1、托福考试突发状况应对托福考试突发状况应对 听力考试会遇到哪些突发状况? 1.托福考试突发状况预防措施:把握好试音环节 许多人不重视这个步骤,只是简洁履行程序,这是大错特错。硬件设备的性能干脆影响我们的发挥。有这样一个考生,以往考试听力成果都在24分以上,但最近一次由于在试听的时候没太在意,起先新托福听力考试的时候发觉听力设备有问题,一会听得见一会听不见,虽然后来考场实行了肯定的措施,但结果听力只有19分。这不是故事,是一件真实的事务。这个故事告知我们,考试是一件大事,任何一个环节都不能大意。 2.托福考试突发状况之听力考试遇到干扰怎么办 托福考场的乱人尽皆知。先到先考,每个考生的进度都不一样。
2、所以,在你想安心做听力的时候,可能会看到在教室里来回穿梭的身影,听到他们不大不小刚好踩在你心头的脚步声,还有地板稍微的振动,更厉害的是口语战士们高亢、嘹亮的的音频,正宗、纯粹、地道的中国英语(或支离破裂、体无完肤的不知道哪国的英语)。凡此种.种,全都出现在你的耳畔、眼前,乃至心头,挥之不去,严峻分散你的留意力。新托福听力考试对策:没有什么特效的解决方法,只能尽可能集中留意力,尽量削减这些因素对自己的干扰:把耳机音量调大,压制住外来的声音;把视野缩小到笔尖、屏幕;摄敛心神,让思想单纯起来,只思索听到的东西。这些都须要平常练习中就多加留意。 3.托福考试突发状况之听力考试遇到加试怎么办 加试的题目
3、不算分,这个大家都知道,但这不是清规戒律。有考生反映自己认出了加试题所以没有仔细做,但最终的听力成果和以往差许多。所以,究竟哪个是加试题目,或许不能仅凭网络上的总结来判定。新托福听力考试对策:我建议把经典加试题或者机经看做是背景材料,遇到我们熟识的加试题或者机经,依旧要仔细听,仔细做题,把之前看过的机经用来帮助理解,这样才能万无一失。另外顺便说一句,加试的不肯定就是阅读和听力中的一个,少数状况下存在双加试的现象,要有心理打算。 托福听力练习比照文 In today's class we'll be examining some nineteenth-century patter
4、n books that were used for building houses. 在今日的课上我们将审查一些十九世纪用来建立房屋的样本手册。 I think it's fair to say that these pattern books were the most important influence on the design of North American houses during the nineteenth century. 我认为公允来讲,这些样本手册在十九世纪期间北美的房屋设计上有着最重要的影响。 This was because most people
5、who wanted to build a house couldn't afford to hire an architect. 这是因为大多数想要建立房屋的人雇不起(不能担当雇佣)建筑师(的费用) Instead, they bought a pattern book, picked out a plan, and took it to the builder. 取而代之,他们买一本样本手册,选择一个安排,然后把它拿给建筑者 The difference in cost was substantial. 费用的差异是很大的。 In 1870, for example, hiring
6、 an architect would've cost about a hundred dollars. 在十九世纪七十年头,举例来说,雇一个建筑师应当花费大约一百美金。 At the same time, a pattern book written by an architect cost only five dollars. 同时,一个建筑师写的样本手册仅仅花费五美金。 At that price, it's easy to see why pattern books were so popular. 在那种价位,很简单看出为什么样本手册是如此受欢迎。 Some are
7、back in print again today, and of course they cost a lot more than they did a hundred years ago. 今日有一些又回头出版了,当然它们比一百年前要花费得多的多。 But they're an invaluable resource for historians, and also for people who restore old houses. 但对历史学家来说他们是一种无价的资源,同时对修复旧房子的人来说也是如此。 I have a modern reprint here that I
8、39;ll be passing around the room in a moment so that everyone can have a look. 我这里有一本当代的再版,我将会在房间里传递一会儿以便每个人能看一眼。 托福听力练习比照文本 When I was in British Columbia last July working at the department's archaeological dig, I saw the weirdest rainbow. 当我去年七月在British Columbia从事系里的考古发掘(工作)时,我见到了最惊奇的彩虹。 At f
9、irst I couldn't believe my eyes because the bands of color I saw weren't in a single half circle arc across the sky. 起先时我不能信任自己的眼睛,因为我见到的色带不是在一个穿过天空的单一的半圆弧上 Instead, I saw a full circle of rainbow hues hanging in the sky just above the sea. 取而代之的是,我在略高于大海的天空中见到了一个彩虹色调的整圆 Inside the circle th
10、ere was a big white disc and above the circle there was another round band of colors forming a halo. 在圆圈里面有一个大大的白色圆盘而且在圆圈上面有另一个圆形的色带形成了一个光晕。 There were curved legs of multicolored light coming off the sides of the circles. 有各种色调的光的弧形立柱(腿)脱离了圆圈的边。 It was an incredible sight. 这是个令人难以置信的景象。 I ran back
11、to our main camp and tried to get our cook to come with me to see my fantastic find before it disappeared. 我跑回我们的主营地然后试图让我们的厨师在它消逝前跟我去看看我的奇异的发觉 He just laughed at my excited story and told me that what I saw was nothing special, just some sun dogs. 他只是讪笑了我激烈人心的故事,然后告知我,我所见到的没什么特殊的,仅仅是一些“太阳狗”(罢了) He said I'd be sure to see many more before I left. 他说在我离开之前我肯定能看到更多。 And sure enough, I did. 还真是,我的确(见到了) When I got back from the dig, I asked Professor Clark about the sun dogs, and she's going to tell us more about them. 当我从发掘(工作)返回时,我问了Professor Clark关于这个“太阳狗”(的事),然后她将会告知我们关于它们更多(的状况) 托福