a songHello,Good morning. Turn back. Sit down please. 二、T: Today is Thursday. What's the weather like today? C: It's fine. T: On, it' fine. Let's go to the zoo,ok? C: Ok! T: Let's riding in my car. Are you ready? 三、出示背景图: 1、 Oh, how beautiful
3、it is? Look, what's this? It's a panda.(集体 个2人) Yes, It's a panda. What's this? It's a monkey. (集体 个3人) 2、 Now, listen. T: “汪汪汪”,Who's this? It's a dog.(集)(出示卡片) Oh, It's a dog. T:“喵喵喵”,Who's this? It's a cat.(集 第一、二组2人) 3、Look, what's this? It's a ele
4、phant.(集 男2、女1人) 方法同上复习fish、bird、wolf、tiger。 4、Who's coming? Look, what's this?(老师做兔跳) It's a ra it.(4人) 5、新授出示“羊”的卡片。 T: What's this? Now, let's read it together. Please read after me,“sheep”. 幼儿开火车练习,订正错误读音。 What's this? Please go on. It's a sheep. 出示“狮子”的卡片。 学习“lion”,方
5、法同上。 What's this? It's a lion.(8、9人) 四、Now, listen and act. 1.老师说英文单词。 幼儿找相应卡片。 排对看谁又快又对。 monky、dog、ra it、bird、tiger、wolf、elephant、fox、lion 。 2.Look and say.(按依次读一遍) 五、We'll play a game:The wolf is coming. (老师:“The wolf is coming”幼儿要马上停止发出声音,并蹲下,否则被狼吃掉) T: Dog! C:(学狗叫,四散跑) T: The wolf is
6、 coming. C:(停止发出声音,蹲下) (还可以让幼儿轮番上来做)Who wants to try? 六、Now, it's too late. Let's go home. Boys and girls, let's sing a songGood bye. 结束。 大班英语公开课教案2 character: lion ra it a ra it b teddy bear a teddy bear b l: hello, everyone. i'm lion. today is my birthday. i'm very ha y. i dre
7、ed beautiful. i prepared a delicious cake for my friends. i'm busy. r: hello, everyone. i'm ra it. today is lion's birthday. let's go lion's home. (song: walking, walking, walking, walking, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, ru ing, ru ing, ru ing, ru ing, ru ing, ru ing, now le
8、t's go, now let's go.) 场景一:门铃响了,狮子去开门。 l: who? r: i'm ra it. l: good morning, ra its. r: good morning, lion. how are you? l: i'm fine, thank you. come in please. r: thank you. r: ha y birthday. (把礼物给狮子)here you are. we hope you like. l: thank you. sit down please. please, please(拿出一些
9、吃的请小兔子们吃) r: thank you. teddy bear : hello, everyone. i'm teddy bear. today is lion's birthday. we prepared a present for him. let's go lion's home. (song: teddy bear, teddy bear, walk, walk, walk. teddy bear, teddy bear, hop, hop, hop, teddy bear, teddy bear, run, run, run, teddy be
10、ar, teddy bear, jump, jump, jump. ) 场景二:门铃响了,狮子再次去开门。 l: who? b: i'm teddy bear. l: good morning, teddy bears. b: good morning, lion. how are you? l: i'm fine, thank you. come in please. b: thank you. ha y birthday. (把礼物给狮子)here you are. l: thank you. sit down please. please, please. (拿出一些吃的
11、请小熊吃) l: time is up. let's enjoy the birthday cake, ok? b,r,l: (最终齐唱生日欢乐歌)song: ha y birthday to you. ha y birthday to you. ha y birthday to you. ha y birthday to you. teddy bears, ra its: ha y birthday lion. 大班英语公开课教案3 嬉戏类型:音乐嬉戏 适合年龄:5-6岁嬉戏时间:5-8分钟 嬉戏目的:练习数字1-10的英文说法 嬉戏打算:玩具熊、小兔子的手偶或玩具 嬉戏过程: 把玩
12、具熊展示给儿童,告知他们这位新挚友的英文名字,谁说得好,玩具熊就跟他(她)握手,然后复习数字1-10的英文说法。 然儿童一边唱一边按依次伸出手指。歌词如下: One little, two little, three teddy bears. Four little, five little, six little teddy bears. Seven little, eight little, nine little teddy bears. Ten little teddy bears. 可请十名儿童上台扮演十只小熊。先让他们蹲下,唱到谁,谁就站起,例如:唱到one little时,第一名
13、儿童站起来,唱到 two little 时,其次名儿童站起,依此类推。也可请十名儿童藏起来,老师事先给他们编好号,等他们藏好后,其他儿童起先唱歌,唱到谁谁就出来向大家招手。 除了玩具熊外,儿童也可扮成其他小动物进行表演。比如rabbit, monkey等。 大班英语公开课教案4 教学目标: 1、复习以前的内容 2、学新词新句 3、利用draw a造句子 教学打算: 线、三角形、圆形、心形的卡片、黑板、图片 教学过程: 1、用英语日常用语进行对话Good morning,How are you? What your name?How old are you? 2、出示所学过的三角形、圆形、心形,
14、花,苹果进行复习 3、出示短线(从一个口袋里渐渐拉出一条短线)教幼儿Line ,让幼儿跟读line, 提问Where is the line? Where?(让幼儿指出哪里有line)找寻 4、再从另一个口袋里渐渐拉出一条长线,告知幼儿long , long line, long line,让幼儿跟读,再出示前面的短线,教short , short line , short line,边教边用手比画。 5、出示黑板(简略说明黑板的英语名称), 在黑板上画条线,边画边说draw draw draw a line ,Draw, (做动作,让幼儿登记此单词) Follow me , draw ,dr
15、aw a line , Look, Whats the shape ?(出示圆形的图片)Circle ,Oh , draw a circle , draw a circle ,draw, drew , draw a heart ,draw a flower,Ok,Who can try ? (老师请一位小挚友上台玩嬉戏,被请上的幼儿背对着下面的小挚友,老师出示图片,下面的小挚友便读出,例下面的小挚友看到circle 时便说draw a circle,讲台上的幼儿听到指令后便在黑板上画上circle) 6、再复习一遍,老师在上面画,幼儿在下面说,老师不出声。 7、让幼儿Stand up ,lis
16、ten to the DVD 听音乐,边学做律动边渐渐地Go pee pee。 8、Class is over. 大班英语公开课教案5 嬉戏类型:角色嬉戏 适合年龄:5-6岁 嬉戏时间:8-10分钟 嬉戏目的:训练儿童的听力以及动作协调实力;培育儿童养成良好的道德习惯 嬉戏打算:全部儿童必需驾驭各种口令;儿童穿上代表各种小动物的服装 嬉戏规则: 一名儿童做领队,其他儿童站成一排,领队面对大家。 当领队说做某某动作而没有说Simon Says时,大家就站着不动。假如有人做了动作,就被淘汰。 当领队说完Simon Says后,又说做某某动作时,大家就必需做这一动作。做到最终,始终做得对的儿童获胜。
17、 领队可以让大家连续做同一动作,口令可快可慢。 嬉戏过程: 老师说:Hi, Children !今日我带领大家做运动。你们说好不好?儿童可以说:OK. 老师扮成领队,可以说:Simon says, hands up.儿童一起举起双手,如有人不做动作,就被淘汰。老师只说:Hands up.时,如有人做动作,则被淘汰。 Teacher: Are you ready? Student: Yes. Teacher: Simon says, stand up. Teacher: Sit down, please. Teacher: Simon says, sit down, please. Teacher: Turn left. Teacher: Simon says, turn left . 可供选择的口令: Turn left. Turn right. Turn around. Sit down. Stand up. Raise your hands. Raise your arms. Clap your hands. Stand on one leg. Bend your knees. Wave your arms.