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1、雅思写作话题陌生缺论点雅思写作话题生疏缺论点,表达匮乏怎么办? 熟识塔塔的同学都知道,老师在高校学习的是英语翻译专业,因此花在英语上的时间肯定比看到这篇文章的大多数同学要长得多。 练习笔译时,即使英语不错,也须要辨别两种语言表达习惯上的差异,增加译文的地道性(有时候觉得作为中国人,受到英语的影响,连中文都不会说了T T); 练习口译时,一遍遍地刷音频,练笔记,录音反复练习。虽然在毕业之后并没有真的进入翻译的行业,但是倒阴错阳差地帮助到了雅思的教学。 中式英语是许多中国学生在表达上很大的问题,作为比大家更早“受难”的过来人,在写作科目教学中,往往能够帮助那些不知道怎么削减英语里的塑料感的小挚友指

2、引一条明路。 (Q)班长代学生问: 塔塔老师,请问目前我们中国雅思索生在备考写作时普遍存在的问题与难点有哪些哇? 难点二:话题生疏缺论点 写作题的另一特点在于丰富的话题类型。其中,总有一些话题是你未曾了解的。所以,在写作的时候经常会遇到这样的状况:遇到熟识的话题了,尤其是自己专业相关的话题,你可以滔滔不绝、滔滔不绝。一不当心字数就写超了;遇到不了解的问题了,一个字都憋不出来,恨不得一个句子同样的意思写三遍。 既然预见到了这样的问题,考前必定要刚好应对。十大常考话题中的常见题是确定要看的,尤其是那些你不够了解的,更要提前熟识常用的论点与论据。对于自学的同学来说,学习的主要渠道是真题范文的阅读与文

3、中语料的积累;而对于已经在上课的同学来说,任课老师一般都会将这些语料干脆梳理好,协作课后讲义以及课上讲解的方式干脆告知学生如何去写。(静静告知大家,塔塔的班课中也有全话题的论点素材以及对应表达哦!) 难点三:段落支配欠统筹 构思好论点之后,下一步就是支配全文的结构了。心中没有明确的规划,想到哪写到哪的话就简单出现字数不够或是字数过多的问题,全文逻辑也可能会不连贯,甚至还有学生在考场上去数字数。这些全是打算不足的表现。 要想限制好文章的篇幅其实一点都不难。 首先,平常练习时就应当养成良好的分段习惯。遇到什么题型应当分几段?每段先写什么、再写什么?须要写几句能够恰好满意考试的字数要求?这些问题假如

4、你都心中有数的话,那么就可以放心地上考场了。 其次,考试的答题纸在网上都能下载到电子版。考前,同学们可以将答题纸打印下来,通过模考练习,熟识答题节奏,明确自己写到哪一行能够达到目标字数。 难点四:表达匮乏无替换 克服了以上三关,对许多学生来说,最终还有终极的一关:词汇语法差。 不针对自身薄弱点提升语言表达实力,一遍一遍地反复练习写作是没有意义的,因为你只是在过程中不断地重复自己的错误。除了让错误的“语感”越来越强,没有任何的好处。 想要有效提升词汇和语法上的分数,须要通过专项的训练。 举一个例子:Grammatical Range and Accuracy这一项若想达到6分,除了保证全文的语法

5、错误数量低于10个,必需驾驭的句型有简洁句、并列句和复合句。假如一名学生不能正确运用定语从句,那么他须要做的是先针对性地学习定语从句的相关用法,再通过专项训练,如定语从句汉译英的句子翻译练习来改善,而不是埋头做题。 读了上述四条,你是否更加清晰地相识到了自己现阶段离开目标的距离还有多远?考前的焦虑十之八九是由于打算不够充分导致的。 与其看着日历焦虑地计算离开考试还有几天,不如用合理有效的备考方法早规划、勤练习。在备考群中,小站老师也会手把手带着大家从语言基础夯实,到答题技巧解析,帮助同学们起先真正熟识雅思写作这个科目。当大家做到了这点,原先觉得很难达到的目标,也会渐渐变得清楚起来,伸手就能够够

6、到。 塔塔师能给出一些学习建议么? (A)塔塔老师答班长问: 许多在备考雅思的学生都会在课上或课下问塔塔这么一个问题:“写作好难,原委应当怎么打算?快考试了,完全没有头绪,好焦急。”不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。塔塔今日想要告知大家,写作本身并没有那么难,只要你对它的难点足够了解。 写作原委难在哪? 这要从答题的四个必经步骤说起。 难点一:题目要求没看懂 雅思写作的难点之一在于多样的题型。许多自学的学生在考前虽然看了许多不同的题目,但是从来没有系统地整理过一共有几种出题方式,每一种在答题方式上有什么要求。即使分清晰了题型,在题干分析上也简单忽视细微环节或是误判关键词的含义。缺乏技巧的学习,带

7、着错误的理解去写作,分数自然提不上去,而且这些错误自己往往都无法察觉。(你可以加入剑15备考群,获得好用雅思干货哦) 2017年11月25日雅思写作真题原创高分范文 As major cities around the world are growing fast and many problems occur. 随着城市的快速发展,年轻人面临着很多的问题,又该如何解决这些问题? 1.小站原创雅思范文: With the relentless march of urbanization in many countries,a string of problems related to youn

8、g adults who are resident in metropolises should not be ignored. In this essay, the prominent problems and some solutions will be expounded. Joblessness is widely regarded as one of the primary issues. Nowadays, an increasing number of young people migrate to megacities for convenient life and abund

9、ant public resources. However, fierce job competition could also be fueled by this migration and many young people may be afflicted with unemployment. For example, those who fail to possess advanced skills and higher academic qualifications may find it hard to compete in the job market. As there are

10、 sometimes hundreds of applicants for one position in a company, young people lacking experience are more likely to be eliminated, resulting in the rising unemployment rate in super-sized cities. What is more, city dwellers deteriorating quality of life is attributable to the rapid development of me

11、tropolitan cities. Young adults, especially university graduates, lead a hectic life but earn meager wages, which means that under the extremely high cost of living and the shortage of disposable income, houses become unaffordable and unthinkable for them. As a result, the low living satisfaction br

12、ings about mental diseases, such as anxiety and depression. To mitigate the problems, some measures should be taken. Firstly, information about advanced skills should be available to the youth either from the Internet or universities. Meanwhile, young people need to update knowledge so as to improve

13、 their employability. Secondly, it is imperative that the government should provide financial incentives for them. For instance, housing and employment subsidies can release young peoples huge economic pressure, which can help them lead a better life. In conclusion, in order to survive and thrive in

14、 metropolises, young people should be well equipped to grapple with above mentioned problems and support from the government could also alter the status quo. 2.文章结构 P1:引入话题+文章写作目的 P2:从两个方面论证年轻人面临的问题:就业难和生活质量低 P3:从两个角度提出解决方法并和缘由一一对应:自我提升,政府补贴 P4:总结:概括问题和方法 3.高分话题表达 joblessness 失业 migrate to megacitie

15、s 移居大城市 be fueled by 被,激化 be afflicted with 受.熬煎 academic qualifications 学历 is attributable to 归因于 lead a hectic life 过着劳碌的生活 earn meager wages 挣微薄的工资 disposable income 可支配收入 unaffordable and unthinkable 不能负担和不能想象 be available to 对.可获得 improve employability 提高就业实力 financial incentives 财政激励 survive a

16、nd thrive 生存和发展 be well equipped 打算充分 grapple with 努力克服 alter the status quo 变更现状 4.高分结构 With the relentless march of urbanization 随着城市化进程的不断推动 a string of problems related toshould not be ignored 与.有关的一系列问题不应被忽视 fail to possess. may find it hard to. 不能驾驭.会发觉很难 To mitigate the problems, some measure

17、s should be taken. 为了缓解问题,应当实行一些措施 it is imperative that.should. 当务之急是. 雅思写作大作文满分范文:爱护野生动物(wild animals protection) 雅思写作大作文范文: Some people argue that it is pointless to spend money on the protection of wild animals because we humans have no need for them. I completely disagree with this point of vie

18、w. In my opinion, it is absurd to argue that wild animals have no place in the 21st century. I do not believe that planet Earth exists only for the benefit of humans, and there is nothing special about this particular century that means that we suddenly have the right to allow or encourage the extin

19、ction of any species. Furthermore, there is no compelling reason why we should let animals die out. We do not need to exploit or destroy every last square metre of land in order to feed or accommodate the worlds population. There is plenty of room for us to exist side by side with wild animals, and

20、this should be our aim. I also disagree with the idea that protecting animals is a waste of resources. It is usually the protection of natural habitats that ensures the survival of wild animals, and most scientists agree that these habitats are also crucial for human survival. For example, rainfores

21、ts produce oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide and stabilise the Earths climate. If we destroyed these areas, the costs of managing the resulting changes to our planet would far outweigh the costs of conservation. By protecting wild animals and their habitats, we maintain the natural balance of all life o

22、n Earth. In conclusion, we have no right to decide whether or not wild animals should exist, and I believe that we should do everything we can to protect them.(269 words, band 9) 相关雅思写作观点集: Animal rights 1.Arguments for Animal testing 动物试验论点 Animals are used in important scientific research It is ne

23、cessary to do medical tests on new drugs Animal testing helps to advance medical and scientific knowledge Many important medical discoveries involved experimentation on animals Researchers aim to minimize the suffering that animals experience Testing for the cosmetics industry is now banned in many

24、countrie 2.Arguments against Animal Testing 反对动物试验 The benefits of research using animals do not justify the suffering caused There are alternative methods of research The lives of animals should be respected Humans have no moral right to do experiments on animals 3.Positives of Zoos 动物园的主动作用 Zoos p

25、aly an important role in wildlife conservation They can help to protect endangered species Zoos allow scientists to study animals and their behavior Zoos are educational, interesting and fun Children, in particular, enjoy learning about animals Zoos provide job opportunities. 4.Negatives of Zoos 动物园

26、的消极作用 Zoo animals are kept in artificial environments They are kept in cages or have limited space Zoo animals rely on humans They lose the freedom to hunt for food They best way to save endangered species is by protecting natural habitats. Some people believe that zoos are unethical Zoos exhibits a

27、nimals with the aim of making money We have no right to use animals for entertainment and profit. 雅思写作大作文原创高分范文及范文解析 题目是Online shopping is now replacing shopping in store. Do you think it is positive or negative development?由于互联网的发展,现在许多人都不去商店而选择在网上购物。那么,这个趋势是好还是坏呢?详情请看小站原创雅思大作文高分范文及思路详解。 雅思大作文范文解析:

28、本文属于社会生活类话题。探讨关于网络购物取代实体购物的利弊。考生在思索论点时应当不会存在困难,终归网购已经成为了现代生活的一部分。但是在处理好处或者坏处的论点时最好能够梳理出一个清楚的层次,例如商家或者买家角度。这样主体段的思路和论述能更加有条理。 文章结构: paragraph 1 :结合时代背景引入话题且表明自己的观点。 paragraph 2: 论述网络购物的优点。(分为买家和卖家两个层面) paragraph 3: 论述网络购物的缺点。(分为买家和实体商家两个层面) paragraph 4: 总结上文论点,强调自己的观点以及如何避开缺点。 With the advent of inte

29、rnet, peoples way of shopping has been dramatically changed. Online shopping is thriving and taking the place of shopping in physical shops. Undeniably, both consumers and sellers can benefit from this tendency though several drawbacks can not be underestimated. From the perspective of vendors, the

30、budget for running business is diminished considerably for the reason that the rent for a shop online is quite cheaper and some are even free of charge; besides, there is no need for them to pay for utility bills. The most advantageous is that their commodities can be introduced to a wider range of

31、people. As long as sellers launch new products, consumers no matter at home or abroad are able to search it by searching engines within seconds. In this case, they are likely to gain huge profits from the high sales of goods. As for buyers, it is achievable to purchase whatever they need without goi

32、ng out. Unlike the past, the only thing they need do is to pick out items and click the button for payment. Furthermore, they may easily compare the price and features of products, as well as find bargains, buying the ideal goods with less cost. Conversely, there also exist some defects about this s

33、hopping pattern. To commence with, it may lead to irrational or excessive consumption. Shopping can be done anywhere at daytime or night, with diverse commodities available from the whole world. Under such circumstance, it is hard for consumers to resist the temptation and easier to buy something fa

34、iling to meet their real demands. Whats worse, owners of physical stores are facing bankrupt. Statistics show that there were 22 shopping centers closed in Shanghai in the first half year of 2016. The consequent unemployment aggravates the burden on government. In conclusion, as far as I am concerned the boom of online transaction is unstoppable and irreversible and it boosts the prosperity of national economy. In an attempt to avoid unnecessary consumption, shoppers had better think twice before making decisions of purchase. (339 words)


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