1、托福口语词汇总结大全托福口语词汇总结:“城市”的形容词 Vancouver, the Canadian host city of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, remains the most livable city in the world, as it did in 2008. 2010年冬奥会的举办城市加拿大温哥华被选为全球最相宜居住的城市,这是该市在2008年之后再次当选最宜居城市。 在上面的报道中,livable city就是“宜居城市”,也就是相宜居住的城市。判别一个城市是否相宜居住有多项标准,包括stability, healthcare,cul
2、ture,environment,education,infrastructure(稳定性、医疗保健、文化、环境、教化、基础建设)等。 “最相宜居住城市”是通过livability survey(宜居性调查)得出的。 Livable的意思是“适于居住的”,例如:slums that are barely livable(不堪居住的贫民窟)。此外,livable还可以表示“(人)简单相处的,(行为)可接受的”或“(生活)过得去的”。例如:Such behavior is not livable with.(这种行为无法容忍。) 托福口语词汇:“一线城市” China's overall
3、property price will climb 3.3 percent to 6 percent this year, with the first-tier cities experiencing an adjustment in the fourth quarter, China Real Estate Index said in a report over the weekend. 上周末中国房地产指数探讨机构在一份报告中称,今年中国的房价总体上会有3.3%到6%的增长,一线城市的房价会在第四季度进行一次调整。 在上面的报道中,first-tier city就是“一线城市”。一线城市
4、是指对本土的经济和政治具有重要作用的大都市。在城市规模、基建、财政收入、消费、对人才吸引力等各层面,一线城市一般均领先于其他城市。中国目前被普遍公认的一线城市是北京、上海、广州、深圳。相应地,“二线城市”即second-tier city,一般指除了北京、上海、杭州、广州、深圳、天津以外别的一些大中城市、有一些名气的城市。 据分析,去年房产价格的疯长和credit expansion(信用扩张)有关。由于高房价,很多原来期望在first-tier city发展的年轻人不得不转战second-tier city和third-tier city(三线城市)。很多不甘离开幻想之地的人或成为mortg
5、age slave(房奴),或成为ant tribe(蚁族)。另外,一线城市的高消费水平也迫使很多人成为moonlight clan(月光族)。想结婚而又无力买房的人只能选择naked wedding(裸婚)。 托福口语词汇:“友好城市” The capital cities of China and Mexico became sister cities on Monday after visiting Beijing Mayor Guo Jinlong and Mexico City Mayor Marcelo Ebrard signed an agreement on establish
6、ing such ties. 周一,在墨西哥访问的北京市市长郭金龙和墨西哥城市长马塞洛 埃布拉德签订协议,中墨两国首都确立了友好城市的关系。 在上面的报道中,sister city就是“友好城市”的意思,也可以翻译成“姐妹城市”,西方国家有时还称之为twin city。友好城市指的是将地域上或政治上无关的城镇或城市配对起来,以期达到增加居民或文化沟通的目的。友好城市之间时常会相互供应exchange student(交换学生),以及经济或文化上的沟通或合作。 和sister city相像的用法还有sister school(姐妹校),sister ship(姐妹船,同型船),sister co
7、mpany(姊妹公司)等。Sister除了有“姐妹”的意思,还可以指“护士”或“修女,女教友”。例如:the night sister(夜班护士);a Christian sister(_女教友)。 托福口语词汇:“主办城市” Shanghai, the host city of Expo 2010, will offer a glimpse of a greener future, Achim Steiner, Under Secretary General of the United Nations, said Tuesday. 联合国副秘书长阿希姆 斯泰纳本周二表示,2010年世博会主办
8、城市上海将呈现给世人一个更加绿色的将来。 在上面的报道中,host city就是指“主办城市”,而与之相应的主办国就被称为host country,也就是“东道国”。在成为host city之前,会有许多candidate city(候选城市)参与申办。在此次评估中,UNEP(联合国环境规划署)对上海进行了air quality(空气质量), transportation(交通), solid waste(固体废物), and public participation(公众参加)等九个方面进行了评估。 托福口语词汇总结:节日词汇 主要传统节日: carnival狂欢节(狂欢节是一个大斋节前的节
9、日,人们狂欢作乐并宴饮。狂欢节的日期依据复活节的日期推定,但必需是2月的星期一);Christmas圣诞节(纪念耶稣基督诞生的节日, 12月25日);Easter Sunday (耶稣)复活节 (3月21日或其后月满之后的第一个星期天);Fathers Day父亲节(每年6月的第三个星期日);Mothers Day 母亲节(在美国为五月的其次个星期日);Thanksgiving Day (_) 感恩节(11月的最终一个星期四);Valentine's Day情人节(2月14日);Lantern Festival元宵节;Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节;New Year
10、9;s day元旦;Spring Festival春节;etc. 其它词汇: Christmas cake / card / present / pudding / stocking / tree, Christmas Eve / time, colored lights, compliments, customs, fireplace, gifts, goodwill, habits, ham, privacy, ribbons(缎带,丝带), rose, Santa Claus, shocking, tradition, Turkey, wreaths(花环,花冠),etc. 常用短语:
11、appropriate dress, break (follow, keep up) a custom 破坏、(遵从,遵守)习俗;celebrate Christmas, cultural differences, culture shock, Eastern and Western societies, go “Dutch”, manners and customs风俗习惯; proper behavior, religious customs, social customs, the Thanksgiving feast, etc. 常用句型: 1. Custom required our
12、 dressing for dinner. 礼俗要求我们参与宴会穿礼服。 2. It is an old custom that men tip their hats when greeting somebody. 3. It is the custom for the Chinese to take off their shoes when they get into a hall. 4. It is the custom to dye eggs at Easter. 5. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 6. So many countries,
13、 so many customs. 有多少国家,就有多少习俗;百里不同风。 7. Social custom vary greatly from country to country. 8. The celebration of Christmas is a custom. 9. Turkey and ham are traditional dishes for Christmas. 10. When in Rome do as the Romans. 托福口语词汇总结:有关“爱”的词汇 1.a standing ovation 起立欢呼 2.acquire a taste for sth.对
14、.有爱好,起先喜爱 3.attach to 1.依附在.上;系在.上 2.依恋;宠爱 3.认为.有重要性 4.be fond of喜爱;偏爱 5.care for 1.照看,照看 2.喜爱,宠爱 6.catch on 1.理解,领悟 2.渐渐流行,渐渐受欢迎 7.do one's thing 做拿手的并且喜爱做的事 8.endear to (使)受到宠爱 9.enthusiasm for 热衷;酷爱 10.fall in love with 爱上.;喜爱上. 11.keen on 宠爱;热衷于 12.love affair 恋爱;风流韵事 13.prefer to 1.宁愿.,更宠爱
15、2.宠爱A甚于B;选择A而不选择B 14.take care of 1.负责,处理 2.照看,照应;爱惜 托福口语词汇总结:消遣类 1.“消遣话题”关键词汇、短语和常用句型 体育词汇: basketball, badminton, court, field, figure skating花样滑冰; golf, hiking徒步旅行; ice skates溜冰鞋; running, roller skating 滑旱冰;rowing boat划艇; stadium 运动场;swimming, swing秋千; table tennis, track, volleyball, windsurfin
16、g帆板运动;etc. 文艺词汇: ballet芭蕾舞; classical dancing古典舞; comedy 喜剧; dance hall舞厅; dancer, disco迪斯科舞厅;folk dance民间舞;light music 轻音乐; melody美丽的旋律, 曲调;orchestra管弦乐队;pop music流行音乐; singer歌手; staff, stave 五线谱; rhythm 节奏; score 总谱,乐谱; orchestra 乐队; conductor 乐队指挥; band 管乐队; solo 独奏,独唱; duet, duo 二重奏,二重唱; trio 三重
17、奏,三重唱; quartet, quartette 四重奏, 四重唱; quintet 五重奏, 五重唱; choir, choral society 合奏,合唱; etc. 乐器词汇: (1) stringed instruments弦乐器: fiddle, violin小提琴; viola中提琴; cello大提琴; bass低音乐器; guitar吉他, 六弦琴; harp竖琴, etc. (2) wind instruments管乐器: mouth organ口琴; flute长笛; saxophone 萨克斯管; trumpet喇叭; oboe双簧管; clarinet竖笛, 单簧管
18、, 黑管, etc. (3) keyboard instruments键盘乐器: piano钢琴; accordion手风琴; electronic keyboard电子琴; etc 其它消遣: acrobatics杂技;amusement park游乐园; bumper cars碰碰车;circus act马戏节目;fancy dress ball 扮装舞会;假面舞会; fireworks焰火;floor show夜总会的节目表演;jukebox 自动点唱机; magic魔术; puppet show木偶剧;wire-walking走钢丝;etc. 常用短语: an outing at th
19、e beach, climbing the mountain, dancing at a birthday party, going for a walk, going swimming, going to the movies /concerts, meeting new people, staying out all night, etc. 常用句型: 1. Do you want to try 2. Id like to see the exhibition of modern art / painting. 3. I want to go shopping because 4. If it stops raining, we can play tennis / volleyball / badminton, 5. Lets go dancing tonight. 6. Lets go windsurfing 7. Shall we go to the discotheque this weekend? 8. Shall we have a picnic on the vacation? 托福口语词汇总结大全