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1、雅思口语part2话题报纸或杂志范文雅思口语part2话题报纸或杂志范文 报纸或杂志 Describe a newspaper or a magazine. You should say: What it is and why you read it What are the benefits of reading a newspaper or a magazine How often you read it and what are the contents of it and explain why do you like reading this newspaper or magazin

2、e. 雅思口语part2参考范文 I read the newspaper almost every day and sometimes I purchase or borrow magazines to read as well. I'd like to describe a magazine that I usually buy each month and enjoy reading a lot. The name of this magazine is PC World which is a global computer magazine published monthly

3、by IDG in the USA. It offers advice on various aspects of PCs and related items, the Internet, and other personal-technology products and services. In each publication, PC World reviews and tests hardware and software products from a variety of manufacturers, as well as other technology related devi

4、ces such as still and video cameras, audio devices and televisions. I have been reading this magazine for the last 6-7 years or so. It is specifically useful for people who love computers, other technology devices; software and IT-related news and updates. I am doing my graduation in Computer Scienc

5、e and Engineering and love to learn about new hardware and software. This is a magazine that offers great hardware software reviews, tips on advanced computing and many other useful articles. Reading a newspaper or a magazine is always helpful for learning new information. Newspapers provide contemp

6、orary local news, international news, editorials, entertainment, news, sports news and so on. Without reading newspapers or magazines one can't keep himself / herself updated with the latest news and views of the world. I purchase the PC World magazine every month and read it for about 7 days. S

7、ometimes I read older versions as well to find out any particular reviews or articles. This magazine is helpful for basic, moderate and advanced computer users and techno lovers. Someone who has a computer should read it to increase his/ her knowledge of hardware and software. Even its helpful for t

8、hose who are going to buy computers, printers, cameras, scanners, software or other hardware devices. I enjoy reading it a lot. 雅思口语part 3相关话题 Q. What do you think are the important qualities for a news reporter? Answer: First and foremost, one of the essential characteristics a news reporter should

9、 have is passion for his work. Academic training would be another important aspects to become a great news reporter. Next, if a news reporter has tertiary education, their knowledge will be broader and they will be specialized in the field of the news exclusively. Furthermore, experience in news age

10、ncy is an important element as this factor is indispensable in every occupation and many times lead to better results. In addition, being objective, curious, passionate to excel, motivated to do something better for people are some other important qualities of a professional news reporter. Finally,

11、being able to judge information received on different subjects and not misinterpreting facts are two other qualities that every news reporter should have. Q. What's the main difference between a newspaper and a magazine? Answer: It's a really difficult question because as readers, people oft

12、en think that these two are almost the same. But if we examine deeply, we will see that there are some differences indeed. First, newspapers contain short articles on current news and events and they are mostly daily and sometimes weekly publication. Magazines on the other hand, include longer artic

13、les on a variety of subjects and are weekly or monthly publication. Apart from these differences, there are some minor differences as well. For instance, magazines are smaller in size than newspapers and usually more expensive. Newspapers contain fresher contents than magazines. In addition, magazin

14、es are like a book while a newspaper is much larger in size though there is lesser number of pages than in a magazine. So we could conclude that although these two forms of print media look like the same, there are many differences between them. Q. What's the function of a report to the society?

15、 Answer: A report is any useful informational made with the specific intention of relaying information or recounting certain events in a widely presentable form. With regards to the function of a report, we could say in brief that it is multifunctional. Initially, it should provide information on wh

16、at has to be done or needs to be done. Moreover, reports are used for keeping track of information and this action results in making decisions. Hence, they are used in different fields such as the government, business, education, science, and so on and they can be divided into categories with annual

17、, book, demographic, inspection, military and police reports being the most know types. Q. What kinds of books/newspapers/magazines do adolescents read in your country? Answer: Puberty is a transitional period of life so most of children's hobbies and pastimes change during this time. As far as

18、my country is concerned, I think that girls at adolescence read gossip and fashion magazines and novels with mainly romantic plot. Regarding boys, they read sports magazines most of the time, but there are some of them who read novels as well. When I was a teenager, my peers used to read Harry Potte

19、r books and as far as I can remember they were a mainstream. Tip: Adolescents in different countries read different kind of books, newspapers or magazines. Just talk about the most popular types in your country. For example you can say that boys read sports magazines, sci-fi, poetry, mystery and adv

20、enture books. With reference to girls, you can mention that they mostly read literature, romance, contemporary and beauty magazines, magazines and books about relationships. Q. With the popularity of Internet, do you think newspapers and magazines will disappear? Answer: That's a controversial y

21、et important issue to discuss about. Some people believe that magazines and newspapers will continue to be publicized irrespective of Internet's rapid progress. The way we are accustomed to read a hard copy of a newspaper or a magazine will never get lost. The appeal of reading something printed

22、 is in our blood and it would not fade away very soon. However, it is undeniable that a large number of people would read it in a computer or a handheld device. There are many really large news and magazine companies that were established many years ago and they employed many workers. If printed new

23、spapers and magazines disappear, all these corporations will automatically go bankrupt and thousands of people will be unemployed. My personal belief is that as the Internet is constantly advancing, the publication of the press will be restricted to some extent and all the major newspaper and magazi

24、ne companies will have their online versions for readers. I can see for myself that I prefer reading the news online rather than buying newspapers, but that does not mean that I never buy a magazine or a newspaper to read it. 雅思口语part 2话题贴士: a)它是什么类型的杂志:周刊,月刊,等等。 b)是什么呢?生活方式、技术、乐趣、商务旅行、时尚等。 c)杂志描述它所

25、涵盖的主题和问题。与计算机相关的杂志一样,通常包括软件和硬件评论、计算、教程和价格列表等,而时尚杂志则强调当前的时尚潮流、新来者以及对品牌的关注。 d)为什么我要读它?消遣、辅导、学术或专业福利、新食谱等。 e)为什么这本杂志比其他杂志更好?文章介绍、经济、订阅、专有等。 假如你谈论报纸关注他们的新闻报道,编辑和整体贡献,帮助人们获得公正和高质量的新闻和文章。 雅思口语抢答会扣分吗,雅思口语 雅思口语抢答会扣分吗 不肯定扣分,但是须要去克服。 许多同学因为惊慌会在雅思口语中加快平常的口语语调、语速、节奏,结果急着抢答反而忽视了回答问题的质量。 其实口试是主旨肯定要吻合,不是说的越多越好,一个有

26、思想深度的回答远远比敷衍的抢答爆答更能获得高分。 雅思口语应试技巧 一心态调整 不知道各位考鸭宝宝们是不是有这种感觉,原来跟歪果仁说话就惊慌再加上是考试,那简直更是惊慌要死,生怕出错,因此大多数考生都是带着一种畏惧考官的心情去考口语的。事实上这样的心态肯定会限制你的发挥。你要想我可是交了钱去的呀!考官是为我服务的这是他的工作!所以首先要在心态上要调整好自己。 二留下好印象 见到考官以后,不要闷着不说话,应当试图主动向考官沟通,比如在进入考室前,考官会让你把包放在门口并让你关闭移动设备,这时你可以主动说:“I have switched off my phone.”进入室内你可以主动问:“May

27、 I sit down?”这些看似不起眼的口语,会为你占据一些主动性。假如遇到一些随和健谈的考官,可能会问你:“How are you today?”这时你可千万别说:“Oh, Im really nervous because my spoken English is terrible.”大哥,你都还没起先考呢!你就先把自己给否定了?实在不明智啊,就算你真的很惊慌,也没必要老醇厚实的说出真实感受嘛。 三眼神沟通 留意口语考试是一个两人相互沟通的过程,许多宝宝们怕惊慌,就有意避开与考官眼神沟通,其实这是一个很不好的表现,当你在他人讲话时,应当是看这对方的眼睛以示敬重,就算不是始终盯着考官看,也

28、要时时常与对方目光交织,并且假如完全不与对方眼神沟通,考官会以为你是在背答案,会认为是一种cheating这样一来分数肯定不会高。 四肢体语言 口语考试重在沟通,它可以是一个轻松随意的过程,不用坐在椅子上过于拘谨,必要的肢体语言会给考官的印象加分,最好你要表现出自己是一个擅长沟通的人,同时很自信,信任考官更喜爱和一个自然、流畅、自信的学生交谈。 五聪慧应对难题 雅思口语过程中难免会遇到自己没有打算到或者不擅长的难问题,尤其在part3部分。记得以前一个女学生给我说在part3时被问到:“Whats the difference between digital cameras and singl

29、e lens reflex cameras?”遇到这类问题时谁不抓瞎呢!此时最好的方法并不是想要怎么回答这个问题,而是在于怎么用英文表达这类问题自己不擅长,或者超出自己的学问领域;这时候切忌仅仅说一句“I dont know.”更不能默默无语,雅思口语是语言类考试,不是学问性竞答,考官并不是真正想听到,你的专业分析数码相机与单反相机的区分,而是想考察你组织语言的实力这时候你完全可以说:“Sorry, I dont have many ideas about this in my mind, its beyond my knowledge range.But I guess the major

30、difference is that single lens reflex cameras usually take better pictures than normal digital cameras.”你自己体会下这样的回答又有多难多专业呢? 雅思口语考试是如何计分 评分标准一:Pronunciation(发音) 这部分标准考查发音各要素的的精确性和多样性,包括每个音素的发音。 单词重读 有时单词的拼法可能会对发音造成混淆,比如,euphemism 'ju?f?m?z?m ,重音在第一个音节,但许多人经常把其次个音节作为重音,从而重读了错误的音节。 此外,当出现有相同词根的单词时

31、,单词中的重读简单出现混淆,比如:PHOtograph, phoTography, photoGRAphic 这三个词中,都出现了同一个词根 photo,但是重音却分别在不同的位置。 句中重读 这里指的是句中的某些单词须要强调或发音会比其它部分音量更大。比如:If I were YOU, I'd go by BUS。这句话中,You 和 Bus 都须要强调。 语调 好的发音还须要留意语调。语调指的是在谈话过程中音调的改变。单一的语调常见于那些背诵长篇答案的考生,这样的表现可能会降低口语部分的得分。 音段 音段是指在谈话中有节奏地将一段一段的词组进行组合,并简短地断开,这是优秀的演讲家经

32、常运用的语言技巧。 评分标准二:Fluency Coherence (流利性与连贯性) 流利性与连贯性指语言表达详尽,能够符合逻辑地表达观点,并进行充分论证;能够就出现的话题进行探讨和推想。 并且在表达过程中没有不自然的停顿,或重复运用相同的用词。因此,不建议考生在口语考试中干脆背诵提前打算好的资料,因为背诵会流露出惊慌心情和不自然的停顿,这样反而会降低口语分数。 评分标准三:Lexical Resource (词汇多样性) 词汇多样性着重考查考生所运用的词汇的广泛性。在雅思索试中,词汇变换越丰富,分数越高。 特殊是须要重复表达同一意思时,须要留意运用同义替换,使表达看起来敏捷多样。而值得留意

33、的是,多样性需以精确性为前提,比如须要遵循一些固定的词语搭配原则,不能自己生搬硬造;须要留意单词的褒贬性,将正确的词性运用于合适的情感表达之中。 评分标准四:Grammatical Range Accuracy(语法多样性及精确性) 这一评分标准着重考查考生在口语表达时语法方面的多样性以及精确性。 语法多样性包括:在表达过程中运用各种不同的困难句型结构,这些句子包含了多个信息点。比如: I like to play the piano which was a present from my mother when I was 5 years old, and every time I play

34、 it I feel happy and cheerful. 该标准并不是要求考生必需做到百分之百语法精确,但是,对精确性的限制非常重要。雅思索试在语法多样性及精确性一项中 7 分的评分标准是:虽然反复出现一些小的语法错误,但语句通常正确无误。 精确性不仅体现在语法错误出现的次数,还体现在这些语法错误造成沟通理解障碍的严峻程度。 雅思口语常考话题总结 1. What's your name? 2. Does your name have any special meaning? 3. Where were you come from? 4. What kind of landscape

35、 surrounds your hometown? 5. What is the main crop in your hometown? 6. What is the difference between Beijing and your hometown? 7. What are the main places of interest in your hometown? 8. What is the climate like in your hometown? 9. What is the character of the people like in the region where yo

36、u live? 10. What are the differences in accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing? 11. What is people's favorite food in your region? 12. How do you make dumplings? 13. What do you do during the Spring Festival? 14. Why is the Spring Festival so important to Chinese people? 15. Can

37、you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country? 16. Tell me something about the Lantern Festival. 17. Tell me something about the Qing Ming Festival. 18. Tell me something about the customs of your country. 19. How long have you lived in Beijing? 20. What is the weather like in Be

38、ijing? 21. How do you compare the climate in Beijing with that in your hometown? 22. What place in Beijing do you like best? Why ? 23. Which is the worst place you've been to China? 24. Which is the best place you've been to China? 25. What places in Beijing should a foreigner visit? Why? 26

39、. What are the major social problems in Beijing? How can they be solved? 27. What is the biggest problem China faces? 28. What places in Beijing should a foreigner visit? Why? 29. Could you tell me something about your family? 30. Have you any children? 31. What is your child's name? Does his na

40、me have a meaning? 32. What does your wife/husband do? 33. When did you get married? 34. Describe your wedding. 35. How have weddings changed in recent years? 36. Are there any special customs about wedding in your region? 37. Describe a traditional wedding ceremony. 38. Where did you go for your honeymoon? 39. Did you have to ask for permission from your parents before you got married? 40. Is it acceptable for couples to live together without marrying? 雅思口语part2话题报纸或杂志范文


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