1、丹麦研究生留学简单申请书丹麦探讨生留学简洁申请书 Dear _, For the past three years, my undergraduate education has exposed me to the various sub-fields of Computer Science (CS). However, our syllabus has focused mainly on traditional CS topics, such as Operating systems and single-CPU systems. We have had barely a glimpse o
2、f the newer technologies that are likely to change the way computing is done in not-so-distant future. The desire to examine such subjects in greater detail is what has prompted me to opt for graduate study. Most of my interests are in the fields related to information systems and sharing of computi
3、ng power and resources. I am interested in Database management systems. We have had a course on this topic in our undergraduate program and I would like to explore it greater detail. Another subject that I would like to study further is that of Distributed Operating systems, a topic which we studied
4、 briefly under the course on Operating systems. Networking is the third field I consider interesting enough to study in greater depth. We have not yet had a course on this subject but I have a fair amount of knowledge through independent reading. I have tried, throughout my undergraduate career, not
5、 to restrict my activities to those imposed by the syllabus. I have been a member of the organizing team of my colleges annual intercollegiate technical festival. I have participated in an Internet Workshop conducted by Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, whose aim was to explain the underlying
6、concepts used in the Net such as routing, domain naming, protocols also to give an overview of Internet related languages such as HTML, VRML, JavaScript and Java. I have also attended a seminar on E-commerce organized by Verifone India Ltd, an Indian subsidiary of Hewlett-Packard. These seminars hav
7、e given me extra information which was not possible through the undergraduate program. In addition, I have participated in Software Developing Competition where I had developed Graphical Sorting Tutor in C along with my co-developers. This project sought to demonstrate and explain the various sortin
8、g techniques graphically. I am also developing an Intranet e-mail Client and Server in Java as my final year project. This will be developed using SMTP POP3 protocols with minimal MIME conformance. These projects have exposed me to the industry standards in software development along with the invalu
9、able experience I gained from them. The fact that more than five of the faculty of your department are working on subjects that I would like to pursue further, especially information systems, parallel computing, and distributed systems, and that your department is nationally ranked has in large part
10、 determined my decision to apply to your university. I also believe that I possess the capacity for hard work the motivation required to perform well in an undergraduate program as competitive as yours. Since my economic resources permit me to partially fund myself for the duration of graduate cours
11、e, I request you to consider me for any form of financial aid such as teaching and research assistantships. In conclusion, it is my belief that a higher degree in CS from an esteemed university like yours will prepare me for the challenges of the rapidly evolving computer industry. Yours sincerely,
12、xuexila 丹麦留学福利 一、免学费 凡是在丹麦的公立院校读书的学生,不管学生的国籍是本国还是欧盟还是其他国家,都是一视同仁的,只要获得了学校的录用,就可以享受免费留学的资格,这样可以有效缓解压力。 当然入学的门槛也会比较高,因为本身留学生的名额就不多,竞争压力会比较大,而且学生在校的表现太差的话,是会被干脆劝退的,须要大家很努力的学习才可以享受福利。 二、奖学金 而实力出众成果拔尖的学生,还有数量众多的奖学金可以申请,在学习的同时,能够保证在专业的排名中比较高并且技能水平很不错的话,有大量项目可以选择,是会干脆发觉金的。 而且许多项目都不会限制学生的申请,即大家可以同时提交好几份奖学金的
13、申请,只要满意本项目的要求,就能够拿到获奖的资格,这样大家不仅不须要花钱,还可以赚钱存钱。 三、薪资保障 在这里学生兼职是特别普遍的,为了保障学生的权益,丹麦的政府出台了最低的工资保障,保证学生从事合法的工作,能够拿到基础的收入,不用担忧会被骗,可以干脆维权。 不过前提是大家是通过正常的渠道找到的工作,并且签订了合法的劳动合同,而且有足够的证据证明自己的权利遭到了损害,大家也要有维权的意识,在丹麦这部分是很受重视的。 四、退税资格 在这里进行的消费,基本上都是包含有税费的缴纳的,作为留学生,是可以申请退税的,尤其是学费和劳动所得的收入,是大家可以进行退税的大头,每年都会有集中退税的时间支配。
14、建议大家保留好缴税的证明,这样后续申请的时候,就不须要再额外花时间打算材料,能够干脆进行退税的申请,并且可以很快拿到手。 丹麦留学勤工俭学指南 一、兼职目的 最直观的目的,自然就是赚钱,学生们课程结束之后,即便有作业或者其他的任务,可以自由支配的时间还是比较多的,可以将无所事事的时间利用起来变现,兼职就是不错的选择。 此外就是客观上会带来的工作阅历的积累,不管是什么岗位,至少能够有效的提升语言水平,假如是和专业关联度比较高的专业,还可以有效的提升技能,为自己将来的求职带来助力。 二、工作选择 1.校内 又可以区分出官方发布的和私人发布的工作,学校有特地的负责部门,同意发布兼职的信息,大部分是服
15、务型的工作,属于体力型,带有福利性质,工资一般是比较高的。 老师和教授会单独发布一些助理助教类的工作,工资一般是从经费中抽出来的,薪资不会很高,主要是提升自己的专业技能,因为可以和老师有比较常见的接触,有刷脸的效果。 2.校外 餐厅、便利店、酒吧等地方,是大部分学生工作的第一选择,因为专业的技能要求不高,只要娴熟了很快就能够上手,而且还能够熬炼语言,这类服务型工作有机会拿小费。 每学期都会有实习的支配,大家要利用好这段连贯的时间,进入到正规的企业中,进行专业技能的培训,这类工作不仅工资高,对大家将来的就业也更有帮助。 三、福利政策 首先留学生兼职的工资受到爱护,时薪不能够低于本地的最低标准,这是要在合同中表示标示出来的,假如恶意克扣或者压低薪资,是可以向相关的部门进行投诉的。 学生的劳动所得,须要根据要求进行缴税,不过这部分的税是可以申请退还的,每年有统一的时间进行支配,提出申请审核通过后会干脆退到预留的银行卡。 丹麦探讨生留学简洁申请书