1、EnglisEnglish h 中中 文文英语重结构,汉语重语义英语多长句,汉语多短句英语多从句,汉语多分句英语多代词,汉语多名词英语多被动,汉语多主动英语多变化,汉语多重复英语多抽象,汉语多具体英语多引申,汉语多推理EnglisEnglish h 中中 文文The lion of justiceThe lion of justiceLove me, love my dog.Love me, love my dog.As strong as a horseAs strong as a horseTo spend money like waterTo spend money like water
2、Dont cry over spilt milk.Dont cry over spilt milk. 一一 词汇的文化负载中看差异词汇的文化负载中看差异EnglisEnglish h 中中 文文1. 名(given name)+姓(family name)VSVS 姓(family name)+名 (given name)2. 姓氏使用的差异二二 从姓名及称谓中看差异EnglisEnglish h 中中 文文中文:主语+时间状语+地点状语+方式状语+谓语+宾语如:我每天早上在室外高声朗读英语。英文: 主语+谓语+宾语+方式状语+地点状语+时间状语如:I read English loudly
3、in the open.三 中英语序的对比EnglisEnglish h 中中 文文1.1. He is the last man He is the last man who who I want to marry.I want to marry.2. He 2. He who has never been to who has never been to the Great Wall the Great Wall is not a true is not a true man.man.他是我最不愿意娶的人。不到长城非好汉。EnglisEnglish h 中中 文文1. 1. 回答问题回答问
4、题 中国人对别人的问话,总是以肯定或者否定对方的话来确定用“对”或者“不对”。如:“我想你不到20岁,对吗?”“是的,我不到20岁。”(“不,我已经30岁了。”)英语中,对别人的问话,总是依据事实结果的肯定或否定用“yes”或“No”。如:“you are not a student, are you?”“yes, I am.”(“no, I am not.”)四 小细节看中西语言差异EnglisEnglish h 中中 文文2. 面对恭维中国人的传统美德是谦虚谨慎,对别人的恭维和夸奖应是推辞。如:“您的英语讲的真好。”“哪里,哪里,一点也不行。”“菜做得很好吃。”“过奖,过奖,做得不好,请原
5、谅。”西方人从来不过分谦虚,对恭维一般表示谢意,表现出一种自强自信的信念。如:“you can speak very good French.” “thank you.” “its a wonderful dish! ”“I am glad you like it.” 所以,学生要注意当说英语的人称赞你时,千万不要回答:“no, I dont think so.” 这种回答在西方人看来是不礼貌的,甚至是虚伪的。EnglisEnglish h 中中 文文3. 请客吃饭 或帮忙 中国人招待客人时,一般都准备了满桌美味佳肴,不断地劝客人享用,自己还谦虚:“没什么菜,吃顿便饭。薄酒一杯,不成敬意。”行
6、动上多以主人为客人夹菜为礼。西方人会对此大惑不解:明明这么多菜,却说没什么菜,这不是实事求是的行为。而他们请客吃饭,菜肴特别简单,经常以数量不多的蔬菜为可口的上等菜,席间劝客人仅仅说:“help yourself to some vegetables, please.” 吃饭由客人自便自定。EnglisEnglish h 中中 文文1.1. red/red/红色红色红茶红茶红糖红糖红利红利红豆红豆red ruinred ruinred tapered tapered skyred sky五 从中西方颜色看差异Black teaBlack teaBrown sugarBrown sugarDiv
7、idendDividendLove peaLove pea火灾火灾官僚作风官僚作风彩霞彩霞EnglisEnglish h 中中 文文2. Yellow/黄色 黄色在两种语言中都有与疾病相关之意。我们常用“面黄肌瘦”形容一个人身体状况不佳,在许多疾病名称中也含有“黄”字,如“黄疸型肝炎”,“舌苔泛黄”。在英语中,yellow blight指枯黄病,yellow fever是黄热病。在现代汉语,黄色常用来比喻色情,低级趣味,不健康的东西,如“黄色电影”(pornographic pictures),黄色书刊(filthy books)等。但英语文化决定了yellow没有这方面的文化内涵。Engli
8、sEnglish h 中中 文文 英美国家中许多商店,图书馆及个人家里所收藏的yellow pages是电话薄,yellow指只表示纸张是黄颜色的,而没有汉语“黄色”所含的色情,庸俗等含义。而在西方国家,特别是信仰基督教的地方,因为yellow是背叛耶稣的犹大所穿的衣服的颜色,因此不是人们崇尚的色彩,yellow也有引起种种不愉快联想的含义,如yellow belly(胆小鬼),yellow streak(生性怯懦),yellow dog(卑鄙的人),yellow looks(阴沉多疑的性格),yellow journalism(不择手段的夸张,渲染以招揽或影响读者的新闻作风)。EnglisE
9、nglish h 中中 文文 3. Green/ 绿色 无论在英语中还是在汉语中,绿色都会使人们联想到“青春”,“生命”,“生机”,“活力”等,如in the green(在青春时期),remain forever green like the pine tree(永远像松树一样茁壮常青)。但是在英语中green的引申意义要比汉语多。英语中常用绿色表示没有经验,缺乏训练,如green hand(生手),as green as grass(少不更事),do you see any green in my eye?(你以为我幼稚可欺吗?)此外,英语中green还可表示嫉妒的情绪,如green-ey
10、ed(嫉妒的,眼红的)这正与汉语中的“害了红眼病,眼红”相对应。Red-eyed 表示“眼睛发红的,红眼圈的”,意思有所不同。绿色在汉语中有一个不太好的意思是“绿帽子”,二英语中的“戴绿帽子”(have a green bonnet)则是生意失败,债台高筑的意思。经济词汇中与绿色有关的词语也不少,如green back(美钞),green power(金钱的权利),green stamp(美国救济补助票)。EnglisEnglish h 中中 文文4. Blue /蓝色 汉语中的蓝色多与它的本意有关,如“蓝天”,“蔚蓝的大海”,它代表着和平,祥和与宁静。而英语中的blue转义却多些。在英语中蓝
11、色常用来表示忧郁,沮丧的情绪。如:in a blue mood(情绪低落,烦闷),it was blue Monday and he just didnt feel like going back to work。(有时心情沮丧的星期一,他真不愿意回去上班。)the blues 是一种伤感的美国黑人民歌或乐曲,音乐缓慢,忧伤,充满感情。此外,blue还指“贵族或望族出身”,“贵族血统”,如blue blood(出身高贵的),blue ribbon(授予竞赛优胜者的蓝绶带,代表最高荣誉),blue book(蓝皮书,指英国国会发表的正式报告书或外交文书,在美国指刊载知名人士,尤其是政府高级官员的
12、名字的书),blue room可不是蓝色的房间,而是白宫中总统会见至亲好友的接待室,类似汉语里的“内宾厅”。Blue还用来指“色情”,如blue film就是我们汉语中的“黄色电影”,blue talk(下流的谈论)。 EnglisEnglish h 中中 文文5. White/ 白色 在中国古代的五方说中,西方为白虎,是刑杀天神,所以白色在汉语中是枯竭而无血色,无生命力的象征。办丧事时,死者亲属要穿白色的孝服,设白色的灵堂,出殡时还要打白幡。由于历史原因和政治因素的影响,白色被赋予了消极的意义。如白色恐怖,白区,此外还有如:白痴,白忙,瞎子点灯白费蜡等。而在英语中,white则有积极意义,如
13、white hope(被寄予厚望的人或事物),white magic(善意的法术,行为,如为祈雨,祈病愈等而作的法术),white meat(指鸡肉,小牛肉,猪肉最好吃的部分等),white lie(善意的谎言),white man(善良的人),white-handed(正直的,廉洁的),white moments of life(人生得意时)等等。所以西方人对汉语中的“红白喜事”(weddings and funerals)中的“白“颇感不解,因为西方人举行婚礼时,新娘总穿白色服装,给人一种圣洁高雅的美感。可见,有时同一颜色的服饰在汉英名族中所寄托或表达的感情是不一样的。EnglisEngl
14、ish h 中中 文文6. Black /黑色 在英汉文化中黑色都被看作悲哀,不幸或恐怖神秘的颜色,它象征“死亡,神秘,恐怖,狠毒”等贬义。汉语有“黑帮”,“黑道”,英语有blacklist(黑名单),black-letter day(倒霉的一天),black-hearted(黑心的)等。此外,black还有“邪恶,阴郁,怒气冲冲”的含义。如black art( 妖术),black sheep(害群之马),look black at sb (怒视某人), be in a black mood(情绪低落),not so black as one is painted(不像传闻中那么坏)。同时,黑
15、色也都可用于丧葬场合。在英美国家,人们参加葬礼时一般都是穿黑色的衣服,而中国人则会戴黑色袖章,表示对死者的哀悼。EnglisEnglish h 中中 文文Our English Our English - -ChingishChingishEnglisEnglish h 中中 文文Miss: hello!Miss: hello!Foreigner: hi!Foreigner: hi!M: You have what thing?M: You have what thing?F: Can you speak English?F: Can you speak English?M:if I not
16、speak English, I am speaking what?M:if I not speak English, I am speaking what?F: Can anybody else speak English?F: Can anybody else speak English?M: you yourself look. All people are playing, no people have time.M: you yourself look. All people are playing, no people have time.F: Anybody here can s
17、peak English?F: Anybody here can speak English?M: shout what shout, quiet a little, you on earth have what thing?M: shout what shout, quiet a little, you on earth have what thing?F: I want to speak to your head.F: I want to speak to your head.M: Head not zai. You tomorrow come.M: Head not zai. You t
18、omorrow come.EnglisEnglish h 中中 文文We two who and who?We two who and who?How are you? How old are you?How are you? How old are you?I give you some color see see.I give you some color see see.You give me stop.You give me stop.Watch sisterWatch sisterHeart flower angry openHeart flower angry openLet th
19、e horse come onLet the horse come onRed face know me Red face know me Seven up eight down Seven up eight down No three no fourNo three no fourEnglisEnglish h 中中 文文望词生义望词生义: :The lady is great with child.The lady is great with child. When I entered the room she was in her birthday When I entered the
20、room she was in her birthday suit. suit. 这位女士大着肚子(怀孕了)这位女士大着肚子(怀孕了)当我走进房间的时候,她正一丝不挂呢!当我走进房间的时候,她正一丝不挂呢!EnglisEnglish h 中中 文文用词随心所欲用词随心所欲: :I got this cell phone I got this cell phone without moneywithout money. . I hope that I hope that her body her body will stay healthy. will stay healthy. openope
21、n a meeting/ the light/ TV a meeting/ the light/ TV 改:改:I got this cellphone I got this cellphone for freefor free. . 改:改: I hope that I hope that she will stay healthyshe will stay healthy. .改:改: hold hold a meeting/turn on the light/TVa meeting/turn on the light/TVEnglisEnglish h 中中 文文堆词成句堆词成句: :I
22、 want to read a big school. I want to read a big school. I think you sended the birthday card to me is so I think you sended the birthday card to me is so beautiful.beautiful.students dont allow see/watch TVstudents dont allow see/watch TVThe reason of his success has many.The reason of his success
23、has many.EnglisEnglish h 中中 文文意义重复意义重复: :I am happy to hear from your letter.I am happy to hear from your letter.My English level is good.My English level is good.I am writing a letter to ask for your help.I am writing a letter to ask for your help.I want to invite you to take part in my birthday pa
24、rty.I want to invite you to take part in my birthday party.EnglisEnglish h 中中 文文逻辑主语错误逻辑主语错误: :Studying hard can go to college.Studying hard can go to college.Go to college can learn useful knowledgeGo to college can learn useful knowledgeHave rich knowledge can contribute to our country.Have rich k
25、nowledge can contribute to our country.My English spelling have made a big progress.My English spelling have made a big progress.EnglisEnglish h 中中 文文连词缺失连词缺失: :There are 61% of the students agree with the opinion.There are 61% of the students agree with the opinion.There are 61% of the students who
26、 agree with the There are 61% of the students who agree with the opinion.opinion.There are 61% of the students agreeing with the opinion.There are 61% of the students agreeing with the opinion.EnglisEnglish h 中中 文文连词缺失连词缺失: :The dictionary is really I want to have.The dictionary is really I want to
27、have.The dictionary is really what I want to have.The dictionary is really what I want to have.I am a student come from Huize.I am a student come from Huize.I am a student who comes from Huize.I am a student who comes from Huize.I am a student coming from Huize.I am a student coming from Huize.I am a student from Huize.I am a student from Huize.