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1、BEC中高级难度差多少?BEC中高级难度差多少?六级多少分才能报高级? BEC和四六级做不了参照物 每一个来问我怎么选中高级的同学,基本都会说:“我四级/六级多少多少分,考高级还是中级?” 除了官方套话,我最想说的是,BEC和四六级其实不太能做参照物。 01 出题思维不同 中国高校的四六级,包括专四专八,和BEC完全不是一个考察体系。 高校英语考级,都是中国人出题,中国老师阅卷;而BEC是英国剑桥官方出题,中国考试,再由官方审卷,因此出题的思维方式是完全不一样的。 02 考察方向不同 高校英语考察的是你英语语言水平,而且是偏应试的。而BEC考察的是,工作者,在真实工作环境中的商务英语沟通实力。

2、 所以,我没方法准确地告知你BEC须要多少词汇量须要多少实力。 三个重点词:工作中,商务,英语沟通实力 举个例子,比如你高校英语六级满分了,莫非你就肯定能用英语表达清晰“如何确保聘请广告的有效性吗?”,你就肯定能理解“国际货币基金组织”是干啥的?“国际收支顺差和逆差”究竟怎么回事? 没错,这就是BEC商务英语,和高校四六级,专四专八,雅思等等最大的不同! 中级?高级?VS四六级? 01 考试内容 BEC中高级整体考察的话题基本上是一样的,比如企业人事,管理策划等。但是深度完全不一样。 打个比方;中级就像是让你简洁的搞个10个人的小活动;高级就是让你策划个100个人的大年会。 高校四六级会让你去

3、想怎么搞策划活动吗? 02 语言深度 举个栗子,假如中级的语句是“小A是个理财规划师”,那高级就是“(已经考取期货从业资格证的)小A是个(有管理实力的,可培育的)理财规划师”。 而高校四六级的考试里,则较少涉及金融方面的专业词汇。 03 BEC中高级题量 BEC高级的整体题量和时间都比之中级明显提升了个档次,尤其是阅读和写作有明显的增加;听力语速也比中级要快。 另外BEC高级的水平几乎已经达到,欧盟语言水平中与母语一样的层级,而中级则是低了一个档。 高校四六级都不在档次划分内。 我们拿高校六级的题量来与BEC中高级做个对比。 英语六级考试时长:145分钟 1篇写作,3篇听力,4篇阅读,汉译英翻

4、译 BEC中级考试时长:145分钟 2篇作文,3篇听力;5篇阅读 BEC高级考试时长:170分钟 2篇作文,3篇听力;6篇阅读 对比高校英语六级4篇阅读30道题: 大家可以想一下,60分钟,中级让你做5篇阅读、45道题(包括多选项搭配,多选项选择,以及改错题); 高级让你做6篇阅读、55道题(包括多选项搭配,多选项选择,完形填空以及改错题)。 对比高校英语六级30分钟150200字的作文: 45分钟,中级让你写一篇4050字的小作文,一篇120140的大作文; 高级让你写一篇120-140字的小作文;一篇200250字的大作文。 而且,最重要的是,全部都是商务方向的!难度也会更大一些。 正是基

5、于以上商务英语考察的特性,所以有时候,我才不能跟大家打保票,你六级多少多少分了,你就肯定能考过BEC高级等等。 这就似乎,你语文很好,但是让你去考一个什么什么证,你就肯定能考下来?更何况,你还要用你的其次语言,去考大部分人都不熟识的商科。 但好在,虽然商务英语应试性不是那么强,但只是考试,只要我们留出足够的备考时间,仔细打算,都是可以通过努力学习来弥补短板的。 当然了,虽然BEC中高级不简洁,但是大家也不要被吓到。终归这只是一个商务考试,别掉以轻心,但也不至于如临大敌。 夯实基础,只要你的语法词汇还ok,仔细打算,多做真题,理解商务英语情境下一些词汇短语的意思,信任BEC对你们来说根本不是问题

6、。 终归几乎裸考过中级,四级逆袭考过BEC高级的都是你们创建的辉煌历史。 2020上半年高级商务英语考试阅读练习 Questions 15 20 Read the following article on negotiating techniques and the question on the opposite page . For each question 15 20 , mark one letter (A, B, C or D ) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose. The Negotiating Table: You c

7、an negotiate virtually anything. Projects, resources, expectations and deadlines are all outcomes of negotiation. Some people negotiate deals for a living. Dr Herb Cohen is one of these professional talkers, called in by companies to negotiate on their behalf . He approaches the art of negotiation a

8、s a game because, as he is usually negotiating for somebody else, he says this helps him drain the emotional content from his conversation. He is working in a competitive field and needs to avoid being too adversarial. Whether he succeeds or not, it is important to him to make a good impression so t

9、hat people will recommend him. The starting point for any deal, he believes, is to identify exactly what you want from each other. More often than not, one party will be trying to persuade the other round to their point of view. Negotiation requires two people at the end saying yes”. This can be a p

10、roblem because one of them usually begins by saying “no”. However, although this can make talks more difficult, this is often just a starting point in the negotiation game. Top management may well reject the idea initially because it is the safer option but they would not be there if they were not i

11、nterested. It is a misconception that skilled negotiators are smooth operators in smart suits. Dr Cohen says that one of his strategies is to dress down so that the other side can relate to you. Pitch your look to suit your customer. You do not need to make them feel better than you but, For example

12、, dressing in a style that is not overtly expensive or successful will make you more approachable. People will generally feel more comfortable with somebody who appears to be like them rather than superior to them. They may not like you but they will feel they can trust you. Dr Cohen suggests that t

13、he best way to sell your proposal is by getting into the world of the other side. Ask questions rather than give answers and take an interest in what the other person is saying, even if you think what they are saying is silly. You do not need to become their best friends but being too clever will al

14、ienate them. A lot of deals are made on impressions. Do not rush what you are saying-put a few hesitations in , do not try to blind them with your verbal dexterity. Also, you should repeat back to them what they have said to show you take them seriously. Inevitably some deals will not succeed. Gener

15、ally the longer the negotiations go on, the better chance they have because people do not want to think their investment and energies have gone to waste. However , joint venture can mean joint risk and sometimes , if this becomes too great , neither party may be prepared to see the deal through . Mo

16、re common is a corporate culture clash between companies, which can put paid to any deal. Even having agreed a deal, things may not be tied up quickly because when the lawyers get involved, everything gets slowed down as they argue about small details. De Cohen thinks that children are the masters o

17、f negotiation. Their goals are totally selfish. They understand the decision-making process within families perfectly. If Mum refuses their request , they will troop along to Dad and pressure him. If al else fails, they will try the grandparents, using some emotional blackmail. They can also be very

18、 single-minded and have an inexhaustible supply of energy for the cause they are pursuing. So there are lesson to be learned from watching and listening to children. 15. Dr Cohen treats negotiation as a game in order to A put people at ease B remain detached C be competitive D impress rivals 16. Man

19、y people say “no” to a suggestion in the beginning to A convince the other party of their point of view B show they are not really interested C indicate they wish to take the easy option D protect their companys situation 17. Dr Cohen says that when you are trying to negotiate you should A adapt you

20、r style to the people you are talking to B make the other side feel superior to you C dress in a way to make you feel comfortable. D try to make the other side like you 18. According to Dr Cohen, understanding the other person will help you to A gain their friendship B speed up the negotiations C pl

21、an your next move. D convince them of your point of view 19. Deals sometimes fail because A negotiations have gone on too long B the companies operate in different ways C one party risks more than the other. D the lawyers work too slowly 20. Dr Cohen mentions childrens negotiation techniques to show

22、 that you should A be prepared to try every route B try not to make people feel guilty C be careful not to exhaust yourself D control the decision-making process. 15-20 BDADBA 2020上半年高级商务英语考试阅读练习 There is a commonly held view that the only way to get decent pay increase is to move on: to go out into

23、 the job market and find someone (31) is prepared to pay you a figure more in line (32) the talents you can offer. Whilst changing employers from time (33) time is something we probably all need to do to advance our careers in the directions we want them to take, it is nevertheless an activity that

24、carries quite definite risks. Irrespective of (34) well we research prospective employers, a new job is still largely a step into the unknown . It may turn (35) to be a good move or it could prove to be a complete disaster : most of us (36) had experience of both. The point here, though, is that cha

25、nging employers is not something we want to be doing all the time and certainly not (37) time we feel the urge for better pay . Wed (38) taking more risks than we needed to just to achieve a pay rise. Getting a pay rise should always be viewed (39) a serious business. There are no quick fixes or gol

26、d methods with “ guaranteed “ results. Quick fixes only serve to trivialize the issues and could (40) some circumstances get you into very serous trouble indeed. 答案及解析 关于加薪的文章,教你怎么样实现加薪。这道题目不难,但是抛开题目,单说文章里谈的加薪的方法,各位还是要辩证的看。要想人生份工作就找到自己满足的,是挺难,可是以加薪为目的跳槽,也未必是什么明智的好方法。考生假如怕自己错过考试报名时间和考试时间的话,可以 免费预约短信提

27、示,届时会以短信的方式提示大家报名和考试时间。 31题,太明显的定语从句,前面是someone,那么当然填入表示人的关系代词who。 32题,in line with,和什么一样,固定搭配,在中级的选词版完型里常考到这个词组。这句的意思是,找个一个情愿给你供应和你才能更加一样的薪水的人。 33题,from time to time,时时常的。changing employers from time to time,时时常的换老板。 34题,Irrespective of,同regardless of一样,后面接让步状语从句,不管我们对可能的雇主探讨的多么好,新的工作都是一个未知数。用how w

28、ell。 35题,turn out to be,固定用法。 36题,换工作,要么是个好的举措,要么将成为灾难。而我们大多数人这两种经验都有。有这种经验,是过去完成时,用have+done。 37题,理解前后文意思。换老板不是件我们常常情愿做的事情,并且也不是一想要加薪就要换老板。用every time,表示每次要加薪就打算换老板。 38题,这题有点难度,考验人的语法功底。首先这个句子是虚拟语气,Wed是we would的缩写,而不是we had。是表示对将来的假设,我们要担当更多的风险。所以用would be。 39题,比较明显的,view as,将什么视作什么。 40题,和circumsta

29、nce相关的词组,很简单想到under/on some circumstance,在某种状况下。 2020年商务英语考试高级阅读材料 Easy Money Hacks to Level up Your Money David Carlson Its always a good idea to conduct regular “money checkups” to make sure you are making the most of your money. To make it a bit more interesting, I like to think of this as “hacki

30、ng” your money. Small changes can make a big difference. My wife and I were leaving hundreds of dollars on the table each year by putting off reviewing our savings account. By making a small change we literally are making $500+ from interest that we were previously missing out on. Ready to level up

31、your money? Lets walk through the list of money hacks and see which ones will work for your situation. Check your savings account People love to rip on banks for making billions and billions in profits, but there is one specific thing that millions of people are doing that allows them to profit: kee

32、ping their savings in low-yield savings account. The average APY of savings accounts is 0.06%. The rate can be as low as 0.01%. Basically you are getting nothing for your money. I was one of those people. Until recently, I had a rock-bottom interest rate on my savings account. The thing was, this wa

33、s an emergency fund that I was going to keep in cash long-term. It only makes sense to park it in the savings account with the highest yield. As I outlined in my post switching banks made us $500+ a year. By switching from my TCF savings account that paid 0.01% APY to a CIT Bank savings account that

34、 paid 2.30% APY, I essentially gave myself a $500+ year bump in cash flow. Even if you have minimal or no savings right now you probably have a goal of building an emergency fund. Banks make enough money, dont do them a favor by building and keeping your emergency fund in a savings account with a ro

35、ck-bottom interest rate. Pay attention to credit card rewards Before you even think about taking advantage of credit card rewards you need to make sure you 1) arent in credit card debt and 2) dont put money on your cards that you wouldnt otherwise spend. If you are in credit card debt its important

36、to make paying down that debt a priority. If you tend to charge things to credit cards that you otherwise wouldnt spend, it probably doesnt make sense to take advantage of credit card rewards. If you dont fall in those categories, and you pay off your card in full each month, credit card rewards cou

37、ld be a big win. At the very least you should be getting cash back on every purchase (heres some of the top cash back credit cards). If you take it a step further, though, some of the travel rewards credit cards can be a big win. Not only do many come with good sign-up bonuses, they also sometimes o

38、ffer perks like free checked bags. If travel rewards sound like something that would benefit you (I know theyve saved my wife and I thousands on travel), heres an overview of how they can help you achieve your travel goals. Want something more specific? Heres how to save money on United Airlines fli

39、ghts and credit cards for American Airlines Miles. Stop ignoring cash back apps By now youre probably aware there are a number of cash back apps out there that can save you money. But have you put off actually taking advantage of these money-saving apps? I know I wasnt on board. It didnt seem like y

40、ou could actually save much. But once I saved $20 on a purchase of two pairs of shorts I was hooked. Once you have an account it truly is minimal work. Ive since saved hundreds with very little effort. Heres 10+ cash back apps you should consider (including sign-up bonuses if you use our links). I a

41、lso outlined the exact (super simple) process I go through every time I shop online before pressing “finalize purchase.” Check your subscriptions Im certain Im not the first person who has recommended you check your subscriptions. But seriously: have you done it lately? More and more services are be

42、coming subscription-based. If you dont keep up with what you are subscribing to, you are likely wasting at least some money on services you dont use. Go through your last few months of your spend data and identify any recurring charges. Is this a service you still use? And even if you use it, is it

43、worth the cost? Or should you be using the service? This is especially important today with so many streaming platforms. I just cancelled one of the streaming platforms I was subscribed to when I realized I had four other streaming platforms that I was also paying for. Theres only so much content yo

44、u can consume. If you love magazines, heres a hack for getting free ones (not all magazine titles are included, but there is a wide selection). My wife and I get more than five magazine subscriptions free of charge using this hack. Dont leave easy money on the table with your employer Not every empl

45、oyer offers “easy money” to its employees, so if you get any of the following perks you absolutely should be taking advantage of them! 401(k) or 403(b) match Health Savings Account (HSA) match Employee Stock Purchase Program (ESPP) These are typically perks that should be fully taken advantage of. F

46、or example, with a retirement account match you will rarely see another perk where you can get a dollar or fifty cents for each dollar you put into an account. Take advantage of it! Have a financial adviser? Make sure you arent wasting money on fees Do you have a financial adviser? Time to see how much they are costing you. Im a big fan of financial advisers when they charge for financial advice, not when they charge ongoing fees to manage your assets. The way many financial advisers charge is a percentage of your assets. For simplicity sake, lets assume they charge 1% of assets. If you hav


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