1、小学英语四年级下册教案小学英语四年级下册教案1 一、 教学目标: 1.学问目标:驾驭本课重点概念: jeans 2.实力目标:使同学能够娴熟地运用“What are you wearing? Im wearing ” 3.情感目标:感知英语的好用性,增加学习英语的爱好。 二、教学重难点: 1.重要概念trip 2.同学能够娴熟地运用“What are you wearing? Im wearing ” 三、教具、学具: 1.衣服的图片. 2.录音机和磁带 3.单词卡片 四、教学过程 1.Greeting 2. 复习 a. Ask and answer用以复习clothes: T: What a
2、re you wearing? S: Im wearing b.做Spell It 嬉戏用以复习同学已经驾驭的关于clothes词汇. 3.教授重要概念: 待复习一系列关于衣服的词汇后,出示jeans的图片并教授. T: Look! What is Jenny wearing? Lets listen to the radio and think about this question.(part 2) Listen to part 2 once then discuss this question. Listen to part 2 again and students try to fol
3、low it. 4.Practiceivide the class into small groups and ask the students to take turns describing what they are wearing to each other.they can say: This is a I have a Im wearing 5.Read after the tape. 6. 完成<活动手册>第1题 7. 作业: a. 完成<活动手册>剩余局部. b. 对话练习. 板书设计: Lesson19: What Are You Wearing? W
4、hat are you wearing? Im wearing jeans #375672小学英语四年级下册教案2 教学目标: 1. 复习序数词,以和英语中日期的表示方法。 2. 学习驾驭句式When is _ ? _ . 3. 学习并驾驭生词 yesterday , today , tomorrow 4. 了解怎样用英语表示新年、春节、国际劳动节、老师节、儿童节、国庆节等节日。 教学重点: 学习驾驭句式When is _ ? _ . 以和生词 yesterday , today , tomorrow。 教学难点: 正确运用句式 When is _ ? _ .进行问答。 教学打算: 日历、单词
5、卡片、节日图片、录音机、磁带等。 教学过程: 一、 Class Opening and Review 1.Greeting . 老师先用How are you?等用语问好,并和同学谈论一下天气,为下一课的学习做铺垫。 2.Review老师拿出日历提问:What day is it? 重点复习first , second , third, fifth , ninth , twelfth 。 二、 New Concepts 1.教授“When is _ ? _ .” 利用日历演示:When is it ? 指着今日的日期,引导同学进行对话。 老师:What day is it ? 同学:_ . 老
6、师:Today is _ . When is _ ? Today . When is _ ? Say it please , class . 同学:When is _ ? 老师:When is _ ? Today . When is _ ? 同学:Today . 老师:When is breakfast/lunch/supper ? In the _ . 同学:_ morning/afternoon/evening . 同学仿照练习 2.介绍节日 老师指着6月1日向同学提问,引出儿童节 Childrens Day,然后合上日历提问同学:When is Childrens Day?引导同学回答:
7、It is June first.然后老师拿出节日图片,用条件的话也可以放相关的影像资料,同学说出节日的汉语名称,老师向同学介绍英语表示方法。如新年 New Years Day ,春节 Spring Festival ,劳动节 International Workers Day ,儿童节 Childrens Day ,老师节 Teachers Day ,国庆节 National Day 。在教一些比较长的单词的时候,可采纳倒推火车的方法,如valtivalFestival。 Practice: 老师提问:When is _ (节日名称)? 同学用英语回答出日期。 小组练习。 3.教授“yest
8、erday , today , tomorrow” 老师利用日历,指着今日的日期问同学:What day is today? 同学回答:Today is_. 然后分别指着昨天和明天的日期问:What day was yesterday/ is tomorrow?向同学介绍重点单词yesterday , today , tomorrow ,同学跟读。 4.利用课本和录音带 同学跟录音带看书读。 5. 练习 同学分组练习,编对话。对话中要用到When is _ ? yesterday , today ,tomorrow 等新学问,也要用到前面学过的旧学问。 6. 扮演 同学将他们编的对话当众扮演出
9、来。 三、 Class Closing :完成手册上的练习。 和:板书 略 #375673小学英语四年级下册教案3 一. 教学目标: 1.复习1-100的数字。 2.驾驭规范用语How many ? . 3.能在生活和学习中主动运用How many ? . 二.教学重难点: 1.教学用点: 规范用语How many ? . 2.教学难点:How many ? .句型和精确读写100以内的数词。 三.教具、学具: 1.实物:铅笔盒、铅笔、彩笔、书、橡皮等。 2.每个同学椅子下放一张实物图片,后面写有数字。 四.教学过程: (一)起先上课和复习: 1.问候: T:Hello! Boys and g
10、irls!(留意运用复数名词). 2.复习复数名词和数字。(结合第4课学过的方位词和Where is ?的句型) 桌子上放着一个铅笔盒,里面有一支铅笔。 T:I cant find my pencil-case. Where is it? 全班:On the desk. T: Thank you .Where is my pencil? 全班:Its in the pencil-case. T: Oh, I have one pencil.(板书)(找一名同学)Where is your pencil? :On the desk. T: Give me, please. Now I have
11、two pencils(板书) You say it, please. 下面依次用其他同学的其它用品进行练习并板书 books, erasers, markers 在练习过程中,设一些小圈套,把数字和复数名词错误的进行组合,如one markers,there book等等,同学们要通过重复正确答案表示同意或订正错误。(这样既可以集中同学的留意力,又可以练习听力,还有利于和时订正同学错误) 练习之后,老师说:I want more and more markers, do you want to count with me ? 做嬉戏Clap 留意同学的发音,尤其是十几和几十的读法。 (在1-
12、20的时候,用1-to-1,1-to-2的节奏,20-29用twen ty -one的节奏,然后数整十到一百,用one-to-twenty 的节奏。依据同学人数调整所数的数字,争取让每个同学都数到,可以在数到个别数字时做出不同的改变。) T:What else do you have? Please find out the cards under your chairs. 老师出示数字卡片,拿着相同数字卡片的同学读出数字再加上后面的图案读出来。如老师出示fifty-four时,拿者54卡片的同学站起来,读fifty-four cats. (二)教授重要概念How many ? . 1.引入句
13、型How many ? . 练习几组之后,问一个同学:What do you have? S:I have 19 monkeys. T: Can you say it, again?(尽量用表情和体态来表示) How many monkeys?(用手指着19) =www.JXSJ六十铺中小学教化=小学优秀教案网 S:19 monkeys. T举起三块橡皮)Look! How many erasers do I have? How many? (起先数) One, two, there. How many eraser? There erasers(板书划线局部)(举起两本书)How many
14、books do I have? 全班:Two books. 2.练习句型How many ,总结句型特点。 T:(找一名刚才在嬉戏中没有被提问过的同学,拿起他的卡片) Whats this? 全班:A chair. T翻过来,看elephants数字) How many elephants? :Twenty elephants. T:(问全班) Can you ask?(换另一个同学的卡片) 全班:Whats this? :A boy. 全班:How many boys? :Sixty boys. T:Ask and answer in your group. 在小组内练习,可以用卡片,也可
15、以用实物。小组练习以后,有些同学可能出现将不行数名词放在How many 之后的现象,要赐予提示,请同学总结: How many 句型用来提问数量,How many后面的名词要加s(也就是用复数名词)。 3.巩固 1.T:How many books does Danny have:Read the book by yourself. 同学自读课文第一局部,然后男女分角色亮度第一、二幅画。 T:First,How many books does Danny have? S;Eight books. 老师和同学分角色朗读第三、四幅图(提示同学are,there也表示“有”) T:How many books are there on the desk? S:sixteen books. 齐读最终一局部: T:What happened? Sanny falls down. 2.活动手册其次题。 师:现在让我们来做一个小检验吧! (三)家庭作业:活动手册第五课 1,3题。 五.板书设计 Lesson 5: How many Do I have? 1 pencil-2 pencils 1 book -5 books 1 marker-12 markers 1 eraser-4 erasers How many ereasers?-ereasers. 英语教案